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A single, artificially-induced fly-strike with Lucilia sericata larvae was associated with a rapid (decline in food intake in sheep, with a consequent reduction in liveweight. Loss of weight ranged from 0.5 to 5.5 kg over four to six days and recovery to pre-infestation liveweight took three to 36 days. Pair-fed, uninfested partners of these sheep also showed a reduction in liveweight, whereas uninfested sheep in some experiments fed ad libitum showed either little change or a gain in liveweight over the same period. In general, maggot infested sheep took less time to regain weight than did their pair-fed partners although the weight lost as a proportion of initial weight was similar in both groups. Loss of appetite alone would appear to account for these events.  相似文献   

As part of a divergent selection experiment (high vs low feed conversion) designed to obtain realized genetic parameter estimates for postweaning feed conversion, 35 Angus bull calves were selected each year from 1979 through 1983 to be fed in a 140-d postweaning performance test. From these 35 individually-fed bulls, the three most efficient and three least efficient (in terms of kilograms of total digestible nutrients required per kilogram of gain) were selected each year to each be mated to approximately 20 purebred Angus cows in a test herd. In the last 2 yr of the experiment, feed:gain ratios were adjusted for differences in maintenance requirements before selection. An alternative to selection based on feed/gain or adjusted feed/gain would have been to select on an index of feed intake and gain (Index3 = -1.0 feed intake + 3.87 gain) where feed intake was either unadjusted or adjusted (AdjIndex3) for differences in maintenance requirements. Residual correlations (year effects removed) among the four selection critera were large ([r[ greater than or equal to .76; P less than .01) as were correlations among ranks of the bulls based on the four selection criteria ([r[ greater than or equal to .75). Predicted genetic change for fee:gain ratio in both the high and low directions was greatest when selection was based on feed:gain ratio or Index3. Genetic changes expected to result from selection for feed:gain ratio or Index3 were similar, as were genetic changes expected due to selection for adjusted feed:gain ratio or AdjIndex3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective To determine the prevalence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) in beef cattle grazing lush pasture and the effect of monensin on reducing SARA and improving animal performance. Design Commercial Angus and Murray Grey steers received a monensin slow‐release capsule (n = 19) or remained untreated (n = 19). Cattle grazed an oats crop or tetraploid ryegrass pasture for a total of 91 days. Rumen fluid pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and lactic acid concentrations and body weight data were collected prior to treatment and again 28, 56 and 91 days after treatment. Changes in measures over time were analysed using mixed model repeated measures analysis. Differences in average daily gain between treatment groups were determined. Results The prevalence of SARA was low during the study, with only one animal satisfying criteria for SARA at one time point. Cattle treated with monensin capsules were 11.9 kg heavier at the completion of the study compared with untreated controls (414.5 ± 3.88 kg vs 402.6 ± 4.03 kg, P = 0.04). Rumen VFA and L‐ and D‐lactate levels did not differ between cattle treated with monensin and untreated cattle. However, the ratio of propionate to acetate plus two times butyrate was higher (P < 0.001) when cattle were treated with monensin. Conclusions Subacute rumen acidosis was not consistently detected under the conditions of the study. The higher body weight of cattle treated with monensin may have been due to improved energy utilisation of the pasture, indicated by increased propionate proportions in the rumen, rather than prevention of SARA.  相似文献   

Data from 1,456 purebred Mashona calves were analysed to determine environmental influences on growth rate and liveweight at birth, weaning (205 days) and 18 months of age. Calves were born between mid-September and mid-December each year. Year of birth was highly significant for all traits (P less than 0.001). Pre-weaning liveweight and weight gain increased as age of dam increased to seven years after which growth tended to decline. Post-weaning compensatory growth was apparent in calves of young dams. Male calves grew faster and were heavier at all stages than female calves (P less than 0.001). Calves from previously non-lactating cows grew more rapidly and were heavier at all ages than those from previously lactating cows. Birth weight increased as calving season advanced and calves born late maintained their growth advantage until 18 months of age. The results indicate that environmental influences experienced in early life persist long after weaning.  相似文献   

