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This paper based on the relationship between the natural geographic environment of the city and its form, analyses the effect of the Three Gorges reservoir on the city form in this area. The author believes that the round and ribbon form of the city in this area will be broken, and the group and ribbon group and constellation forms will be developed. It is pointed out that this is because of the diversity of natural environment so as "design with considering the nature".  相似文献   

鲜食葡萄始终占主导地位是我国葡萄产业发展的一个突出特点.长期以来,我国鲜食葡萄贮运保鲜业一直比较滞后,基本是季产季销,地产地销.因此,我国鲜食葡萄集中产区经常出现采后"运不出、贮不进、销不掉"的被动局面,阻碍了鲜食葡萄产业在适宜栽植区的快速发展.一些非适宜产区为了填补当地鲜食葡萄市场空白,也在积极发展鲜食葡萄生产,其结果必然导致生产成本提高,不利于我国鲜食葡萄的区域化种植和商品化生产基地的建设.  相似文献   

Such the geological hazards as landslide, rockfall, debris-flow and so on frequently occur in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, so it is a very practical and immediate job to explore the mechanism caused the geological hazards and how to forecast and control the geological hazards. For this reason, this paper introduces the situation of the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the major type and feature of the geological hazards occurred in Chongqing, and discusses the basic principle about the modern nonlinear science applied to the geological hazards and the creep-slip, stick-slip occurred on the joints of rock mass and the monitoring technology of the geological hazards.The basic thinking is put forward which can be applied the modern nonlinear science to the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

Complexity of mutual act and different sensation of different tourists are important factors influencing regional tourism resources evaluation. Fuzzy mathematic method can be used to up quantitative evaluation method on tourism resources evaluation. Taking Wushan Small Three Gorges as an example, the author carries out the evaluation of the tourism resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir. At the same time, the authors consider that five factors, such as improvement of the comunication of tourism resources, quickening the Steps of urbanization in reservior area, must be done well.  相似文献   

Purple soil and yellow soil from Three Gorges Reservoir area are submerged and incubated under a nitrogen atmosphere at constant temperature (25℃) to study the dissimilatory iron reduction processes and its effect on chemical form of Fe. The results show that pH and ORP decrease with the transition of soil redox condition, and it is especially obvious for yellow soil. The content of Fe(Ⅱ) increases to 3 495.21 mg/kg for yellow soil and 536.44 mg/kg for purple soil. There are no obvious changes of redox condition and Fe(Ⅱ) for sterile soil. It suggests that dissimilatory iron reduction should be driven by metabolic activity of microbe. With the transition of soil redox condition, the content of oxide-Fe increases significantly, and the content of Fe(Ⅱ) and oxide-Fe are significantly and positively correlated, which indicate that transformation of Fe speciation is the result of dissimilatory iron reduction.  相似文献   

The second step of water storage for Three Gorges Reservoir will be executed in Jue,2003. Because there is still a large quantity of industrial solid waste(ISW) dumped on the reservoir bottom where should be cleaned before water storage and wastes should be disposed. After a full investigation and analyze, the total amount of ISW in the Chongqing reservoir area is about 1.66 million tons. According the principles of safe, economical and reliable, this paper describes the ISW's treatment. The ordinary ISW which is harmless and non toxic after identification should be treated on-site, the ISW that exceeds the national standards should be removed and be disposed in the landfill, and the hazardous waste should be removed for disposition or storage.  相似文献   

After the dam of the Three Gorges is built, the raising water will inevitably cause the revival of the part of ancient landslide and the generation of new landslide ,which will influence the town development and traffic safety in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In the light of the specific conditions of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, this paper, taking Fengdu's MingShan landslide in Chongqing for an example, has considered ten typical calculative projects, offered the correspondent load systems acting on the sliding mass and put forward the analytical and calculative method to evaluate the stability of a landslide. The ten typical calculative projects include dry season(natural state), raining season (rainstorm or rain for a long period of time), dry season and water level (175m ) of the reservoir, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir, dry season and earthquake, raining season and earthquake, dry season and water level (175 m ) of the reservoir and earthquake, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir and earthquake, dry season and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, raining seasons and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, and so on.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments play an important role in the transformation process of pollutants in rivers.The adsorption characteristic of suspended sediments in Three Gorges Reservoir Area to phosphate was studied in this paper.Based on the indoor adsorption balancing experiment and kinetic modeling experiment,the main factors for adsorption process of sediments(particle size of sediment,initial concentration etc.) were discussed.The major results of the experiment were as follows:(1) Three kinds of suspended sediments with different particle sizes were used for the study of adsorption characteristic with different sediment concentration.The amount of phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of the sediment concentration and sediment particle size.(2) With the help of Langmuir isotherm theory,the related parameters in kinetic model were estimated,the experiment results indicated that the adsorption isotherm of phosphate in Three Gorges Reservoir Area fitted with the fifth type of Langmuir adsorption isotherm,the maximum amount of phosphate adsorption would emerge when the phosphate concentration was relatively high,but it would move down when the phosphate concentration increased afterwards.(3) Phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of initial phosphate concentration,the average time for adsorption balance was 2-4 hours.  相似文献   

作为控制食品安全的一种手段,很多国家和地区已经实施了HACCP体系,对羊肉生产过程中的各个环节可能存在的潜在危害进行了生物的、化学的、物理的分析,根据HACCP原理确定相应的关键控制点(CCP)和关键限值,并制定了相应的预防措施,建立了监控方法,将生产过程中的危害因素降低到最低程度,从而最大限度提高羊肉的食用安全性,旨在促进库区肉羊屠宰加工产业的发展。  相似文献   

