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S. Viljoen 《African Zoology》2013,48(2):459-467
Information on feeding habits and ecology of the bush squirrel,Paraxerus cepapi cepapi. in the Transvaal was obtained both from analyses of 82 alimentary tracts and by direct observation of animals. Bush squirrels were found to be insectivorous as well as herbivorous, feeding on seeds, leaves, berries and flowers. They preferred ground cover which was not too dense and fed both on the ground and in trees depending on food availability.  相似文献   

刘群秀 《野生动物》2011,32(4):183-185,220
应用ARIMA模型(差分自回归移动平均模型)对圈养亚成体大熊猫24h的取食行为节律时间序列进行分析和预测。根据序列图判断时序数据的平稳性,结合自相关及偏自相关函数确定分析模型为ARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)~8模式。基于Expert Modeler模块和AIC信息评判原则筛选ARIMA模型的最佳阶数组合为ARIMA(0,0,1)(1,1,0)~8。模型参数估计均通过显著性检验,预测值的置信区间包括所有实际观测数值。预测值残差的自相关与偏自相关函数值均在置信区间内,残差为白噪声,模型的检验结果比较理想和有效。  相似文献   

Stomach contents of fish taken between Mossel Bay and Algoa Bay were analysed. Prey associated with both hard and soft substrates were present in the diet although the latter were more Important. The mouth structure Is shown to be well adapted to feeding over soft substrates.  相似文献   

The stance and attitudes of the springbok are found to be similar to those of other gazelles. Gaits used are a rack-like walk (passgang), a trot and a gallop; display trot, the stott and the pronk are considered to be ritualised gaits of increasing intensity. Urination and defecation and comfort behaviour are described. Social behaviour is discussed and mixed herds, bachelor herds and solitary territorial males are shown to occur. Territorial marking is performed by taking up conspicuous positions, horn sweeping and ritualised defecation-urination. Mating behaviour resembles that of other gazelles and harem herds are common although some copulation was seen in larger groups. Agonistic behaviour involves little ritual display. Females and young form temporary herds; the young lie out and thereafter associate in “kindergarten” groups. Communication is by various calls and by visual signals of which the erection of the dorsal fan is the most striking. Morning and evening peaks of activity occur.

Previous studies of food eaten are reviewed and the results of rumen sample analysis presented. Karroid shrubs and the leaves of several bushes and trees were found to be the dominant food in June and July. Springbok drink but can survive in waterless areas. Open or semi-open habitats are preferred and the factors influencing the preference are discussed.  相似文献   

This work was conducted to describe the morphological characters of the tongue of Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The lingual root and the dorsal middle region of apex and body in addition to the dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip were devoided from any fungiform papillae. The lingual tip contains conical papillae only. The ventral surface of lingual apex was divided into two portions by the U‐shaped fungiform line into papillary and non‐papillary region. Histological investigation on the lingual surface epithelium and lamina propria submucosa reflects differences in these layers in different parts of the tongue. By SEM, there are two subtypes of filiform papillae: caudally directed papillae on dorsal surface and rostrally directed papillae on the lateral region of ventral surface of lingual apex. There are two subtypes of conical papillae: small slightly rostrally directed papillae on dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip and large posteromedially directed papillae on dorsal surface of lingual root. The rounded circumvallate papillae consisted of round bulb surrounded by deep circular groove, which surrounded by circular pad. Higher magnification of filiform papillae indicates the presence of microcrests separated by microgrooves, and these microgrooves consisted of microrodes. The fungiform surface having micropores on the tip of elevated tubercle for taste buds pores. All these observed structures (microcrests, microgrooves, microrodes, tubercles, microridges) in a higher magnification allow animals to transport food particles through the oral cavity and help in the defensive behaviour. There are strong correlations between the tongue anatomical characteristics and its functions.  相似文献   

