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Growth and age determination were studied in known age captive hyrax by measuring the animals monthly for three years and killing groups at ages 12,24 and 36 months. Ten body measurements and five skull measurements were used as ageing criteria using multiple regression and a predictive equation. Age (months) = 0,0593 Length + 0,0444 Girth + 0,01117 Headlength - 20,652 was developed for both sexes. Tooth eruption and wear, dental annulli and eyelenses were also investigated and an ageing schedule was developed using tooth eruption and wear. Cementum annulli were shown to be a valid means of ageing up to 36 months and probably up to at least eight years. Eyelenses are not an effective ageing method. Growth in the hyrax is slow and Von Bertalanffy growth coefficients are similar to those in the elephant.  相似文献   

Lincoln Park Zoo acquired five intact, male rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) from three separate institutions to exhibit as a group. The animals were of varying ages at the time of acquisition. During quarantine, all five were surgically castrated via a midline laparotomy technique in an attempt to reduce expected aggression within the group. Recommendations for successful castration, based on these five procedures, include performing the procedure on sexually immature hyraxes or sexually inactive adults, the use of a second surgeon during the procedure, and the use of stainless steel surgical clips for ligation of vessels and spermatic cord. Although combinations of the castrated animals coexisted for longer periods than those documented for other nonrelated male groups, aggression was significant and resulted in the death of one individual. Ultimately, all animals were housed individually.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium africanum was diagnosed in an adult female hyrax (Procavia capensis). Pathologic examination revealed disseminated tuberculous lesions. The same pathologic changes were also found in a male hyrax that died a year later. Both animals were imported from the United Arab Emirates and were held in captivity at the Zagreb Zoo in Croatia. The source of infection remains unknown. The acid-fast bacteria isolated from the lungs of the female hyrax were identifyed by polymerase chain reaction as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Geno Type MTBC test confirmed the strain to be M. africanum I.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):173-176
Huddling is a behavioural energy conservation mechanism that is widely used by many small endotherms at low ambient temperatures. Huddling has many benefits, including decreasing the metabolic cost of maintaining body temperature (Tb), reducing the amount of heat lost to the environment, and increasing the local temperature of the nest. To test the effects of huddling on Tb, 10 rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, were housed in outside cages in four groups, varying from one to four individuals. iButtons® were surgically implanted into each rock hyrax to record their Tb every 15 min from August to November. Despite considerable variations in ambient temperatures, the rock hyrax were found to display some degree of heterothermy by varying their mean Tb from 36.70 to 37.72°C (n = 10) but not allowing it to drop below 33.60°C or rise above 39.67°C. Contrary to what was predicted, rock hyrax did not display any significant effects of huddling on Tb, irrespective of group size.  相似文献   

A Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex organism was isolated from a zoo resident rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) imported into Canada from South Africa. The strain was identified biochemically as Mycobacterium microti. The spoligotype pattern obtained for this isolate was found to be rare. This represents the first report of isolation and spoligotyping of M. microti in North America.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islet fibrosis with varying degrees of islet cell hyperplasia or islet effacement was diagnosed histologically in 19 rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) from seven zoological parks. Some, but not all, affected hyraxes were from a common lineage. The condition was associated with apparent hyperglycemia in seven and diabetes mellitus in two. Immunohistochemistry revealed hyperplasia of beta, alpha, and delta cells proportional to the degree of the fibrosis. Electron microscopy revealed collagen deposition and fibroplasia within and around the islets. Special stains and electron microscopy were negative for the presence of amyloid. Beta cell depletion was never identified. The condition has morphologic features that resemble islet fibrosis of human infants born to diabetic mothers.  相似文献   

Two adult female rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) at the Dallas Zoo were confirmed with spontaneous diabetes mellitus from 1997-2000, whereas a third animal with a similar clinical presentation never became hyperglycemic. The pancreas in all three animals showed pancreatic islet fibrosis (PIF). Retrospective examination of medical records for rock hyraxes acquired by this collection or born into it from 1991-2002 identified eight more animals affected with PIE All affected animals, including three males and eight females, were 1-7 yr of age and presented either with vague clinical signs of soft feces and rough hair coat or were acutely moribund or dead. Clinical pathology data was available for seven of the animals before onset of overt clinical signs and revealed inappropriate hyperglycemia in six, as well as elevated serum concentrations of creatine phosphokinase, amylase, and lipase in all seven animals. Pedigree evaluation did not support a familial pattern for PIE Review of the histopathology findings from nine other zoologic collections with rock hyrax deaths during the study period identified six institutions with 12 additional cases genetically unrelated to the incident collection. Histopathology and viral serology did not support an infectious cause. Analysis of serum anti-islet and anti-insulin antibodies did not suggest autoimmune disease, and none of the animals had known exposure to toxic substances. Limited nutritional analyses did not support a nutritional basis for the condition, and the cause for PIF remains unknown.  相似文献   

