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实行“以草定畜,草畜平衡”,是认真贯彻和落实《中华人民共和国草原法》,践行科学发展观,保护草原生态环境,维护国家生态安全,促进本地畜牧业可持续发展的必然选择。笔者根据阿坝州牧区草地畜牧业现状.提出阿坝州实行以草定畜的对策措施。  相似文献   

分析了红原县草原退化原因,提出了"以草定畜"和"以畜定草"并施的畜牧业生产理念,通过加快重点项目工程建设步伐,大力推广人工草地、半人工草地建设,探索"联营牧业"、草地共管等措施,遏制草地退化,解决草畜矛盾,实现草畜平衡,努力探索一条健康、可持续发展的生态畜牧业之路.  相似文献   

分析了红原县草原退化原因,提出了"以草定畜"和"以畜定草"并施的畜牧业生产理念,通过加快重点项目工程建设步伐,大力推广人工草地、半人工草地建设,探索"联营牧业"、草地共管等措施,遏制草地退化,解决草畜矛盾,实现草畜平衡,努力探索一条健康、可持续发展的生态畜牧业之路。  相似文献   

本文综述了新疆天然草地主要毒害草的种类与分布以及毒害草防除技术。新疆天然草地约有有毒植物24科81种,主要为醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)、乌头(Aconitum L.)、小花棘豆(Oxytropis glabra)、马先蒿(Pedicuaris)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、橐吾(Ligularia)、三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida),这些毒害草主要分布在山地草原、山地草甸草原、山地草甸和高寒草原以及水源附近等,毒害草的迅速蔓延,造成草地植被群落和生物多样性减少,植被单一化,可食牧草急剧减少、优良牧草产量下降。有效控制毒害草的蔓延,恢复草地生态系统是关键,这需要构建以生态治理为核心、化学和机械防控为补充的毒害草综合防除技术体系。  相似文献   

甘肃处在高山—荒漠系统中,这是一个脆弱的生态环境,极易遭到破坏。甘肃省的草食畜主要以传统的放牧为主,只在冬季添加一些精料,生产周期长,青草消耗量大,利用率不高,由于过度放牧使冬夏季草场不能合理利用,造成青苗不能复壮,草场不能得到有效恢复,年复一年,形成恶性循环。农区的饲养以田间地头草和树叶为主的饲料来源造成了树木在春季难以成活的直接恶果。一、牧区大搞草地建设,恢复草地产草量和被破坏的植被立草为业,建立省级优良牧草业生产基地,把加强牧区天然草建设和扩大人工种草、扩建围栏草地结合起来,近期主要对重度退化的草原实行…  相似文献   

休牧对云南退化山地草甸草群结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探明休牧对云南退化山地草甸的恢复和改良作用,对3年休牧封育进行监测。结果表明:休牧封育对恢复退化山地草甸植被有明显的效果;休牧封育后植株的高度明显提高;封育3年,轻、中和重度退化草地的草层高度分别较对照区提高了7、16和16倍;封育后群落组成发生显著变化,禾本科牧草比例上升,杂类草明显下降;封育提高了草地群落优良牧草的比率;封育3年即可恢复草地;封育是恢复退化山地草甸的一项有利于畜牧业可持续发展的良好措施。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草甸草地退化现状及治理对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
兰玉蓉 《青海草业》2004,13(1):27-30
青藏高原高寒草甸退化草地有1620×104hm2,占全区退化草地面积的32.40%。退化草地生产力很低,水土流失严重。由于长期超载过牧、鼠类危害和气候变暖等影响,加快了高寒草甸的退化速度。因此,对退化的高寒草甸类草地进行综合治理的探讨势在必行,针对退化原因,提出了以草定畜、防治草原鼠害和建立人工草地等治理对策。  相似文献   

为探讨禁牧、休牧和长年放牧等不同利用方式对草地植物群落的影响,于2003—2007年在天祝县抓喜秀龙乡山地草甸线叶嵩草型草地进行了连续5年的观测。结果表明,禁牧可提高山地草甸草原的植被盖度、高度、频度、产草量和优良牧草比例,对恢复草地生态具有重要意义;而长年放牧使各指标降低,毒杂草比例升高,导致草地生产力下降,草场退化;休牧为可食牧草的营养生长及种子成熟创造了条件,使草地植被群落特征保持稳定,既利用了草地的生产属性,又对生态不造成危害,是山地草甸比较理想的利用方式。  相似文献   

利用赛里木湖地区近50年来不同时期草地调查与监测资料、实际放牧量统计资料及降水和气温资料,分析了赛里木湖北部草地植被演替受放牧率及气候变化的影响.结果显示:在放牧强度持续上升并严重超载过牧的压力下,羊茅+杂类草的草原类草地植被成分演替趋势表现为:先是耐牧性、再生性差的杂类草退出建群种地位,而后耐牧性和抗旱性较强的苔草成为了草地植被的亚建群种,如果放牧强度仍居高不下,苔草、百里香等耐牧性和抗旱性更强的种类将成为草地的主要建群种,羊茅种群将不断减少,甚至退出.  相似文献   