人为活动会对草地生态系统的组成、过程和功能产生极大影响。明确人为活动干扰对甘南高寒草甸喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)食性的影响,可为其管理提供重要依据。本研究利用粪便显微组织分析法,分析比较了自然生境和两种人为活动干扰生境下喜马拉雅旱獭夏季的食物组成、比例、多样性及其营养生态位的变化。结果表明,喜马拉雅旱獭主要采食杂类草和禾本科植物,不同生境下其采食的植物种类变化不大,采食垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)的比例最大(自然生境、干扰生境1和干扰生境2的相对密度分别为46.67%,24.59%和19.00%)。相较自然生境,干扰生境下喜马拉雅旱獭对莎草科和禾本科植物采食相对比例显著降低,而对杂类草的采食相对比例显著增加。人为活动干扰后,喜马拉雅旱獭食物的多样性指数增高,食物生态位宽度增加,拓宽自身食物生态位宽度是喜马拉雅旱獭应对人为活动干扰的重要策略。  相似文献   

大熊猫唇腭裂幼仔喂养方式及护理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨1只患先天性心脏病的大熊猫唇腭裂幼仔的饲喂方式及护理方法,在使其吸氧的同时采用奶瓶饲喂、奶瓶滴入饲喂和胃管插管饲喂3种饲喂方式,较好地解决了大熊猫唇腭裂幼仔在不同条件下的喂养及护理问题。  相似文献   

In Gaboon, the frog Aubria subsigillata, at least at certain periods of the year, eats fishes of the genus Epiplatys. The fish are caught when they jump out of the water to escape their aquatic predators, or to look for different surroundings.  相似文献   

This study presents, for the first time, information on the eggs and early development of Franciscodoras marmoratus, fish of São Francisco river, Brazil. To analyse the egg ultrastructure and morphological events of embryogenesis, a total of 36 F. marmoratus specimens (18 males and 18 females) were captured and subjected to spawning induction. Gametes were collected by manual extrusion, and fertilization was conducted using the dry method. After fertilization, eggs were kept in incubators with water temperature of 24°C. The embryonic development was monitored using a stereomicroscope until hatching. There was a 67% positive response to hypophysation by the females and the fertilization rate was 73.8 ± 6.2%. The oocytes are discoid, yellow, adhesive and covered by a thick jelly coat. Under the electron scanning microscope, the oocytes presented a surface with pore canals and funnel‐shaped micropyle with a smooth vestibule. Recently extruded oocytes had a mean diameter of 1.27 ± 0.4 mm and after hydration was 1.91 ± 0.05 mm. The jelly coat was 0.34 ± 0.03 mm thickness, and the perivitelline space was 0.19 ± 0.04 mm. Eight phases of the embryonic development were identified, and embryogenesis was completed at 47 h after fertilization, at 24°C water temperature. The recently hatched larvae had 2.76 ± 0.57 mm of total length. These results provide useful information for the successful breeding and reproductive strategies of fishes.  相似文献   

The larval development ol the southern African endemic clupeid Gilchristella aestuaria is described and illustrated from specimens collected in the Swartvlei and Sundays estuarine systems of the Cape Province. Free embryos have no visible gut, unpigmented eyes and bodies, and are dependent on the yolk sac contents for nutrition. This stage lasts until about 4 mm body length (BL) when the eyes become pigmented and a gut becomes visible. Between 4 mm and 7 mm BL melanophores on the ventral aspect of the body form, and the dorsal and caudal lin anlagen develop. Between 7 mm and 8 mm BL the swimbladder lorms, flexion occurs and the anal fin anlage develops. By the 10 mm BL stage most of the skeletal elements have begun to differentiate, with the vertebral centra already showing signs of ossification. General ossification commences between 12 mm and 13 mm BL. All unpaired fins have the adult complement of rays by 15 mm BL. Scalation starts between 16 mm and 17 mm BL and is complete by 20 mm BL. Body depth increases gradually, from about 5% of BL in the early larval stages to >14% of BL in the juveniles. The pre-anal length decreases from about 87% of BL in the larvae to approximately 69% of BL in the juveniles. Head length increases from approximately 11% of BL in the larvae to 24-29% of BL in the juveniles. The larval snoui is initially 2% of BL, increasing to 7% of BL in the juvenile stages owing to the development of jaw elements.  相似文献   

