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The diets, morphological features and habitats of 258 specimens of the three inshore fish species Notothenia coriiceps, N. macrocephala and Harpagifer georgianus from Marion Island are described and compared. Correspondence analysis of the three diets shows the existence of three clearly defined feeding niches despite the occurrence of some common prey species. Inter-and intraspecific similarities and differences in the diets of small and large size classes of each species are also displayed by correspondence analysis. Size-limited predation by N. coriiceps of the limpet Nacella delesserti is described. Differences in the habitats occupied by the fish appear to be important in determining the species composition of their diets.  相似文献   

Being active in the same environment at different times exposes animals to the effects of very different environmental factors, both biotic and abiotic. In the present study, we used live traps equipped with timing devices to evaluate the potential role of biotic factors (competition and food abundance) on overall overlap in the temporal niche axis of 4 insectivorous small mammals in high‐elevation grassland fields (‘campos de altitude’) of southern Brazil. Based on resources availability (invertebrates), data on animal captures were pooled in 2 seasons: ‘scarcity’ (June 2001–September 2001) and ‘abundance’ (November 2001–May 2002) seasons. We tested for non‐random structure in temporal niche overlap among the species in each season. These species were the rodents Oxymycterus nasutus (Waterhouse, 1837), Deltamys sp., Akodon azarae (Fischer, 1829), and the marsupial Monodelphis brevicaudis Olfers, 1818. The studied community was mainly diurnal with crepuscular peaks. Simulations using the Pianka index of niche overlap indicated that the empirical assemblage‐wide overlap was not significantly different from randomly generated patterns in the abundance season but significantly greater than expected by chance alone in the scarcity season. All the species showed an increase in temporal niche breadth during the abundance season, which appears to be related to longer daylength and high nocturnal temperatures. Patterns on both temporal niche overlap and temporal niche breadth were the opposite to those that we were expecting in the case of diel activity patterns determined by competition for dietary resources. Therefore, we conclude that competition did not seem to be preponderant for determining patterns of temporal niche overlap by the studied community.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下植物种群生态位研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
运用改进的Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,通过对不同立地条件下样带的比较,分析了主要植物种群在不同立地条件下的生态位变化以及种间关系、群落结构对立地条件的响应。结果表明,草地群落建群种本氏针茅的生态位宽度在4种立地条件下都表现为最大值,非建群种的生态位宽度随环境条件的改变呈较大的波动性。生态位重叠指数表明,生态位较宽的物种与其它物种间存在较大的生态位重叠,但在一定的立地条件下,生态位较窄的物种之间也存在着较大的生态位重叠,这种现象是种群对有限环境资源激烈竞争的体现;不同种间生态位重叠随立地条件的变化格局存在较大差异,这种差异是由植物种间生物生态学特性和需求差异造成的;但同一种对在不同立地条件下生态位重叠的变化是立地条件对种间关系影响的结果。总体来说,在黄土丘陵沟壑区,由于环境条件的影响,物种生态位重叠相对较低。  相似文献   

By tracking the fate of individual seeds from 6 frugivore‐dispersed plants with contrasting seed traits in a fragmented subtropical forest in Southwest China, we explored how rodent seed predation and hoarding were influenced by seed traits such as seed size, seed coat hardness and seed profitability. Post‐dispersal seed fates varied significantly among the 6 seed species and 3 patterns were witnessed: large‐seeded species with a hard seed coat (i.e. Choerospoadias axillaries and Diospyros kaki var. silvestris) had more seeds removed, cached and then surviving at caches, and they also had fewer seeds predated but a higher proportion of seeds surviving at the source; medium‐sized species with higher profitability and thinner seed coat (i.e. Phoebe zhennan and Padus braohypoda) were first harvested and had the lowest probability of seeds surviving either at the source or at caches due to higher predation before or after removal; and small‐seeded species with lower profitability (i.e. Elaeocarpus japonicas and Cornus controversa) had the highest probability of seeds surviving at the source but the lowest probability of seeds surviving at caches due to lower predation at the source and lower hoarding at caches. Our study indicates that patterns of seed predation, dispersal and survival among frugivore‐dispersed plants are highly determined by seed traits such as seed size, seed defense and seed profitability due to selective predation and hoarding by seed‐eating rodents. Therefore, trait‐mediated seed predation, dispersal and survival via seed‐eating rodents can largely affect population and community dynamics of frugivore‐dispersed plants in fragmented forests.  相似文献   