对那曲地区中部高山嵩草草甸不同超载程度草地植被的调查分析结果表明,那曲地区中部高山嵩草草地超载严重,从定居点至放牧最远点,放牧压力逐渐降低,定居点附近超载高达3.73倍,超载最轻的草地也达到1.75倍;超载草地的多样性指数、植被盖度、地上现存生物量都显著低于围栏禁牧区;随超载程度的加大,莎草科植物、耐旱的杂类草、牲畜不喜食和不食的植物种有增加的趋势;综合分析超载下植被的不同特征变化并与现有的高寒草甸、草原类退化草地分类指标体系比较,初步认为,那曲地区的高山嵩草草甸都呈现退化加剧的趋势,已达到重度-中度退化程度,极重度超载区达到重度退化程度,重度和中度超载区达到中度退化程度,其比例分别达到9%和91%,远大于1996年的调查数据.  相似文献   

试验以川西北红原县实际生产中的联户草场为研究对象,分析了自然生产条件下不同载畜量对川西北高寒草甸植物群落的动态特征和土壤养分特征的影响。结果表明,随着载畜量的增加,冬草场坡地的优势种无脉苔草、垂穗披碱草和四川嵩草逐渐减少,杂类草鹅绒委陵菜和翻白委陵菜逐渐增加;夏草场平地的优势种逐渐由木里苔草变为华扁穗草、发草、乌拉苔草和藏嵩草;而不同放牧率的冬草场坡地和夏草场平地之间土壤养分均没有显著差异。总体而言,不论是冬草场坡地和夏草场平地,优良牧草比例均随载畜量的加大而逐渐下降;地上生物量、多样性指数均在适度放牧状况下较高,川西北高寒地区联户经营下的冬草场坡地适宜载畜量为0.97头/hm2,夏草场平地为1.14~1.33头/hm2。  相似文献   

本研究以坝上天然草地植物群落为研究对象,分析了不同草地利用方式(打草场、冬牧地、公牧地)对植物群落的数量特征、物种组成、功能群特征及物种多样性的影响.结果表明:冬牧地的群落高度、物种数及物种多样性指数均最大,打草场的群落盖度显著大于放牧地(冬牧地和公牧地)且其地上生物量与冬牧地没有显著差异,同时打草场物种多样性指数与冬...  相似文献   

秦海蓉 《青海草业》2012,21(1):34-36
青海省从2003年开始,在三江源地区实施围栏封育、补播改良、减畜禁牧等退牧还草工程。截至2010年底,共安排中央投资20.12亿元,完成禁牧任务733.33×104hm2,区域补播工程集中连片治理退化草地16.6×104hm2;工程实施范围覆盖了玉树、果洛、海南等地的17县71个乡。经过退牧还草工程跟踪调查,退牧还草区的草地植被群落高度有所增加,项目区草地植被和生产力有了明显提高。  相似文献   

永寿县种草养畜技术示范与推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种草、养畜技术示范与推广是通过开展人工种草、推广舍饲养畜,使草场生态得到保护,草场植被得到恢复,并且可生产出大量牧草,一来用作饲料发展养殖业,二来可提高草场植被覆盖度,防止和减少水土流失,改善生态环境。促进永寿县以黄牛为主的畜牧业的健康发展,实现以草促畜、以畜带草,草畜同步发展。本文对永寿县种草养畜的基本情况,包括区位优势、政策优势、效益优势、技术优势做了概括,对种草养畜的主要做法进行了总结,并提出了完善和细化的技术方案,最后谈了作者的体会。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠的采食造丘活动影响草地植被群落组成和结构,造成草地植被的空间异质性——土丘和植被斑块。本研究以冬季牧场中不同高原鼢鼠种群密度干扰下的植被性状为研究对象,探索植被群落组成结构对高原鼢鼠不同种群密度干扰的功能性响应。结果表明:植被高度随着鼢鼠种群密度的增加呈显著增加趋势(P<0.05),群落盖度和禾草丰富度呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),而物种丰富度及杂类草丰富度随鼢鼠种群密度的增加表现出单峰曲线格局。地下总生物量随鼢鼠种群密度的增加呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),杂类草生物量则表现出相反的趋势,而禾草类生物量表现出先降低后增加的趋势。由此可见,适宜密度的鼢鼠干扰有利于物种丰富度的提高,而低密度和高密度的鼢鼠干扰有利于草地中禾草生物量的提高。  相似文献   

During the years 2000–2001, 7 non-lactating beef cows, 40 ewes and 40 does were managed in mixed grazing on a natural heathland vegetation plot (22 ha) with 20% improved pasture (perennial ryegrass) on a hill (1000 m a.s.l.) experimental farm located in the NW of Spain. Samples of faeces and vegetation components were collected monthly to estimate diet selection, using the alkane markers, and diet overlapping level. Animals were weighed monthly to quantify live weight changes and performance of the three livestock species during different periods (spring, summer, autumn, winter) of the grazing season.