Five or 6 rock dassies (Procavia capensis) were shot at monthly intervals for 13 consecutive months in the Mountain Zebra National Park and processed for arthropod parasite recovery. Ten species of ixodid ticks and 2 flea species were recovered. The seasonal prevalence of the rock dassie ticks, Haemaphysalis hyracophila and Rhipicephalus distinctus, and of the immature stages of Rhipicephalus arnoldi, a tick that usually infests the red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris), was determined. Only 10 of the approximately 10 000 ticks recovered from the rock dassies belonged to species that may infest domestic livestock.  相似文献   

Irradiation has adverse effects on reproductive aspects such as spermatogenic cell population and cell malformation, leading to reduced sperm count and non-viable spermatozoa. This has overshadowed possible effects of radiation exposure on biochemical environment throughout the epididymis and the viability of spermatozoa that appeared morphologically normal. The effects of radiation exposure on sperm quality were evaluated through mating trials and assessment of the cauda epididymal sperm motility. Sprague Dawley rats with body mass of 300–400 g were selected at random. Two experimental groups received acute 6°Co γ-radiation doses of 3.5 and 6.0 Gy, respectively. Data were collected 2, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days post-irradiation. Each male was housed with a non-irradiated super-ovulated female during mating trials. Cauda epididymal sperm motility was assessed with the CASMA. Hormone analyses were carried through chemiluminescence diagnostic tests to determine the endocrine status. Results suggest that irradiation causes an overproduction of estrogens, which suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and inhibits LH and FSH secretions. Both LH and FSH deficiencies have negative effects on the testicular index and local reproductive hormones. Elevated estrogen levels influenced the epididymal internal milieu negatively, resulting in rigid, flagella bending sperm tail, impaired progressive movement of the spermatozoa and hence infertility  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) is an herbivore prevalent from South Africa to Turkey, and a most common zoo animal. Although many studies of hyrax diseases and physiology are available, clinicopathologic data are limited. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to establish comprehensive hematologic and biochemical reference intervals for trapped, apparently healthy, free-ranging rock hyraxes using modern laboratory methods and to assess differences related to sex, gestation, and age. METHODS: Blood samples were obtained from 27 healthy, free-ranging hyraxes under anesthesia. Gender, body weight, and gestational status were recorded. Hematologic (n = 25) and serum biochemical (n = 22) analyses were performed using standard automated methodology. Data for male vs female, adult vs juvenile, and pregnant vs nonpregnant female hyraxes were compared using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Associations between variables were assessed using Pearson's or Spearman rank correlation tests. RESULTS: Significant age- and sex-related, but not gestation-related differences were observed in several variables. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus concentration were significantly higher in juveniles compared with adults. A unique type of monocyte comprised 1-3% of leukocytes in 4 hyraxes. Markedly high serum creatine kinase (CK) activity was observed in most hyraxes. CONCLUSIONS: The large number of animals and the availability of sex, age, and gestational data in this study will be useful to zoo and wildlife veterinarians working with rock hyraxes. High serum concentrations of betahydroxybutyric acid in the rock hyrax, compared with dogs, cats, and ruminants, may be related to its unique digestive system. High CK activity may have been the result of a capture myopathy-like syndrome. The unique monocytes in hyraxes resemble those of elephants and are a novel finding in this species.  相似文献   

比较分析传统池塘养殖和新型戏水池养殖扬州鹅的产蛋性能和孵化性能,探讨两种饲养方式的优劣,以期证明新型戏水池养殖方式的可行性。研究结果表明,池塘养殖开产略迟(比戏水池养殖晚4d),但高峰产蛋率达到了43.30%(比戏水池养殖高5%),产蛋率〉35%维持的天数达到了59d,入舍母鹅产蛋数达到58.70个(比戏水池养殖入舍母鹅产蛋数56.24个高2.46个),池塘养殖鹅群产蛋性能更好一些。受精率、受精蛋孵化率、健雏率,池塘养殖(88.97%、89.58%、97.90%)与戏水池养殖(87.92%、87.69%、98.05%)均无显著差异。综合考虑土地利用率、节水、养殖效率等因素,新型戏水池饲养方式可以在鹅养殖业中大面积推广使用。  相似文献   

