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Catch per unit effort was obtained for the nekton of the Swartkops estuary near Port Elizabeth by means of gill netting. Fifty gill net catches were made in which 1 269 fish were caught in areas representative of the mouth, middle and upper reaches of the estuary. Pomadasys commersonni, already shown to be the most abundant angling species in the estuary, dominated gill net catches both in terms of mass (29%) and numbers (17%). The family Mugilidae (five species) comprised 25% of the mass and 42% of the numbers caught. Environmental factors and availability of food that might determine distribution offish in the estuary are discussed. The largest mean mass per individual was found in Chanos chanos (4 473 g), Elops machnata (1 656 g) and Valamugil buchanani (1 580 g). Lowest mean masses were recorded for Monodactylus falciformis (63 g), Rhabdosargus holubi (88 g) and Liza dumerili (94 g).  相似文献   

During the period of survey the 8 km long Kei estuary was subjected to periodic floods which reduced salinities to 0%o and decreased light penetration to a few centimetres. Species composition, and temporal and spatial abundance were determined for fish samples collected by means of gill nets. Twenty-six species of fish were caught with Mugil cephalus, Liza tricuspidens and Argyrosomus hololepidotus predominating, in that order. The family Mugilidae comprised 67,8% of the numbers and 66,6% of the fish biomass caught. Definite seasonal patterns could not be determined for many of the fish although M. cephalus, L. richardsoni and A. hololepidotus were more abundant in summer. The effect of river flooding had unpredictable results on Mugilidae catches which either decreased or increased after floods while catches of P. commersonii and A. hololepidotus usually increased. Largest catches were made in the middle reaches although species diversity was greatest in the lower reaches of the estuary.  相似文献   

The species composition, seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of the fish fauna of the Mbashe estuary (8 km long) was determined by means of gill nets. During the 37 month survey period, 2908 fish (2319,8 kg), comprising 27 species, were caught. The family Mugilidae, representing 58,8% of the numbers and 57,4% of the biomass, predominated the catches. In terms of biomass M. cephalus, A. hololepidotus and P. commersonnii were the most important species. Seasonal patterns for 10 of the 27 species were observed. M. cephalus, A. hololepidotus and L. amia were more abundant in spring/summer, E machnata and V. buchanani in spring, P. commersonnii and L. tricuspidens increased numerically in winter and M. capensis in autumn, Johnius dussumieri and Valamugil cunnesius were rare in winter and summer, respectively. Largest catches were made in the middle reaches of the estuary followed by the upper and lower reaches, respectively.  相似文献   

The Mntafufu and Mzamba Rivers have small catchment areas (178 and 505 km2, respectively) in the forested coastal belt of Transkei and have relatively small estuaries (5 and 2 km long, respectively). Although the annual rainfall is in excess of 1000 mm in this area, the mean annual runoff was less than 70 Mm3 in both cases. Serious floods were not observed during the survey period, while turbidity and sediment loads were usually very low. Salinities were usually high (x? = 30,0-38,0‰) in the bottom water and temperatures in the upper reaches were usually higher than in the lower reaches. The species composition, and seasonal and spatial abundance of the fish fauna of the two estuaries were determined by means of gill nets. A total of 1043 fish (385,8 kg) representing 42 species were caught in the Mntafufu estuary. The orangemouth glassnose Thryssa vitrirostris and V. cunnesius were the most abundant fish in the estuary. Numerically 42% of the catch (46% gravimetrically) belonged to the family Mugilidae (11 species) of which Mugil cephalus, Valamugil buchanani and V. cunnesius were the most important. A total of 389 fish (241,1 kg) were caught in the Mzamba estuary. Twenty-five species were obtained with Hilsa kelee dominating numerically. Seven species of mullet contributed 38,3% of the numbers or 54,2% of the fish biomass. The diamond mullet (Liza alata) and the flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) were the most abundant in terms of biomass. The highest catches in the two estuaries were taken in the lower reaches. Mean number and biomass of fish taken per net was 20,5 fish and 7,2 kg, and 16,2 fish and 10,1 kg in the Mntafufu and Mzamba estuaries, respectively.  相似文献   

