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【目的】基于重点国有林区微观调查数据,实证分析重点国有林区各项改革对林区就业的影响,为重点国有林区改革政策调整提供参考。【方法】运用统计学方法分析重点国有林区劳动力就业行业、部门以及区域的变化,采用计量经济学方法定量考察各项改革对林区就业的影响。【结果】重点国有林区各项改革对林区就业产生了显著影响,林区内劳动力对林业和国有部门的依赖程度逐渐下降,就业区域也不断向外扩展。其中,森林资源承包管护责任制,通过林地所有权和经营权的分离,促进了劳动力在林业行业和国有部门就业比重的上升;市场化手段组织林业生产,对劳动力在林业行业就业有促进作用;加工企业转制,明显推动劳动力从国有部门流向非国有部门;一次性安置富余职工,促使劳动力逐渐流向非林业行业,就业区域也不断向林业局外扩展。【结论】重点国有林区各项改革使林区就业格局发生了明显变化,活跃的劳动力市场已经初步建立,发挥市场在林区就业中的作用是未来体制改革的重要方向。  相似文献   

我国是世界上人口最多的国家,就业问题已成为影响我国现代化建设和社会稳定的一个重要因素。如何深入挖掘林业行业的就业潜力,扩大社会就业途径,有效地实现构建和谐社会的目标?文章以我国重点国有林区的黑龙江、吉林两省为典型,全面总结当前国有林区职工实现就业再就业的有效措施,分析了当前国有林区就业工作中存在的困难与问题,并针对进一步解决国有林区实施天然林保护工程后的就业难题提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

文中在构建森林生态经济绩效评价指标体系的基础上,利用熵权TOPSIS模型和障碍因子模型测算了我国东北重点国有林区森林生态经济绩效水平并识别其障碍因子。结果表明:2005—2016年东北重点国有林区森林生态经济绩效水平总体上经历了较差→中级→良好的演进阶段,并且由经济绩效大于生态绩效转变为生态绩效大于经济绩效,生态绩效增长趋势略高于经济绩效增长趋势;综合绩效水平最高的是吉林森工重点国有林区,而后依次是龙江森工重点国有林区、长白山森工重点国有林区和大兴安岭重点国有林区;影响森林生态经济发展的主要障碍因子是生态外部压力、经济产业发展和劳动力资源。  相似文献   

东北国有林区绿色食品供求状况探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北国有林区已进入转型发展阶段,凭借着优越的自然资源优势,国有林区大力发展绿色食品产业;但由于发展时间短、技术不成熟等因素影响,国有林区绿色食品在市场上的供给出现供不应求状况。调查发现,绿色食品的安全性、科技含量以及市场诚信度等因素对国有林区绿色食品的消费影响较大;产品附加值低、劳动力流失是影响供给的主要因素。因此,东北国有林区应更加注重绿色食品的安全性,并采用当下互联网技术,加大对产品的宣传力度,提高产品附加值和集约化经营水平,使之达到供求平衡,促进绿色食品产业的转型升级。  相似文献   

东北、内蒙古重点国有林区管理体制改革探求   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王毅昌  蒋敏元 《林业科学》2005,41(5):163-168
东北、内蒙古国有林区是国务院确定的国家所有的最大的重点林区。长期以来,政企不分、政资不分、企资不分已成为制约林区加快发展的主要障碍。研究森工林区管理体制问题对于重点国有林区定位和发展具有重要的意义。本文通过林区管理体制的现状与问题分析,指出现行管理体制的弊端主要表现为森森资源管理、企业经营管理、社会行政事务管理“三种职能”履行不到位。通过改革环境分析,提出了林区管理体制改革的设想。认为改革的方向是在重点国有林区建立“三权分治”和“专业化经营”的管理体制,打破林区目前森林资源管理、企业经营、社会行政事务“三权合一”的管理体制,构建森林资源、企业经营、社会行政事务管理“三个主体”,强化森林资源、企业经营、社会行政事务管理“三种职能”,促进林区生态经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

劳动就业是重大的社会和经济问题,它不仅直接关系到亿万人民群众的切身利益,而且直接影响着深化改革的进程和经济的发展.在我国国有林区,尤其是森工企业,劳动力过剩一直是困扰林业企业经济发展的重要因素,是林业劳动部门的工作难点之一.通过调查实践证明,在林区发展农业经济是转移林区富余劳动力的有效途径.  相似文献   

正事件:2月8日,中共中央、国务院印发了《国有林场改革方案》和《国有林区改革指导意见》,以坚决守住生态保护红线、确保森林资源总量增加、着力解决国有林场和国有林区职工就业与社会保障为主要目标的这项改革,像春风一样吹遍了中国大地。  相似文献   