400715 重庆市北碚区西南农业大学资源环境学院,  相似文献   

选择3种不同的退耕地,即前茬为水稻地、黄豆地和草皮地,进行混播人工草地建设。分析测定了6个组合、2个混播比例(3:7和5:5)在不同退耕地中的生长速度、总产量、组分产量及各组分比例。结果发现不同退耕地显著影响人工草地产量及组分变化。黄豆地产量显著高于水稻地和草皮地(p<0.01)。而草皮地豆科牧草产量又显著高于黄豆地和水稻地(p<0.01)。同时,不同组合的产草量及组分比例随着刈割时间的不同而不同。草皮地中各牧草第2次刈割产量平均较第1次提高430%。3种土壤中,除F组合3:7混播比例外,2个组合不同混播比例苇状羊茅与鸭茅的比值都是第2次小于第1次。  相似文献   

There is a promising future for lateral aviation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River because of the abundant natural and cultural tourism resources.The advantage of the lateral aviation is its low investment,convenience,speed,and wide service area.It is an important factor for the future development of tourism in cities in this area.This paper analyzes the realities and problems facing lateral aviation in this area and suggests some countermeasures and planning suggestions for lateral aviation development.  相似文献   

The elements N and P are crucial to the water quality of Three Gorges Reservoir. After the present situation and characteristics of N and P pollutions analyzed and statistical method, flux method and modeling method adopted to estimate the quantity of N and P from upstream and reservoir area, the pollution loads of point and no-point pollution source, the conclusion that the main source of N and P pollutants are from both upstream of Reservoir and non-point pollution.  相似文献   

为了明确三峡库区(重庆段)各区(县)城市化阶段与粮食播种面积变化驱动力分区,并明确对应城市化阶段与粮食播种面积变化驱动力分区之间的关系,笔者运用了统计分析法、层次分析法、模糊综合评价法进行研究。研究结果表明:(1)研究区城市化率增长速度快,根据城市化率确定了不同时期各区(县)所处的城市化阶段;(2)粮食播种面积总体上呈现下降趋势与“适度增加—急剧减少—小幅增加—小幅减少”的状态,并且区(县)差异明显;(3)粮食播种面积驱动力空间分区可分为最优型经济福利—生态安全驱动区、最优型经济福利—粮食安全驱动区、生存型经济福利—粮食安全驱动区;(4)确定了研究区城市化阶段与粮食播种面积变化驱动力分区的对应关系。此项研究有利于缓和粮食安全保障与经济发展的矛盾,也可为研究区制定差异化的粮食安全保障措施提供参考。  相似文献   

三峡库区支流域澎溪河浮游动物的季节性变化与水质评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究三峡库区北岸最大支流澎溪河中浮游动物与水质状况的关系。本研究分别于2009年春季(3月)、夏季(7月)在澎溪河流域上游至下游5个河流断面进行采样,对水体中浮游动物的种类及数量进行监测,并应用Margalef丰富度指数(d)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)对水体营养状况进行评价。研究发现:使用浮游动物评价水质状况得出的结论与营养水平评价结论存在较大差异,基于浮游动物种类及优势度评价得出的水质富营养化程度轻于基于营养盐的评价。  相似文献   

针对三峡库区资源环境和农业生产现状及存在问题,探讨了农业资源持续高效利用的主要生产模式,即:种—养—加—销一体化模式、农林牧复合模式、农林复合模式、种—养立体农业模式和庭院高效生态农业模式等,并结合典型案例进行分析。此外,提出了实现农业资源持续高效利用的建议和对策。  相似文献   

三峡库区次级河流污染现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻在治理三峡库区次级河流水体污染具有广阔前景,对保护三峡水库的水环境贡献很大,在库区水体中可以发挥强大的环境生态功能。本文通过分析三峡库区次级河流的环境问题,预测了金鱼藻和黑藻在库区的应用前景,即防止水体富营养化、有机物污染、重金属污染、抑制藻类生长,以及维持生物多样性、生态完整性和稳定性。  相似文献   

研究了三峡库区澎溪河落干期消落带不同地点、不同高程段、不同土地利用方式下土壤硝化强度及影响因素。结果表明,研究区域消落带硝化强度范围为0.76~9.76 mg/kg·d,平均值为3.76±0.76 mg/kg·d,明显低于国内其他研究区域土壤硝化强度。澎溪河消落带从上游汉丰湖到下游黄石,土壤硝化强度呈现递减的趋势。随着高程的增加,消落带土壤硝化强度逐渐降低,但没有显著差异(P >0.05)。消落带不同土地利用方式中,河滩地土壤硝化强度显著高于耕地土壤硝化强度(P<0.05),是耕地土壤硝化强度的1.82倍。消落带土壤硝化强度与土壤pH值呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与有机质含量及亚硝化菌数量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),周期性的淹水影响了消落带土壤pH值和有机质含量,从而影响了消落带土壤硝化强度。  相似文献   

Taking ancient Dachang Town as an example, this paper first points out the particular value of the ancient town and introduces briefly its actuality, and then elaborates the fact that Dachang Town will he rebuilt in other place owing to the construction of Three - gorges project. Finally, this paper expounds how to preserve and keep the traditional style and features in its rebuilding layout and architectural design.  相似文献   

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