The species composition, seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of the fish fauna of the Mtata estuary (8,5 km long) was determined by means of gill nets. Nine hundred and ninety fish (462,9 kg) comprising 26 species were caught of which M. cephalus (43,3%), A. hololepldotus (18,9%), P. commersonnii (7,9%), machnata (7,1%) and L. amia (5,45) were most abundant in terms of biomass. Mullet species constituted 48,3% of the biomass caught, representing 25,6% of the numbers. Seasonal patterns were ascertained for M. cephalus, M. capensis, V. buchanani, A. hololepidotus, P. commersonnii, P. kaakan, £ machnata, L. amia, J. dussumieri, T. vitrirostris and L. equula. A mean of 19,4 fish with a mean mass of 9,1 kg were caught per net per station. Numerically the highest catches were made in the upper reaches; gravimetrically in the middle reaches. Temperatures ranged from 10,5-25,5°C; a salinity gradient was usually present in all reaches; oxygen levels and turbidities were high.  相似文献   

Otoliths are calcareous anatomical structures in the inner ear of fishes, and they can be used in the discrimination of fish species and stocks due to their species-specific shape. Sagittal otoliths in the Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and Lepidorhombus boscii, two flatfish species of the same genus distributed in the Aegean Sea, were compared using morphology, morphometry and contour shape analyses. Blind and eyed side otoliths of Lepidorhombus species were evaluated separately due to their morphological features and statistical differences in morphometric measurements (p < 0.05). Four analysis groups were formed: blind side otolith of L. whiffiagonis, eyed side otolith of L. whiffiagonis, blind side otolith of L. boscii and eyed side otolith of L. boscii. Morphometric differences in otolith shape were performed by canonical discriminant analysis, and the first discriminant axis explained 97.4% (Wilks λ = 0.270) of the variance between the groups, and the second axis explained 2.3% (Wilks λ = 0.620). Classification success between Lepidorhombus species based on CDA is 100%, and the overall CDA classification score between groups is 76.5%. The wavelet functions obtained in the contour analysis showed high variability in the anterior, posterior-dorsal, antero-dorsal and ventral regions of the otoliths among these four analysis groups. Consequently, it is thought that this study will contribute to the taxonomic classification of fish with the morphological and morphometric differences in the blind and eyed side otoliths and the analyses made with the high discrimination success obtained in Lepidorhombus species.  相似文献   

Summary Production records for a flock of Djallonké sheep kept in the forest belt of Ghana were analysed to determine the effects of some environmental factors on the performance of the breed. The period under study covered April 1969 to November 1979. The mean ages at first conception and first lambing and the mean lambing interval were 498, 638 and 264 days respectively. The overall twinning rate and prolificacy were 30·7 and 130·6% respectively. The season of birth and age of dam had significant (P<0·05) effects on prolificacy and twinning rate. The birth weights of the lambs were affected significantly (P<0·05) by age of dam, type of birth, sex and season of birth with the mean birth weight being 1·77 kg. Weaning weight (mean of 8·36 kg) and pre-weaning growth rate (mean of 0·076 kg/day) were affected significantly (P<0·05) by types of birth. Type of birth significantly (P<0·05) affected pre-weaning mortality of lambs (overall mean of 20·95%).
Resumen Se analizaron los registros de producción de un grupo de ovejas Djallonké, en la región boscosa marginal de Gana, para determinar los efectos de factores ambientales sobre el rendimiento de la raza. El per⫛odo del estudio, cubrió los meses de abril 1969 hasta noviembre 1979. La edad media a la primera monta, primer parto, e intervalo entre partos fue de 498, 638 y 264 días respectivamente. La rata de mellizos y prolificidad fue de 30.7% y 130.6% respectivamente. La estación al nacimiento y la edad de la madre tuvieron efectos significativos, sobre la rata de mellizos y prolificidad. El peso de los corderos al nacer, se afectó significativamente (P<0.05) por la edad de la madre, tipo de nacimiento, sexo y estación al necimiento, con un peso medio al nacer de 1.77 kg. El tipo de nacimiento afectó significativamente (P<0.05), el peso al destete (media de 8.5 kg), y la rata de crecimiento predestete (media de 0.076 kg/día). El tipo de necimiento, también afecto significativamente (P<0.05) la mortalidad predestete (media general de 20.95%).

