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Twenty-four honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies were used to monitor the efficacy of a solution of 2.9% oxalic acid (OA) and 31.9% sugar against the mite Varroa destructor. Mite mortality was established prior to and after OA treatments, which were conducted in August and September. The treatments resulted in 37% mite mortality as opposed to 1.11% in the controls. OA treatment conducted in September on previously untreated colonies resulted in 25% mite mortality. OA treatments in October and November resulted in approximately 97% mite mortality. These results suggest that OA is effective during the broodless period and less effective when applied to colonies with capped broods. The possible use of OA against the Varroa mite in honeybee colonies as an alternative to routine chemical treatments is discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: To use a simulation model of the spread of the Asian honeybee mite (Varroa destructor) amongst apiaries, to evaluate a series of detection surveillance programmes for the South Island of New Zealand. METHODS: Five potential incursion sites into the South Island were selected. A stochastic spatial simulation model, Varroa_ sim, was adapted to simulate spread of the mite from these sites as a series of silent-phase propagating epidemics. The study population comprised all apiaries in the South Island registered in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAF's) apiary database in 2003. Six different surveillance programmes were simulated to try and detect the mite. Three of these were the actual multi-stage sampling plans conducted during the autumn (March-May) of 2001, 2002 and 2003, and the other three involved simple random sampling with sampling fractions equivalent to the actual numbers of apiaries tested in each of those years. The relative performances of the different surveillance plans were evaluated in terms of their ability to detect the mite early before it had spread too far and whilst there might still be a chance of eradication. RESULTS: There were 13,798 registered apiaries in the South Island with valid map coordinates in the apiary database at the time of the study. The model generated 50 epidemics against which the various surveillance programmes were evaluated. The actual surveillance programmes conducted during the autumn of 2001 and 2002 generally performed fairly well in detecting the mite. The programme conducted in autumn 2003 detected the mite reasonably well in high-risk areas, but was very poor in low-risk areas. The simple random sampling strategies performed surprisingly well, and their relative rankings were proportional to the sampling fractions employed. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the value in using a spatial simulation model to generate plausible silent-phase epidemics, against which detection surveillance programmes could be evaluated, in ways that would otherwise not be possible.  相似文献   

本研究着重从狄斯瓦螨依赖度极高的食物着手,较全面地比较了4种蜜蜂幼虫血淋巴中与螨繁殖高度相关的营养物质含量差异。结果显示,对狄斯瓦螨吸引力(繁殖力)最弱的中华蜜蜂工蜂幼虫血淋巴中,蛋白质含量显著低于其他3种幼虫,而游离氨基酸含量显著高于其他3者;对狄斯瓦螨吸引力(繁殖力)最高的中华蜜蜂雄蜂幼虫血淋巴中,Cu元素和维生素E(生育酚)含量是4种幼虫中最高的,分别与其他3者具有显著性差异。研究结果证实,与螨繁殖相关的营养成分含量的差异与螨寄生特性具有高度一致性,这为进一步分析螨的营养需求和寻求从营养上抑制螨繁育的方法打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

AIM: To use a simulation model of the spread of the Asian honeybee mite (Varroa destructor) amongst apiaries, to evaluate a series of detection surveillance programmes for the South Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: Five potential incursion sites into the South Island were selected. A stochastic spatial simulation model, Varroa_sim, was adapted to simulate spread of the mite from these sites as a series of silent-phase propagating epidemics. The study population comprised all apiaries in the South Island registered in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAF's) apiary database in 2003. Six different surveillance programmes were simulated to try and detect the mite. Three of these were the actual multi-stage sampling plans conducted during the autumn (March–May) of 2001, 2002 and 2003, and the other three involved simple random sampling with sampling fractions equivalent to the actual numbers of apiaries tested in each of those years. The relative performances of the different surveillance plans were evaluated in terms of their ability to detect the mite early before it had spread too far and whilst there might still be a chance of eradication.

