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In incubation experiments, the soil supply with carbon of mineralizable (Cmin), potentially mineralizable (Cpm), and active (Cac) organic matter, and of microbial mass (Cmb) in natural and agricultural ecosystems of Moscow region (gray forest soil) and Catalonia (Xerochrept) was assessed based on the measurements of the C-CO2 emission. In the gray forest soil, the Cpm and Cac contents decreased in the following sequence of ecosystems: forest > meadow > unfertilized agrocenosis; in the Xerochrept, forest > pasture > scrub > agrocenoses with organic fertilizer > unfertilized agrocenosis. A method for measurement of the Cmb according to the C-CO2 emission during an 11-to 14-day incubation of previously dried soils is proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of soil contamination with black oil added in amounts of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, and 50% of the soil mass on the biological properties of ordinary and leached vertic chernozems, brown forest soils, and gray sands in the south of Russia was studied in a model laboratory experiment. It was shown that the soil contamination causes a drop in the catalase and dehydrogenase activities, the cellulolytic capacity, the number of Azotobacter bacteria, and the characteristics of the plant germination. The ordinary and vertic chernozems were more tolerant toward the contamination than the gray sands and brown forest soils. The changes in the biological soil properties in dependence on the degree of the soil contamination differed considerably for the soils with different properties (the chernozems, brown forest soil, and gray sands) and were similar for the soils with similar properties (the ordinary and vertic chernozems). One soil (the brown forest soil) could be more tolerant toward the contamination than another soil (the gray sands) at a given concentration of black oil (<2.5%) and less tolerant at another concentration of black oil (>2.5%). The ecologically safe levels of the soil contamination with black oil do not exceed 0.7% in the ordinary chernozems, 0.3% in the compact chernozems, 0.1% in the brown forest soils, and 0.06% in the gray sands.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity of gray forest soils and gray forest soils with a second humus horizon was studied in the Bryansk Opol’e region. The dependence of electrical resistivity on the soil’s organic content, moisture, and bulk density was found. It was concluded that the supply of organic matter in the upper layer (50 cm) can be estimated in wet conditions using the equation Csupply = 2.7ER + 34.3 (t/ha).  相似文献   

Complexes of gray forest soils of different podzolization degrees with the participation of gray forest podzolized soils with the second humus horizon play a noticeable role in the soil cover patterns of Vladimir Opolie. The agronomic homogeneity and agronomic compatibility of gray forest soils in automorphic positions (“plakor” sites) were assessed on the test field of the Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute. The term “soil homogeneity” implies in our study the closeness of crop yield estimates (scores) for the soil polygons; the term “soil compatibility” implies the possibility to apply the same technologies in the same dates for different soil polygons within a field. To assess the agronomic homogeneity and compatibility of soils, the statistical analysis of the yields of test crop (oats) was performed, and the spatial distribution of the particular parameters of soil hydrothermic regime was studied. The analysis of crop yields showed their high variability: the gray forest soils on microhighs showed the minimal potential fertility, and the maximal fertility was typical of the soils with the second humus horizon in microlows. Soils also differed significantly in their hydrothermic regime, as the gray forest soils with the second humus horizon were heated and cooled slower than the background gray forest soils; their temperature had a stronger lag effect and displayed a narrower amplitude in seasonal fluctuations; and these soils were wetter during the first weeks (40 days) of the growing season. Being colder and wetter, the soils with the second humus horizons reached their physical ripeness later than the gray forest soils. Thus, the soil cover of the test plot in the automorphic position is heterogeneous; from the agronomic standpoint, its components are incompatible.  相似文献   

Adverse changes in the physical and chemical properties of arable gray forest and soddy meadow soils (forest-steppe zone, Lake Baikal region) polluted with fluorides emitted by an aluminum smelter in Irkutsk are shown. The field experiments of the long-term (1997–2005) monitoring and laboratory incubation experiments revealed that the CO2 emission from the gray forest soil was higher than from the soddy meadow soil. Its intensity depended on the soil properties and buffering capacity of the soils to fluorides, as well as on the content of water-soluble fluorides and the hydrothermal factors.  相似文献   

Soil pollution with Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb oxides and with oil products in the Adygea Republic leads to the deterioration of the soil biological properties. According to the degree of deterioration of the biological properties, the soils of Adygea may be arranged into the following sequence: brown forest soils > mountainous meadow (subalpine) soils > gray forest soils > soddy calcareous soils = leached vertic chernozems. With respect to the negative effect of heavy metal oxides on the biological properties of the soils, they form the following sequence: CrO3 > CuO = PbO ≥ NiO.  相似文献   