Résumé Les performances zootechniques d'un troupeau de moutons Djallonké dans la ceinturee forestière du Ghana ont été analysées pour déterminer l'influence de quelques facteurs de l'environnement sur les performances de la race. La période étudiée s'étendait d'avril 1969 à novembre 1979. L'age moyen à la première conception et au premier agnelage et l'intervalle moyen entre deux agnelages ont été respectivement de 498, 638 et 264 jours. Le taux global de naissances gemellaires et de prolificité ont été respectivement de 30,7 p. 100 et 130,6 p. 100. La saison de naissance et l'age de la mère ont influencé de fa?on significative (P<0,05) les taux de la prolificité et de naissances gemellaires. Le poids de naissance des agneaux a été affecté de fa?on significative (P<0,05) par l'age de la mère, le type de naissance, le sexe et la saison de naissance, le poids de naissance moyen se situant à 1,77 kg. Le poids au sevrage (moyenne de 8,36 kg) et le taux de croissance après sevrage (en moyenne 0,076 kg/jour) ont été influencés significativement (P<0,05) par les types de naissance. La mortalité des agneaux avant le sevrage (moyenne globale de 20, 95 p. 100) est aussi affecté de fa?on significative par le type de naissance (P<0,05).

Two experiments were undertaken to evaluate the use of pods from Huizache (Acacia farnesiana), common in the arid and semiarid regions of Mexico, on the perfromance and apparent digestibility in Pelibuey Mexican hair growing ewe lambs. Twenty-four Pelibuey ewe lambs were used in the animal performance experiment, with a mean live weight of 14.91 ± 1.48 kg, randomnly allocated to three groups which received ad libitum for 77 days (11 weeks) experimental whole rations T0 with 0%, T12 with 12% or T24 with 24% inclusión of dried and ground Huizache pods. Dry matter intakes (g/kg 0.75 daily) were 83, 95, 90 for T0, T12, and T24 respectively (P > 0.05). Mean daily live-weight gain was 90, 75, and 63 g/day for T0, T12, and T24 (P < 0.001). Nine Pelibuey ewe lambs were used to determine apparent digestibility in vivo of the experimental diets using a 3 × 3 latin square design repeated three times. There were differences in the digestibility of dry matter (P < 0.001), organic matter (P < 0.001), nitrogen (P < 0.031), neutral detergent fibre (P < 0.002), and acid detergent fibre (P < 0.001) being lower in T24. Huizache pods may be an alternative feed when included up to 12% of dry matter in the diets for sheep growing moderately.  相似文献   

Data concerning the species composition, abundance and distribution of fishes inhabiting the Berg River estuary are presented and used to assess the value of the estuary to fish, and the likely eflects of reduced freshwater inflows. A total of 31 species was recorded, eight of which were classified as estuarine residents, 11 as marine estuarine-opportunists, six as marine stragglers and six were freshwater species. Liza richard- sonii, an opportunist, was the most abundant (54% N) and widely distributed species encountered during the winter and summer seine-net surveys. Three other species (all residents) contributed more than 10% of the total catch; Atherina breviceps and Caffrogobius nudiceps occurring most abundantly in the lower estuary, and Gilchristella aestuaria in the middle estuary. The low number of species compared with estuaries in other regions of the South African coast reflect a well-established marine biogeographical trend. The higher proportions ol resident species, entirely dependent species and partially dependent species suggest, however, that west coast estuaries may be more important to the fish that inhabit them than are estuaries in other regions. It is concluded that the fish community of the estuary is already suffering the effects of habitat degradation and that further reductions in freshwater inllows are not desirable.  相似文献   

