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Rearing of goats under communal farming conditions is characterised by high kid mortality and low weaning percentages. A survey was conducted to determine farmers’ perceptions on the causes of kid mortality during summer under the communal farming system in Nkonkobe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This was done by administering questionnaires to a total of 162 respondents in 14 villages around Nkonkobe Local Municipality. The study showed that majority of farmers (75 %) keep flock sizes of less than 10 goats and kids, and this indicates that goat production in Nkonkobe Local Municipality is suppressed. According to the farmers, diseases (89 %), endo-parasites (72 %) and ecto-parasites (68 %) were perceived as the major causes of kid mortality. Other causes reported include starvation (15 %), extreme weather conditions (28 %), abortion (7 %), theft (35 %), diarrhoea (43 %), accidents (10 %) and wounds (9 %). The low number of goats could be attributed to high mortalities. It was also found that all causes reported by farmers played a role in high kid mortality in Nkonkobe Local Municipality. However, the causes which require more emphasis to formulate extension support were tick-borne diseases and parasites. This study provided baseline information on possible causes of kid mortalities in Nkonkobe Local Municipality. There is, however, a need to conduct further studies to determine actual causes of high kid mortalities so as to develop preventive strategies that would minimize kid mortality for good economic returns.  相似文献   

The local ecological knowledge (LEK) and perceptions of grasses were investigated in six semi-arid communal areas in the central Eastern Cape province, South Africa, and compared with field studies and scientific knowledge. Of the total of 21 grasses identified in the field survey, communal farmers had vernacular names only for 11 species. Respondents rated Digitaria eriantha and Pennisetum clandestinum to have the highest (p < 0.05) grazing value. Respondents’ ratings of Eragrostis obtusa and Sporobolus africanus as having similar (moderate) grazing values to Themeda triandra is against the established knowledge. Respondents’ ratings of T. triandra and S. africanus as having higher (p = 0.01) ecological value than the other grasses concur with the scientific knowledge, whereas their nomination of E. obtusa and D. eriantha as providing less ecological benefits than Aristida conjesta disagrees with some ecologists. The study hinted at the complementarity and discrepancies between LEK and scientific knowledge that need ratification. The respondents’ lack of detailed knowledge is suggestive of a gradual eroding of LEK among the local communities that will adversely impact the local people’s ability to implement sustainable rangeland utilisation practice. The current study also recognised farmers’ familiarity as well as training needs that would expound their knowledge and management of grasses.  相似文献   

This study deals with disorders of sexual development in humans, wildlife and animals in an urban nature reserve (RNR) and a currently DDT-sprayed malarial area. High levels of oestrogenic chemical residues in water, sediment and tissue; skewed sex ratios; reduced biodiversity; gonadal malformations in sharptooth catfish and freshwater snails; intersex in catfish; and impaired spermatogenesis in catfish and striped mouse are of serious concern in the RNR. Persistent eggshell thinning in African darter eggs, intersex in male Mozambican tilapia, follicular atresia in females and impaired spermatogenesis in males following laboratory exposure of parent fish to environmentally relevant DDT and DDE concentrations, and abnormalities in freshwater snails were found in the DDT-sprayed area. Human studies related to DDT exposure indicated impaired semen quality, a weak association with sperm chromatin defects and higher risks for external urogenital birth defects in those who were born to mothers whose houses were sprayed and those who were homemakers (stay at home mother) instead of being employed. These findings indicate that diseases of sexual development occurred in both human and wildlife populations exposed to environmental endocrine disruptor chemicals in South Africa. The chemical mixtures, possibly related to disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD), were very different between the two. However, DSD occurred concurrently in the malarial area, possibly indicating that humans and wildlife shared exposures. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of suspecting disease in the other when disease is found in either human or wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Blowfly strike and the methods used to combat blowfly strike were recorded on 33 properties in the R?ens area of South Africa during 2003/2004. Data were recorded on Merino and Dohne Merino hoggets (n = 4951) with at least 3 months' wool growth. The following data were captured: presence or absence of strike, site of the strike (body or breech), presence or absence of dermatophilosis as well as subjective scores for wool quality and wool colour. Control measures recorded include: chemical treatment (preventative and spot treatment), crutching, mulesing and the use of the Lucitrap system. Blowfly strike was not significantly influenced by gender or breed. Hoggets suffering from dermatophilosis were more likely to be struck, compared with contemporaries not suffering from the skin disorder (0.057 vs 0.027; P < 0.05). Merino hoggets generally had higher scores than their Dohne Merino contemporaries for wool quality (32.6 vs 27.4; P < 0.05) and wool colour (29.0 vs 27.2; P < 0.05). There was an indication that the Lucitrap system may have reduced flystrike, but the effect was not statistically significant (P = 0.19 for overall strikes and P = 0.12 for body strike). The Mules operation benefited overall flystrike (0.013 vs 0.110; P < 0.05); mainly through an effect on breech strike (0.010 vs 0.109; P < 0.05). The proportion of fly strikes increased with wool length, and declined with an increase in farm size in wool colour score. None of the ethically acceptable control measures assessed could substantially reduce blowfly strike on their own, and an integrated pest management programme was proposed.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):78-91
Photo-identification surveys over three years along 390 km of coastline north of Cape Town, revealed that Heaviside’s dolphin distribution was consistent between years and higher in areas more exposed to swells and with greater long-term availability of small hake Merluccius capensis (their principal prey). Dusky dolphin sighting rates varied considerably between years, but were generally higher in areas with lower hake availability and sandier shores (mostly straighter coastline). Large groups of 50–200 dusky dolphins were only seen in St Helena Bay, the site of a wind-driven upwelling zone. Heaviside’s dolphins were found in shallower, cooler water than dusky dolphins and were more likely to be seen during brighter phases of the moon (when nocturnal light conditions may influence the vertical migration patterns of prey) and in areas of high hake abundance. Near-shore fishing activity was higher in the northern half of the study area and clustered around harbours. Set netting occurred only at Yzerfontein and St Helena Bay, but due to changes in the industry is currently thought to be a low threat to the population. Interactions between Heaviside’s and dusky dolphins were usually neutral and sympatry appears to be mediated by differences in overall range and the type and size of prey species taken.  相似文献   