The values of the soil-ecological index and microbiological parameters (the carbon of microbial biomass Cmic, its ratio to the total organic carbon Cmic/Corg, and basal respiration) were determined for the soddy-podzolic, soddy-gley, bog-podzolic, meadow alluvial, and gray forest soils under different land uses (forest, fallow, cropland, and urban areas) in the Podolsk and Serpukhov districts of Moscow oblast (237 and 45 sampling points, respectively). The soil sampling from the upper 10 cm (without the litter horizon) was performed in September and October. To calculate the soil-ecological index, both soil (physicochemical and agrochemical) and climatic characteristics were taken into account. Its values for fallow, cropland, and urban ecosystems averaged 70.2, 72.8, and 64.2 points (n = 90, 17, and 24, respectively). For the soils of forest ecosystems, the average value of the soil-ecological index was lower (54.4; n = 151). At the same time, the micro-biological characteristics of the studied forest soils were generally higher than those in the soils of fallow, cropland, and urban ecosystems. In this context, to estimate the soil quality in different ecosystems on the basis of the soil-ecological index, the use of a correction coefficient for the biological properties of the soils (the Cmic content) was suggested. The ecological substantiation of this approach for assessing the quality of soils in different ecosystems is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial processes and phytocenotic parameters were studied in clearings made for power transmission lines in the subtaiga and southern taiga of Central Siberia. In these clearings, secondary meadow communities play the main environmental role. The substitution of meadow vegetation for forest vegetation, the increase in the phytomass by 40–120%, and the transformation of the hydrothermic regime in the clearings led to the intensification of the humus-accumulative process, growth of the humus content, reduction in acidity and oligotrophy of the upper horizons in the gray soils of the meadow communities, and more active microbial mineralization of organic matter. In the humus horizon of the soils under meadows, the microbial biomass (Cmicr) increased by 20–90%, and the intensity of basal respiration became higher by 60–90%. The values of the microbial metabolic quotient were also higher in these soils than in the soils under the native forests. In the 0- to 50-cm layer of the gray soils under the meadows, the total Cmicr reserves were 35–45% greater and amounted to 230–320 g/m3; the total microbial production of CO2 was 1.5–2 times higher than that in the soil of the adjacent forest and reached 770–840 mg CO2-C/m3 h. The predominance of mineralization processes in the soils under meadows in the clearings reflected changes in edaphic and trophic conditions of the soils and testified to an active inclusion of the herb falloff into the biological cycle.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken from the profiles of a gray forest soil (under a forest) and southern chernozems of different textures under meadow vegetation. The microbial biomass (MB) was determined by the method of substrate-induced respiration; the basal respiration (BR) and the population density of microorganisms on nutrient media of different composition were also determined in the samples. The microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2 = BR/MB) and the portion of microbial carbon (C mic) in C org were calculated. The MB and BR values were shown to decrease down the soil profiles. About 57% of the total MB in the entire soil profile was concentrated in the layer of 0–24 cm of the gray forest soil. The MB in the C horizon of chernozems was approximately two times lower than the MB in the A horizon of these soils. The correlation was found between the MB and the C org (r = 0.99) and between the MB and the clay content (r = 0.89) in the profile of the gray forest soil. The C mic/C org ratio in the gray forest soil and in the chernozems comprised 2.3–6.6 and 1.2–9.6%, respectively. The qCO2 value increased with the depth. The microbial community in the lower layers of the gray forest soil was dominated (88–96%) by oligotrophic microorganisms (grown on soil agar); in the upper 5 cm, these microorganisms comprised only 50% of the total amount of microorganisms grown on three media.  相似文献   

On the basis of factual data obtained by the Soil Science Department of the Privolzhskii Federal University and available from literary, virtual reference “images” of gray forest soils as distinguished in classification systems of 1977 and 2004 have been obtained with the use of the methods of multivariate statistics for the Volga-Kama forest-steppe region. Discriminant functions and have been obtained, and classification functions have been developed with the help of numerical methods to diagnose new representatives of gray forest soils. The virtual “images” of the soils can be used for the improvement of soil systematization and for solving various applied problems of land use.  相似文献   