Summary Serum and liver concentrations of selected macro-and trace minerals were determined in Senepol cattle at 8 sites (4 each in a high and low rainfall region) during the dry and wet season on St Croix. At each site an average of 15 mature, lactating cows, grazing native grass/legume pastures without supplementation were blood sampled each season. Liver samples were collected (n=51) at slaughter from mature animals originating from the same sites. A preliminary analysis indicated no differences in serum mineral concentrations between mature lactating cows and growing heifers. There were differences between sites for serum magnesium (Mg) (P<0·001), copper (Cu) (P<0·05) selenium (Se) (P<0·001) and zinc (Zn) (P<0·01) in the dry season, and for Cu (P<0·01), iron (Fe) (P<0·001) and Zn (P<0·01) in the wet season. Higher (P<0·001) serum concentrations of Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn were observed in the dry season, while Se was higher (P<0·001) in the wet season. Liver concentrations of Cu and Fe were lower (P<0·01) and liver molybdenum (Mo) (P<0·001) and Se (P<0·05) higher during the dry season. The seasonal differences in serum Cu, Se and Zn concentrations have not been observed in other studies in the Central American region. More than 50% of serum samples were deficient in phosphorus (P) regardless of season, and in Cu and Zn during the wet season. Mineral supplementation should be considered.
Resumen Se determinó la concentración de minerales (macro y trazas) seleccionados, en ganado Senepol en ocho sitios: cuatro de ellos en una región de alta precipitación y los otros cuatro en regiones de baja precipitación pluvial, durante la estación seca y lluviosa en la isla de Sta Cruz. En cada sitio, un promedio de 15 vacas lactantes, pastoreando pasto nativo y pasturas con leguminosas sin suplementación, se sangraron en cada estación. Se colectó tejido hepático (n=51) en el matadero local, de animales maduros provenientes de los sitios estudiados. Un análisis preliminar, no indicó diferencias en concentraciones séricas de minerales entre animales maduros lactandos y novillas en crecimiento. Hubo diferencias en cuanto a localización respecto al magnesio sérico (Mg) (P<0·001), cobre (Cu) (P<0·05) selenio (Se) (P<0·001) y zinc (Zn) (P<0·01) en la estación seca y para Cu (P<0·01), hierro (Fe) (P<0·001) y Zn (P<0·01) en la estación lluviosa. Se observaron concentracionas séricas màs altas (P<0·001) de Mg, Cu, Fe y Zn en la estación seca, mientras que el Se fue más alto (P<0·001) en la estación lluviosa. Las concentraciones hepáticas de Cu y Fe fueron bajas (P<0·01) y las de molibdeno hepático (Mo) (P<0·001) y Se (P<0·05), fueron altas durante la estación seca. Las diferencias estacionales en concentraciones de Cu, Se, y Zn sérico, no habian sido observadas en otros estudios en la región centroamericana. Mas de 50 por ciento de las muestras de suero fueron deficientes en fósforo (P) sin tener en cuenta la estación y en Cu y Zn durante la estación lluviosa. Se sugiere la necesidas de suplementación mineral.

Résumé Les auteurs ont déterminé les concentrations sériques et hépatiques d'un certain nombre d'oligo éléments et de sels minéraux sur des bovins Senepol éléves sur 8 sites (quatre pour chaque région à forte et faible pluviométrie) pendant la saison humide et la saison sèche sur l'lle Sainte Croix. Sur chaque site, des prélèvements de sang ont été effectués pendant chaque saison sur la base d'une moyenne de 15 vaches adultes en lactation, paturant sur des parcours naturels de graminées/légumineuses, sans complémentation. Les prélèvements de foie (n=51) ont été collectés à l'abattoir sur des animaux adultes originaires de ces mêmes endroits. Une analyse préliminaire n'a indiqué aucune différence dans les concentrations minérales du sérum entre les vaches adultes en lactation et les génisses en cours de croissance. Il y avait des différences entre les sites pour le magnésium sérique (Mg) (P<0,001), le cuivre (Cu) (P<0,05), le sélénium (Se) (P<0,001) et le zinc (Zn) (P<0,01) en saison sèche et pour le cuivre (Cu) (P<0,01), le fer (Fe) (P<0,001) et le zinc (Zn) (P<0,01) en saison humide. En saison sèche, des concentrations plus élevées (P<0,001) on été observées pour Mg, Cu, Fe et Zn alors que le sélénium (Se) était plus abondant en saison humide. Les concentrations hépatiques en Cu et Fe étaient plus basses (P<0,01) mais celles en Molybdène (Mo) (P<0,001) et en sélénium (P<0,05) plus élevées au cours de la saison sèche. Les différences saisonnières entre les concentrations sériques de Cu, Se et Zn n'ont pas été observées en Amérique centrale par d'autres auteurs. Plus de 50 p. 100 des échantillons de sérum étaient carencés en phosphore (P) quelle que soit la saison, et en Cu et Zn pendant la saison humide. Il conviendrait de prendre en considération la complémentation minérale.

Juvenile fish occurring in Algoa Bay off the mouth of the Swartkops estuary were collected using a 3-m beam trawl. Pomadasys ollvaceum, Engraulis capensis, Caffrogoblus agulhensls, Argyrosomus hololepidotus and Galeichthys feliceps were the most abundant species in the trawl catches. Despite the proximity of the Swartkops estuary the trawls failed to capture species which are abundant as Juveniles in the estuary and it is concluded that the estuary has little influence on the juvenile fish fauna outside the mouth.  相似文献   