We used several large data sets at a range of temporal and spatial scales to document the land-use/land-cover change (LULCC) dynamics of the semi-arid Succulent Karoo and Nama-Karoo biomes of South Africa. More than 95% of the Karoo is comprised of land classified as Natural, which has been relatively stable since 1990. Over the last 100 years cultivation, as well as the number of domestic livestock, has declined significantly in both biomes. Protected areas have increased since 1980 to comprise nearly 8% of the Succulent Karoo biome, although they only cover 1.6% of the Nama-Karoo biome. There has been a significant recent increase in renewable energy installation applications, which cover 4% of the Karoo drylands. The trend in vegetation productivity (NDVI; 1982–2015) is unchanged over 90% of both biomes, while nearly 10% of the Karoo has shown a significant increase in NDVI trend. An analysis of repeat photographs shows that vegetation cover has either remained unchanged or has increased at most locations. Although the Karoo drylands appear less degraded than they were in the mid-twentieth century, on-going monitoring at different temporal and spatial scales is essential to evaluate the future impact of LULCC on these semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Beef traders’ and consumers’ perceptions on the development of a natural pasture-fed beef (NPB) brand by smallholder cattle producers were investigated. In total, 18 meat traders (five abattoirs and 13 beef retailers) and 155 beef consumers were interviewed using structured questionnaires. All meat traders had the potential but were not willing to support the development of a NPB brand citing smallholder farmers’ limited ability to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle. Consumers (81%) were prepared to purchase NPB upon availability on the market but were not willing (80%) to pay a brand premium. Logistic regression model results showed that consumers’ willingness to buy NPB and pay a premium were influenced (P < 0.05) by gender, household size, income source, meat preference, meat consumption frequency, money spent on beef, frequency of beef purchases and consumption. Overall, beef traders and consumers held positive impressions regarding the development of a NPB brand by smallholder cattle producers but were not willing to support its development. Positive impressions held by value chain partners on the development of a NPB brand provide a basis for advancing development of a NPB brand. Initial efforts should enhance farmers’ capacity to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle.  相似文献   

C?te d'Ivoire holds 18 catarrhine taxa, with 3 endemic to C?te d'Ivoire and neighbouring Ghana. Nine of the taxa occurring in C?te d'Ivoire are listed as threatened at the global level. However, information on their conservation status within the country is available for only a limited number of taxa. In order to assess the current distribution of primates and their conservation status, we conducted foot surveys and interviews in protected forests in the southern part of C?te d'Ivoire. Our data suggest that 22 out of 23 surveyed forests have lost 25-100% of the primate taxa expected to occur in these areas. The only exception is the Ta? National Park where all of the expected primate taxa were encountered. Based on our surveys, we propose an updated national list according to the IUCN Red List criteria for all diurnal primate species of C?te d'Ivoire.  相似文献   

