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A 4.5 mm, six hole dynamic compression plate was applied to the lateral aspect of one femur in 16 dogs. The plate was luted with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in eight dogs. Four dogs each from the luted and nonluted groups were euthanatized at weeks 5 and 10. Plated femurs were sectioned and processed for microradiography, microangiography, and correlated histology. At week 5, there was decreased vascularity in the outer one third of the cortex beneath luted plates and normal to increased vascularity in the inner two thirds of the cortex. Increased cortical porosity and a decreased percentage of osteocyte-filled lacunae were found in the cortex beneath luted plates at week 5. At week 10, vascularity was increased throughout the cortex under luted plates. Under nonluted plates, there was normal to increased vascularity at both time periods. Luting a bone plate with PMMA decreased vascularity to the outer one third of the cortex beneath the plate at week 5, and resulted in accelerated resorption of bone.  相似文献   

Objective—To compare the accuracy of reduction, biomechanical characteristics, and mode of failure of two methods of acetabular osteotomy repair. Study Design—Acetabular osteotomies were created in 16 paired hemipelves and stabilized with a screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate composite fixation technique (SWP) or a 2-mm veterinary acetabular plate (VAP). Eight intact hemipelves were used as controls. Sample Population—Twelve canine cadavers. Methods—Accuracy of osteotomy reduction was evaluated grossly and by measurement of articular incongruencies formed in polyvinylsiloxane impression casts. Acetabula were loaded in modified bending until failure using a universal testing machine. Data from load-deformation curves were used to determine the biomechanical characteristics of the repaired and intact acetabula. Mode of failure was evaluated grossly and radiographically. Results—Osteotomy reduction was superior in acetabula stabilized with SWP. Mean values ± standard deviation for load at failure and stiffness of the intact acetabula were 2,796 ± 152.9 N and 267.5 ±61.9 N/mm. Corresponding values for SWP and VAP were 1,192 ± 202.7 N and 136.3 ± 76.5 N/mm, and 1,100.5 ± 331.6 N and 110.0 ± 51.3 N/mm, respectively. The mean load at failure and stiffness of intact acetabula was significantly greater than acetabula stabilized with SWP or VAP. There was no significant difference between SWP and VAP for load at failure or stiffness. Failure of acetabula stabilized with SWP occurred by fracture of the polymethylmethacrylate and ventrolateral bending of the wires. Acetabula stabilized with VAP failed by ventrolateral twisting of the plate and bending of the caudal screws. Conclusions—SWP and VAP provide comparable rigidity, however, the SWP facilitates more accurate osteotomy reduction. Clinical Relevance—These findings support the use of the SWP technique as an alternative method of acetabular fracture repair.  相似文献   

为探究基于A矩阵期望遗传关系最大化(maximizing the expected genetic relationship for matrix A,RELA)、基于A矩阵目标群体遗传方差最小化(minimized the target population genetic variance for matrix A,MCA)、平均亲缘关系最大化(the highest mean kinship coefficients,KIN)、随机选择(random selection,RAN)、共同祖先筛选(common ancestor,CA)等不同参考群筛选方法及参考群规模对基因型填充准确性的影响。本研究使用矮小型黄羽肉鸡作为试验群体,采用鸡600K SNP芯片(Affymetrix Axion HD genotyping array)进行基因分型,测定435羽子代公鸡45、56、70、84、91日龄体重。利用Beagle软件将低密度SNP芯片填充为高密度SNP芯片数据,比较不同参考群筛选方法、参考群规模对基因型填充准确性的影响,以及填充芯片基因组预测准确性。结果表明,使用Beagle 4.0结合系谱信息进行填充效果最佳,其次为Beagle 4.0,而Beagle 5.1填充效果最差。使用MCA方法筛选参考群进行基因型填充准确性最高,使用RAN方法筛选参考群进行基因型填充准确性最低,MCA、RELA、CA 3种方法基因型填充准确性差别较小。相比其他方法,使用MCA方法筛选个体作为参考群将低密度SNP芯片填充至高密度SNP芯片进行基因组选择的预测准确性较高,与真实高密度SNP芯片的基因组预测准确性相差甚微。随着参考群规模增大,基因型填充准确性也随之增加,但增速逐渐下降,最后趋于平缓。综上所述,可以通过参考群筛选方法构建参考群以及控制参考群规模,以保证基因型填充和基因组预测准确性并节省成本,本研究为基因型填充在畜禽遗传育种中的应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