The present study was delineated to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of camel brucellosis in Northern Somalia (Somaliland). The study was carried out at three main districts of camel-rearing regions of Somaliland (Awdal, Waqoyi Galbed and Togdheer) in the period from July to November, 2008. A total of 1246 camel blood sera were randomly collected from 42 sporadic small scale camel herds. Two serological tests were used to screen all serum samples, Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and indirect ELISA (I-ELISA). Multivariate logistic regression was constructed to study the risk factors associated with Brucella seropositive cases. The overall prevalence of camel brucellosis in districts under investigation was 3.9% by RBPT and 3.1% by (I-ELISA). Multivariate logistic regression on animal level showed that locality (P < 0.05; OR: 6.254; CI, 1.186–32.976), herd size (P < 0.001; OR: 5.493; CI, 2.956-10–207), rearing with other ruminants (P < 0.001; OR: 12.433; CI, 3.957–39.060), and contact with other camels (P < 0.05; OR: 5.311; CI, 1.093–25.800) were the potential risk factors. However, herd size (P < 0.05; OR: 5.425; CI, 1.181–24.932), and rearing with other ruminants (P < 0.05; OR: 20.466; CI, 1.456–28.638) were recorded as risk factors on the herd level. The results of the present investigation indicate that the Brucella spp. exists within the camel herds in Somaliland. Further studies need to be done on Brucella infection in the other ruminants to determine which measure should be followed for control of brucellosis.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of composite antimicrobial peptide (CAP) on growth performance and health status in weaned piglets. Over 28 days, 36 weaned piglets (body weight, 10.58 ± 0.99 kg) underwent three treatments: negative control (NC, basal diet), positive control (PC, basal diet + 20 mg/kg colistin sulphate + 50 mg/kg kitasamycin), and CAP treatment (CAP, basal diet with 400 mg/kg CAP). Average daily gain of piglets fed the CAP diet was greater (< 0.05) than that of piglets fed the PC or NC diet during days 1–7, 8–14 and 15–21. Diarrhea rates of piglets fed the CAP or PC diet were lower (< 0.05) than those of NC‐fed piglets during days 1–7. Apparent total tract digestibility for dry matter and crude ash in CAP‐fed piglets was greater (< 0.05) than that of NC‐fed piglets. In the CAP group, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium counts were greater (< 0.05) and Escherichia coli counts were lower (< 0.05) than numbers for the NC group. Our results indicate that dietary CAP had beneficial effects on growth performance and health status in weaned piglets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with various fat sources (3.8–3.9% of diet) during late pregnancy and lactation on the reproductive performance, fatty acids profile in colostrum, milk and serum of sow progeny. A total of 80 multiparous sows were randomly fed a control (adding no oil), palm oil (PO), fish oil (FO) or soybean oil (SO) supplemented diet from 90 days of pregnancy to weaning. Supplementation of FO increased litter size of weak piglets, compared with the control‐fed sows (< 0.05). Dietary FO and SO supplementation, enhanced the weaning survival rate, litter weaning weight, litter weight gain and fat content in milk (< 0.05). The highest immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgM levels in colostrum and milk were observed in the FO group (< 0.05). Meanwhile, the highest concentration of C22:5 (n‐3) and C22:6 (n‐3) in colostrum, milk and piglet serum was observed in the FO group (< 0.05). Taken together, dietary inclusion of FO or SO improved growth performance of nursing piglets by increasing milk fat output, and FO consumption by sows might benefit the piglets via increasing n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid availability and immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) secretion.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the fiber characteristics of pork muscle exhibiting different levels of drip loss during storage. The samples were taken from Longissimus dorsi muscle to evaluate drip loss (n = 100). Fifteen muscles per group (low and high drip loss) were selected to evaluate the histological characteristics at 0 and 72 h of storage time. The statistical analysis revealed that a high drip loss group had greater endomysium thickness than a low drip loss group at 0 h of storage time (< 0.05). There were no significant differences in total number of fibers, fiber diameter, fiber area and perimysium thickness at 0 h of storage time (> 0.05). At 72 h of storage time, a high drip loss was evident in higher total number of fibers (< 0.01), but smaller fiber diameter (< 0.05), fiber area (< 0.01) and endomysium thickness (< 0.01) than a low drip loss group. There was no significant difference in perimysium thickness (> 0.05). In conclusion, drip loss might be affected by muscle structural characteristics during storage.  相似文献   