持续提升经济增长动力和区域发展活力是新时期有效支撑我国国有林区全面深化体制机制改革、充分确保林区社会稳定、改善居民生计、推进生态建设以及促进产业转型的重要基础。基于2006-2017年东北、内蒙古重点国有林区87个重点森工林业局的相关统计数据,实证探究了要素投入和产业结构2类关键要素对林区经济增长的驱动效应。结果表明:与生产要素投入相比,产业结构(1.411)与林区经济增长关系更为密切,对林区经济增长具有显著的驱动效应;以劳动力(0.096)和资本(0.32)为代表的生产要素投入对林区经济增长的促进作用次之,二者相比,资本在林区经济发展中扮演着更为重要的角色。结合改革、转型与发展的客观实际及实证分析结果,文中提出应分别从优化产业布局、促进投资多元化、提高劳动力供给质量、深化改革配套体系等方面开展有益于加快林区经济增长、推动林区经济转型的实践探索。  相似文献   

今年2月8日,中共中央、国务院印发了《国有林场改革方案》和《国有林区改革指导意见》,以坚决守住生态保护红线、确保森林资源总量增加和着力解决国有林场国有林区职工就业和社会保障为主要目标的这项改革,像春风一样将吹遍中国大地。  相似文献   

发展林区农业经济转移林业写作劳动力──东北、内蒙古森工企业富余劳动力转移透析中国农林工会调查组在我国国有林区,尤其是森工企业,劳动力过剩一直是困扰林业企业经济发展的重要因素。1995年3月,国务院办公厅转发了劳动部《关于实施再就业工程的报告》,使我国...  相似文献   

何娜  张宛儿 《森林工程》2012,(5):118-120
目前民办高校物流人才供需矛盾导致毕业生在物流及相关行业就业率较低。办学特色模糊、专业定位不清晰、课程设置不合理、师资力量匮乏以及实践环节薄弱是其物流人才培养模式的主要问题,并针对这些问题从人才培养模式的构成要素角度提出有利于学生就业的相关措施。  相似文献   

Ten years study of the discharge of ascospores is described. As the discharge started each year before the first flushing leaves reached the susceptible stage, growers can determine the best date of the first spraying simply from the ing stage of the host. Radio warnings based on the first date of ascospore discharge are superfluous.  相似文献   

毕业设计不仅是对本科毕业生大学4年期间学习的系统总结、训练和检阅,更是架设在学习生活与未来人生道路间的桥梁。利用笔者所在北京林业大学近3年林产化工专业本科生就业率和对口就业率2项数据,着重分析了毕业设计周期与选题两个环节中存在的问题,提出了林产化工专业本科生毕业设计周期应因人而异、毕业设计选题应因材施教的思路,通过毕业设计周期与选题的模式创新,提高应届毕业生的综合素质和创新能力,从而提高就业型毕业生应聘成功率和继续学习型毕业生考研成功率。  相似文献   

与国有大型企业相比,我国中小企业更符合要素禀赋论的比较优势特征,在我国转型经济中也最具竞争力,已经成为我国GDP增长的主要动力和增加就业机会的主力军,但近年来中小企业融资难的问题已经成为其发展壮大的主要制约因素之一.由银行业的高度垄断而造成的与中小企业业务相适应的区域性、地方性中小金融机构的缺位,是造成我国中小企业融资困难的主要原因.构建多元化的中小企业融资体系是我们从根源上解决中小企业融资问题的战略选择.  相似文献   

TROUP  L. C.; JOHNSTON  D. R. 《Forestry》1956,29(1):60-68
The authors consider the main reasons which may justify theplanting of mixtures rather than pure crops, e.g. the provisionof nurses, intermediate returns, continuity of employment, biologicalconsiderations, health, fuller utilization of the site, improvementof form, &c., and give four examples of possible patternsfor mixtures in strips to suit varying circumstances.  相似文献   

