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Gastroendoscopy was performed on 111 horses (1 to 22 years old) that had signs of abdominal discomfort of variable duration and severity. At least 1 episode of colic had been observed within 48 hours of examination in 31 horses. Recurrent episodes of colic were observed in 28 horses within 2 to 10 days of examination, 31 horses within 11 to 30 days, 12 horses within 31 to 60 days, and in 9 horses at more than 60 days after the initial examination. Gastric ulceration was found in 91 of 111 horses examined. Other abnormalities involving the gastrointestinal tract or other abdominal viscera were not found on examination in 57 of 91 horses with gastric ulcers. The most frequent concurrent abnormalities found in the remaining 34 horses with gastric ulcers were impaction of the large colon (n = 6), colonic tympany (n = 6), peritonitis (n = 6), gastric impaction (n = 4), ileocecal intussusception (n = 3), small-colon impaction (n = 4), and proximal enteritis (n = 2). Thirteen horses with gastric ulceration underwent abdominal surgery, and in 5 horses, lesions were not found at surgery. Gastric ulceration was determined to be the primary cause of colic in 31 horses on the basis of the lack of other abnormalities, clinical response to treatment with histamine type-2 receptor (H2) antagonists, and confirmation of improvement or resolution of gastric ulceration via endoscopy. Gastric ulceration was the suspected cause of colic in 26 other horses on the basis of the lack of other abnormalities, severity of lesions, and clinical response to treatment with H2 antagonists.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Disseminated Actinomycetales infections were diagnosed in 6 slender-horned gazelles at a zoologic park over a 17-month period. Nocardia and Mycobacterium spp were isolated. Possible predisposing causes leading to infection were investigated. Environmental contamination where the gazelles were housed was not high, and other breeds of gazelles at the park did not become infected, indicating that environmental exposure was not the sole factor involved. Information gathered from questionnaires sent to other zoologic parks and personnel communications indicated that this was not an isolated incident. Investigation into the genetic lineage of the gazelles revealed substantial inbreeding in prior generations. These findings suggested inbreeding may have been an important predisposing factor leading to infection. Careful scrutiny to ensure maximal heterozygosity of future breedings is warranted.  相似文献   

Pharyngeal or esophageal trauma was diagnosed in 9 horses after nasogastric intubation. Evidence of trauma (edema or ulceration) was detected in the pharynx of 3 horses and in the esophagus of 6 horses. Complications associated with nasogastric intubation were first observed in 5 horses while they were intubated and in 4 horses after extubation. Clinical signs of pharyngeal or esophageal trauma were similar, and included salivation, bruxism, coughing, and nasal discharge. Treatment, including extubation, enteral feeding through a small nasogastric tube, or esophagostomy distal to the affected site, was attempted in 6 horses. Three of 6 treated horses survived, but 4 of 5 horses with perforated esophagus were euthanatized.  相似文献   

Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease was the diagnosis for 58 dogs and 26 cats, with signs of persistent gastroenteritis, failed responses to dietary trials, and histologic evidence of cellular infiltrates unrelated to other causes of gastrointestinal tract inflammation. Clinical signs of large intestinal dysfunction, watery diarrhea, vomiting, and anorexia with weight loss were common. Nonspecific hematologic, biochemical, and radiographic abnormalities frequently were observed. Mucosal biopsy specimens, obtained endoscopically, were histologically evaluated for severity of mucosal epithelial damage. Mucosal erythema, friability, enhanced granularity, and ulceration or erosion were the predominant endoscopic lesions. Inflammatory bowel disease lesions of moderate severity predominated in the stomach, duodenum, and colon. Lymphocytic/plasmacytic infiltrates were limited to the lamina propria in biopsy specimens from all regions of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory bowel disease commonly is associated with chronic gastroenteritis in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A study of 15 American miniature horses (AMH) that underwent surgical treatment for colic was performed. Information obtained from the medical records included signalment, clinical signs, type and location of gastrointestinal lesion, and postoperative complications. All 15 AMH had intraluminal obstructions, attributable to feed impactions (11 horses), enteroliths (2), and sand (2). The most common location of obstruction was the small colon, which was involved in 9 of the 15 cases. All 15 AMH survived and were discharged from the hospital. Six of the 15 AMH underwent subsequent surgical treatment for abdominal disorders. Elapsed time between the first and second operations ranged from 1 month to 5 years. Intestinal adhesions were observed in all AMH that were surgically treated twice. Thus, despite the fact that most of the AMH had a simple intraluminal obstruction, 40% (n = 6) developed adhesions that required or complicated a second surgery. Of the 15 AMH, 87% (n = 13) survived at least 12 months after the initial exploratory celiotomy. These findings suggest that most surgical abdominal conditions in AMH can be corrected; however, precautions should be taken to avoid or minimize adhesion formation.  相似文献   