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a severe cardio pulmonary disease transmitted to humans by sylvan rodents found in natural and rural environments. Disease transmission is closely linked to the ecology of animal reservoirs and abiotic factors such as habitat characteristics, season or climatic conditions. The main goals of this research were: to determine the biotic and abiotic factors affecting richness and abundance of rodent species at different spatial scales, to evaluate different methodologies for studying population of small rodents, and to describe and analyze an ecologically‐based rodent management experience in a highly touristic area. A 4‐year study of small rodent ecology was conducted between April 2007 and August 2011 in the most relevant habitats of El Palmar National Park, Argentina. Management involved a wide range of control and prevention measures, including poisoning, culling and habitat modification. A total of 172 individuals of 5 species were captured with a trapping effort of 13 860 traps‐nights (1.24 individuals/100 traps‐nights). Five rodent species were captured, including 2 hantavirus‐host species, Oligoryzomys nigripes and Akodon azarae. Oligoryzomys nigripes, host of a hantavirus that is pathogenic in humans, was the most abundant species and the only one found in all the studied habitats. Our results are inconsistent with the dilution effect hypothesis. The present study demonstrates that sylvan rodent species, including the hantavirus‐host species, have distinct local habitat selection and temporal variation patterns in abundance, which may influence the risk of human exposure to hantavirus and may have practical implications for disease transmission as well as for reservoir management.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that animal species differ in physiological characteristics of their digestive tract. Because investigating digestive processes is often labour‐intensive, requiring lengthy adaptation and collection periods, comparisons are often made on the basis of data collated from different studies. We added a new data set on dietary crude fibre (CF) and macromineral (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg) composition and apparent digestibility (aD) of organic matter (OM) and macrominerals in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus; a total of 180 measurements with 12 individuals and 10 different diets) to a literature data collection for rodents and domestic horses (Equus caballus). Significant negative relationships between dietary CF and aD OM were obtained, but the significant difference in digestive efficiency between rabbits and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) reported from studies where both species had been investigated under identical conditions were not detectable in the larger data collection. However, the 95% confidence interval of the negative slope of the CF–aD OM relationship did not overlap between domestic horses on the one hand, and rabbits and guinea pigs on the other hand, indicating a less depressing effect of CF in horses. Akaike's information criterion indicated that aD of a macromineral did not only depend on its concentration in the diet, but also on the individual and various other diet characteristics and the presence of other macrominerals, indicating complex interactions. The data indicate similar mechanisms in the absorption of macrominerals amongst rabbits, rodents and horses, with the exception of Na and K in guinea pigs and Ca in chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger) that should be further corroborated. In particular, the occurrence of high aD Ca in hindgut fermenters, regardless of whether they employ a digestive strategy of coprophagy or whether they have fossorial habits, suggests that this peculiarity might represent an adaptation to hindgut fermentation in general.  相似文献   

Some rodents gather and store seeds. How many seeds they gather and how they treat those seeds is largely determined by seed traits such as mass, nutrient content, hardness of the seed coat, presence of secondary compounds, and germination schedule. Through their consumption and dispersal of seeds, rodents act as agents of natural selection on seed traits, and those traits influence how rodents forage. Many seeds that are scatter‐hoarded by rodents are pilfered, or stolen, by other rodents, and seed traits also likely influence pilfering rates and seed fates of pilfered seeds. To clarify coevolutionary relationships between rodents and the plants that they disperse, one needs to understand the role of seed traits in rodent foraging decisions. We compared how the seeds of 4 species of plants that are dispersed by scatter‐hoarding animals and that differ in value (singleleaf piñon pine, Pinus monophylla; desert peach, Prunus andersonii; antelope bitterbrush, Purshia tridentata; Utah juniper, Juniperus osteosperma) were pilfered and recached by rodents. One hundred artificial caches of the 4 seed species (25 per species) were prepared, and removal by rodents was monitored. Rodents pilfered high‐value seeds more rapidly than the other seeds. Desert peach seeds, which contain toxic secondary compounds, were more frequently recached. Relatively low value seeds like Utah juniper and antelope bitterbrush were pilfered more slowly and were sometimes left at cache sites, and seeds of the latter species were transported shorter distances to new cache sites. The background density of seeds also appeared to influence the relative value of seeds.  相似文献   

