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随着科学技术的发展,农业的发展越来越趋于信息化、现代化,智慧农业是未来农业发展的必然趋势。温室控制系统是智慧设施农业的核心,是实现设施农业规模化发展、集约化生产的关键。本研究综述了温室控制相关研究进展,以期在今后的研究中起到一定的作用。温室控制系统自20世纪70年代发展至今越来越成熟,本研究对比了温室控制系统的控制算法、主控芯片、各种传感器,通过对近些年来包括控制系统在内的感知层、传输层和应用层等组成部分综述,并介绍了市面上比较主流的传感器、网络传输技术以及主控芯片,旨在为温室控制系统的设计提供一种可选择的方案,并对温室设施农业中存在的问题和未来的发展方向进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the main problems in the operation control for ball mill pulverizing system, proposes the dynamic mathematical model for the steel ball mill pulverizing system , simulates and analyzes the dynamic character of the system. A Fuzzy-PID controller with on-line self-tuning parameters based on fuzzy control technology is proposed .The simulation results show that the Fuzzy-PID control system can improve the controlling effect and the ability of suppressing disturbances.  相似文献   

In the civil industry, quality is a key factor, so quality management and quality control play decisive roles in construction especially. At present, the main method of construction is quality controlling that engineers and technicians consult the standard and norm concerned, then check them one by one, and supervise the construction. It is not only inefficient but also easy to make mistake. Using computer technology in the quality control of construction will promote quality control level and improve management measures. Through the research of the quality control of construction,the system of quality control in construction is studied and developed, the structure of the software and its developed technology are expounded.  相似文献   

Because there are lots of difficulties in mathematic modeling for uncertainty complex object, so it is not suitable to utilize traditional methods in some aspect such as identification, analysis, synthetical design and implementation. Especially, for the idea of system modeling, it is very different in comparison with traditional mathematic modeling, therefore, it is very difficult to study control problem for uncertainty system in technology and theory. On the basis of summarizing characteristics of uncertainty complex object, present to establish generalized control model, and apply intelligent control strategy to implement control effectively. In addition, authors also studied control algorithm and system structure. Engineering practice shows that it is effective and successful to establish generalized control model, and select intelligent control strategy for uncertainty control system.  相似文献   

In practical industrial fields, it is very difficult to control uncertain complexity object effectively, because there are various uncertainties from internal dynamic characteristic and external, surroundings disturbance for controlled object. Its complexity is not only shown in structure, but also in information relation, so it is uneasy to implement it on technology. Aimed at selecting puzzle of control strategy for uncertain complexity system control, the authors describe cybernetics model based on analysis on some kinds of control strategy and contrastive research, and the model is applied in physical engineering system successfully. Finally, the authors point out that intelligent control strategy should be selected for uncertain complexity system control, and that Human Simulation Intelligent Control is a wise choice.  相似文献   

As a standardized formal language, the SDL has widely been used in the software development. In order to extend its application field, it has been explored to use in hardware design.This paper gives a logical gate circuit-and gate as an example to explain the method of applying SDL to describe and simulate/validate the hardware characters by the SDT tool. The various logic circuits or digital circuits may be made to the SDL packages because the SDL supports the object oriented technology. These packages can be directly invoked in the design of the complex digital system, so it is possible to describe and simulate/validate the complex digital system.The experiment has proved that the application of SDL for hardware design is feasible and rather convenient.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the effect rules of control parameters of speed regulator on performance indexes of induction vector-controlled system and the setting rules of control parameters of speed regulator,according to rotor flux oriented control principle,a vector control model of induction motor is established and simulated with the software of Matlab/Simulink.This vector control system is proved that it possesses good static and dynamic performance.This paper analyzes the effect of control parameters' variations of speed regulator on performance indexes and gives simulation results.  相似文献   

Based on the model of Human Simulation Intelligent Controller (HSIC) presented briefly, a detailed algorithm was described for the servo system control by using the method of HSIC. Simulation results obtained proves the good performance of the control algorithm.  相似文献   

论述了反刍动物舔砖加工控制系统的设计思路,可编程控制器(PLC)及微机在控制系统中的应用,结合加工工艺流程与工作原理,提出了用PLC进行控制的设计思路及控制设计方法。  相似文献   

运用HACCP体系对梨采后贮藏过程中的潜在危害进行了分析,并确定了梨采收、分级、预冷、贮藏四个关键控制点.制定了相应的预防措施和控制方法。实施HACCP计划后,涉及梨果实贮藏的主要工序可达到理想状态.将贮藏过程中的潜在危害降至最低,确保贮藏过程中梨果实的优质和食用安全。  相似文献   

An original variable valve timing mechanism with two-mode intake timing parameters is developed according to the structural characteristics of small-medium displacement motorcycle engine. Based on cycle simulation, a cycle simulation model of VVT mechanism for motorcycle engine is created. The control strategy of variable valve timing and lifting running-model are carried out at idle speed low negative load, middle negative load, low speed high negative load and high speed high negative load. It has been proved that the performance of JH125 motorcycle engine can be effectively improved by loading the new type VVT system.  相似文献   

