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The physical and biological features of the littoral zone of St. Croix Island are described as a prelude to studies on the seaweed epifauna. Wave action is the most important physical variable and shore community structure is markedly influenced by the differing degrees of wave action around the Island. Sheltered, moderately exposed, exposed and very exposed littoral communities are distinguished and at three transects the zonation of the macrofauna and the percentage cover of the littoral seaweeds is determined. Seasonal variation, particularly in the seaweed Porphyra capensis, is documented, seaweed cover is related to biomass and energy values for 14 littoral seaweeds are determined.  相似文献   

Parasitological and immunological parameters of experimental or naturally acquired infections with Haemonchus contortus were compared in St. Croix and Dorset lambs. In experimental infections, St. Croix lambs developed significantly greater levels of resistance to H. contortus, following primary exposure, as compared with Dorset lambs. This resistance was influenced both by age and by prior exposure to parasites. In grazing experiments on H. contortus-infected pasture, St. Croix lambs shed significantly fewer eggs as early as 5 weeks following initial exposure. Further, St. Croix lambs had more than 99% fewer worms in the abomasum at necropsy compared with age-matched Dorset lambs. Lymphoproliferative assays using peripheral blood mononuclear cells and antigen-specific serological tests demonstrated only minor differences in immune responsiveness between the two breeds despite the dramatic parasitological differences. Similarly, abomasal mucus from both breeds had elevated levels of parasite-specific antibodies and contained substances mediating larval paralysis. In contrast, St. Croix lambs which had become resistant to nematode infection had dramatically higher numbers of globule leukocytes in the abomasal mucosa compared with Dorset lambs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare rebreeding activities of spring- vs fall-lambing Polypay, Dorset, St. Croix and Targhee ewes that either suckled their lambs for 40 d or had lambs weaned at birth. Seasonal effects of male fertility were reduced by utilizing an excess number of fertile rams in the spring. Plasma concentrations of progesterone were monitored to assess days to the first normal ovulation, days to conception and estrous vs anestrous activity. Breed, season and lactation affected the rebreeding performance. Dorset ewes had similar conception rates between spring and fall but a shorter interval from lambing to first ovulation in the fall. Polypay and Targhee ewes were the opposite; they had higher conception rates in fall than in spring matings with no seasonal influence on postpartum interval. Postpartum ewes in the fall had higher conception rates, and fewer of these ewes became anestrous or had estrous cycles of abnormal duration than of those ewes lambing in the spring. Ewes that suckled for 40 d in the spring had delayed estrous activity, but when these ewes became estrual they had higher conception rates than ewes whose lambs were weaned at birth. Lactation had no inhibitory affect on the postpartum interval of fall lambing ewes. These data suggest that the response of different breeds to various components of postpartum fertility varies with season and management of the flock.  相似文献   

Bivens Arm virus (BAV) is a newly discovered rhabdovirus infecting cattle and water buffalo in Florida. The virus is classified as a member of the Tibrogargan group, members of which have hitherto been found only in Australasia. They are considered to be transmitted by Culicoides species. Bivens Arm virus was first isolated from Culicoides insignis which suggests that BAV is also transmitted by this genus. A serological survey of two small groups of cattle raised in St. Croix and Puerto Rico, in the Caribbean, established that antibody to BAV, or a closely related virus, exists on both island. A retrospective analysis of seroconversions to BAV in sentinel calves in Florida, relative to populations of potential Culicoides vectors, failed to demonstrate any statistically significant correlation.  相似文献   

Age and growth of the santer, Cheimerius nufar, were determined from otoliths. One hyaline and one opaque ring are laid down yearly. The von Bertalanffy growth function yielded the equation Lt = 953,56 [1-e-654(t + 2,6177)]. The length-mass relationship W = 0,00005 L2,7831 was used to determine growth in mass: Wt = 9790,24 [1-e-0,0654(t+2,6177)]2,7831. Stomach and intestine content analyses were done, using a modification of the points method, as well as the frequency of occurrence method. C. nufar is primarily a piscivore, but also preys on cephalopods and crustaceans.  相似文献   