The thermoregulation of the largest subterranean rodent, genus Bathyergus, comprising two species, B. suillus and B. janetta, occurring in mesic and semiarid habitats respectively, was investigated and compared with that of other subterranean rodents. Both species display low resting metabolic rates and low body temperatures characteristic of subterranean rodents. The lower metabolism and smaller body size of B. janetta, may be an ‘energy-saving’ adaptation to its semi-arid habitat.  相似文献   

Superior species may have distinct advantages over subordinates within asymmetrical interactions among sympatric animals. However, exactly how the subordinate species coexists with superior species is unknown. In the forests west of Beijing City, intense asymmetrical interactions of food competition exist among granivorous rodents (e.g. Apodemus peninsulae, Niviventer confucianus, Sciurotamias davidianus and Tscherskia triton) that have broadly overlapping habitats and diets but have varied body size (range 15–300 g), hoarding habits (scatter vs larder) and/or daily rhythm (diurnal vs nocturnal). The smallest rodent, A. peninsulae, which typically faces high competitive pressure from larger rodents, is an ideal model to explore how subordinate species coexist with superior species. Under semi‐natural enclosure conditions, we tested responses of seed‐hoarding behavior in A. peninsulae to intraspecific and interspecific competitors in the situations of pre‐competition (without competitor), competition (with competitor) and post‐competition (competitor removed). The results showed that for A. peninsulae, the intensity of larder‐hoarding increased and the intensity of scatter‐hoarding declined in the presence of intraspecifics and S. davidianus, whereas A. peninsulae ceased foraging and hoarding in the presence of N. confucianus and T. triton. A. peninsulae reduced intensity of hoarding outside the nest and moved more seeds into the nest for larder‐hoarding under competition from intraspecific individuals and S. davidianus. In most cases, the experimental animals could recover to their original state of pre‐competition when competitors were removed. These results suggest that subordinate species contextually regulate their food‐hoarding strategies according to different competitors, promoting species coexistence among sympatric animals that have asymmetrical food competition.  相似文献   

The circadian activity patterns of 12 species of southern African rodents are described under controlled laboratory conditions. Activity was measured in a newly described apparatus, in which rodents, traversing infra-red light beams placed across several arenas and nest-boxes, activated a microprocessor which quantified, and regularly printed data on a recorder. Diel patterns of activity were present in all species and most species were nocturnal. Locomotion, and other behaviours, were continuous or discontinuous (phasic) during activity periods. Short-term periods of activity were most obvious in species with a low body mass and were thought to be associated with a feeding rhythm. Continual diel activity with a regular short-term rhythm characterized Otomys irroratus, paralleled that of the microtines, and is believed to be necessitated by specific adaptations to herbivory. Crepuscularity in Rhabdomys pumilio may be associated with Hodotermes prédation, while nocturnalism In (arboreal) Graphlurus murlnus is believed to . reduce competition with diurnal granivorous and Insectivorous birds. Notes describe the seasonal change in activity of four species: such differences were less marked than those reported for temperate species.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):387-392
Differences in the ecological niche requirements among rodent species competing in the same habitat may result from differences in the use of one to three resources: space, time and food or some combination of these. Alternatively, differences in resource use utilization among animal species may simply reflect availability of food, and when food is limited, different animal species compete. In this study, the diet of two rodent pest species, Mastomys natalensis and Gerbilliscus vicinus, coexisting in fallow land in central Tanzania were studied to assess the degree of diet differentiation among them. Dietary niche breadth of G. vicinus was greater than that of M. natalensis in all stages of the maize cropping seasons. The rodent species studied overlapped considerably in the food items consumed ranging from niche overlap (Ojk) of 0.77–0.89. Grains/seeds featured high in the diet of M. natalensis while plant material occurrence was high in G. vicinus. These two food categories may have contributed to differences in diet partitioning, which may, in turn, facilitate their coexistence in fallow land.  相似文献   

Intertidal fish communities in the south·western Cape have a high density and biomass, implying that the fish are important con· sumers in the ntertidal zone. Stomach content analyses of 20 species were undertaken to ascertain which food resources are most heavily exploited and the extent to which the co-existing fish compete for the same food resources. Three prey types, arnphipods, isopods and polychaetes, occur in the diets of almost all the species examined and together comprise more than half the total volume consumed by 14 of the species. Despite the overlap in food types consumed, there was considerable subdivi· sion of the resource, much of which may be explained in terms of horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of the various fish species, their habitat preferences, mouth sizes and changes in diet during growth. The standing stock of food in the pools is thought to be too low to support the resident fish populations, suggesting that some food, at least, is obtained outside the pools while the tide is in. For this reason, the fish are considered to be concentrated in the pools at low tide, indicating that the availability of suitable pool habitats may be important in con· trolling the denSities of intertidal fish communities.  相似文献   