The catch per unit effort of Oreochromis mossambicus, Clarias gariepinus and Cyprinus carpio at different localities at Hartbeespoort Dam was investigated. Catches of the three species were between three and ten times higher on the southern shore of the lake than on the northern shore. The gradient of each locality was found to be the most important variable determining catch. Gill-net catches of O. mossambicus from littoral and limnetic stations indicated equal abundance of the species in these two habitats. The implications of the results for improved predictions of fish yield from lakes, and for management are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance was investigated in Escherichia coli isolated from beef, veal, lamb and pork at retail level. A total of 100 samples from each meat species was examined. About 16% of the 400 samples were contaminated with resistant E.coli. Significantly more E.coli isolates from pork were drug-resistant than isolates from other meats(P<0.01). About 7% of the combined beef, veal, and lamb E.coli isolates were resistant to two or more antibiotics compared to about 40.0% of the pork isolates (P<0.01) Transfer of resistance was observed for 39.2% of multiple resistant isolates. The results presented form a base for future monitoring of the presence of antibiotic-resistant coliforms on meat suitable for human consumption.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted for 84 d, beginning on July 1, with cow-calf pairs grazing summer grass to determine the effects of feeding molasses containing urea or urea, fish solubles, and fish meal on BW gains, milk production, and blood metabolites. The four treatments based on a 16% CP urea-molasses mixture were no supplement, 97.8% base mixture plus 2.2% urea for cows and calves, 80% base mixture plus 10% fish solubles and 10% fish meal for cows and calves, and the supplement with fish solubles and fish meal as a creep feed for calves. The mixture contained 23% CP as fed. In Exp. 1, 60 crossbred cows with Angus-sired calves were allotted according to sex and birth date to 12, 2-ha pastures. Three pastures each with five cow-calf pairs were assigned to each treatment. In Exp. 2, 48 Hereford X Brahman F1 cows with Angus- or Belgian Blue-sired calves were allotted as in Exp. 1 to 24, 1-ha Alicia bermudagrass pastures. Three pastures with two cow-calf pairs were assigned to each treatment for each sire breed of calf. Cows were machine-milked, and jugular blood samples were collected initially and on d 28 and 56. Cows and calves were weighed, and cows were condition-scored after a 16-h shrink at the beginning and end of both experiments. Both supplements were consumed at similar levels (1.75 kg/d) by cow-calf pairs in both experiments. Cows in Exp. 1 and calves in both experiments gained more (P<0.05) BW when cow-calf pairs had access to the supplement containing fish solubles and fish meal. Milk yield was numerically higher on d 28 (P<0.18) and d 56 (P<0.11) when cows received fish solubles and fish meal in the supplement. The decline in milk yield from initial milking tended to be less (P<0.10) on d 28 and was less (P<0.05) on d 56 when cows received this supplement. Plasma ammonia N concentrations were higher (P<0.05) when cows were fed supplement containing only urea, and both supplements increased (P<0.05) plasma urea N when compared with no supplement. Supplements containing molasses, urea, fish solubles, and fish meal appear beneficial for cow-calf pairs grazing summer forage.  相似文献   

Twelve Murrah buffaloes in second or third parity during early lactation (50–70 days) were selected from the Institute’s herd. All the buffaloes were kept under loose housing system and were provided ad lib green maize fodder and water to drink during 30 days experiment during the month of August- September. The buffaloes were divided into two groups of six each. Showering group (SG) buffaloes were kept under water showers from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., while wallowing group (WG) buffaloes were allowed to wallow in a water pond during the same time. Physiological responses viz. rectal temperature (RT), respiration rate (RR), pulse rate (PR) and skin temperature (ST) were recorded before (8.00 a.m.) and after (4.00 p.m.) showers or wallowing. Skin temperature at different sites i.e. trunk, forehead, udder, udder vein, and neck regions was measured. Skin and rectal temperature of both the groups were non significant in morning but varied (P < 0.01) in the evening. Skin temperature measured at all the sites was significantly lower (P < 0.01) in wallowing buffaloes than the showering group. Further, skin temperature of neck, head, udder, udder vein and RT varied (P < 0.01) in SG and WG buffaloes during periods of study. The significant changes in all the parameters of study further support the evidence on effective cooling of skin by wallowing in comparison to water showers. The correlation data indicated a positive correlation of maximum air temperature with RT in SG but correlation was non-significant in WG. RT was positively correlated with ST in SG (P < 0.05) and WG (P < 0.01). The pooled data analysis of both groups also indicated a positive correlation of maximum temperature with RT (P < 0.05). The morning respiration and pulse rate non-significantly varied in both group, however, in the evening, the respiration rate and pulse rate was more (P < 0.01) in SG in comparison to WG. No adverse effect of wallowing or shower treatment on mastitis incidence and general health of animals was observed.  相似文献   

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