Summary Serum and liver concentrations of selected macro-and trace minerals were determined in Senepol cattle at 8 sites (4 each in a high and low rainfall region) during the dry and wet season on St Croix. At each site an average of 15 mature, lactating cows, grazing native grass/legume pastures without supplementation were blood sampled each season. Liver samples were collected (n=51) at slaughter from mature animals originating from the same sites. A preliminary analysis indicated no differences in serum mineral concentrations between mature lactating cows and growing heifers. There were differences between sites for serum magnesium (Mg) (P<0·001), copper (Cu) (P<0·05) selenium (Se) (P<0·001) and zinc (Zn) (P<0·01) in the dry season, and for Cu (P<0·01), iron (Fe) (P<0·001) and Zn (P<0·01) in the wet season. Higher (P<0·001) serum concentrations of Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn were observed in the dry season, while Se was higher (P<0·001) in the wet season. Liver concentrations of Cu and Fe were lower (P<0·01) and liver molybdenum (Mo) (P<0·001) and Se (P<0·05) higher during the dry season. The seasonal differences in serum Cu, Se and Zn concentrations have not been observed in other studies in the Central American region. More than 50% of serum samples were deficient in phosphorus (P) regardless of season, and in Cu and Zn during the wet season. Mineral supplementation should be considered.
Resumen Se determinó la concentración de minerales (macro y trazas) seleccionados, en ganado Senepol en ocho sitios: cuatro de ellos en una región de alta precipitación y los otros cuatro en regiones de baja precipitación pluvial, durante la estación seca y lluviosa en la isla de Sta Cruz. En cada sitio, un promedio de 15 vacas lactantes, pastoreando pasto nativo y pasturas con leguminosas sin suplementación, se sangraron en cada estación. Se colectó tejido hepático (n=51) en el matadero local, de animales maduros provenientes de los sitios estudiados. Un análisis preliminar, no indicó diferencias en concentraciones séricas de minerales entre animales maduros lactandos y novillas en crecimiento. Hubo diferencias en cuanto a localización respecto al magnesio sérico (Mg) (P<0·001), cobre (Cu) (P<0·05) selenio (Se) (P<0·001) y zinc (Zn) (P<0·01) en la estación seca y para Cu (P<0·01), hierro (Fe) (P<0·001) y Zn (P<0·01) en la estación lluviosa. Se observaron concentracionas séricas màs altas (P<0·001) de Mg, Cu, Fe y Zn en la estación seca, mientras que el Se fue más alto (P<0·001) en la estación lluviosa. Las concentraciones hepáticas de Cu y Fe fueron bajas (P<0·01) y las de molibdeno hepático (Mo) (P<0·001) y Se (P<0·05), fueron altas durante la estación seca. Las diferencias estacionales en concentraciones de Cu, Se, y Zn sérico, no habian sido observadas en otros estudios en la región centroamericana. Mas de 50 por ciento de las muestras de suero fueron deficientes en fósforo (P) sin tener en cuenta la estación y en Cu y Zn durante la estación lluviosa. Se sugiere la necesidas de suplementación mineral.

Résumé Les auteurs ont déterminé les concentrations sériques et hépatiques d'un certain nombre d'oligo éléments et de sels minéraux sur des bovins Senepol éléves sur 8 sites (quatre pour chaque région à forte et faible pluviométrie) pendant la saison humide et la saison sèche sur l'lle Sainte Croix. Sur chaque site, des prélèvements de sang ont été effectués pendant chaque saison sur la base d'une moyenne de 15 vaches adultes en lactation, paturant sur des parcours naturels de graminées/légumineuses, sans complémentation. Les prélèvements de foie (n=51) ont été collectés à l'abattoir sur des animaux adultes originaires de ces mêmes endroits. Une analyse préliminaire n'a indiqué aucune différence dans les concentrations minérales du sérum entre les vaches adultes en lactation et les génisses en cours de croissance. Il y avait des différences entre les sites pour le magnésium sérique (Mg) (P<0,001), le cuivre (Cu) (P<0,05), le sélénium (Se) (P<0,001) et le zinc (Zn) (P<0,01) en saison sèche et pour le cuivre (Cu) (P<0,01), le fer (Fe) (P<0,001) et le zinc (Zn) (P<0,01) en saison humide. En saison sèche, des concentrations plus élevées (P<0,001) on été observées pour Mg, Cu, Fe et Zn alors que le sélénium (Se) était plus abondant en saison humide. Les concentrations hépatiques en Cu et Fe étaient plus basses (P<0,01) mais celles en Molybdène (Mo) (P<0,001) et en sélénium (P<0,05) plus élevées au cours de la saison sèche. Les différences saisonnières entre les concentrations sériques de Cu, Se et Zn n'ont pas été observées en Amérique centrale par d'autres auteurs. Plus de 50 p. 100 des échantillons de sérum étaient carencés en phosphore (P) quelle que soit la saison, et en Cu et Zn pendant la saison humide. Il conviendrait de prendre en considération la complémentation minérale.