Priming effects initiated by the addition of 14С glucose have been compared for humus horizons of soils existing under continuous input of fresh organic substrates and for buried soil horizons, in which entering of organic matter has been essentially limited. The effect of microrelief on the manifestation of priming effect in the humus horizons of gray forest soil on microhigh and in microlow has been estimated. Humus horizon in soils on microhigh, not activated by glucose, produced two times more СО2 in comparison with soils of microlow. However, the introduction of glucose canceled the effect of microrelief on СО2 emission. The intensity of absolute priming effect correlated with the Сorg pool, initial microbial biomass, and enzyme activity, decreasing from humus horizons to the buried ones, and did not depend on microrelief. The effect of microrelief was observed, when assessing the priming effect relative to control (soil not activated by glucose): the value of relative priming effect was 1.5 times greater in А horizon of gray forest soil in microlow in comparison with that on microhigh being the result of increasing activity of enzymes.  相似文献   

The long-term investigations (1996–2002) of the gray forest soils in the agroecosystems of the Lake Baikal basin, including technogenic soils that are fluoride-polluted by emissions of the Irkutsk aluminum (SUAL) plant, revealed the specificity of the seasonal and long-term dynamics of the CO2 emission. The fluoride pollution is shown to activate the mineralization of soil organic matter and, thus, to increase the gaseous carbon losses.  相似文献   

The integrated study of the carbonate state of soils, which involves all the forms of soil carbonates at different levels of the soil organization, allows exactly assessing the degree and the rate of the soil transformation due to agricultural development. The evolution of the carbonate state in agrogenically transformed soils was assessed on a site with a known land-use history and with remaining natural soils. The direction, rate, and stages of the carbonate state transformation upon the agrogenic use of dark gray forest soils were determined on the basis of the morphogenetic analysis. Agricultural development entails a significant reorganization of the carbonate profile: a dark gray forest soil evolves into a medium-thick slightly podzolic chernozem with a greater pool of carbonates. The calcareous pedofeatures and horizons evolve stepwise: in the soil of a 100-year-old plowland, the transition to another organization of the carbonate state is observed: carbonates migrate more actively, and the dissolution-precipitation conditions are most dynamic. In the upper calcareous horizons, the structure of the calcitic pedofeatures becomes more collomorphic, and this mass fills almost all the voids; in the lower calcareous horizons, calcite is predominantly segregated into calcareous pedofeatures.  相似文献   

The carbon budget in agroecosystems with spring wheat was studied in long-term (1997–2004) field experiments on gray forest soils in the forest-steppe of the Lake Baikal region, including soils polluted with the fluorides emitted by an aluminum plant. Pollution was revealed to increase the deficit in the carbon budget due to the more intense mineralization of organic matter and CO2 emission from the soils. Raising of the crops’ productivity upon permanent application of fertilizers may provide maintenance of a positive carbon budget.  相似文献   

The contributions of root and microbial respiration to the CO2 emission from the surface of gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils under meadow and forest vegetation were determined in field and laboratory experiments. In the field, a new modification of the substrate-induced respiration (SIR) method was applied. According to this method, the contribution of root respiration was estimated at 41–50% for meadow cenoses and 33% for forest cenoses; similar values were obtained in the course of separate incubation of roots and soil in laboratory (42–57% and 29–32%, respectively) and with the use of the laboratory version of the SIR method (35–40% and 21–31%, respectively). The analysis of difference between the values of root respiration and microbial respiration obtained by the field and laboratory methods for the same experimental plots and the comparison of advantages and disadvantages of these methods made it possible to outline the ways for the further improvement of the field version of the SIR method.  相似文献   

Specific features of determining the carbon content in the soil microbial biomass using the method of substrate-induced respiration (MBSIR) were studied as related to the conditions of the incubation (the glucose concentration and temperature) and pre-incubation (the duration and temperature) of the soil samples collected in the summer (tundra gley and soddy-podzolic soils and chernozems) and in different seasons (for the gray forest soil). The glucose concentration providing the highest substrate-induced respiration (SIR) in the soils studied was shown to be 2–15 mg/g. The MBSIR in the soil samples collected in summer and in the soils pre-incubated for 10 and 22°C (7 days) did not significantly differ. The MBSIR in the gray forest soil pre-incubated at 3, 6, and 10°C (winter, spring/autumn, and summer, respectively) and at 22°C (recommended by the authors of the SIR method) was similar for the cropland in all the seasons. For the meadow, it was the same in the winter, summer, and autumn, and, in summer, it did not differ only for the forest. For the comparative assessment of the MBSIR, soil samples from different ecosystems are recommended to be collected in the autumn or in the summer. Soil samples of 100–500 g should be pre-incubated for 7 days at 22°C and moisture of 60% of the total water capacity; then, 1-2 g soil should be incubated with glucose (10 mg/g) at 22°C for 3–5 hours.  相似文献   