现代新儒家杰出代表唐君毅认为中国传统的儒家学说具有丰厚的人文精神,但也有缺乏科学精神和宗教精神的不足。在重建人文精神的过程中,对融合科学精神已经得到普遍的肯定,但对融合宗教精神则受到普遍反对。唐君毅主张融合宗教精神以重建中国人文精神的观点是有其合理性的。我们需要宗教精神,从事道德文化实践,以不断完善自身。  相似文献   

试验旨在探究不同pH的弱酸性环境常温稀释液对于猪精液常温保存的影响。通过测定不同pH(PH为6.2、6.3、6.4、6.5、6.6、6.7)的稀释液条件下猪精子的活率、质膜完整率和顶体完整性来检测对猪精液的保存效果。结果表明,稀释48h后,pH为6.4和6.5的稀释液中精子活率、质膜完整性和顶体完整性都分别出现降低,明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。pH为6.2时,稀释液中精子的活率、质膜完整性和顶体完整性显著降低(P〈0.01),不同PH的稀释液稀释后精液的品质在24h后开始出现明显的下降(P〈0.05)。试验表明,适宜猪精液常温保存的稀释液的弱酸性环境PH为6.4和6.5,在24h内保存效果较好。  相似文献   

试验在秸秆和酒糟青贮中添加接种剂和酶制剂,其目的在于促进发酵、提高青贮秸秆中纤维成分的降解率,现报道如下. 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验材料 青贮饲料原料为蜡熟期去穗玉米秸秆和白酒生产的副产品酒糟,原料均来自于大庆近郊农区.  相似文献   

To investigate the antioxidant effects of the Cordyceps militaris polysaccharides(CMP),90 male BALB/c mice were randomly divided into six groups, three experimental groups (CMP groups), model control group (CY group), blank control group (BC group) and positive control group (PC group). The mice in CMP and CY groups were given cyclophosphamide at 80 mg/kg via intraperitoneal injection for 3 d. Then the CMP groups were administrated 17.5, 35.0 and 70.0 mg/(kg·BW) CMP via gavage, respectively, BC and CY groups were given physiological saline, and PC group was orally administered 70 mg/(kg·BW) CMP, lasting 18 d. At 24 h after the last administration, heart, liver and kidney were collected to measure the levels of MAD, CAT, SOD, GSH-Px and T-AOC in the homogenate.SOD and TAOC activity of three CMP groups increased significantly (P<0.01), and the level of MDA decreased significantly (P<0.01) compared with CY group. As for CAT activity of heart, the value in low-dose CMP group had no significant change (P>0.05), while in middle and high-dose groups had significant (P<0.05) and extremely significant(P<0.01) increase respectively. Except that the hepatic GSH-Px activity increased significantly (P<0.05) in low-dose CMP group, the rest values of GSH-Px activities in all CMP groups increased extremely significantly (P<0.01). The results indicated that CMP could effectively improve the antioxidant function of mice and had the potential to be a good resource of new antioxidant drugs.  相似文献   