Comparisons of ADG, feed/gain, daily feed intake and daily feed intake as percentage of body weight may be important to beef cattle producers and researchers in breed selection and computer modeling. Data evaluated were postweaning feedlot performance test records collected from 1967 to 1986 of 3,661 individually fed bulls. Bulls originated from University of Arkansas purebred herds, Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas Cooperative Bull Tests at Fayetteville, Hope and Monticello. Data were analyzed separately for years 1967 to 1976 (P1) (n = 1,654) and 1977 to 1986 (P2) (n = 2,007). Breeds in P1 were Hereford (HH), Angus (AN), Charolais (CH), Polled Hereford (HP) and Santa Gertrudis (SG). Breeds in P2 were HH, AN, CH, HP, SG, Simmental (SM), Maine-Anjou (MA), Brangus (BN) and Beefmaster (BM). The model fitted included initial age, breed and test number (all P less than .01 except for initial age on ADG in P1). Test number included variation of year, location and season. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for ADG in P1 were CH, SG, HH, HP and AN and in P2 were MA, CH, SM, AN, HP, SG, HH, BN and BM. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for feed/gain in P1 were AN, SG, CH, HP and HH and in P2 were BM, BN, AN, SG, HP, SM, HH, MA and CH. Breeds highest to lowest for daily feed intake (as-fed basis) in P1 were CH, SG, AN, HP and HH and in P2 were SM, MA, CH, AN, BN, HP, SG, HH and BM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rates of gain and feed efficiency are important traits in most breeding programs for growing farm animals. The rate of gain (GAIN) is usually expressed over a certain age period and feed efficiency is often expressed as residual feed intake (RFI), defined as observed feed intake (FI) minus expected feed intake based on live weight (WGT) and GAIN. However, the basic traits recorded are always WGT and FI and other traits are derived from these basic records. The aim of this study was to develop a procedure for simultaneous analysis of the basic records and then derive linear traits related to feed efficiency without retorting to any approximation. A bivariate longitudinal random regression model was employed on 13,791 individual longitudinal records of WGT and FI from 2,827 bulls of six different beef breeds tested for their own performance in the period from 7 to 13 mo of age. Genetic and permanent environmental covariance functions for curves of WGT and FI were estimated using Gibbs sampling. Genetic and permanent covariance functions for curves of GAIN were estimated from the first derivative of the function for WGT and finally the covariance functions were extended to curves for RFI, based on the conditional distribution of FI given WGT and GAIN. Furthermore, the covariance functions were extended to include GAIN and RFI defined over different periods of the performance test. These periods included the whole test period as normally used when predicting breeding values for GAIN and RFI for beef bulls. Based on the presented method, breeding values and genetic parameters for derived traits such as GAIN and RFI defined longitudinally or integrated over (parts of) of the test period can be obtained from a joint analysis of the basic records. The resulting covariance functions for WGT, FI, GAIN, and RFI are usually singular but the method presented here does not suffer from the estimation problems associated with defining these traits individually before the genetic analysis. All the results are thus estimated simultaneously, and the set of parameters is consistent.  相似文献   

