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Fan DY  Jie SL  Liu CC  Zhang XY  Xu XW  Zhang SR  Xie ZQ 《Tree physiology》2011,31(8):865-877
Karst topography is a special landscape shaped by the dissolution of one or more layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite. Due to subterranean drainage, overland flow, extraction of water by plants and evapotranspiration, there may be very limited surface water. The hydraulic architecture that plants use to adapt to karst topography is very interesting, but few systematic reports exist. The karst area in southwestern China is unique when compared with other karst areas at similar latitudes, because of its abundant precipitation, with rainfall concentrated in the growing season. In theory, resistance to water-stress-induced cavitation via air seeding should be accompanied by decreased pore hydraulic conductivity and stem hydraulic conductivity. However, evidence for such trade-offs across species is ambiguous. We measured the hydraulic structure and foliar stable carbon isotope ratios of 31 karst woody plants at three locations in Guizhou Province, China, to evaluate the functional coordination between resistance to cavitation and specific conductivity. We also applied phylogenetically independent contrast (PIC) analysis in situations where the inter-species correlations of functional traits may be biased on the potential similarity of closely related species. The average xylem tension measurement, at which 50% of hydraulic conductivity of the plants was lost (Ψ(50)), was only -1.27 MPa. Stem Ψ(50) was positively associated with specific conductance (K(s)) (P?相似文献   

Many authors have attempted to explain the adaptive response of tropical plants to drought based on studies of water relations at the leaf level. Little attention has been given to the role of the xylem system in the control of plant water requirements. To evaluate this role, we studied the hydraulic architecture and water relations parameters of two tropical canopy trees with contrasting leaf phenologies: deciduous Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dug and evergreen Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex lamb) Urban, both in the family Bombacaceae. The hydraulic architecture parameters studied include hydraulic conductivity, specific conductivity, leaf specific conductivity, and Huber value. Water relations parameters include leaf water potential, stem and leaf water storage capacitance, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and vulnerability of stems to cavitation and loss of hydraulic conductivity by embolisms. Compared to temperate trees, both species showed a pattern of highly vulnerable stems (50% loss of conductivity due to embolism at water potentials less than 1 MPa) with high leaf specific conductivities. The vulnerability of xylem to water-stress-induced embolism was remarkably similar for the two species but the leaf specific conductivity of petioles and leaf-bearing stems of the evergreen species, Ochroma (e.g., 9.08 and 11.4 x 10(-4) kg s(-1) m(-1) MPa(-1), respectively), were 3.4 and 2.3 times higher, respectively, than those of the deciduous species, Pseudobombax (e.g., 2.64 and 5.15 x 10(-4) kg s(-1) m(-1) MPa(-1), respectively). A runaway embolism model was used to test the ability of Ochroma and Pseudobombax stems to maintain elevated transpiration rates during the higher evaporative demand of the dry season. The percent loss of leaf area predicted by the runaway embolism model for stems of Pseudobombax ranged from 5 to 30%, not enough to explain the deciduous phenology of this tree species without analysis of root resistance or leaf and petiole vulnerability to embolism.  相似文献   

Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) were grown for two years in full sunlight (unshaded) or 20% of full sunlight (shaded) under either well-watered or drought conditions. There was a close association between evaporative flux (in situ) and leaf-specific conductivity (LSC) in stem segments of both species. Shaded, drought-stressed seedlings of both species had significantly reduced leaf area, evaporative flux, volume flow rate in xylem, flow velocity, potentially functional xylem area, and LSC than unshaded, well-watered seedlings. Reductions in LSC associated with drought or shade were similar for both species; and within a treatment, both species had similar LSC. Species differed in the manner of LSC adjustment to drought and shade. Reductions in leaf area associated with drought or shade were accompanied primarily by reductions in potentially functional xylem area for L. tulipifera, and by reductions in flow velocity for Q. rubra. These results suggest (1) the existence of a homeostatic balance between evaporative flux and LSC, (2) that species with widely different growth patterns and xylem anatomies may develop similar LSC within the same environment, and (3) a possible hydraulic basis for differences in habitat between ring- and diffuse-porous species.  相似文献   