The contents of the alimentary tracts of D. sargus capensis were analysed to establish diet composition. The importance of analysing stomach, intestine and total alimentary tract, separately, is emphasized. D. sargus capensis is an omnivore preying on lower intertidal and shallow subtidal benthic species. Cirripedia and algae were the most important groups and constitute ca. 60% of the total dietary composition. Ulva sp., Perna perna and Balanu, spp. were prefered species. A new index for ranking prey items, which combines the modified points method and the frequency of occurrence method, is suggested. It is especially useful for omnivorous fish where prey items sucl as seaweed and colonial organisms are difficult to enumerate. Ambosexual individuals differentiate into functional males or functional females. Active spermatogenesis in the ovo-testis suggests a special type of protandric development. D. sargus capensis has an extended breeding cycle with a peak spawning period from October to December.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate relative resistance of Dorper crossbred (DO), Katahdin (KA), St. Croix (SC), and Hampshire (HA) ewes to natural and experimental gastro-intestinal (GI) nematode infection over a 20-month period. The objective of Experiment 1 was to evaluate breeds for resistance to infection acquired naturally from mixed grass pastures. In Year 1 (May-December 2000) de-worming of ewes occurred during wet, hot conditions in July and during late pregnancy in December. In Year 2 (January-December 2001), ewes were de-wormed after fecal egg count (FEC) for a breed group rose above 1000 eggs per gram (epg) or after blood packed cell volume (PCV) of an individual ewe fell below 20. FEC was determined every 28 days and PCV every 14-28 days. In both the years, ewes were pastured together, except during the 28-days breeding periods, on tall fescue, bermudagrass, or ryegrass, and rotated among pastures dependent on forage availability. Ewes were in good or excellent condition (body condition score of 3-4 out of 5) throughout the study. The objective of Experiment 2 was to evaluate the breeds for relative resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus infective larvae. Both PCV and FEC were determined every 7 days from 14 to 42 days after inoculation with 30000 infective larvae per ewe. In Experiment 1, Year 1, FEC was slightly greater and PCV was lower from July to September in DO ewes (breed x time, P<0.001). In Year 2, de-worming occurred 14 days later in DO ewes compared with other breed types. Otherwise PCV and FEC were similar among the hair breeds and higher and lower, respectively, compared with HA ewes (breed x time, P<0.001). In Experiment 2, FEC and PCV were similar among hair breeds; FEC was lower and PCV higher in hair breeds compared with that of HA ewes (P<0.01). Relative resistance of mature Dorper crossbred ewes was comparable to that of Katahdin and St. Croix ewes and superior to that of Hampshire ewes.  相似文献   

本文研究了日粮中添加不同水平的生物抗氧化复合剂(40g/头·d、60g/头·d、80g/头·d)对夏天高温季节奶牛的产奶量和乳品质的影响。结果表明,当添加量为40g/头·d时,该添加剂能有效缓解乳脂率和乳糖率下降。  相似文献   

Many surgical procedures of the head and neck can be safely performed in the standing horse, with easy access to all aspects of the surgical field. Some procedures, such as tracheotomy, are easier to perform with the horse standing with the head in a more natural position than with the horse under general anesthesia. Procedures of the neck and thorax that require evacuation of purulent and necrotic material from confined spaces, such as occur in horses with esophageal ruptures and extensive intrathoracic abscesses, can be done as standing procedures to avoid the risks of general anesthesia on severely debilitated patients.  相似文献   

牛腿山羊为个体大,肉用性能好的山地品种,研究牛腿山羊对炎热气候的适应性,目的在于为同类地区引起该品种提供依据,本试验于1995年7月28日至8月1日在新乡县朝阳种羊场进行,随机选取健康,空怀,经产的成年牛腿山羊和本地槐山羊各12只,采集血样,实验室内测定T4和K^+含量,选其中各6只,连续3日测定6:00-7:00时和15:00-16:00时的毛丛温度,直肠温度,呼吸率和心率,并且同时测定羊舍内白  相似文献   

5龄蚕立体条桑育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了5龄立体饲育架制作,条桑收获及饲养技术,明确了全年采用立体条桑育对蚕茧产质量及桑树秋末生长的关系,条桑收获及饲育是一项省工高效的养蚕技术。  相似文献   