Feed intake and feed efficiency are economically important traits in beef cattle because feed is the greatest variable cost in production. Feed efficiency can be measured as feed conversion ratio (FCR, intake per unit gain) or residual feed intake (RFI, measured as DMI corrected for BW and growth rate, and sometimes a measure of body composition, usually carcass fatness, RFI(bf)). The goal of this study was to fine map QTL for these traits in beef cattle using 2,194 markers on 24 autosomes. The animals used were from 20 half-sib families originating from Angus, Charolais, and University of Alberta Hybrid bulls. A mixed model with random sire and fixed QTL effect nested within sire was used to test each location (cM) along the chromosomes. Threshold levels were determined at the chromosome and genome levels using 20,000 permutations. In total, 4 QTL exceeded the genome-wise threshold of P < 0.001, 3 exceeded at P < 0.01, 17 at P < 0.05, and 30 achieved significance at the chromosome-wise threshold level (at least P < 0.05). No QTL were detected on BTA 8, 16, and 27 above the 5% chromosome-wise significance threshold for any of the traits. Nineteen chromosomes contained RFI QTL significant at the chromosome-wise level. The RFI(bf) QTL results were generally similar to those of RFI, the positions being similar, but occasionally differing in the level of significance. Compared with RFI, fewer QTL were detected for both FCR and DMI, 12 and 4 QTL, respectively, at the genome-wise thresholds. Some chromosomes contained FCR QTL, but not RFI QTL, but all DMI QTL were on chromosomes where RFI QTL were detected. The most significant QTL for RFI was located on BTA 3 at 82 cM (P = 7.60 x 10(-5)), for FCR on BTA 24 at 59 cM (P = 0.0002), and for DMI on BTA 7 at 54 cM (P = 1.38 x 10(-5)). The RFI QTL that showed the most consistent results with previous RFI QTL mapping studies were on BTA 1, 7, 18, and 19. The identification of these QTL provides a starting point to identify genes affecting feed intake and efficiency for use in marker-assisted selection and management.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the optimum test duration and the effect of missing data on accuracy of measuring feed efficiency and its 4 related traits ADG, DMI, feed conversion ratio, and residual feed intake in beef cattle using data from 456 steers with 5,397 weekly averaged feed intakes and BW repeated measurements taken over 91 d. Data were collected using the GrowSafe System at the University of Alberta Kinsella Research Station. The changes and relative changes in phenotypic residual variances and correlations (Pearson and Spearman) among data from shortened test durations (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, or 84 d) and a 91-d test were used to determine the optimum test duration for the 4 traits. The traits were fitted to a mixed model with repeated measures using SAS. Test durations for ADG, DMI, feed conversion ratio, and residual feed intake could be shortened to 63, 35, 42, and 63 d, respectively, without significantly reducing the accuracy of the tests when BW was measured weekly. The accuracy of the test was not compromised when up to 30% of the records were randomly removed after the first 35 d on test. These results have valuable and practical implications for performance and feed efficiency testing in beef cattle.  相似文献   

The effects of individual SNP and the variation explained by sets of SNP associated with DMI, metabolic midtest BW, BW gain, and feed efficiency, expressed as phenotypic and genetic residual feed intake, were estimated from BW and the individual feed intake of 1,159 steers on dry lot offered a 3.0 Mcal/kg ration for at least 119 d before slaughter. Parents of these F(1) × F(1) (F(1)(2)) steers were AI-sired F(1) progeny of Angus, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Hereford, Limousin, Red Angus, and Simmental bulls mated to US Meat Animal Research Center Angus, Hereford, and MARC III composite females. Steers were genotyped with the BovineSNP50 BeadChip assay (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA). Effects of 44,163 SNP having minor allele frequencies >0.05 in the F(1)(2) generation were estimated with a mixed model that included genotype, breed composition, heterosis, age of dam, and slaughter date contemporary groups as fixed effects, and a random additive genetic effect with recorded pedigree relationships among animals. Variance in this population attributable to sets of SNP was estimated with models that partitioned the additive genetic effect into a polygenic component attributable to pedigree relationships and a genotypic component attributable to genotypic relationships. The sets of SNP evaluated were the full set of 44,163 SNP and subsets containing 6 to 40,000 SNP selected according to association with phenotype. Ninety SNP were strongly associated (P < 0.0001) with at least 1 efficiency or component trait; these 90 accounted for 28 to 46% of the total additive genetic variance of each trait. Trait-specific sets containing 96 SNP having the strongest associations with each trait explained 50 to 87% of additive variance for that trait. Expected accuracy of steer breeding values predicted with pedigree and genotypic relationships exceeded the accuracy of their sires predicted without genotypic information, although gains in accuracy were not sufficient to encourage that performance testing be replaced by genotyping and genomic evaluations.  相似文献   