The hump-back relationship between species diversity and productivity predicts highest species richness at intermediate levels of biomass, and low species numbers in least and most productive habitats. Sodic patches of semi-arid savannas are considered ‘nutrient hotspots’ by producing high-quality forage. The impact of biomass reduction (due to overgrazing) and accumulation (in the absence of herbivores) on herbaceous species richness and diversity is still unknown for these hotspots. We tested the relationship between biomass and herbaceous species richness/diversity in savanna sodic sites across varying biomass levels obtained through different herbivore exclosures. LOWESS and quadratic regression analyses revealed a unimodal species richness/ diversity–biomass relationship for biomass <2 500?kg ha?1. Species richness and diversity in the sodic zone peaked at 1 300?kg ha?1, followed by a steady decline. At biomass levels exceeding 2 500?kg ha?1, i.e. where herbivores have been excluded for 10 years, the decline in species richness and diversity stabilised. Despite many debates surrounding unimodal relationships and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, this study confirmed a peak in species richness and diversity at intermediate biomass levels in a herbivory-adapted ecosystem. Herbivores drive ecosystem heterogeneity and enhance herbaceous species richness and diversity by keeping biomass at intermediate levels (i.e. <2 500?kg ha?1 for this sodic site).  相似文献   

Very few soil seedbank studies have been conducted in South Africa, especially in arid rangelands. Insight into the soil seedbank could therefore improve assessment of rangeland dynamics and enhance rehabilitation efforts. This study aimed to characterise the soil seedbanks in various vegetation types of the Tankwa Karoo National Park, an arid environment in South Africa. At 43 sites soil was sampled twice at the end of spring and the end of autumn, and the composition and structure of aboveground vegetation were described at the peak growth period in spring. Seeds were isolated from the soil samples by means of flotation in a salt solution, seedbank species composition was obtained by seedling germination, and the vegetation was investigated using a line-point survey method. Overall seed density was 8 034 seeds m?2 of which 55% was viable, and the common life-forms were therophytes and chamaephytes. Species richness and diversity were lower in the seedbank compared with those of the vegetation, and the two vegetation spheres were 25% similar. While seedbank composition suggested poor veld condition, there was enough seed density and viability for future regeneration and rehabilitation initiatives. However, this may be impeded by the absence of many perennial species in the soil seedbank.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):244-253
In South Africa, relatively small, but healthy populations of Opsaridium peringueyi remain in the middle reaches of the Luvuvhu, Blyde, Sabie and Pongolo Rivers. The species may be extinct in some rivers like the Shingwedzi and lower-Olifants and its status is uncertain in the Crocodile and lower Komati/Mlumati Rivers. In many cases the rivers are transformed by the combined impact of alien species, dams and weirs, water abstraction, water regulation, pollution from industrial, agricultural, mining, forestry and urban areas as well as by sedimentation. These factors have caused the species distribution to become fragmented and have made it vulnerable to possible extinction. Because of the transformed nature of river systems in South Africa, the use of older historical data for biodiversity planning and conservation assessments might increase the risk of underrating conservation status and risks.  相似文献   

European badgers (Meles meles) are a wildlife reservoir for Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in Great Britain (GB) and the Republic of Ireland and therefore constitute a potential source of infection for cattle. Reduction of badger densities in the Republic of Ireland has resulted in an associated reduction in the risk of a herd break-down with bovine tuberculosis and a study to determine whether this is also the case in GB has been running since 1997. If badgers are a significant source of M. bovis infection for cattle, vaccinating badgers with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) might prove to be a long term, cost-effective strategy for controlling bovine tuberculosis whilst preserving badger populations. As a first step towards BCG vaccination of wild badgers, it was necessary to demonstrate safety of the vaccine in captive badgers. Therefore, captive badgers were vaccinated with a commercial source of BCG that is already licensed for administration to humans in GB-BCG Danish SSI. Using a protocol prescribed by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) of GB, badgers were vaccinated with two consecutive doses of BCG via either the subcutaneous (s.c.) or intra-muscular (i.m.) routes. The first dose was high, ranging from 16 to 22 x 10(7) colony-forming units (CFU), and was followed 15 weeks later by a lower dose in the range of 4-7 x 10(5)CFU. Local reaction at the site of injection and general responses (body temperature, haematology and blood serum chemistry), behaviour and excretion of BCG were monitored for 28 weeks from the time of the first vaccination. The only side-effect observed was the occurrence of localised swelling at the site of BCG injection that disappeared 48 days after i.m. vaccination but persisted longer in the group vaccinated by the s.c. route. Immunological responses were measured at regular intervals. Strong cellular responses were observed 13 days after the first vaccination, which persisted for 76 days. The lower dose induced a weaker and shorter-lived response.  相似文献   