The percentage of shrubs in the diet was significantly higher in the small ruminants (ranging between 36% and 85%) than in cows (less than 25%) in any period. Gorse (Ulex gallii) and heather (Erica spp., Calluna) percentages were always significantly higher in does than in ewes, except in autumn for heather. Herbaceous component (namely grasses) was higher in cattle (75–99%) than in small ruminants (15–64%). The lowest mean dietary overlap was found between cattle and goats (50.4%), with large differences during the grazing season, ranging between 20% and 70%.

The three animal species increased their live weight in the first grazing period (spring), when the mean sward height on the improved area was higher than 6.0 cm. However, when the sward height was lower than 3.5 cm (summer–winter), cows lost weight (− 437 g/day) while ewes and goats were still able to increase their weight (29 and 5 g/day, respectively).

Therefore, it seems that small ruminants, mainly sheep, are more suitable than cattle from the vegetation utilization and animal performance points of view, as cows were unable to maintain live weight when the preferred grass availability decreases. Goats were the species that included the highest proportion of heathland vegetation components in the diet, especially gorse, although their performance was significantly lower than in sheep. In consequence, small ruminant production systems could be more sustainable than cattle. The results indicate that mixed grazing of sheep and goats could be appropriate in these vegetation communities, allowing the development of sustainable systems, in which animal performance and the efficiency of resource use are maximized.  相似文献   

Grazing by large herbivores has been shown to condition vegetation in a manner that improves grassland quality for subsequent herbivory. Fescue grasslands evolved with disturbance from fire and winter grazing by bison but are now grazed primarily by cattle during summer. We examined the effect of long-term summer grazing on the seasonal forage production and quality of fescue grasslands in an examination of the hypothesis that long-term grazing had conditioned fescue grasslands to benefit livestock. This hypothesis was examined by comparing, between grazed and ungrazed plots, the biomass and composition of herbage components, concentrations of nitrogen (N) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) therein, and the ability of major plant types to maintain their biomass and quality throughout the growing season. The study was conducted in southern Alberta at five sites that had long-term exclosures (20+ yr) on grasslands that had been moderately grazed. Grazing had no effect on the N concentration of associated grasses, but grasses had lower N concentration than forbs. Concentrations of ADF followed a reciprocal trend to N. Grazing increased the mass of forbs from about 10% to 20% as a proportion of total biomass, which in turn, was not affected by grazing history. However, this grazing-induced shift to a higher quality vegetation type was not sufficient to affect total mass of N or total digestible nutrients at the community level. Rather than changes in current growth and quality, the predominant effect of summer grazing was in reducing litter mass, which also had the potential for affecting forage production and selection by herbivores. Finally, grazing reduced the relative contribution of rough fescue to total biomass by about 30%, and despite no significant effect on the potential to support summer grazing, this change could reduce the quality of these grasslands for winter grazing.  相似文献   

本试验以呼伦贝尔草甸草原中禾本科、杂类草和灌木这3种功能型植物为研究对象,开展放牧强度对不同功能型植物碳、氮、磷含量,化学计量特征以及贮量的影响研究.结果表明:禾本科有机碳含量在各放牧强度下均最高;氮磷含量杂类草最高;3种功能群的有机碳含量均在适度放牧时最高,过度放牧时降低;轻度放牧使得禾本科、灌木的碳氮比、碳磷比升高...  相似文献   

Expert opinion was sought on 2 issues relating to herbivory: seasonal sheep preferences for plant species and seasonal plant response to grazing. Expert opinion is commonly used to parameterize models: it is therefore important to assess its quality. Understanding the limitations of expert knowledge can allow prioritization of future research. Nine experts in plant or grazing ecology from Scotland/Northern England were individually interviewed. The experts ranked sheep preferences for species in 4 rangeland vegetation types and provided categorical information on plant response to grazing. For both issues, seasonal information was collected. Uncertainty (unanswered questions) on plant responses was much higher than uncertainty on sheep preferences. Uncertainty on sheep preference was significantly negatively correlated with plant species commonness, but not with quantity of scientific literature. Uncertainty on plant responses was significantly negatively correlated with both plant commonness and literature. There was agreement among experts on sheep preferences; standardized seasonal information for selected plant species is presented. In general, experts considered graminoids to be preferred over dwarf shrubs, with forbs and other species groups intermediate. Seasonal variation in sheep preference was greater for heath and mire than for grasslands. There was limited agreement among experts on seasonal plant responses. Some experts considered grazing in summer to affect growth more than grazing in winter, whereas others thought season had little effect. Sufficient agreement was found at the species level to present results on plant responses. Experts considered graminoids more resilient to grazing than dwarf shrubs. Experts agreed on sheep preference at different times of year, and on the overall resilience of plant species to grazing. However, the experts held 2 paradigms on the impact of seasonal grazing. Further research is required to explore this, because seasonal grazing regimes are currently promoted as conservation management tools.  相似文献   

黑河流域草地资源保护与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑河流域除绿洲地区外有160万hm2的草地,进行草地分户、围栏封育、人工改良草地;牧户按地定畜、优化牧场、推广良种、改良畜群;按草定牧、实行休牧和轮牧;革新观念、子羔出栏、加速出栏周期、保障牧民增收等措施可保护草地资源,加速草地建设,繁荣牧区经济.  相似文献   

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