剩余采食量(RFI)是实际采食量与预测采食量的差值,是衡量肉牛饲料效率的新指标。文章简要介绍了RFI的概念、测定方法、应用RFI的益处,以及影响肉牛RFI的一些生理因素,包括采食量、消化率、体组织代谢、活动量、体温调节等。最后,文章讨论了RFI在肉牛生产实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted with cattle consuming bermudagrass hay to determine whether low-level supplements of whey alone, corn alone, or whey plus corn affect feed intake, digestion, and(or) BW gain. Six ruminally and duodenally cannulated beef cows (574 kg), used in a Latin-square trial (Exp. 1), were fed bermudagrass hay without supplementation (control) or with 2.8% whey (low whey, LW), 5.6% whey (high whey, HW), 17.4% ground corn (C), 2.8% whey plus 14.9% corn (C-LW), or 5.6% whey plus 12.4% corn (C-HW). Supplementing with whey and(or) corn increased ruminal butyrate (8.8, 9.4, 10.0, 9.6, 10.5, and 11.0 mol/100 mol of total VFA for control, LW, HW, C, C-LW, and C-HW, respectively; SE = .20). Supplements did not affect microbial N flow at the duodenum. Six Holstein steer calves (158 kg) in a Latin square (Exp. 2) consumed bermudagrass hay ad libitum alone (control) or with .075 or .15% BW whey (LW and HW, respectively), .5% BW ground corn (C), or corn-whey mixes made by substituting whey for corn (C-LW and C-HW). Substituting .15% BW of whey for corn increased (P less than .05) total OM intake slightly (3.99, 3.84, 3.75, 4.11, 4.28, and 4.47 kg for control, LW, HW, C, C-LW, and C-HW, respectively; SE = .10). In an 84-d randomized block experiment (Exp. 3), 96 beef calves (194 kg) consumed (ad libitum) low-quality bermudagrass hay alone or with C, LW, HW, C-LW, or C-HW supplements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Studies of the energy metabolism at maintenance and growth levels after the feeding of rations with a crude protein content of 17-24% and 44-47% resp. were carried out with hybrid pigs of line 150 in the live weight range between 10 and approximately 50 kg. This paper gives information on the methods and the outlay of the experiment and presents results concerning feed intake, live weight development and digestibility. Feed intake increased on average with growing live weight by 30-35 g DM/kg live weight. Feed conversion ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 kg DM/kg live weight gain in the first period and from 2.3 to 3.2 kg DM/kg live weight gain in the last period. The digestibility of the energy in the rations with a crude protein content of between 17 and 24% averaged 80% and that of the rations with a crude protein content of 44-47% averaged 86%. In the course of ontogenetic development the digestibility increased up to about 30 kg LW. The influence of the nutritional level on the level of digestibility was unequal in the experiments. In one experiment a decrease (1% unit) and in two experiments an increase (1-3% units) of the digestibility after the feeding of growth level in contrast to maintenance level could be observed. The change of rations with a varying protein content did not result in an influence on the digestibility level in comparison with the constant feeding of one ration.  相似文献   


This study aimed to compare feed efficiency measures of Nellore beef cattle on different residual intake and gain (RIG) classes. We used data from 610 animals weighing on average 236.33 kg and average of 283 days of age from feedlot performance tests carried out between 2005 and 2012. Animals were grouped based on RIG into three different classes: high RIG (>?mean?+?0.5 standard deviation (SD), most efficient; n?=?193), medium RIG (mean?±?0.5 SD; n?=?235), and low RIG (<?mean – 0.5 SD, least efficient; n?=?182). Residual feed intake (RFI), residual gain (RG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency (FE), relative growth rate (RGR), and Kleiber ratio (KR) of animals in each RIG class were compared by Tukey test at 1% of probability. Phenotypic correlations between variables were evaluated as well. Animals on high RIG class showed lower dry matter intake (P?<?0.01) and higher average daily gain (P?<?0.01) than low RIG animals. Consequently, high RIG animals had lower FCR (P?<?0.01) and higher FE (P?<?0.01) than those animals in low RIG class. The most efficient animals based on RIG were also the most efficient animals based on RG and RFI. RIG was negatively correlated to dry matter intake (P?<?0.01) and FCR (P?<?0.01), and a positive correlation was found between RIG and FE (P?<?0.01). Therefore, RIG appears to be a good parameter to select animals with reduced dry matter intake and high productive performance.