试验旨在阐明蛹虫草多糖(CMP)对小鼠抗氧化活性的影响。选取90只雄性BALB/c小鼠,体重18~20 g,随机分为6组,3个CMP组(低、中、高CMP组),模型对照组(CY组)、阳性对照组(PC组)及空白对照组(BC组)各1个。CMP组和CY组分别腹腔注射80 mg/kg环磷酰胺,连续3 d,然后3个CMP组分别灌胃给予17.5、35.0、70.0 mg/kg体重的CMP,BC组和CY组给予生理盐水,PC组灌胃给予70 mg/kg体重的CMP,持续18 d。于最后一次给药24 h后,采集小鼠内脏,测定心脏、肝脏及肾脏匀浆液中T-AOC、MAD、CAT、SOD和GSH-Px水平。结果显示,与CY组相比,3个CMP处理组小鼠内脏匀浆液中的SOD和T-AOC活性均极显著增加(P<0.01),MDA水平极显著降低(P<0.01);低剂量CMP组心脏CAT无显著变化(P>0.05),中、高剂量CMP组心脏CAT水平分别显著(P<0.05)、极显著(P<0.01)提高;除低剂量CMP组肝脏GSH-Px活性显著增加(P<0.05)外,其余CMP组内脏GSH-Px活性均极显著增加(P<0.01)。本试验中CMP可以有效提高小鼠心脏、肝脏及肾脏的抗氧化活性,这为抗氧化新药的研发提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Osteochondral fragments were created arthroscopically on the distal aspect of both radial carpal bones in 12 horses. On day 14 after surgery, one middle carpal joint of each horse was injected with 2.5 mL Betavet Soluspan (3.9 mg betamethasone sodium phosphate and 12 mg betamethasone acetate per milliliter) and the contralateral joint was injected with 2.5 mL saline as a control. Intra-articular treatments were repeated on day 35. On day 17, six horses began exercising 5 days per week on a high-speed treadmill. The other six horses were kept in box stalls throughout the study as nonexercised controls. On day 56, all horses were examined clinically and radiographically and then were euthanatized. Samples were obtained for histological, his-tochemical, and biochemical evaluation. Mild lameness was observed in five of the six exercised horses at day 56; four horses were lame in the control limb and one horse was lame in the treated limb. Of the five nonexercised horses evaluated for lameness, two were lame in the control limb, two were lame in the treated limb, and one was lame in both the control and the treated limb. No differences were noted on radiographs or palpation of steroid treated limbs versus control limbs. Firm reattachment of the osteochondral fragment to the radial carpal bone occurred in all but three joints. Gross cartilage damage was not different between steroid-treated joints and joints injected with saline. Histologically, there were no significant detrimental effects of betamethasone with or without exercise, but there was a tendency for more pathological change in treated joints. There was a trend toward decreased glycosaminoglycan staining in steroid treated joints of rested horses, whereas exercised horses had similar glycosaminoglycan staining in treated and control joints. No significant difference in the water content or uronic acid concentration was detected between treated and control joints. Intra-articular betamethasone administration in this carpal chip model was not associated with any significant detrimental effects in either rested or exercised horses.  相似文献   

平菇菌糠替代部分精料饲喂奶牛试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用平菇菌糠代替部分精料饲养产奶期奶牛,记录日产奶情况,试验期为30d,结果表明,试验组每头奶牛日产奶36kg,对照组每头牛日产奶34kg,试验组比对照组日产奶提高4.9%(P>0.05),效益增加明显。  相似文献   

In an experiment with 2,040 Ross 308 broiler chickens, the effect of substituting inorganic with organic minerals in broiler feed on performance was determined. The experiment comprised 2 dietary treatments, with 6 replicates of 170 mixed-sex broiler chickens per pen replicate. Experimental diets consisted of a control treatment, formulated with inorganic Mn, Zn, Fe, and Cu sulfates at levels of 70, 37, 45, and 12 ppm, respectively, and an organic mineral diet supplemented with lower levels of Mn, Zn, Fe (all 10 ppm), and Cu (2.5 ppm) supplied as peptide chelates (Bioplex). Production performance was measured during the 39-d trial period, and mineral excretion was evaluated at 26 d of age. In the starter period (0 to 14 d), FCR tended to improve (P = 0.06) in broilers fed the organic mineral diet. However, no significant differences were observed in any of the productive performance parameters measured during the trial. Significantly lower (P < 0.05) excretion rates were recorded for all minerals in fecal samples taken from broilers receiving the organic mineral diet. Fecal levels of Mn, Zn, Fe, and Cu were 46, 63, 73, and 55%, respectively, compared to the controls.  相似文献   