Based on studying five agrochronoseries, including recent forest (dark) gray soils and soils plowed for 100, 150, and 200–240 and more years in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland, the dynamics of the pedogenic carbon pool, including the Corg and Ccarb, are considered. In the 2-m-thick layer of the agrogenic soils studied, the pedogenic carbon pool was shown to increase by 15–30% (up to 50%) mainly due to the changes in the Ccarb content. The insignificant (by ~10%) growth of the Corg content was found in the soils that were plowed for more than 200–250 years. As the hydrothermal regime changed when passing from the forest to croplands, the Ccarb reserves increased due to the ascending of carbonates from the parent rock through the capillary pores, probably, in colloid solution-suspensions. This process proceeded without exchange with the soil CO2, since the 14C age and the content of the newly formed carbonates became higher. These carbonates may be called pedogenic-lithogenic agrocarbonates, since they appear in soils as a result of the (agro-) pedogenesis. In this case, their additional source is the lithogenic carbonates, which bring in the “old” carbon. The process of carbonates ascending could be referred to the rapid soil-forming ones with their implementation time being close to ≤50 years.  相似文献   

Samples of soddy-podzolic soil (long-term overgrown fallow and continuous bare fallow), gray forest soil (forest, farming agrocenosis), and a typical chernozem (virgin steppe, forest area, farming agrocenosis, continuous bare fallow) have been incubated under stable conditions; other samples of these soils have been subjected to six drying-wetting-incubation-freezing-thawing-incubation cycles during 136 days. The wetting of dried soils and the thawing of frozen soils result in an abrupt but short increase in the emission rate of C-CO2 by 2.7–12.4 and 1.6–2.7 times, respectively, compared to the stable incubation conditions. As the soil is depleted in potentially mineralizable organic matter, the rate of the C-CO2 emission pulses initiated by disturbing impacts decreases. The cumulative extra production of C-CO2 by soils of natural lands for six cycles makes up 21–40% of that in the treatments with stable incubation conditions; the corresponding value for cultivated soils, including continuous clean fallow, is in the range of 45–82%. The content of potentially mineralizable organic matter in the soils subjected to recurrent drying-wetting-freezingthawing cycles decreased compared to the soils without disturbing impacts by 1.6–4.4 times, and the mineralization constants decreased by 1.9–3.6 times. It has been emphasized that the cumulative effect of drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles is manifested not only in the decrease in the total Corg from the soil but also in the reduction of the mineralization potential of the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Studies performed on dark gray loamy forest soils in an oak forest in the southern forest steppe and on sandy soddy-podzolic soil in a pine forest in the southern taiga showed that the annual emission of CO2 from the soil surface in the pine forest was 16.3 t CO2/ha, including 10.1 t CO2/ha due to root respiration and 6.2 t CO2/ha due to soil microbial respiration. In the southern forest steppe, the corresponding values were 17.8 t CO2/ha due to root respiration at the optimum water content (20%) and 28.3 t CO2/ha due to soil microbial respiration. With the insufficient soil water content (12.5%), 10.3 and 17.8 t CO2/ha were due to root respiration and soil microbial respiration, respectively. Under strong drought conditions (water content of 10%), the emission of CO2 decreased to 8.2 and 16.3 t/ha due to root respiration and soil microbial respiration, respectively.  相似文献   

The levels of the accumulation of copper, lead, nickel, and cadmium in the parent material-soil-plants-soil organic matter system are given for gray forest soils in the Buryat Republic. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the parent materials do not exceed the corresponding clarkes, and cadmium is present in trace amounts. The concentrations of copper and nickel in the humus horizon are lower than those in the parent material; an opposite situation is observed for lead. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the soil organic matter and in the herbaceous plants correspond to their contents in the soil and do not exceed the background (clarke) values. Cadmium was not detected in the aboveground part of the plants, though it was found in the root mass and in the organic soil horizon. In the humus of gray forest soils, these heavy metals are mainly present in the acid filtrate remaining after the precipitation of humic acids.  相似文献   

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