We investigated phloem-xylem interactions in Acer rubrum L. and Acer saccharum Marsh. Our experimental method allowed us to determine xylem conductance of an intact branch by measuring the flow rate of water supplied at two delivery pressures to the cut end of a small side branch. We found that removal of bark tissue (phloem girdling) upstream of the point at which deionized water was delivered to the branch resulted in a decrease (24% for A. rubrum and 15% for A. saccharum) in branch xylem hydraulic conductance. Declines in hydraulic conductance with girdling were accompanied by a decrease in the osmotic concentration of xylem sap. The decrease in xylem sap concentration following phloem girdling suggests that ion redistribution from the phloem was responsible for the observed decline in hydraulic conductance. When the same measurements were made on branches perfused with KCl solution (approximately 140 mOsm kg(-1)), phloem girdling had no effect on xylem hydraulic conductance. These results suggest a functional link between phloem and xylem hydraulic systems that is mediated by changes in the ionic content of the cell sap.  相似文献   

树木水力结构特征季节变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北京林业大学校园内选取侧柏、刺槐等11个针阔叶树种为研究对象,测定1a生枝条小枝水势及水力结构参数季节变化。研究表明:小枝水势及水力结构参数均具有季节变化规律。导水率与比导率季节变化规律基本相似,从树种材性上看均表现为:环孔材树种〉散孔材树种〉无孔材树种,而木质部栓塞化程度也表现为:环孑L材树种〉散孔材树种〉无孔材树种。枝条水势、导水率和比导率季节变化节律均与树木生长发育节律相一致,都表现出枝条木质化时期〉嫩枝生长期〉早春,而木质部空穴和栓塞化程度也存在着季节变化节律,且与比导率季节变化节律相反,即:早春〉嫩枝生长期〉枝条木质化时期。  相似文献   

Tyree MT 《Tree physiology》1988,4(3):195-217
A model is presented for the dynamics of water flow in a single eastern white cedar tree (Thuja occidentalis L.). The model takes into account the spatial and temporal dependence of the evaporative flux from leaves in the crown. It also accounts for the quantitative hydraulic architecture of the tree, i.e., the model characterizes the tree as a branched catena of > 4000 stem segments in which account is taken of the segment length, diameter, hydraulic resistance, and the total area of leaves attached to the segment. Input values needed to run the model are measurements of evaporative flux, hydraulic conductance of stems versus stem diameter, and leaf and stem water storage capacitances. Output parameters are the spatial and temporal characterization of stem and leaf water potentials, stem and leaf water deficits, sap flow rate, and relative sap velocity. The input and output values of the branched catena model are compared and contrasted to that of an unbranched catena model. It is shown that the branched catena model fits independently measured field parameters better than an unbranched catena model. Close correspondence is found between model predictions and field measurements of shoot water potential, pressure gradients in stems, hysteresis in sap velocity between the lower and upper parts of the tree, and diurnal changes in stem and leaf water deficits. This model is discussed in terms of both the hydraulic architecture of trees and the potential application of the model to questions of tree morphology, ecology, physiology and evolution.  相似文献   

We examined open-grown Acer mono Maxim. trees of different sizes to test the hypotheses that (1) hydraulic limitation increases with tree size, thereby reducing photosynthesis, and (2) photosynthetic water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies change with tree size. Maximum net assimilation rate per unit dry mass was significantly lower in large trees than in small trees, whereas leaf nitrogen concentration increased with tree size. As a consequence, photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency decreased with increase in tree size. Photosynthetic water-use efficiency, however, increased with tree size, partly as a result of reduced stomatal conductance. Neither root-to-leaf hydraulic conductance nor minimum leaf water potential changed with tree size.  相似文献   