Spring born, crossbred beef heifers (n=372) were utilized over four years to measure reductions in body weights, reproductive performance and calf weights caused by gastrointestinal nematodes (primarily Ostertagia ostertagi) and the bovine liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and to differentiate losses attributable to each type of parasitism. Each year, weaned heifers were allotted to one of the four treatment regimens: Group 1, untreated controls; Group 2, treated for nematodes; Group 3, treated for liver fluke; and Group 4, treated for both nematodes and liver fluke. Nematodes were controlled with subcutaneous injections of either ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial) or doramectin (Dectomax, Pfizer), both at the recommended dose of 200 ug/kg bodyweight. Clorsulon (Curatrem, Merial) drench was given at the recommended rate of 7 mg/kg bodyweight to control flukes. Treatments and fecal collections were initiated at allotment each year and were repeated at 28-84-day intervals until palpation for pregnancy diagnosis. Open heifers were removed from the study at this time. Treatment dates were based on expected length of treatment efficacy, the stage of growth of the heifers and the seasonal risk of infection by the parasites. Pregnant females were pooled and received their assigned treatments prior to their calving and breeding seasons and remained together until their calves were weaned. Heifers treated for nematode infections were heavier and had higher condition scores (P<0.01) than untreated control heifers at initiation of breeding, and maintained that difference through pregnancy diagnosis. Liver fluke infection did not affect heifer gains or condition scores prior to palpation (P<0.01). At palpation, heifers treated for both forms of parasitism had the highest condition scores and weight gains (P<0.01), and also higher pregnancy rates than control heifers and heifers treated for nematodes only (P<0.01). Pregnancy rates for heifers treated for flukes only were not significantly different from those treated for both nematodes and flukes. Heifers treated for nematodes weaned heavier calves than those not treated for nematodes (P<0.05).  相似文献   

The benefit of using genomic breeding values (GEBV) in predicting ADG, DMI, and residual feed intake for an admixed population was investigated. Phenotypic data consisting of individual daily feed intake measurements for 721 beef cattle steers tested over 5 yr was available for analysis. The animals used were an admixed population of spring-born steers, progeny of a cross between 3 sire breeds and a composite dam line. Training and validation data sets were defined by randomly splitting the data into training and testing data sets based on sire family so that there was no overlap of sires in the 2 sets. The random split was replicated to obtain 5 separate data sets. Two methods (BayesB and random regression BLUP) were used to estimate marker effects and to define marker panels and ultimately the GEBV. The accuracy of prediction (the correlation between the phenotypes and GEBV) was compared between SNP panels. Accuracy for all traits was low, ranging from 0.223 to 0.479 for marker panels with 200 SNP, and 0.114 to 0.246 for marker panels with 37,959 SNP, depending on the genomic selection method used. This was less than accuracies observed for polygenic EBV accuracies, which ranged from 0.504 to 0.602. The results obtained from this study demonstrate that the utility of genetic markers for genomic prediction of residual feed intake in beef cattle may be suboptimal. Differences in accuracy were observed between sire breeds when the random regression BLUP method was used, which may imply that the correlations obtained by this method were confounded by the ability of the selected SNP to trace breed differences. This may also suggest that prediction equations derived from such an admixed population may be useful only in populations of similar composition. Given the sample size used in this study, there is a need for increased feed intake testing if substantially greater accuracies are to be achieved.  相似文献   

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