RESULTS: There were 13,798 registered apiaries in the South Island with valid map coordinates in the apiary database at the time of the study. The model generated 50 epidemics against which the various surveillance programmes were evaluated. The actual surveillance programmes conducted during the autumn of 2001 and 2002 generally performed fairly well in detecting the mite. The programme conducted in autumn 2003 detected the mite reasonably well in high-risk areas, but was very poor in low-risk areas. The simple random sampling strategies performed surprisingly well, and their relative rankings were proportional to the sampling fractions employed.

CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the value in using a spatial simulation model to generate plausible silent-phase epidemics, against which detection surveillance programmes could be evaluated, in ways that would otherwise not be possible.  相似文献   

为了比较滇南地区大小蜂螨治理方法及效果的差异,采取1∶500的双甲脒溶液喷杀大蜂螨及以相同浓度双甲脒溶液配伍升华硫涂杀小蜂螨的手段对红河蜜蜂试验站整体西蜂场治螨,观察治螨效果和蜂群表现。结果显示,该方法能杀灭90%的蜂螨,但对封盖内和巢房底部的蜂螨毒杀效果不理想,蜂群表现为焦躁、易蜇人,对蜂王及采集影响不大。双甲脒及其配伍升华硫对滇南地区的大小蜂螨防治效果明显,可为在该地区的养蜂者提供参考。  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline as a predisposing condition for chalkbrood in honeybee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotics, particularly oxytetracycline, have been discussed as a possible predisposing condition in the appearance of chalkbrood in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Nevertheless, the scientific data to support this belief have been insufficient. We have developed a method to study the effects of this antibiotic as a predisposing factor under different circumstances. We conclude that oxytetracycline does not increase the risk of chalkbrood in susceptible worker brood in the short or mid-term.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse the underlying diseases, diagnostic findings and treatment outcomes in 10 dogs with sterile panniculitis. There was no significant breed association in this study (P = 0.86).The median age of the dogs was 7.4 years. Concurrent diseases included atopic dermatitis (four dogs), acute pancreatitis (two dogs) and primary hypoadrenocorticism (one dog), with no concurrent conditions detected in three dogs. There was no significant association with the sterile panniculitis (P = 0.57). Well-circumscribed firm nodules were noted in seven dogs, and ill-defined soft nodules were observed in three dogs. Bacterial and fungal cultures of biopsy samples were negative in all cases. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the nodules revealed pleomorphic mesenchymal cells in all of the well-circumscribed firm nodules, whereas numerous inflammatory cells and adipose cells were evident in soft nodules. These results indicate that firm nodules in panniculitis could be misdiagnosed as tumours. Immunosuppressive therapy was used in eight cases. Topical dexamethasone was used in four dogs, intralesional dexamethasone in one dog, oral prednisolone plus ciclosporin in two dogs and oral prednisolone only in one dog. The remaining treatments were surgical excision and systemic cefalexin in one dog each. The lesions regressed within 1 week in all cases, with more rapid remission following systemic immunosuppressive therapy. This study suggests that cytology may be misinterpreted as neoplastic, especially with firm lesions. In addition, topical glucocorticoid therapy should be further evaluated as a potential treatment for canine sterile panniculitis.  相似文献   

An organic product based on formic acid in a gel matrix was evaluated for use in Varroa control under autumnal climatic conditions in Argentina. Twenty colonies each received two gel packets with formic acid in two applications and numbers of falling mites were registered. After this treatment colonies received two other acaricides in order to compare efficacy. Average final efficacy in colonies treated with the organic product was 92% with a low variability. The gel matrix kept an adequate formic acid concentration inside the colonies with only two applications. This product is, therefore, a good alternative for Varroa control because it is organic, easy to use and presents a low variability in final efficacy between colonies. No queen, brood, or adult honeybee mortality was registered.  相似文献   