Salmonella choleraesuis was isolated in pure or mixed bacterial cultures from 153 swine necropsied between Jan 1, 1987 and Dec 31, 1990. Pneumonia was seen in 99 of 109 swine from which this bacterium was isolated in the absence of other pathogenic bacteria. Pneumonia was seen more frequently than hepatitis, splenomegaly, or colitis. Pleuropneumonia that was grossly indistinguishable from the pleuropneumonia associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was seen in 29 of 99 swine from which S choleraesuis was the only bacterium isolated.  相似文献   

Subchondral cyst-like lesions of the cubital joint were diagnosed in 7 horses at the teaching hospital between 1983 and 1987. Diagnosis of the lesions was made by administration of intra-articular local anesthesia and/or radiographically. Initial treatment for all horses consisted of stall rest for 60 to 90 days. In addition, 2 horses were administered sodium hyaluronate intra-articularly, 1 horse was given injections of polysulfated glycosaminoglycans IM, and 1 horse was given phenylbutazone orally. Follow-up information was compiled 6 weeks to 4 years after initial examination. At the time of follow-up inquiry, 6 horses were sound for intended use and only 1 horse became lame when exercised. A logical approach to choice of surgical or nonsurgical treatment is proposed on the basis of these findings and those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Radiographs of 750 dogs were examined to determine whether the iliac crest ossification center was open or closed. The center was closed in most dogs by 2 years of age. Eighteen percent of dogs greater than or equal to 10 years old had open iliac crest ossification center; 10% of dogs greater than or equal to 14 years old had open iliac crest ossification center. Closure of the iliac crest ossification center is extremely variable and, in many dogs, occurs at later age than has been previously reported.  相似文献   

The mean platelet volume (MPV) was evaluated in 68 dogs with thrombocytopenia attributable to various causes. Platelet size was high or low in some dogs. The most clinically useful observation was that low MPV (microthrombocytosis) was a specific indicator of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT) in these thrombocytopenic dogs. All but one case of microthrombocytosis (MPV less than 5.4 fl) was found in dogs with IMT. Microthrombocytosis was detected in 17 of 31 dogs with IMT and appeared at the onset of the disease. Macrothrombocytosis (MPV greater than 9.4 fl) indicated active thrombopoiesis, but was not unique to any disease category. Macrothrombocytosis was detected in 18 of 31 dogs with IMT, 3 of 17 dogs with disseminated intravascular coagulation, and 3 of 9 dogs with primary bone-marrow disease.  相似文献   

Parvovirus infection was confirmed by fluorescent antibody staining of or viral isolation from specimens of small intestine in 181 (17%) of 1,110 dogs necropsied between July 1, 1987 and Dec 31, 1990. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from 74 (69%) of 108 dogs with parvovirus infection from which specimens of jejunum also had been obtained for culture of anaerobic bacteria. Gram-positive bacilli in association with focal to diffuse necrosis of the superficial portions of the villi were observed in histologic sections of specimens of small intestine from 56 (98%) of 57 dogs from which parvovirus and C perfringens had been identified. These findings indicate that C perfringens frequently proliferates in dogs with parvovirus infection.  相似文献   

Morbidity (greater than or equal to 1 disease condition) for pups sold from 3 pet stores from January 1987 through December 1988 ranged from 54 to 68%. In 1 store, morbidity was higher for store pups, compared with pups originating from private parties, for such disease conditions as "kennel cough," diarrhea, and several species of gastrointestinal parasites. In-store mortality ranged from 5 to 9.5% of pups arriving for sale.  相似文献   

