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A newborn Thoroughbred foal was presented to the clinic with ambiguous neurological deficits, spinal anomalies and a soft tissue swelling dorsal to the lumbar vertebral column. The foal was alert but unable to rise and stand. With radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a lumbar dysraphic anomaly, cerebellar herniation and coincidental skeletal abnormalities were documented. Finally, a meningomyelocele was defined and, in context with the cerebellar herniation through the foramen magnum, the foal was diagnosed to have a Chiari malformation. The MRI examination corresponded best with the post mortem findings. Although 3‐dimensional imaging methods have been considered superior regarding full and detailed assessment of the congenital malformation, radiography and ultrasonography also provide essential information to diagnose dysraphic lesions at reduced costs and efforts. A Chiari malformation should be considered as a differential diagnosis in foals with neurological deficits.  相似文献   

The following case report describes the diagnosis and surgery of bilateral polydactyly of unknown origin in a colt. A 7-month-old Berber colt was referred for cosmetic and curative excision of supernumerary digits. Radiographic examination revealed bilateral polydactyly and well-developed first carpal bones. Surgery consisted of an osteotomy of both second metacarpal bones combined with an amputation of the supernumerary digits. The follow-up at 18 months after surgery revealed a sound horse with an excellent cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   

A 2‐day‐old Warmblood filly was presented for examination of an angular limb deformity of the left front limb and an upright conformation of both metacarpophalangeal joints. Radiological examination revealed bilateral absence of the metacarpophalangeal joint space with fusion of the third metacarpal bone and first phalanx (synostosis). No treatment was undertaken. The filly was readmitted to the clinic 10 weeks later for bilateral front limb lameness. On radiological examination, the synostosis of the front metacarpophalangeal joints was still present. Physitis of the distal growth plate of the right third metacarpal bone and proximal growth plate of the right proximal phalanx, and an avulsion fracture of the palmaromedial and proximal aspect of the left middle phalanx, with a cystic like lesion on the medial aspect of distal first phalanx and proximal middle phalanx were diagnosed. Given the poor prognosis, the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination confirmed the absence of the metacarpophalangeal joint space with a trabecular bony union between the third metacarpal bone and the first phalanx. A rudimentary joint capsule was present at the level of the absent joints as well as a small zone of articular cartilage, which invaginated over a short distance into the dorsal trabecular bone on the right front limb. On the medial aspect of the left proximal interphalangeal joint, a focal defect of articular cartilage with exposure of subchondral bone was observed. This is the first case report of a foal born with congenital aplasia of both metacarpophalangeal joints. Congenital malformations should be considered as differential diagnosis in lame foals or foals born with angular or flexural limb deformities.  相似文献   

A Thoroughbred colt with a history of dystocia was referred for further management of suspected hypoxia. The foal showed signs of neonatal maladjustment syndrome and hindlimb paralysis. Radiography revealed the presence of a severe lumbosacral injury. The foal was subjected to euthanasia due to a hopeless prognosis. Computed tomography was performed post‐mortem and revealed a type I Salter Harris fracture of the cranial physis of the first sacral vertebra.  相似文献   

A 1-day-old American Paint Horse was presented for a large air-filled mass along the ventral aspect of the neck. Bronchoscopy and oesophagoscopy revealed no sign of communication with the trachea or oesophagus. Radiographs and a computed tomography scan of the neck identified a communicating tract between the lumen of the cystic mass and mid-trachea. The foal was systemically healthy at this initial presentation, and delayed removal of the cyst was recommended to allow further maturation of the foal prior to undergoing general anaesthesia. Upon discharge, the cyst continued to grow in size and became more fluid than air-filled requiring repeat centesis and draining. The foal was then re-presented at 3 weeks of age for surgical removal. In surgery, direct communication with the trachea was identified and ligated. Histopathology demonstrated that the cyst lining was composed of squamous epithelium with goblet cells and occasional ciliated cells. The location, morphological features and congenital presentation of the mass were consistent with a paratracheal air cyst (PAC). Surgical resection resulted in excellent functional and cosmetic outcome. Although not previously reported in horses, PAC should be included in the differential diagnosis of an air-filled ventral neck mass in equine neonates. Complete surgical excision may result in a successful outcome.  相似文献   