Modification of foliage exposition and morphology by seasonal average integrated quantum flux density (Qint) was investigated in the canopies of the shade-tolerant late-successional deciduous tree species Fagus orientalis Lipsky and Fagus sylvatica L. Because the leaves were not entirely flat anywhere in the canopy, the leaf lamina was considered to be three-dimensional and characterized by the cross-sectional angle between the leaf halves (theta). Both branch and lamina inclination angles with respect to the horizontal scaled positively with irradiance in the canopy, allowing light to penetrate to deeper canopy horizons. Lamina cross-sectional angle varied from 170 degrees in the most shaded leaves to 90-100 degrees in leaves in the top of the canopy. Thus, the degree of leaf rolling increased with increasing Qint, further reducing the light-interception efficiency of the upper-canopy leaves. Simulations of the dependence of foliage light-interception efficiency on theta demonstrated that decreases in theta primarily reduce the interception efficiency of direct irradiance, but that diffuse irradiance was equally efficiently intercepted over the entire range of theta values in our study. Despite strong alteration in foliage light-harvesting capacity within the canopy and greater transmittance of the upper crown compared with the lower canopy, mean incident irradiances varied more than 20-fold within the canopy, indicating inherent limitations in light partitioning within the canopy. This extensive canopy light gradient was paralleled by plastic changes in foliar structure and chemistry. Leaf dry mass per unit area varied 3-4-fold between the canopy top and bottom, providing an important means of scaling foliage nitrogen contents and photosynthetic capacity per unit area with Qint. Although leaf structure versus light relationships were qualitatively similar in all cases, there were important tree-to-tree and species-to-species variations, as well as evidence of differences in investments in structural compounds within the leaf lamina, possibly in response to contrasting leaf water availability in different trees.  相似文献   

Taylor D  Eamus D 《Tree physiology》2008,28(8):1169-1177
We studied relationships among branch hydraulic conductivity, xylem embolism, stomatal conductance (gs), foliar nitrogen (N) concentration and specific leaf area (SLA) of seven tree species growing at four temperate woodland sites spanning a 464-1350 mm rainfall gradient. Specifically, we examined the question: are gs and foliar N concentration coordinated with branch hydraulic conductivity and, if so, what are the implications for carbon assimilation? Area-based, light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Aa) was uniquely and positively correlated with gs and foliar N concentration. Multiple regression analyses showed that, when variability in SLA was controlled for, the (positive) partial slope for each predictor remained significant. In contrast, there was a negative correlation between gs and foliar N concentration such that, for any given Aa, leaves with a high gs allocated less N to foliage than leaves with a low gs. Foliar N concentration was negatively correlated with branch hydraulic conductivity, whereas gs was positively correlated with branch hydraulic conductivity. These relationships were also significant when variability in leaf area to sapwood area ratio, gs and SLA were controlled for in a multiple regression, suggesting that the relationships were unique and independent of other confounding factors. Trees with low water transport capacity were able to support a high Aa by increasing investment in foliar N. Resource substitution occurred such that there was a trade-off between gs and foliar N in relation to branch hydraulic conductivity. High Aa could be sustained through either a high branch hydraulic conductivity and hence high gs and a low allocation to foliar N, or the effect of a low branch hydraulic conductivity and hence low gs could be offset by a high allocation to foliar N. The results are discussed in relation to mechanisms for minimizing the negative effects of limited water availability on carbon gain.  相似文献   

Rust S  Roloff A 《Tree physiology》2002,22(8):597-601
We tested the hypothesis that changes in crown architecture of old pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L. ssp. robur Kl. et Kr. et Rol.) reduce leaf specific hydraulic conductance of shoots, thereby limiting stomatal conductance and assimilation of affected shoots. At the end of summer 1999, hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance, measured with a high-pressure flow meter in 0.5- to 1.5-m long shoots, were 27 and 39% lower, respectively, in shoots of low vigor compared with vigorously growing shoots in a 165-year- old stand in southeastern Germany. Two types of bottlenecks to water transport can be identified in shoots of old oak trees, namely nodes and abscission zones. The reduction in hydraulic conductance was especially severe in shoots with diameters of less than 2 mm. Maximum stomatal conductance and maximum net assimilation rate increased significantly with hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance. Our data support the hypothesis that changes in shoot and consequently crown architecture observed in aging trees can limit photosynthesis by reducing shoot hydraulic conductance. Thus, in addition to increasing pathway length and lower conductivity of xylem in old trees, structural changes in shoot and crown architecture need to be considered when analyzing water relations and photosynthesis in mature and declining trees.  相似文献   