The discussions about the possibility of bacterial resistance resulting from the use of antimicrobial growth promoters in broiler feed. The limitations of international market have forced the exporting countries to search for alternatives to ensure the animal growth without affecting the quality of the final product. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of in-feed CRINA® Poultry Plus (CPP, a mixture of benzoic acid and essential oils) in enhancing broiler growth performance and reducing coccidial lesions, as a non-antibiotic growth promoter. Effect of CPP on litter moisture content was also assessed. The treatments were: NC, a basal diet without growth promoters; PC, a basal diet with 10 ppm of Avilamycin (AVI); CPPD, a basal diet with 300 ppm of CPP from 1 to 42 d; AVI(1–21d)/CPP(22–42d), a basal diet with 10 ppm of AVI from 1 to 21 d and 300 ppm of CPP from 22 to 42 d; and AVI + CPP (1–42 d), a basal diet with 10 ppm of AVI and 300 ppm of CPP from 1 to 42 d. The 5 treatments were applied in a completely randomized arrangement and 10 replicate with 31 birds per pen. The diets with CPP increased body weight gain and feed conversion rates in the 1 to 42 d period and European productive efficiency index compared to birds fed with negative control diet (NC). Furthermore, lesion scores induced by E. acervulina were highest in the NC. The results suggest that CRINA® Poultry Plus can be used as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler diets without losses in productive performance.  相似文献   

Serological surveys are the most-used way to study diseases in free-ranging wild animals. However, the difficulty in obtaining a sufficient number of suitable serum samples is a major problem. To resolve this problem, we investigated the possibility of using lung-tissue extract in place of blood serum for searching for antibodies against Brucella abortus. Antibodies titres against B. abortus was tested from blood serum and lung-tissue extract from 112 chamois and 99 cattle. Although in complement-fixation-test, lung-tissue extract titres usually were one-to three-fold lower than serum titres, there was a good agreement between serum and lung-tissue extract positivity both in chamois and in cattle. The lung-tissue extract appears a suitable resource in monitoring brucellosis in chamois.  相似文献   

The efficacy of formic acid in a gel matrix was evaluated in two groups of honeybee colonies. In Group 1, a dispenser with 120 g of formic acid (70%) in gel was placed on the brood combs and another dispenser with the same dose was located on the hive bottom (total dose, 240 g). Group 2 received two doses of 240 g of formic acid (70%) in gel and each application was applied in two dispensers containing 120 g of the formic acid solution each and they were located over the brood chamber (total dose, 480 g). In Group 2, the period between both applications was 15 days, and the efficacies after the first and both applications were calculated. Significant differences were registered for final efficacy between both groups. When final efficacy of Group 1 was compared with efficacy after first application of Group 2, significant differences were found (P=0.0005). Same doses in different positions within the hive have different final efficacy. The higher efficacy was registered when the dispensers were placed over brood combs and on the hive bottom. It is suggested that efficacy is related to dispenser position within the hive.  相似文献   

Oxalic acid field trails for the control of varroosis (Varroa destructor) were carried out in an apiary located on the Mt. Imittos (Attica, Greece). The colonies received four successive applications (approximately one every 16 days) with 4.2% oxalic acid (OA) and 60% sugar solution by trickling method with two alternative types of syringes (an automatic self-filling dosing and a single-use) from the broodright to broodless period. The results indicate that the first three applications (from 6th October to 25th November-broodright period) resulted in 65.3% cumulative mite mortality, while only the last application (after the 26th November-broodless period) resulted in 77.3% mite mortality. Very low outern temperatures reduce to the minimum the bee movability, which may result into a slower development of the OA efficacy. No poor colony growth or queen loss were observed even if the bee colonies were received the four successive OA applications with the last one taken place at a very low outern temperature (6.2 degrees C). The trickling method using an automatic-filling syringe seems to be a very quick way for applying oxalic acid in large apiaries (approximately 150hives/h).  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the supervised independent component regression (SICR) method for the estimation of genomic values and the SNP marker effects for boar taint and carcass traits in pigs. The methods were evaluated via the agreement between the predicted genetic values and the corrected phenotypes observed by cross‐validation. These values were also compared with other methods generally used for the same purposes, such as RR‐BLUP, SPCR, SPLS, ICR, PCR and PLS. The SICR method was found to have the most accurate prediction values.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare upper airway mechanics, arterial blood gases, and tracheal contamination in horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia (recurrent laryngeal neuropathy [RLN]) treated by laryngoplasty/vocal cordectomy (LPVC) or modified partial arytenoidectomy (MPA). STUDY DESIGN: Repeated measures under the following conditions: Control, RLN, LPVC, and MPA. ANIMALS: Six horses. METHODS: Two trials were conducted under all conditions at 80% and 100% of maximal heart rate (HR(max)). In Trial 1, arterial blood gases, tracheal and pharyngeal pressures, and laryngeal videoendoscopy were recorded. In Trial 2, upper airway pressure and airflow were determined. Tracheobronchial aspirates were performed after exercise to quantify airway contamination. RESULTS: Compared with control, RLN significantly increased inspiratory impedance and worsened exercise-induced hypoxemia. At 80% HR(max), LPVC restored most variables to control values. At 100% HR(max), LPVC improved all variables, but did not restore minute volume, arterial pH, and PaCO(2). At 80% HR(max), MPA restored all variables except bicarbonate to control values. At 100% HR(max), MPA improved all variables, but did not statistically restore minute ventilation or bicarbonate level. Only minor differences were noted between LPVC and MPA. Both resulted in equivalent tracheal contamination. CONCLUSIONS: Airway mechanics and arterial blood gas values were not restored to normal after either LPVC or MPA in horses exercising at HR(max). This does not affect ventilation at sub-maximal exercise, but has clinical implications at HR(max). Both procedures diminish normal laryngeal protective mechanisms. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: At sub-maximal exercise intensities both LPVC and MPA restore airway ventilation to normal. At maximal exercise the superiority of LPVC over MPA is slight.  相似文献   