The use of carbon dioxide and Nd:YAG lasers has expanded the capabilities of equine surgeons. These lasers are used to incise, vaporize, and coagulate tissue with minimal hemorrhage and reduced morbidity to the patient. In this article, practical fundamentals of laser surgery are briefly reviewed, and selected standing laser procedures of the head and neck are discussed.  相似文献   

采用试管法和圆形滤纸层析法,鉴定了山莓叶的化学成分,结果表明其含有生物碱、有机酸、黄酮及其甙类、多糖、香豆素及内酯,酚性成分、鞣质、多肽及蛋白质、皂甙、三帖类、蒽醌、强心苷等多种物质。采用有机溶剂提取法分离提取其抗菌有效成分-生物碱,并用其对几种兽医临床常见病原微生物进行体外抑菌试验,结果表明:山莓叶所含总生物碱对金色葡萄球菌、猪巴氏杆菌、大肠杆菌、链球菌和沙门氏菌都有明显的抑菌作用,最低抑菌浓度分别为:0.125g/mL,0.25g/mL,0.125g/mL,0.5g/mL,0.125g/mL。  相似文献   

In recent years, several species of ehrlichiae have been recognized as tick-borne disease agents of veterinary and medical importance. Clinically normal free-ranging or previously free-ranging lemurs, including 46 ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), six blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons), and four black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) from St. Catherines Island, Georgia, were tested for evidence of exposure to tick-borne ehrlichiae. All 52 adult lemurs were serologically tested for exposure to Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for E. chaffeensis, A. phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia ewingii, and Ehrlichia canis were conducted on blood samples from all 56 lemurs. Blood from all lemurs was inoculated into DH82 cell cultures for E. chaffeensis isolation. Of the adult lemurs, 20 (38.5%) and 16 (30.8%) had antibodies reactive (> or =1:128) for E. chaffeensis and A. phagocytophilum, respectively. Two ring-tailed lemurs were PCR and culture positive for E. chaffeensis. Molecular characterization of the two E. chaffeensis isolates showed that both contained 5-repeat variants of the variable-length PCR target (VLPT) antigen gene and 3-repeat variants of the 120-kDa antigen gene. Sequencing of the VLPT genes revealed a novel amino acid repeat unit (type-9). One lemur infected with E. chaffeensis was slightly hypoproteinemic and had moderately elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. These lemurs from St. Catherines Island have been exposed to or infected with tick-borne ehrlichiae, or both, but showed no clinical disease.  相似文献   

比较研究不同奶牛场、不同季节牛奶中氨基酸组成及含量的差异,探讨牛奶中氨基酸含量受其影响的变化规律,为改善乳品质提供一定的理论依据。采集北京、滁州、哈尔滨、呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐和西安6个地区奶牛场春季和夏季的奶样,经盐酸水解后采用日立L-8900型氨基酸自动分析仪测定其中17种氨基酸,试验数据通过SAS 8.0统计分析。结果显示,不同季节牛奶中的缬氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸和半胱氨酸含量差异极显著(P<0.01),而其他13种氨基酸含量差异不显著(P>0.05);不同奶牛场牛奶氨基酸含量差异极显著(P<0.01),不同奶牛场春季和夏季互作效应对牛奶中氨基酸各组分含量均有极显著的影响(P<0.01)。因此,不同奶牛场牛奶氨基酸组分及含量差异显著(P<0.05),而季节因素对牛奶中缬氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸和半胱氨酸含量影响较大。  相似文献   

吕婷  刘玉萍  亢俊铧  刘涛  梁瑞芳  苏旭 《草地学报》2021,29(z1):146-155
为探讨柴达木盆地的群落物种的多样性和空间分布格局,本文以德令哈-哈拉湖沿线区域为研究对象,测定了5种不同生境下群落的物种组成和多样性指数,并分析了不同生境下群落物种多样性与海拔的关系。结果表明:该区域共记录了79种植物,菊科、禾本科、豆科、十字花科为当地的优势科种。不同生境类型的物种多样性具有相似性,但也存在差异性。从物种组成的群落相似性结果来看,高寒垫状植被与高寒金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛草甸的物种组成相似性最高,而与高寒嵩草(Kobresia myosuroides)、杂类草草甸的物种组成相似性最低。随着海拔升高,群落物种丰富度和多样性呈先降低后增加的趋势,但均匀度保持稳定;中海拔区域的群落物种多样性最高,低海拔区域的群落物种多样性略高于高海拔区域,而造成不同生境群落物种组成和多样性差异的主要原因是水热条件和物种竞争力。  相似文献   

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