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A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) restorer line RHA325, which carries the restorer gene Rf1 and the Pl2-gene conferring resistance to downy mildew. High molecular weight DNA was prepared from nuclei using leaf material from two-week old seedlings. The library was constructed using the HindIII site of pBeloBAC11. The current BAC library comprises 104,736 clones. The insert size of the clones varied between 20 and 270 kb, with an average insert size of 60 kb. The whole 1.9× sunflower BAC library was spotted in duplicate on four high-density filters, each carrying 55,296 clones. The content of organellar DNA, which was estimated by colony hybridisation against the mitochondrial probe coxI and the chloroplast probe rbcL, proved to be less than 0.03 and 0.1%, respectively. BAC pools, allowing PCR-based screening, were made and used to identify positive BAC clones for the markers OP-K13_454, closely linked to the restorer gene Rf1. The PCR-based screening was verified by the results obtained for this marker by colony hybridisation.  相似文献   

烟草是重要的模式植物。本研究利用pIndigoBAC536-S载体及Hind III限制性内切酶酶解烟草基因组DNA的方法,构建了烟草新品系14-60的细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库。该文库共包含414,720个克隆,保存在1080块384板中。随机挑选的120个烟草BAC克隆检测结果表明,外源插入片段大小为97.0~145.5 kb,平均约为123 kb,空载率极低(0),覆盖烟草基因组11倍。用烟草hem A基因、eIF4E-1基因、NtFT基因的特异引物进一步验证,该文库质量高、可用性强,为烟草黑胫病抗性基因的克隆以及其他重要农艺性状和品质性状等功能基因克隆研究提供了基础资源。  相似文献   

Molecular breeding is becoming more practical as better technology emerges. The use of molecular markers in plant breeding for indirect selection of important traits can favorably impact breeding efficiency. The purpose of this research is to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) on molecular linkage groups (MLG) which are associated with seed protein concentration, seed oil concentration, seed size, plant height, lodging, and maturity, in a population from a cross between the soybean cultivars ‘Essex’ and ‘Williams.’ DNA was extracted from F2 generation soybean leaves and amplified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Markers that were polymorphic between the parents were analyzed against phenotypic trait data from the F2 and F4:6 generation. For the F2 population, significant additive QTL were Satt540 (MLG M, maturity, r2 = 0.11; height, r2 = 0.04, seed size, r2= 0.06], Satt373 (MLG L, seed size, r2 = 0.04; height, r2 = 0.14), Satt50 (MLG A1, maturity r2 = 0.07), Satt14 (MLG D2, oil, r2 = 0.05), and Satt251 (protein r2 = 0.03, oil, r2 =0.04). Significant dominant QTL for the F2 population were Satt540 (MLG M,height, r2 = 0.04; seed size, r2 = 0.06) and Satt14 (MLG D2, oil, r2 = 0.05). In the F4:6 generation significant additive QTL were Satt239 (MLGI, height, r2 = 0.02 at Knoxville, TN and r2 = 0.03 at Springfield, TN), Satt14 (MLG D2, seed size, r2 = 0.14 at Knoxville, TN), Satt373 (MLG L, protein, r2 = 0.04 at Knoxville, TN) and Satt251 (MLG B1, lodging r2 = 0.04 at Springfield, TN). Averaged over both environments in the F4:6 generation, significant additive QTL were identified as Satt251 (MLG B1, protein, r2 = 0.03), and Satt239 (MLG I, height, r2 = 0.03). The results found in this study indicate that selections based solely on these QTL would produce limited gains (based on low r2 values). Few QTL were detected to be stable across environments. Further research to identify stable QTL over environments is needed to make marker-assisted approaches more widely adopted by soybean breeders. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

中国水仙BAC文库构建的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更深入地挖掘中国水仙的基因组信息,筛选与中国水仙品质相关的功能基因,以中国水仙品种‘金盏银台’的黄化叶片为材料,采用改良Zhang法获得高分子量核DNA,经酶切、连接和转化,首次构建了中国水仙基因组BAC文库。结果表明,采用改良zhang法获取的核DNA分子量大于1 Mb,适合BAC文库的构建;优化了连接、转化体系,发现载体和插入片段的摩尔比为5:1时,连接、转化效率最高;经检测,该文库包括69120个克隆,插入片段的平均大小约87 kb,空载率小于1%,大约50%的克隆大小在80~90 kb之间;Southern blot结果表明该文库未受到细胞器DNA的污染。  相似文献   