Shoot architecture may significantly alter mean quantum flux on foliage and thus, photosynthetic productivity. There is currently only limited information about plastic alterations in shoot structure caused by within-canopy variation in mean integrated irradiance (Q(int)) in broad-leaved trees. We studied leaf and shoot structure, and nitrogen and carbon content in late-successional, widely distributed, temperate, broad-leaved Nothofagus taxa to determine the architectural controls on light harvesting and photosynthetic performance. Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oersted has larger leaves and less densely leaved shoots than the N. solandri varieties. Nothofagus solandri var. solandri (Hook. f.) Oersted is characterized by rounder leaves that potentially have a larger overlap than the ovate-triangular leaves of N. solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole. Leaf dry mass (M(A)) and nitrogen content (N(A)) per unit area increased with increasing Q(int) in all species, demonstrating enhanced investment of photosynthetic biomass in high light. Although M(A) differed between species at a common irradiance, there was a uniform relationship between N(A) and Q(int) across species. Leaf carbon content per dry mass and leaf dry mass to fresh mass ratio also scaled positively with irradiance, suggesting greater structural investments in high light. In all species, shoots became more horizontal and flatter at lower Q(int), implying an enhanced use efficiency of direct irradiance in natural leaf positions. In contrast, irradiance effects on leaf aggregation varied among species. Across the data, leaf overlap or leaf area density was often greater at lower irradiances, possibly as a result of limited carbon availability for shoot axis extension growth. In N. fusca, leaves of which were more aggregated in high light, the shoot silhouette to total leaf area ratio (S(S)) declined strongly with increasing irradiance, demonstrating a lower light harvesting efficiency at high Q(int). This effect was only moderate in N. solandri var. cliffortioides and S(S) was independent of Q(int) in N. solandri var. solandri. Although the efficiency of light interception at high irradiances was lowest in N. fusca, this species had the greatest nitrogen content per unit shoot silhouette area (2N(A)/S(S)), indicating superior shoot-level photosynthetic potential. These data collectively demonstrate that shoot architecture significantly affects light interception and photosynthesis in broad-leaved trees, and that structural carbon limitations may constrain leaf light harvesting efficiency at low irradiance.  相似文献   


Soil water and nutrient regimes of naturally established old-growth conifer stands and those of intensively managed Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] sites were assessed over a range of lithological provinces in Finnish Lapland. Soil dielectric permittivity (ε), as a measure of soil water content (θ v) and soil electrical conductivity (σ a), as a measure of soil solute content, were species specific, such that high soil θ v>0.27 cm3cm?3 (ε>15) constitutes an edaphic constraint for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and low soil solute content (σ a<0.5 mS m?1) is constraining for Norway spruce. The spatial pattern of the soil θ v was temporally stabile, such that intraseasonal and interseasonal soil θ v was significantly higher in silty tills of spruce stands compared to sandy tills of pine stands. Scots pine was the only conifer on tills derived from felsic rocks of Hetta granite (HG) and Lapland granulite (LG). Norway spruce dominated on tills derived from the mafic rocks of Lapland greenstone belt (LGB), but tills of LG and HG constitute a dispersal barrier for spruce. Mechanical site preparation (MSP) with ploughing (Marttiini) was not able to amend soil θ v to meet site requirements of Scots pine at former spruce sites. MSP resulted in significant reduction in soil nutrient content such that untreated control σ a>tilt/shoulder σ a>trench σ a. The results imply that MSP treatments through which cross-contour tracks are created pose a risk to the sustainability of soil quality in Lapland.  相似文献   