This paper researches the fuzzy control and simulation of regulating system for PMSM in electrical vehicle. The mathematics model is set up.The PMSM,the PMSM measures demux, dq to abc converter and the three phrase PWM converter models are set up in MATLAB/ Simulink. The fuzzy controller is designed with two dimension fuzzy design method, and take E and EC as input variable, U is the output variable. According to the controller and models, the fuzzy control model of regulating system for PMSM is created in matlab/simulink. At last, to test the accuracy of the control method with the simulation result.  相似文献   

邱甜  牛力立  朱江  蔡甫格  王庆伟 《作物杂志》2021,37(2):160-1590
为提高试管苗品质,优化马铃薯脱毒继代培养,以延薯4号脱毒苗为试验材料,选用6-BA(0.5、1.0、1.5mg/L)、水杨酸(0.2、0.4、0.6mg/L)和油菜素内酯(0.01、0.10、1.00mg/L)处理试管苗,以不添加生长调节剂为对照,研究3种生长调节剂对马铃薯试管苗生长形态特征、叶绿素含量、根活力、移栽后幼苗成活率及结薯特性的影响,结果显示,3种生长调节剂均能在一定程度上增加株高、茎粗、鲜重、平均根长、根条数和叶片数,6-BA、水杨酸和油菜素内酯分别在1.0mg/L、0.4mg/L和1mg/L处理时促进效果较好,叶绿素含量、根活力以及移栽后幼苗成活率和结薯特性均较好,且在水杨酸浓度为0.4mg/L时,试管苗生长最好,移栽后成活率最高,结薯特性较好,是最适壮苗培养基。  相似文献   

This paper first analyzes the internal dynamic process of the UPFC,then a five order differential equation is presented to describe dynamic behavior of UPFC. In term of this,a optimal control system is designed.Dynamic simulation of a transmission system demonstrates the effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper presents the character of cascade control system and the design of the main loop and subloop. A cascade PID control system based on MATLAB is designed, which is controlled by MATLAB control program based on incremental PID control algorithm and PID parameter tuning method based on computer control. The results show that the control system has good performance.  相似文献   

Aiming at systems which are of characteristics of multi-input and multi-output, nonlinearity and time-variation in the industrial control fields, this paper presents a intelligent PID control method based on ameliorative RBF neural networks, which constructs RBF neural networks identifier on-line and identifies a controlled object on-line by means of adopting the nearest neighbor-clustering algorithm, and adjusts parameters of PID controller on-line and realizes decoupiing control of multivariable, nonlinear and time-variation system. The simulation result indicates that the controller can get parameters which are optimal under some control law, it makes the decoupled system, compared to the PID control method based on the conventional RBF neural networks, has perfect dynamic and static performances, possesses the advantages of high precision, quick response speed and is of great adaptability and robustness.  相似文献   

不同玉米品种在不同化控剂作用下产量的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为不同玉米品种寻找出其最适的化控剂,以6 种不同的玉米杂交品种为主因素,以5 种不同的玉米化控剂处理为次因素,采用随机区组设计研究不同玉米品种在不同化控剂处理下各小区产量的变化情况。研究结果表明:‘协玉5 号’品种在化控剂处理下产量增加较其他品种显著,‘协玉3 号’品种不适合化控处理;玉黄金、矮壮素化控剂以及喷水处理并不能显著提高产量,高玉金对产量增加有负效应;同时,‘协玉4 号’、‘太玉339’品种喷矮壮素能提高产量,‘协玉5 号’、‘先玉335’品种喷玉黄金能增产。化控剂对提高玉米产量作用不明显,不同的玉米品种适用不同的化控剂。  相似文献   

n this paper,researches of digital valves in Japan in recent years are briefly de-scribed. The operation principles and the structure of a new digital speed control valve are analysed.This new valve is made by Japanese Tokyokeiki company. Based on these investigations , theoretiealanalysis,degital simulation and experimental study are emphasized to the valve's static and dynamiccharacteristics.  相似文献   

不同植物生长调节物质对玉米根系衰老及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨不同植物生长调节物质对玉米根系衰老及产量的调控效应。采取盆栽试验和大田试验,以玉米品种郑单958为材料,研究了7种植物生长调节物质拌种处理对玉米根系生长、根系活力、根系抗氧化及产量的影响。结果表明:7种植物生长调节物质拌种处理后根系发达,根系数量增多,根量增大,根系活力和后期根系中抗氧化酶的活性增强,延缓根系衰老,且复合处理的效应明显大于单一处理。在各处理中,E调控效应最为明显,玉米产量较CK提高9.93%。表明不同植物生长调节物质对玉米根系衰老及产量具有明显的调控作用,在玉米生产应用复合生长调节物质E是一项可行的技术。  相似文献   

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