The possibility that Damalinia ovis ingests intact epidermis could explain economically important irritation behaviour by infested sheep. To test this, feeding lice were observed on sheep by hand lens and macrophotography and on light and scanning electron microscope preparations. Aspects of feeding behaviour were described, particularly an epidermal ingestion posture. Louse ingesta were examined in paraffin and frozen sections. Lipid-covered stratum corneum squames were identified in crop, midgut, rectum and faeces. Nucleated keratinocytes from inner epidermal strata were not seen, neither were wool fibres. Vertical frozen sheep skin sections, with feeding lice cryofixed by liquid nitrogen, showed mandibles engaged in the outer stratum corneum of the epidermis. The epidermal origin of some ingesta was confirmed by confirming lice over sheep whose skin was stained with Oil Red O, whose colour was seen in crop, midgut, rectum and faeces of harvested lice. Lipase was found in louse midgut. It was concluded that sebaceous secretions may form an important component of the D. ovis diet. The relative contribution from loose scurf or from stratum corneum squames was not determined. Mechanical stimuli by feeding lice did not seem to be the source of host irritation. The role of sensitising agents in louse brei filtrates was investigated with inconclusive results. Intradermal injections of louse faeces did not elicit a demonstrable response.  相似文献   

青贮皇竹草饲喂奶牛效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验选取体重、胎次、泌乳阶段、产奶量基本相近的健康中国荷斯坦产奶牛26头,配对分成两组,即对照组和试验组,进行青贮皇竹草替代青贮玉米秸的饲喂试验。对照组按原日粮不变,试验组用5 kg青贮皇竹草替代10 kg青贮玉米秸。预试期7 d,正试期21 d。结果表明:试验组与对照组相比,日均产奶量相对提高0.73 kg,差异显著(P<0.05);乳蛋白相对提高0.05个百分点,乳脂率相对提高0.03个百分点,总固体物相对提高0.06个百分点,差异均不显著(P>0.05);从经济效益比较,试验组每头牛日均收益相对提高2.21元。  相似文献   

The larval development of the southern African endemic sparid Spondyliosoma emarginatum is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Algoa Bay and the Swartkops, Sundays and Swartvlei estuaries of the Cape Province. S. emarginatum has demersal eggs. Preflexion larvae are moderately elongate (BD = 18–23% BL) with body depth increasing to 31 % BL in postflexion stages. The head is rounded and the snout blunt but becomes more elongate in postflexion stages. There are short spines on the preoperculum. Flexion occurs at about 6 mm BL and postflexion larvae are characterized by distinct medio-lateral pigmentation. Osteological development is described from a series of cleared and stained specimens. All fins have the adult complement of spines and rays by 12 mm BL. The larvae of S. emarginatum are compared with those of the European S. canthurus and other southern African sparids.  相似文献   

黑龙江省东南部林区6种啮齿动物食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确掌握黑龙江省东南部地区对农林危害比较严重的啮齿动物的食性及食物量,以便更好地、有针对性地灭鼠,从而为林业部门预防鼠害提供科学依据,于2010年3月—2011年1月通过实地考察,对捕获的鼠进行解剖,并结合实验室喂养进行食物量测定。结果表明,种子和浆果是树栖型种类啮齿动物的主要食物,约占70%左右;而地栖型种类啮齿动物的食物存在明显的季节性和地域性差异。  相似文献   

Eggs obtained from β wild gravid spotted squeaker (Synodontis nigromaculatus Boulenger, 1905) were (entitled and incubated in plastic containers. Eggs are non-sticky, negatively buoyant and hatcn afier 35 h at water temperatures between 24 and 27°C. Development up to 226 h is described.  相似文献   

T. Hecht  D. Baird 《African Zoology》2013,48(2):363-372
All the fish used in this investigation were caught by commercial side trawlers along the eastern Cape coast of South Africa. Age and growth of P. laniarius was determined from otoliths collected monthly from April 1974 to September 1975. The validity of annuli was proved by monthly edge examination of the otoliths. There is no difference in growth between the sexes. The Von Bertalanffy equation Lt = 48,1 (l-e-0,10(e + 0.22)) was found to describe the growth of the panga in length. Some fish become sexually mature at a total length of 26 cm. Fifty percent maturity is attained at a length of 28 cm, between the ages of 4 and 5 years. All fish are sexually mature at a total length of 32 cm, at an age of 6 years. The spawning season of the panga extends from mid-September to May.  相似文献   

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