Agroforestry, as one of integrated approaches to biodiversity conservation, has received attention. But the methods to evaluate this contribution are rare. The present study focuses on the method development for quantification of effects of agroforestry on biodiversity conservation. It includes identifying the functional groups of agroforestry components, defined as a set of species with similar impacts on a system process, and quantifying the distinctness of these groups, as related to wise use of resources and increasing well-being of local people. Combining with functional group-based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, the present work gives a useful way for an integrated evaluation-planning of agroforestry management relative to biodiversity conservation. It also provides a means to improve our knowledge on the potential roles of agroforestry in biodiversity conservation of nature reserves. The analyses, using the distinctness index of functional groups, demonstrated the impacts of various land-use systems on biodiversity conservation. The analyses, using AHP, ranked the priorities of various agroforestry and plantations on the protection of nature forests, aiming at the long-term solution for the resource support. The present study suggests that agroforestry development for biodiversity conservation should take into account the impacts of functional groups in strategic planning.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dehesa agroforestry systems occupy around 6 million ha in the Iberian Peninsula. Their economic and environmental sustainability depends on the maintenance of the extensive livestock farms which created this typical ecosystem. This work analyzes dehesa farms in the Extremadura region (SW Spain) using technical and economic indicators of 69 randomly selected holdings. Principal component analysis (PCA) allowed us to establish a valid model explaining 65.8% of the variance. The two principal components having most weight were Iberian pig production (explaining 20% of the variance of the model), and which ruminant species were raised on the farm (15% of the variance). A cluster analysis distinguished five types of farms: sheep farms at high and low stocking rates, beef cattle farms, wooded farms with mixed livestock, and farms with a high level of cropping activity. The most profitable farms were those with either high overall livestock density or a high level of Iberian pig production. While high stocking density has historically attracted high levels of subsidy, production of Iberian pigs was profitable because of the high value of the product. In the light of CAP reform, Iberian pig production seems the most readily sustainable type of farming for the dehesa system.
F. J. MesíasEmail:

Ecotypic variations in leaf conductance, soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance, components of tissue water potential, hydraulic architecture parameters and xylem embolism were examined in greenhouse-grown two-year-old Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings from six origins representing the geographic range of the species in Italy. Cortical resin composition of the seedlings was also determined. Measurements were made on well-watered seedlings and on seedlings subjected to recurring severe drought. Drought-stressed seedlings had lower mean leaf conductances, transpiration rates and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductances than well-watered seedlings. They also exhibited more negative osmotic potentials, higher relative water deficit at incipient plasmolysis, but a similar maximum modulus of elasticity. Drought-stressed seedlings showed a higher degree of xylem embolism, a lower Huber value, lower leaf specific conductivity and lower specific conductivity than well-watered seedlings. Drought-stressed seedlings of provenances from more xeric habitats (Tremiti, Porto Pino and Mottola) had greater leaf conductances, transpiration rates and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductances than drought-stressed seedlings of provenances from more mesic habitats (Imperia, Otricoli and Vico del Gargano). They also showed higher osmotic adjustment and a lower degree of xylem embolism. Among provenances, there were no significant differences in hydraulic architecture parameters in response to the drought treatment; however, Tremiti and Porto Pino seedlings displayed smaller drought-induced reductions in specific conductivity and leaf specific conductivity, respectively, than seedlings from other provenances. These differences suggest that seedlings from xeric provenances, especially Tremiti, have greater resistance to desiccation than seedlings from mesic provenances. No clear association was found between terpene variability and the other traits investigated, although terpene composition was related to the geographical distribution of the provenances. We conclude that the drought-tolerance responses of Tremiti make it a more suitable provenance than the others for establishment on sites prone to severe soil water deficits.  相似文献   