棉花抗黄萎病相关基因筛选与亚克隆文库构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄萎病菌诱导下差异表达的棉花抗病相关基因片段PR8为探针,利用杂交方法,对优质、抗病海岛棉品种Pima90-53 BAC文库进行筛选。从30 336个BAC克隆中筛选到含有PR8基因片段的4个阳性克隆,分别为127K13,128D14,169J3和178C5。用Sau3AI对其中的169J3克隆进行酶切,回收2~4 kb的DNA片段并连接到载体pUC118BamHI-BAP上,构建了含有该基因片段的亚克隆文库,共含有4 224个克隆。经电泳检测,插入片段在1~3 kb,平均为2 kb。该亚克隆文库的构建为克隆PR8基因奠定了基础。  相似文献   

高纤维强力棉花种质系苏远7235 BAC文库的构建   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
苏远7235是我国利用异常棉等多个野生种创造的高纤维强力棉花种质系,是开展棉花纤维品质研究的重要材料。本研究以pIndigoBAC-5(HindIII-cloning ready)为载体,构建了苏远7235的细菌人工染色体(Bacterial Artificial Chromosome,BAC)文库,该文库包含30336个BAC克隆。分析结果表明,重组克隆苏远7235 DNA插入片段为50-140 kb,平均120 kb,空载率2.1%,89.6%的克隆插入片段大于100 kb。  相似文献   

Boiled seed hardness is an important factor in the processing of soybean food products such as nimame and natto. Little information is available on the genetic basis for boiled seed hardness, despite the wide variation in this trait. DNA markers linked to the gene controlling this trait should be useful in soybean breeding programs because of the difficulty of its evaluation. In this report, quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed to reveal the genetic factors associated with boiled seed hardness using a recombinant inbred line population developed from a cross between two Japanese cultivars, ‘Natto-shoryu’ and ‘Hyoukei-kuro 3’, which differ largely in boiled seed hardness, which in ‘Natto-shoryu’ is about twice that of ‘Hyoukei-kuro 3’. Two significantly stable QTLs, qHbs3-1 and qHbs6-1, were identified on chromosomes 3 and 6, for which the ‘Hyoukei-kuro 3’ alleles contribute to decrease boiled seed hardness for both QTLs. qHbs3-1 also showed significant effects in progeny of a residual heterozygous line and in a different segregating population. Given its substantial effect on boiled seed hardness, SSR markers closely linked to qHbs3-1, such as BARCSOYSSR_03_0165 and BARCSOYSSR_03_0185, could be useful for marker-assisted selection in soybean breeding.  相似文献   

基于棉花BAC文库的大片段核DNA的提取方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本实验在基因组大片段DNA的提取方法上,结合棉花的特殊性,作了一些改进。即首先将幼苗进行暗培养,减少了叶绿体和酚类等物质的影响;随后在Wash buffer中加入酚结合剂PVP40(polyvinylpyrrolidone),较好地去除了棉酚等次生物质的干扰;另外在细胞核分离过程中,增加了低速稍离心去沉淀的步骤但之前不需要过滤,较好地去除了不溶性杂质。此方法所提取得到的棉花基因组DNA,分子量约在1Mb左右,碎片较少,基本上无蛋白质和细胞器DNA等污染。其质量完全满足构建BAC文库的要求。  相似文献   

Flowering is one of the most important processes involved in crop adaptation and productivity. A number of major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flowering have been reported in soybean (Glycine max). These genes and QTLs interact with one another and with the environment to greatly influence not only flowering and maturity but also plant morphology, final yield, and stress tolerance. The information available on the soybean genome sequence and on the molecular bases of flowering in Arabidopsis will undoubtedly facilitate the molecular dissection of flowering in soybean. Here, we review the present status of our understanding of the genetic and molecular mechanisms of flowering in soybean. We also discuss our identification of orthologs of Arabidopsis flowering genes from among the 46,367 genes annotated in the publicly available soybean genome database Phytozome Glyma 1.0. We emphasize the usefulness of a combined approach including QTL analysis, fine mapping, and use of candidate gene information from model plant species in genetic and molecular studies of soybean flowering.  相似文献   