Equine Welfare and Carriage Horse Companies have been recently highlighted as matters of public concern, although little data exists to describe working conditions, municipal regulations, and veterinary attention. In light of the current pandemic of unwanted horses in this country, it is prudent for the veterinary community to identify objective measurements of satisfactory equine welfare in the carriage horse industry to regulate and maintain working horses in sound conditions. Retrospective data from a carriage company in South Carolina was collected from 2009 to 2012. Variables included days in work, hours and/or tours worked, veterinary charges, management practices, and environmental conditions. City veterinary reports were also reviewed for all five local carriage companies. The average number of days in work per animal ranged from 163 to 188 per year. On average, each animal performed 4.6 hour long tours per working day, resulting in an average 865 tours per year. Each animal cost on average $2.00 per day in veterinary costs, and $0.84 of each animal's tour went toward veterinary bills. Welfare among carriage horses is a subject on which equine veterinarians should be well versed; not only to answer questions from clientele but also to promote good working and living conditions for these animals in an effort to stem the number of unwanted horses in America. The carriage company reported in detail here provides acceptable welfare for their animals. Prospective studies are needed to collect objective, evidence-based data regarding stress levels in the animals.  相似文献   

Heat Related Illness (HRI) in dogs is expected to increase as heatwaves surge due to global warming. The most severe form of HRI, heat stroke, is potentially fatal in dogs. The current study investigated the incidence and risk factors for HRI in dogs in NSW, Australia, from 1997 to 2017. We identified 119 HRI cases during this period, with a fatality rate of 23%. Dog breeds at elevated risk of HRI were Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, British Bulldog, French Bulldog, Maremma Sheepdog, Italian Greyhound, Chow Chow, Airedale Terrier, Pug, Samoyed, English Springer Spaniel, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Border Collie, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and pooled non-Australian National Kennel Council breeds (which included the American and Australian Bulldog) when compared with cross breeds (i.e., the reference variable). As expected, HRI cases were more likely in December and January, during the Australian summer and during hotter years (e.g., 2016). There were no differences in the risk of HRI between males and females nor between desexed or un-desexed dogs; but older dogs were at increased risk of HRI. These findings underscore the need for data collection that will enable the incidence of HRI in dogs to be monitored and to better understand canine risk factors particularly as temperatures will continue to rise due to global warming. The risk of mortality from HRI underpins the need for education programs focussed on prevention and early identification of HRI so that owners present affected dogs to their veterinarian as promptly as possible.  相似文献   

Uteroferrin,also known as type 5 tartrate resistant acid phosphatase ( ACP5 ) or TRAP,is an iron-containing glycoprotein secreted by uterine gland epithelium (GE) in response to progesterone and transported across the placental areoalae into the fetal circulation and allantoic fluid to deliver iron and to stimulate hematopoeisis in pigs.This study determined if ACP5 was expressed in the ovine uterus in response to pregnancy,progesterone,interferon tau,placental lactogen,and placental growth hormone.ACP5 protein was present in uterine GE of cycfic and early pregnant ewes,particularly between days 18 and 120 of pregnancy.ACP5 mRNA was expressed in uterine GE of cyclic and pregnant ewes in the same temporal and cell-specific manner.ACP5 was present in secretions from uterine glands,i.e.,uterine milk,and aUantoic fluid from days 40 to 80 of pregnancy,and in uterine flushings from cyclic and early pregnant ewes.Progesterone induced expression of ACP5 mRNA and intrauterine infusion of recombinant ovine interferon tau further stimulated ACP5 expression in uterine GE of ewes,but intrauterine injections of ovine placental lactogen and ovine growth hormone had no effect on ACP5 expression in uterine GE.These results indicate that ACP5 is:1 ) expressed only in GE in response to progesterone ;2 ) secreted into the uterine lumen and transported into the conceptus via plaeental areolae during pregnancy;and 3) present in secretions from uterine GE and in allantoic fluid.The roles of ACP5 in the ovine uterus may include transport of iron across the placenta and stimulation of hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

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