Functional convergence in hydraulic architecture and water relations, and potential trade-offs in resource allocation were investigated in six dominant neotropical savanna tree species from central Brazil during the peak of the dry season. Common relationships between wood density and several aspects of plant water relations and hydraulic architecture were observed. All species and individuals shared the same negative exponential relationship between sapwood saturated water content and wood density. Wood density was a good predictor of minimum (midday) leaf water potential and total daily transpiration, both of which decreased linearly with increasing wood density for all individuals and species. With respect to hydraulic architecture, specific and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity decreased and the leaf:sapwood area ratio increased more than 5-fold as wood density increased from 0.37 to 0.71 g cm(-3) for all individuals and species. Wood density was also a good predictor of the temporal dynamics of water flow in stems, with the time of onset of sap flow in the morning and the maximum sap flow tending to occur progressively earlier in the day as wood density increased. Leaf properties associated with wood density included stomatal conductance, specific leaf area, and osmotic potential at the turgor loss point, which decreased linearly with increasing wood density. Wood density increased linearly with decreasing bulk soil water potential experienced by individual plants during the dry season, suggesting that wood density was greatest in individuals with mostly shallow roots, and therefore limited access to more abundant soil water at greater depths. Despite their taxonomic diversity and large intrapopulation differences in architectural traits, the six co-occurring species and their individuals shared similar functional relationships between all pairs of variables studied. Thus, rather than differing intrinsically in physiological responsiveness, the species and the individuals appeared to have distinct operating ranges along common physiological response curves dictated by plant architectural and structural features. The patterns of water uptake and access to soil water during the dry season appeared to be the main determinant of wood density, which constrained evolutionary options related to plant water economy and hydraulic architecture, leading to functional convergence in the neotropical savanna trees studied.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the variation in tree architecture and needle efficiency in stemwood production in Norway spruce in relation to tree age and altitude of growing site. The data, which were obtained from the literature, described individual Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees from even-aged stands in Switzerland. Second-order trend surface models, with tree age and altitude as independent variables, were used in the analysis. The fitted models for stem, branch and needle dry masses explained 95%, 75% and 64% of the variation, respectively. The model for the estimated mean branch density in the crown (kg m−3) explained 64% of the variation and the model for mean needle density in the crown (kg m−3) only 28% of the variation. Crown structural characteristics, which showed age- and altitude-related variations, included live crown ratio (59% of variation explained), number of living whorls (43% of variation explained), mean weight of single needle (40% of variation explained) and specific needle area (27% of variation explained). Tree age had a strong effect on needle efficiency in stemwood production, so that needle efficiency increased up to the age of 50–70 years, depending on altitude.  相似文献   

In the coastal temperate rainforests of southeast Alaska, much progress has been made in describing landscape-level natural disturbances and formulating management systems that emulate those disturbances. Little is known, however, concerning canopy gaps, the dominant form of natural disturbance in the region. During June–August, 1991–1993, we characterized canopy gap patterns and dynamics at three sites in the western hemlock/blueberry/shield fern plant association in the northern portion of the Tongass National Forest.Forest area in canopy gaps ranged from 5.8 to 12.6% and averaged 8.7%. The proportion of forest area in expanded gaps ranged from 18.1 to 43.9% and averaged 27.4%. Gap and gapmaker (tree whose death or crown displacement results in the creation or expansion of a canopy gap) characteristics were generally similar among sites. The majority of canopy gaps were <50 m2 in area, had a D/H ratio <0.50, were created from the death of one or two gapmakers, and had experienced gap expansion. The majority of expanded gap areas were <200 m2. Gapmakers were usually snapped, had recently died (<20 years ago), and tended to be larger in diameter than surrounding overstory trees. Species composition of gapmakers was similar to surrounding overstory trees. A substantial amount of gap infilling takes place between 20 and 80 years following tree death, but gaps, or portions of gaps, can persist for >80 years. Forest turnover time was estimated to range from 230 to 920 years, and average 575 years. Canopy residence time was estimated to range between 210 and 840 years, and averaged 525 years.To emulate canopy gap dynamics in the plant association studied, forest managers should: (1) maintain a small proportion of a stand in openings within an otherwise undisturbed canopy; (2) use a combination of single tree selection and small group selection systems; (3) re-enter stands every 20–80 years; (4) select larger than average diameter crop trees in proportion to the species composition of the stand; (5) minimize soil disturbance and (6) select crop trees during re-entry so that the creation of new gaps and the expansion of old gaps is accomplished in approximately equal proportions.  相似文献   

The production and allocation of aboveground biomass and the characteristics of tree architecture were examined in eight-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Considerable among-tree variation existed in tree architecture, total aboveground dry mass production, and dry mass partitioning among tree parts. A linear relationship existed between needle and branch mass. Stem mass was directly proportional to tree height, which in turn was directly proportional to the allocation ratio between stem mass and total needle + branch mass production. The architectural characteristics that were related to a high proportional allocation to stem and high stemwood production were a large mean shoot volume, large mean number of branches per whorl, long needle retention and a high crown length/crown width ratio. Individual trees were found that combined high stemwood production with both high harvest index and high stemwood specific gravity.  相似文献   

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