Intraocular choristomas are rare anomalies in domestic animals and are often associated with multiple ocular malformations. A Thoroughbred foal presented for ocular abnormalities and was diagnosed with microphthalmia, corneal dermoids, severe anterior segment dysgenesis (including glandular choristomas), aphakia, retinal dysplasia, and optic nerve hypoplasia. Morphological, histochemical, and immunohistochemical comparisons were made between ocular choristomatous tissues from this foal and lacrimal gland, third eyelid gland, nasopharynx, trachea, and lacrimal sac/nasolacrimal duct from normal horses. Morphologically the choristomatous tissues (glands and epithelium lining the anterior segment) were most similar to the lacrimal sac. Histochemistry of glandular components found the glands associated with the lacrimal sac/nasolacrimal duct to be serous, as was the glandular intraocular choristomas. Our findings suggest that the origin of intraocular glandular choristomas in this case is from the lacrimal sac.  相似文献   

Cystic lymphangiomas are rare malformations of the lymphatics that result in the formation of a cystic mass. Where multiple cysts are seen, the condition is termed cystic lymphangiomatosis. This case describes the diagnosis and unique management of cystic lymphangiomatosis in a 10‐day‐old Thoroughbred foal. Ultrasonography, histopathology and laparoscopy were essential for diagnosis and appreciation of the extent of disease. Ultimately, the cystic lymphangiomatosis was so extensive in this foal that complete surgical excision was considered impossible and the presence of adhesions within the abdomen indicated a very poor long‐term prognosis; the owners elected for euthanasia at age 14 weeks. Although rare, lymphangioma and lymphangiomatosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis for an intra‐abdominal mass in a young horse.  相似文献   

A 24‐hour‐old Welsh‐Thoroughbred foal presented for routine surgical repair of an abdominal and body wall hernia. The colt became acutely colicky and emergency celiotomy was performed revealing abnormal anatomical configuration of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Incomplete gastrointestinal rotation is a rare congenital anomaly only described in man. This report describes the clinical and diagnostic findings, surgical and medical treatment, and outcome of a neonatal foal with nonrotation of the GIT.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a 3‐week‐old Paint horse filly that presented with rectal bleeding associated with a protruding mass. Rectal bleeding in neonates can be caused by infectious agents, trauma, congenital defects, rectal tears or tumours. Histopathology was performed on an avulsed piece of tissue. A second mass was identified endoscopically and was removed using a stapling instrument per rectum under endoscopic guidance and laparoscopic assistance. The mass was diagnosed as a rectal hamartoma. Recovery was uneventful.  相似文献   

Congenital flexural deformities are relatively common in newborn Thoroughbred foals. This paper reports on the physical and morphological examination of 8 placentae from foals with varying degrees of the condition. All the placentae showed one or more of the following characteristics: a reduction in their linear dimensions; folding of the allantochorion over the course of major blood vessels; oedema. Although the changes observed in the placentae were indicative of uterine narrowing, it remains unclear if they are the cause of, an effect of or unrelated to the deformities.  相似文献   

A 2-week-old 75 kg Thoroughbred filly was presented for the investigation of an acute forelimb lameness. Radiographs revealed a fracture of the medial epicondylar physis of the left humerus (Salter–Harris type II fracture). The fragment was removed via arthrotomy under general anaesthesia. Two months post-operatively, the foal was sound and at 2 years had resumed normal turn out. This case report describes a previously unreported surgical treatment for a fracture of the medial epicondylar physis in a foal.  相似文献   