A case study focusing on the socio-economic and ecological aspects of a forest-based village, Debrasai, in the Singhbhum District of Bihar, India was undertaken in 1980 to evolve village-specific community forestry package programmes that could bring stability to the village both economically as well as ecologically. The village extending over 365.07 ha is inhabited by 361 people comprising 195 males and 166 females in 81 households. The villagers are by and large dependent on agriculture and forestry for their livelihood. The largest proportion of the land in the village is under agriculture whereas forests, in a highly degraded state, occupy only 5.7% of the total area. The villagers exploit the protected forests in their vicinity removing nearly 350.9 mt of fuelwood, 22.8 mt of small timber and 393.4 mt of fodder annually.The village has a manpower potential of 40 035 man days a year. Agriculture is the main source of employment at the moment absorbing 14 266 man days. The non-agricultural sector provides employment to an extent of 4433 man days. Fresh employment opportunities are needed to absorb nearly 53% of man days of the village at present unused. Three land-resource, skill-based package programmes, a tasar silk culture, an energy plantation, and dairying have been suggested to generate employment opportunities and to meet the basic needs of the villagers. About 115 ha of the hitherto neglected land resource has been located in the village to sustain such community forestry (CF) programmes. Tasar culture suggested on 35 ha will alone generate employment to an extent of 18 690 man days from the fourth year of tasar silk plantation. A plantation, to provide energy and fodder, on 25 and 30 ha respectively is expected to yield fuelwood, timber and fodder to more than satisfy village needs. A dairy has been recommended as it will generate income, provide nutrition and promote gobar gas production — an alternative energy source to fuelwood. The cost—benefit analysis of these projects indicates their economic feasibility with the cost likely to be recovered in 4.5 years. Debrasai being an agricultural village, a land-inequity compensatory scheme has been suggested for CF project net benefit sharing, ensuring reasonable benefit flows to the landless and marginal farmers.  相似文献   

森林旅游业的发展与新经济增长点的培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从森林旅游资源的功能特点和价值评价出发,分析森林旅游需求是一种可持续发展的需求。在考察森林旅游业成为世界旅游业的新潮和发展方向的同时,考察林业内在的三大产业的转换趋势,以跨世纪的眼光,提出森林旅游业成为林业21世纪的主导产业的未来趋向,把森林旅游经济培育为新的经济增长点。有利于社区林业的形成、发展和开拓;有利于林区职工的分流、转产和再就业;有利于提高人民的生活质量水平;实现我国的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa(SSA), the main goals behind the development of a biofuel industry are employment creation and income generation. Jatropha(Jatropha curcas L.) has emerged as a candidate for biodiesel production. It is a non-edible oil producing, drought-resistant plant that can be grown on marginal land with limited water and low soil fertility. However, these are also attributes that typify weedy and invasive plant species. Adding to these concerns are the general questioning of whether biofuel production will reduce Greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions globally. Currently, there is limited information on the potential invasiveness of many biofuel crops, and in particular, the potential risks of cultivating Jatropha. This paper aims to assess the benefits and risks, especially risks,of growing Jatropha for biodiesel production. Jatropha should be screened through a science-based risk-assessment procedure to predict the risk of becoming invasive before it is released for large-scale commercial cultivation.The net GHG savings can be achieved through the cultivation of Jatropha, considering two main factors: no landuse change and crop management without chemical fertilization.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical forest planning approach for continuous forest-based employment in a forested village with primarily young stands. The model is designed to find the practice level for continuous forest employment which embraces both the goal of maximizing the total forest employment and the constraint of maintaining its annual balance, considering forest size and condition, and budget available for forest practice. Through controlling the practice level with the help of a desired employment effect that contributes to allocating forest practices equally to each plan year, a marginal practice level can be found under which any practice level fulfills the goal and constraints. The potential practice area, which is determined by forest area, stand age, and practice schedule, contributes to determining the area silviculturally available for forest practice. Our forest planning model is focused on the planning of young forests which are not expected to yield merchantable products in the near term. The model can also be characterized by landscape-level forest planning in which stand-level practices are planned for achieving a forest-level goal of continuous forest employment. Thus, the model can serve as a basic planning tool for maintaining healthy forests as well as continuous forest employment in young forest areas, where forest-level goals are predicated on stand level practices.  相似文献   

森林社会效益价值评价研究综述   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
对森林社会效益的认识可以追溯到18世纪的德国,主要是由于对森林美学的研究而引起的,其评价研究始于20世纪40年代.对森林社会效益,目前国内外还没有形成一个明确的、权威的定义,多数定义主要是对森林社会效益内容的描述、列举,还缺乏一个明确的、本质性的界定,还需要从经济学、生态学、环境经济学、林学和社会学等角度进行探索、研究.对评价内容也没有形成统一的认识,也处在认识、研究之中.比较认同的评价内容是森林提供的就业机会、森林游憩和森林的科学、文化、历史价值.森林社会效益的价值评价方法的研究,更是一个复杂的系统工程,目前,对森林提供的就业机会主要采用投入产出法、指数法评价;对森林游憩价值主要采用旅行费用法等评价;对森林科学、文化、历史价值主要采用指标评价法、条件价值法和综合模型评价法等评价.  相似文献   

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