Diet overlap estimation among species is important to understand interspecific interactions. Through these interactions, one species may extinguish others through competition or adapt through mechanisms such as resource partitioning. The introduction of domestic herbivores in a native assemblage may introduce competition for resources with wild herbivores. In southern Patagonian steppes, guanaco (Lama guanicoe) populations are increasing after a drastic demise during the past century. This is occurring in protected areas and extensive ranching areas for sheep, and in the latter ranchers have rising concerns regarding competition. In this observational study, we measured diet overlap, food selection and preferences, and niche width for guanaco and sheep to compare use of food resources during the summer season. Feces were analyzed through microhistological technique to determine sheep and guanaco diets. Diets of guanaco and sheep were dominated by tussock grass (Festuca gracillima, sheep > 60%, guanaco > 50%), the most abundant plant species. Although food niche widths, measured through Levin’s Index, were narrow, guanaco presented the broadest niche (P < 0.001). Of the 17 identified plant species present in guanaco and sheep diets, 5 were always selected by both ungulates and 1 was always avoided at the four study sites. Overlap between diets was high (> 0.90), evidencing potential competition. In addition, diet overlap coupled with our results of small variation in use and selectivity of food resources suggest the absence of resource partitioning. Therefore, both species might share resources or coexist, possibly due to high availability or spatial distribution of food resources and guanaco resilience to cope with numerically dominant competition from sheep. These findings offer new insight into the understanding of these species’ interactions. It is also a management challenge to emerging wild and domestic herbivores interactions, as well as livestock production concerns at large.  相似文献   

赤狐根据食物资源的可获得性来利用食物。环境气候条件影响食物的可获得性,同时对赤狐的食物组成和多样性产生影响。通过以往的研究表明,赤狐的食物主要有三大类:哺乳动物、无脊椎动物和植物,其中小型啮齿动物和兔形目动物占主要比例。随着地理环境因子和生物因子的变化,各食物组分所占比例也随之变化。小型啮齿动物和兔形目所占比例波动较小,其他食物(如鸟类、昆虫和植物)的变化明显。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(4):293-297
Many highly invasive plant species produce fleshy fruit that are consumed and dispersed by frugivorous birds. However, little is known about assimilation efficiency of invasive fruit by indigenous and invasive avian species. We investigated whether indigenous Knysna (Tauraco corythaix) and Purple-crested (Gallirex porphyreolophus) Turacos and invasive alien Rose-ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) met their energy demands when fed fruits of four fleshy- fruited invasive alien plant species: Solanum mauritianum, Cinnamomum camphora, Psidium guajava and Morus alba. Birds were fed single-fruit diets for two consecutive days and energetic parameters were calculated for all fruit diets. Our results showed that generally both invasive and indigenous avian species managed to gain their daily energy requirements from fruits of the four respective invasive plants, suggesting that they can meet their energetic demands by feeding on them only. The exception was P. krameri, which did not feed on S. mauritianum fruit. These findings may explain why fruits of invasive alien plants are attractive to most avian frugivores and highlight the role of avian frugivores in their dispersal.  相似文献   

All the Namib rodents investigated, except Petromus, can survive without water on a diet of air-dried seed. Water turnover rates of these animals in the laboratory confirmed their low water requirements. Field water turnover rates were remarkably low, probably because Petromyscus and Aethomys aestivate and Petromus has a low daily energy expenditure (DEE). The rodents have an increased water turnover rate after advective fogs occur: Daily energy requirements for Petromyscus and Aethomys were similar to expected values in the laboratory, whereas Gerbillurus had a higher DEE, and Petromus and Mus had lower-than-predicted DEE's. Water turnover rate is coupled with energy turnover rate for the Namib rodents. These physiological attributes of the Namib rodents are consistent with the severity of their environment, are associated with their kidney structure, and reflect the evolutionary history and demography of the particular species.  相似文献   