Multiple septic osteomyelitis, septic thrombi and septic arthritis are recognised as possible complications of sepsis; however, there are few reports of localised pyomyositis in association with septic arterial thrombosis in foals. A 1-month Thoroughbred colt was presented for investigation of acute and progressive left hindlimb lameness. Physical and laboratory examinations were performed. Ultrasonographic, radiographic and computed tomographic examinations revealed the presence of multiple abscesses and areas of osteomyelitis localised to the gluteal muscles, coxal bone and lumbar spine respectively. Considering the poor prognosis, the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Necropsy confirmed the diagnostic imaging findings and revealed the presence of an extensive septic thrombus, affecting the internal iliac artery, and a single pulmonary abscess. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus was isolated from all lesions.  相似文献   

A case of a neonatal foal with acute colic and respiratory distress is described. The foal presented with signs of acute colic and was treated medically. The foal did not respond to treatment and 2 h after admission the foal began to demonstrate signs of respiratory distress. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs were obtained and a diagnosis of a diaphragmatic hernia was made. Surgical repair of the hernia was recommended but the owner declined and the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem findings confirmed the diagnosis and revealed that the defect was of congenital origin. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is an unusual cause of colic in a neonatal foal.  相似文献   

In this article, 3 cases of an infrequent complication of lower limb trauma that presented as a cellulitis and deteriorating comfort a few days after lower limb laceration are described. All 3 horses sloughed the hoof capsule 10 days after initial trauma to that particular limb. Development of subsequent cellulitis/lymphangitis contributed to deterioration of distal limb perfusion. The exact pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown but clinicians should be aware of this unusual but major complication following limb trauma.  相似文献   

Dysphagia and milk regurgitation are relatively infrequently observed clinical signs in neonatal foals but, when present, can commonly arise from anatomic or functional disorders of the upper airway. Less commonly, milk regurgitation can be caused by anatomic or neuromuscular disorders of the oesophagus. In the report presented here, a neonatal foal was examined for milk regurgitation at 4 days of age and was diagnosed with transient oesophageal ectasia via oesophagoscopy and contrast radiography. Aspiration pneumonia was treated with broad-spectrum antimicrobials and the owner was instructed to intermittently elevate the forelimbs to facilitate passage of milk out of the dilated oesophagus. The milk regurgitation resolved and reassessment of the foal at 6 weeks of age documented the absence of oesophageal ectasia and resolution of aspiration pneumonia. The foal was reported to be healthy and consuming food normally 6 months after initial examination and was in good body condition. This case is unique in that the oesophageal ectasia improved with time; furthermore, other potential causes of dysphagia and milk regurgitation of oesophageal origin in neonatal foals are discussed.  相似文献   

This case report describes the clinical and diagnostic imaging findings, treatment and outcomes of a 15-day-old Thoroughbred foal referred for the evaluation of severe left hindlimb lameness of 8 days' duration. Radiographic examination of the left hindlimb and transcutaneous ultrasonographic examination of the pelvis were unremarkable. A computed tomographic (CT) examination was performed to investigate the proximal aspect of the limb and the pelvis; CT scans of the thorax were also acquired. In this case, CT images allowed detection of a closed, slightly displaced, oblique wedge-like fracture of the left caudal ramus of the pubis and medial ramus of the ischium, allowing an accurate diagnosis to guide appropriate treatment and prognostication. The foal was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and box-rest. A follow-up by telephone interview with the trainer 3 years later revealed that the horse is in full athletic activity without any residual gait alteration related to the pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

A 16‐hour‐old Quarter Horse filly presented for evaluation of a soft mass in the right caudoventral lateral abdominal wall. Radiography and ultrasonography confirmed the presence of a nonreducible lateral abdominal wall hernia with small intestine located between the skin and body wall. The size of the defect itself could not be imaged and the filly was taken to surgery. A 4 cm vertical defect that appeared congenital was found in the transverse abdominal muscle and was repaired by primary apposition. This case report describes the repair and outcome of this unusual type of congenital hernia.  相似文献   

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