以乌苏1号无芒雀麦为材料,设置2个生长环境(荒漠绿洲区、高海拔地带),通过观测幼穗分化进程及开花习性,探究生境对无芒雀麦幼穗分化及生殖格局的影响。结果表明,无芒雀麦幼穗分化从分蘖期开始至抽穗期结束,分为初生期、伸长期、结节期、小穗原基分化期、小花原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期、雌雄蕊形成期和完穗期8个时期。幼穗分化是从生长锥顶端第1枝梗原基与小花原基开始分化,相同小枝梗上原基与小花原基均是自下逐渐向上发育;整穗是从顶部向下逐渐开花,下部枝梗开花时间小于上部枝梗;小穗上的小花由下向上逐步开花。与荒漠绿洲区相比,高海拔地带的无芒雀麦幼穗分化时间晚,周期缩短,穗部赤霉素(GA)、脱落酸(ABA)及叶片可溶性蛋白含量相对较高,细胞分裂素(CTK)含量和种子千粒重较低,但高海拔地带单穗成熟种子粒数与单位面积内种子产量高,更适合无芒雀麦种子生产。  相似文献   

民猪生殖激素变化规律与繁殖性能关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 2 0头民猪经产母猪妊娠早期的四种生殖激素 (孕酮、1 7β -雌二醇、促黄体素、促卵泡素 )水平的测定结果显示 ,孕酮在妊娠 1 2d达峰值 ,1 8d后孕酮水平急剧下降 ,雌二醇水平迅速增加到40 1 2 pg/ml。对激素水平与总产仔数的相关分析结果表明 ,妊娠 1 2d的雌二醇水平与产仔数呈明显的负相关 ,说明此时的雌二醇的水平对母猪的繁殖成绩有很大的影响。妊娠早期促黄体素和促卵泡素未见特征性变化。  相似文献   

The reproductive periodicities of the patellid limpets Cellana capensis and Patella concolor were determined from changes in macro-and microscopic appearance of the gonads over a 14-month period. Both species appear to have protracted breeding periods with several peaks in spawning activity. Problems encountered with the application of standard sampling and analytical methods to species with such cycles are discussed.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, designed to examine renal function and thermoregulation in the dassie, the following observations were made: The dassie is unable to exist indefinitely on a dry diet without water. After 8 days without water, feed intake ceases. Water consumption is relatively low, amounting to 45,7 ml/kg, which suggests efficient renal function. Faecal water loss is minimal when the animals are dehydrated. A faecal moisture value as low as 35 percent was obtained after nine days of dehydration. The capacity of the dassie kidney to concentrate electrolytes and urea is very high. The maximum recorded osmolality of the urine was 3 088 mOsm/kg, which is comparable to that of the camel. The most unusual feature of renal function in the dassie is the excretion of large amounts of undissolved calcium carbonate in the urine. The body temperature at comfortable ambient temperatures (20C) was lower than expected for a mammal of this size and may be implicated in spermatogenesis in the intra-abdominally situated testes of these animals. The dassie appears to be very thermolabile and has surprisingly low heat tolerance. Above 35C (ambient) the animals develop hyperthermia and exhibit fairly profuse nasal sweating. The upper incipient lethal temperature appears to be above 35C but less than 40C.  相似文献   

A vine snake bite in a dog is reported. There was continued minor bleeding from the assumed nose bite site for 4 days. Currently manufactured snakebite antivenom is not effective against vine snake bites and treatment is supportive.  相似文献   

Structure of the reproductive organs and the processes of spermatogenesis and follicular development are described and are· similar to those described for other members of the genus Rhinolophus. The reproductive cycle of the Cape horseshoe bat is characterized by spermatogenesis between October and May (spring to autumn) with sperm released to the cauda epididymis in April and May. At this time the females are in oestrus or submaximal oestrus but copulation and ovulation are delayed until August and September (the end of winter hibernation). Between May and September spermatozoa are stored in the cauda epididymis where they show no positive association with the epididymal epithelium. Parturition occurs in November and December after a three to four month gestation.  相似文献   

The relationship between heart rate and metabolism was investigated in the hyrax Procavia capensis and the guineapig Cavia porcellus. In both animals a positive linear relationship was found described by Vo2(ml 02(g.h)-1)=0,003157 (HR) + 0,3678 for the hyrax and Vo2(ml 02(g.h)-1)=0,00757 (HR) -0,4914 in the guineapig. The response to lowered ambient temperature differs between the species, the guineapig increases metabolic rate and maintains body temperature while the hyrax allows body temperature to drop while the increase in metabolic rate is relatively small. It is postulated that this response by the hyrax is an energy conserving strategy.  相似文献   

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