A single chromosome was microdissected from the metaphase chromosomes of soybean by using a glass needle. After two rounds of Sau3A linker-adaptor-mediated PCR, smear DNA fragments ranged from 0.3–2.5 kb were obtained. Southern hybridization showed that the PCR products from the dissected chromosome were homologous with the soybean genomic DNA. In situ hybridization of the chromosome PCR products to the mitotic metaphase spreads showed that the PCR products were hybridized to the soybean, but the chromosomal signals were not restricted to the microdissected chromosome. The second-round PCR products from the microdissected chromosome were cloned into plasmid vector to generate a chromosome-specific microclone library, which included approximately 200,000 recombinant clones. 178 randomly selected clones were estimated to range in size from 0.3∼1.8 kb, with an average size of 830 bp, of which approximately 44% were high/medium copy clones, while 56% were low/unique copy clones. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most of quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying soybean seed isoflavone contents were derived from the harvest stage of plant development, which uncover the genetic effects that were expressed in earlier seed developmental stages. The aim of this study was to detect conditional QTL associated with isoflavone accumulation during the entire seed development. A total of 112 recombinant inbred lines developed from the cross between ‘Zhongdou 27’ (higher seed isoflavone content) and ‘Jiunong 20’ (lower seed isoflavone content) were used for the conditional QTL analysis of daidzein (DZ), genistein (GT), glycitein (GC) and total isoflavone (TI) accumulations through composite interval mapping with mixed genetic model. The results indicated that the number and type of QTL and their additive effects for individual and total isoflavone accumulations were different among R3 to R8 developmental stages. Three unconditional QTL and six conditional QTL for DZ, four unconditional QTL and five conditional QTL for GT, six unconditional QTL and five conditional QTL for GC, six unconditional QTL and seven conditional QTL for TI were identified at different developmental stages, respectively. Unconditional and conditional QTL that affect individual and total isoflavone accumulations exhibited multiple expression patterns, implying that some QTL are active for long period and others are transient. Two genomic regions, Satt144‐Satt569 in linkage group F (LG F; chromosome 13, chr 13) for DZ, GC, GT and TI accumulations and Satt540‐Sat_240 in LG M (chr 07) for TI and GC accumulations, were found to significantly affect individual and total isoflavone accumulations in multiple developmental stages, suggesting that the accumulation of soybean seed isoflavones is governed by time‐dependent gene expression.  相似文献   

We used the ‘Baronesse’/‘Full Pint’ doubled haploid population to analyse the genetic factors controlling flowering date under South American conditions. Both parents have similar heading dates, but the population shows transgressive segregation. Two genes, eps2S on chromosome 2H and sdw1 on chromosome 3H, explained most of the phenotypic variation for anthesis date, with the later allele carried by ‘Baronesse’ and ‘Full Pint’ , respectively. Both effects were completely additive with no interaction. We studied three plant developmental periods: seedling emergence to tillering (Z10–Z20), tillering (Z20–Z30) and end of tillering to anthesis (Z30–Z49) under field conditions at three contrasting planting dates. Z10–Z20 was also measured under semi‐controlled conditions. eps2S controlled Z30–Z49 periods, while sdw1 controlled Z20–Z30. Each of the two genes for the end‐point phenotype—anthesis date—was a determinant of flowering at a different developmental stage. No gene x planting date interactions were detected.  相似文献   

棉花分子遗传图谱构建和纤维品质性状QTL分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)中棉所8号和海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense L.) Pima90-53组配衍生的214个单株的F2群体为材料,构建了包含110个SSR标记和65个AFLP标记的遗传连锁图谱。该图谱共包括42个连锁群,连锁群长度为4.5~147.3 cM,包括2~22个分子标记,标记间平均距离为11.6 cM,总长为2 030 cM,约占棉花全基因组的40.6%。应用复合区间作图法分析该组合的F2单株和F2:3家系纤维品质性状,共得到25个纤维品质数量性状基因座(QTL),其中5个与纤维长度相关s,分布在Chr.21、Chr.15、LG2和LG12上,可解释表型变异的10.2%~35.8%;4个与整齐度相关,分布在Chr.21、LG9、LG18和LG12上,可解释表型变异的12.6%~36.6%;7个与马克隆值相关,分布在Chr.9、LG1、LG9、LG20和LG12上,可解释表型变异的11.5%~26.1%;7个与断裂比强度相关,分布在Chr.21、Chr12、Chr.8、LG1、LG4和LG10上,可解释表型变异的16.5%~52.8%;2个与伸长率相关,分布在Chr.9和Chr.21上,可解释表型变异的18.1%和27.1%。LG9、LG12和Chr.21上存在QTL聚集区。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major abiotic stress that limits plant growth and crop productivity throughout the world. In the present study, 184 recombinant inbred line (RIL) families developed from soybean varieties Kefeng No. 1 and Nanong 1138-2 were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with P deficiency tolerance. Seven traits of plant height (HT), weight of fresh shoot (FSW), weight of fresh root (FRW), weight of dry root (DRW), length of main root (RL), phosphorus content in leaf (LP), phosphorus content in root (RP), were used as parameters to assess the phosphorus deficiency tolerance. The QTL mapping for the seven traits was performed using the program WinQTLCart. Seven QTLs were detected and mapped on two linkage groups for three traits of weight of fresh shoot, phosphorus contents in leaf and in root. The QTLs that had LOD scores more than three were detected for all of the three traits above. Most of the QTLs explained more than 10% of the total variation. The two QTLs for phosphorus content in leaf explained more than 20% of the total variation, respectively. Five QTLs were mapped on linkage group F2, and two on linkage F1. It was suggested that the genes related to phosphorus deficiency tolerance located on linkage group F in soybean.Contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