Information pertaining to evaluation of single ejaculates of semen and records for 2 consecutive breeding seasons were obtained. In all, data for 99 individual breeding seasons (n = 43 Standardbreds and 56 Thoroughbreds) were evaluated. Included in each semen evaluation was examination of semen characteristics and computer-aided analysis of spermatozoal movement characteristics. On the basis of the analysis of breeding records for 4,175 mares (7,017 estrous cycles), a per-estrous cycle fertility rate was calculated from data for 96 of the breeding seasons. Stallions with lower fertility than the mean overall season fertility had significantly (P less than 0.01) lower mean values for subjective appraisal of the percentage of motile and progressively motile spermatozoa and for percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa. Lower mean values were obtained for computer-aided movement analysis of the percentage of motile and progressively motile spermatozoa, and for mean velocity of motile spermatozoa. Semen characteristics, including spermatozoal movement characteristics, and fertility were significantly (P less than 0.05) correlated for Thoroughbred and Standardbred stallions when analyzed individually and when data for both breeds were combined. Characteristics most highly correlated (P less than 0.01) with fertility data for both breeds combined were: subjective appraisal of the percentage of motile (r = 0.40) and progressively motile (r = 0.46) spermatozoa; percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa (r = 0.36); and computer-aided analysis of percentage of motile spermatozoa (r = 0.34). However, on the basis of evaluation of a single ejaculate for each stallion, the variation in these characteristics only accounted for approximately 20% of the observed variation in fertility rate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare fracture locations, repair methods, complications, and outcomes of horses with fractures of the rostral portions of the mandible and maxilla. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 89 horses with fractures of the rostral portions of the mandible and maxilla. PROCEDURE: Medical records and radiographs were reviewed. Fractures were categorized by fracture location and stability. Postoperative complications and long-term outcome were determined by clinical examination and telephone interviews with horse owners. RESULTS: 4 fracture types were recognized. Fractures involving just the alveolar plate (33%) and those involving the alveolar plate and the body of the bone (32%) were most common and were often repaired by interdental wiring. Unilateral fractures of the mandible (11%) were managed without surgery if stable. Unstable fractures were repaired with wires, a U-shaped bar (U-bar), or a bone plate. Bilateral fractures (24%) were often repaired with orthopedic wires in foals or with a U-bar, acrylic splint, wires, or bone plate in adult horses. In 2 horses, bilateral fractures were managed conservatively. Short-term complications developed in 24 of 89 (27%) horses. Soft tissue infections and wire loosening or failure were the most common short-term and long-term complications. Wire replacement was not required in any horses after release from hospital. Persistent draining tracts were most often associated with bone sequestration. Long-term functional and cosmetic outcomes were favorable for all fracture types and repair methods. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Although complications in horses with fractures of the mandible and maxilla are common, long-term prognoses for functional and cosmetic outcome are favorable.  相似文献   

The histories of 67 cats diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (CSA) from 1987 to 2005 were reviewed. The mean age was 9.6 years, and males were 1.9 times more likely to be affected than females. Chondrosarcomas were diagnosed in the following sites: appendicular and axial skeleton, nasal cavity, facial bones, and extraskeletal sites. Of the 46 (70%) CSA associated with bone, 63% arose in long bones and 37% arose in flat bones. The remaining (30%) CSA arose in the subcutis. In cases available for follow-up (n=24), no definitive evidence of metastases was found. Cats that underwent radical surgical therapies were more likely to achieve long-term control or cure.  相似文献   

Serum iodothyronine concentrations from 4,064 samples submitted for monitoring of thyroid replacement therapy were evaluated in a retrospective study. After exclusion of samples because of the presence of 3,5,3' triiodothyronine (T3) autoantibodies, insufficient numbers of dogs on some commercial preparations or medication with corticosteroids or synthetic T3 preparations, data from 2,674 dogs remained. Data were analyzed by using information on dose, time after dosing, commercial product, and once-a-day or twice-a-day dosing regimens. Serum total thyroxine (T4) and total T3 and estimates of free T4 and free T3 were significantly high in serum from dogs given higher doses of synthetic L-thyroxine orally. Doubling the oral dosage did not double the serum iodothyronine concentrations, perhaps because of poor absorption or more rapid catabolism of the hormones at higher L-thyroxine doses. Wide variation in the therapeutic hormone concentrations was found. Some dogs given low dosages of L-thyroxine had normal iodothyronine concentrations whereas some others given higher dosages had low normal to low concentrations. Monitoring the serum concentrations is an objective way to ensure adequate concentrations for successful therapy. When a therapeutic trial is used as a diagnostic procedure, one should not rule out hypothyroidism unless a therapeutic monitoring sample has indicated that replacement dose and absorption of the exogenous iodothyronine has been adequate. Thyroid hormone concentrations peaked at 4 to 6 hours after oral administration of L-thyroxine for once-a-day and twice-a-day dosage regimens. Higher concentrations were achieved with once-a-day than with twice-a-day regimens at the same total daily dose.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Degenerative joint disease of the tarsi was diagnosed in 20 of 24 Holstein bulls with tarsal lameness at 2 artificial insemination centers from 1975 to 1987. Each of the 2 centers housed about 100 bulls/yr. Of the 24 bulls with tarsal lameness, 22 were from the artificial insemination center designated as A, and 2 were from the center designated as B. Examination of the housing and management procedures revealed that center A had concrete floors with cuboidal-shaped yards, whereas center B had deep sand flooring, with long, narrow yards. The only other difference between the 2 centers was that center A used 1- and 2-year-old bulls as teasers for older, heavier bulls to mount, whereas center B used bulls that were at least 6 years old to withstand the stress placed on their hind limbs by the weight of bulls undergoing semen collection. Radiographic lesions of tarsi of bulls from both centers ranged from distention of the tibiotarsal joint pouch to hypertrophic degenerative osteoarthritis of the distal, intertarsal, and tarsometatarsal joints. It was concluded that the concrete flooring and the semen collecting practices were responsible for the high prevalence of tarsal lameness and degenerative joint disease of the tarsi in bulls housed at center A.  相似文献   

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