蜜蜂为棚栽草莓授粉的效益分析研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用意大利蜜蜂为棚栽草莓授粉的试验结果表明 :草莓产量平均提高65.6 %~74.3 % ,畸形果率下降60.7 %~63.1 % ,净效益增长率为69.85 %~79.02 % ,且草莓甜度增加 ,品质改善。大棚内适时配置蜂群授粉 ,蜂群耗损2.0~2.1框/棚(20m2) ,但只要科学地饲养管理 ,也能大幅度地减少蜂群损失。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the rumenic acid (RA = cis-9 trans-11 C18:2 CLA) content of milk fat is usually higher in sheep than in goats, due partly to different dietary regimens. An experiment was conducted with 12 lactating dairy ewes and 12 goats with the objective to compare the two animal species (sheep/goats) fed diet with the same forage/concentrate (F/C) ratio, on their milk fatty acids (FA) profile with emphasis on RA and vaccenic acid (VA) production. The experiment was carried out in three consecutive phases, lasted 3 weeks each, immediately after weaning of lambs and kids. In phase I, the ewes and the goats were fed according to their maintenance and lactation requirements, with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg wheat straw and 12 kg concentrate the 12 ewes (F/C ratio = 60/40), and with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 24 kg concentrate the 12 goats (F/C ratio = 43/57). In phase II, 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 14 kg concentrate were offered daily to each group of sheep and goats, with a F/C ratio = 56/44. In phase III, all ewes and goats were fed individually with 0.8 kg alfalfa hay, 0.2 kg wheat straw and 0.8 kg concentrate daily with a F/C ratio = 56/44. The results showed that the different F/C ratio between sheep and goats diets, in phase I, changed significantly the milk FA profile, with no significant difference in RA and VA milk fat content between sheep and goats in phase I. In phases II (group feeding) and III (individual feeding), where sheep and goats fed with the same amount of food of the same F/C ratio, the sheep milk fat had higher RA and VA content compared to goats. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that there are species differences, as RA and VA production concerns, which needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (400 IU) combined with human chorionic gonadotrophin (200 IU) was administered to anestrous gilts (n=31) and sows (n=20) in commercial herds. Two-thirds of the treated animals were mated successfully within seven days and, although no control animals were included, the response indicated that this hormone combination would be useful in herds with anestrous problems. A second experiment was conducted to evaluate the occurrence of estrus and/or ovulations in prepuberal gilts (n=eight/treatment) following injection with pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin/human chorionic gonadotrophin or other hormones that might stimulate ovarian activity. The pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin/human chorionic gonadotrophin combination and follicle-stimulating hormone produced estrus within ten days of injection in at least half of the treated gilts but the response was lower with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and a prostaglandin analogue. Combinations of human chorionic gonadotrophin with small amounts of estradiol benzoate stimulated estrus and ovulation in most of the treated gilts.  相似文献   

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