红莲型水稻不育系和保持系线粒体基因组BAC文库的构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
易平  汪莉  万翠香  朱英国 《作物学报》2002,28(6):756-759
以红莲型(HL)细胞质雄性不育系和保持系为材料, 构建了水稻线粒体基因组的BAC文库. 每个文库保存约2300个菌落, 外源插入片段介于9~25 kb之间. 以线粒体基因为探针对文库进行菌落原位杂交验证, 均筛选到了阳性克隆. 构建的两个文库为进一步研究水稻线粒体基因组的结构特点, 为克隆与红莲型水稻细胞质雄性不育相关的线粒体基  相似文献   

Summary The soybean seed storage protein β-conglycinin has a low amino acid score, shows lower functional gelling properties compared with glycinin and contains a major allergen. The wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb et Zucc.) QT2 lacks all the subunits of β-conglycinin, and this deficiency is controlled by a single dominant gene Scg-1 (suppressor of β-conglycinin). Scg-1 was introduced into a soybean cultivar Fukuyutaka from QT2 and this near-isogenic line was designated as QY7-25. Segregation analyses of the progeny derived from a cross between QY7-25 and the wild type did not show any significant changes caused by Scg-1 in the germination ratio and seed weight. Low amounts of mRNAs for the α ’, α and β subunits of β-conglycinin were detected by RT-PCR in QY7-25. We revealed that an α subunit mRNA expressed from a region which replaced with mutant line in the near-isogenic line QY7-25 by single nucleotide polymorphisms analysis. In addition, an abnormal splicing event in a cDNA clone for the β subunit isolated from immature seed of QY7-25 was observed. Southern analysis using the coding region of α ’ subunit gene as a probe revealed a polymorphism between QY7-25 and wild type and this genotypes co-segregate with the deficiency of β-conglycinin subunits. These results suggest that the β-conglycinin deficiency might be controlled by a claster region of β-conglycinin subunit genes. In the present study, no agronomical disadvantage in QY7-25 was observed, confirming that Scg-1 is a valuable gene for soybean breeding.  相似文献   

以甘蓝型油菜宁RS-1为材料,构建了含有82944个克隆的甘蓝型油菜的BAC基因组文库.从文库中随机挑取克隆进行DNA长度检测,BAC克隆平均插入片段大小为80 kb,覆盖甘蓝型油菜基因组的5.1倍.随机挑取108克隆进行继代培养100代,分离质粒酶切检测表明不存在插入片段丢失现象,表明该文库的克隆在大肠杆菌中稳定存在;以与硼高效基因相连  相似文献   

Selection for soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) rich in isoflavones, protein and oil has been difficult due to negative genetic interrelationships. In this study, genetic interrelationships among seed isoflavones and protein and oil contents were evaluated using both unconditional and conditional QTL mapping. Daidzein (DZ), genistein (GT), glycitein (GC) and total isoflavone (TI) contents were analysed in F5:6, F5:7 and F5:8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between ‘Zhongdou 27’(TI 3791 μg/g; protein content 42.84%; oil content 18.73%) and ‘Jiunong 20’ (TI 2061 μg/g; protein content 34.05%; oil content 21.42%). When DZ, GT, GC and TI were analysed for their genetic relationships with protein or oil contents, eight conditional QTL were detected, which included DZ|pro, GC|pro, GT|pro, TI|pro, DZ|oil, GC|oil, GT|oil and TI|oil. Seventeen QTL that had significant genetic associations between seed isoflavone, and seed protein or oil contents were found, including two for DZ conditioned on protein (qDZ|proK‐1, qDZ|proF‐2); one for GC conditioned on protein (qGC|proM‐1); three for GT conditioned on protein (qGT|proM‐1, qGT|proA2‐1, qGT|proL‐1); three for TI conditioned on protein (qTI|proM‐1, qTI|proA2‐1, qTI|proF‐2); one for DZ conditioned on oil (qDZ∣oil K_1); one for GC conditioned on oil (qGC∣oilI_1); four for GT conditioned on oil (qGT∣oil A2_1, qGT∣oil F_1, qGTF_2, qGT∣oilD2_1); three for TI conditioned on oil (qTI∣oilA2‐1, qTI∣oilE‐1, qTI∣oilL‐1). Few epistatic interactions among loci were detected. These loci may be valuable for improving seed isoflavone, protein and oil contents.  相似文献   

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