Although seed hoarding by rodents has been extensively studied, differentiation in seed‐hoarding behaviors among sympatric rodent species has not been well investigated. Using semi‐natural enclosures, we demonstrated that three sympatric rodent species showed clear differentiation in food selection, scatter versus larder hoarding behaviors and eating behaviors when offered seeds of four plant species from a warm temperate forest in northern China. The large field mouse Apodemus peninsulae preferred seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis), whereas the Chinese white‐bellied rat Niviventor confucianus preferred seeds of cultivated walnut and Liaodong oak, and the David's rock squirrel Sciurotamias davidianus preferred seeds of cultivated walnut, wild apricot and Liaodong oak. All three rodents showed larder hoarding of seeds from all four plant species, but the large field mouse showed scatter hoarding of wild apricot, and the David's rock squirrel showed scatter hoarding of Liaodong oak and wild walnut. Acorns of Liaodong oak, which have a soft seed hull, were more often eaten in situ, whereas wild walnuts, which have a hard seed hull and more tannin, were less hoarded by all rodent species. Differentiation in the scatter versus larder hoarding behaviors of sympatric rodent species suggests that sympatric rodents play different roles in the regeneration of different sympatric plant species.  相似文献   

A.C. Marsh 《African Zoology》2013,48(2):130-136
Forager abundance, activity, dispersion and diet of Messor denticomis and Tetramorium rufescens was studied on a monthly basis for 17 months. There were large fluctuations in forager abundance with both species exhibiting similar patterns; the first peak in abundance occurring five months after a peak in food availability and the second peak in abundance coinciding with a second, smaller pulse of food. Food supplementation experiments demonstrated that availability of food partially regulated the absolute numbers of ants foraging. Both species shared similar activity patterns with the majority of activity occurring at night. Foragers were randomly dispersed within the 16 ha study plot. Most of the food collected by both species was Enneapogon brachystachyus seeds. These seeds were collected during the first half of the study when seeds were apparently superabundant. With declining seed availability both species took more non-seed plant matter and arthropods. In both species, diet range fluctuated widely, reflecting opportunistic responses to food availability. Opportunism was particularly apparent when seeds were relatively scarce. Despite large interspecific differences In body size, the majority of food utilized was the same size for both species. The above patterns suggest that interspecific competition for food is not an important factor in the ecology of these ant species.  相似文献   

Many plant–animal interactions can be challenging to directly observe, due to species being small, cryptic and/or nocturnal. Previous research on seed predation and dispersal by rodents in the Fynbos Biome of South Africa has relied on indirect evidence, as methods for directly monitoring rodent–seed interactions were not available. The aims of the study were to determine which resident small mammals scatter-hoard nuts and the geographic, seasonal and taxonomic extent of scatter-hoarding in the Fynbos Biome. We used camera traps focused on seed stations at eight sites in the Fynbos Biome to determine the responses of small mammals to tagged nut-like fruits (nuts) of seven endemic plant species belonging to the Proteaceae (n = 3), Rosaceae (n = 2), Restionaceae (n = 1) and Cupressaceae (n = 1), as well as commercial sunflower seeds. We found Acomys subspinosus and Gerbilliscus paeba scatter-hoarded nuts, which they typically carried and buried individually. Rhabdomys pumilio and Micaelamys namaquensis only consumed nuts. Leucadendron pubescens and L. loranthifolium are added to the list of known plant species that are scatter-hoarded by rodents. Nuts of Cliffortia cuneata and C. phillipsii, and the critically endangered Widdringtonia cedarbergensis, were consumed but not dispersed by small mammals, whereas nuts of Ceratocaryum argenteum were neither consumed nor scatter-hoarded by rodents (within its native range). Gerbilliscus paeba and A. subspinosus scatter-hoarded nuts aseasonally, outside of seed-fall periods. Scatter-hoarding was widespread throughout the Fynbos Biome, although it was highly localised across and within sampled sites. The absence of scatter-hoarding rodents at sites with rodent-dispersed plants remains an important aspect for future investigation.  相似文献   

野生大豆群落主要种群生态位特征研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)属豆科(Leguminosae),为我国二级濒危保护植物。为给野生大豆种群保护提供科学依据,对北京地区野生大豆群落环境进行系统调查,通过对区域、生境和群丛组3种不同尺度下28个优势种生态位宽度和生态位重叠分析,结果表明:在3种尺度下,优势种的生态位宽度同频度有相同的变化趋势,频度越大,生态位宽度越大;在石质河床、土质河床和水库撂荒地3种不同基质生境下分布的野生大豆群落具有一定相似性,但在优势种组成上仍有差异;每个群丛组生态位宽度较大的物种在一定程度上可以代表其群丛组生境特点,生境条件影响物种分布;生态位重叠值较高的各种对,因为具有相似的生物学特征,对生境要求比较相近;生态位宽度较大的种群之间,生态位重叠值并不一定高。  相似文献   

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