Objectives — (1) To determine the usefulness of one specific oscillometric monitor for making indirect measurements of arterial pressure in cats. (2) To determine the difference between two specific cuff placement sites. (3) To determine if clipping the hair beneath the cuff has an affect on the accuracy of oscillometric blood pressure determination.
Study Design — Prospective study comparing the accuracy of the Datascope Passport (Data-scope Corp, Paramus, NJ) with concurrent invasive measurements.
Animals — Six anesthetized domestic felines weighing 4.5 to 5 kg.
Methods — The direct arterial pressure was measured using a cannula placed in the right common carotid artery. Oscillometric cuffs of appropriate size were placed on both thoracic limbs distal to the elbow and both pelvic limbs distal to the stifle. The hair in the areas of cuff placement on the right limbs was clipped circumferentially. Measurements of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were taken for each site during normotension, hypotension, and hypertension. Comparisons between indirect and direct measurements were made using a parametric analysis of method comparison.
Results — No significant differences were noted when die clipped limbs were compared with the corresponding limbs which were left undipped ( P >.378) or when the thoracic limb measurements were compared widi those of the pelvic limb ( P >.088). There were significant differences ( P <.002) between the two pressure measurement methods for the systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures over all three pressure ranges.
Conclusions — The Datascope Passport did not accurately estimate the invasively measured arterial pressure.
Clinical Relevance — Use of noninvasive blood pressure monitoring equipment is increasing in use in veterinary medicine, and the accuracy of one specific monitor is reported.  相似文献   

活菌制剂改进猪氮转化和减少猪舍氨气的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验在两条万头猪生产线的生长猪舍内同步进行.在生长猪正常日粮中添加0.05%的活菌制剂,添加前和持续添加10 d后,分别测定猪舍内氨气含量和粪便、尿中总氮和氨氮的浓度.结果表明,连续使用活菌制剂10 d后,两条线舍内氨含量分别降低了40.28%和56.46%,尿中总氮和氨氮降低25%~38%,差异显著;粪中总氮和氨氮差异不显著.  相似文献   

活菌制剂改进猪氮转化和减少猪舍氨气的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验在两条万头猪生产线的生长猪舍内同步进行,在生长猪正常日粮中添加0.05%的活菌制剂,添加前和持续添加10d后,分别测定猪舍内氨气含量和粪便,尿中总氮和氨氮的浓度,结果表明,连续使用活菌制剂10d后,两条线舍内氨含量分别降低了40.28%,和56.46%,尿中总氮和氨氮降低25%-38%,差异显著;粪中总氮和氨氮差异不显著。  相似文献   

采用天然染料改善真丝性能有利于环保和人体健康。研究了以天然薯莨提取液为染料,应用汽蒸染色方法对真丝织物进行染色增重的最佳工艺,比较了分别用Fe3+、Cu2+、Cr6+3种金属离子进行后处理的改性效果。薯莨提取液对真丝增重的最佳工艺是:汽蒸温度110℃、湿度85%,汽蒸8次,汽蒸时间4 min,带液率180%、含固量6.28%。用Fe3+、Cu2+、Cr6+金属离子后处理的最佳质量浓度分别为12、10、10 g/L。Fe3+、Cr6+后处理的真丝织物其增重率随离子浓度的增加逐渐增大,而Cu2+后处理的真丝织物增重率在离子浓度上升到一定程度后有所降低。用Fe3+后处理的真丝织物颜色最深,呈红黑色;用Cu2+后处理的真丝织物颜色偏深,色相在红黄之间;用Cr6+后处理的真丝织物偏暗黄色。3种金属离子用于染色真丝织物的后处理,均在一定程度上提高了薯莨提取液染色增重真丝的色牢度和拒水性能,能明显提高真丝织物的紫外屏蔽性能,其中经Cr6+后处理的真丝织物拒水性能和紫外屏蔽性能最为显著。  相似文献   

Captopril, furosemide, and a sodium-restricted diet were administered to 6 normal dogs and 10 dogs with congestive heart failure. Serum electrolyte concentrations and renal function were monitored in both groups. In the normal dogs, no clinically meaningful changes in serum electrolyte, urea nitrogen, or creatinine concentrations developed during therapy with a sodium-restricted diet and 4 weeks each of furosemide alone, captopril alone, or furosemide plus captopril. Three of 6 normal dogs on furosemide and a sodium-restricted diet had at least one serum potassium concentration above the reference range during the 4 weeks of observation. One normal dog on captopril, furosemide, and a sodium-restricted diet developed azotemia, and 2 dogs had serum potassium concentrations above the reference range during the 4 weeks of observation. Ten dogs with congestive heart failure were treated with captopril, furosemide, a sodium-restricted diet, and digoxin.
Etiopathogenesis of the heart failure included valvular insufficiency (n = 6), dilated cardiomyopathy (n = 3), and dilated cardiomyopathy and dirofilariasis (n = 1). Serum electrolyte concentrations and renal function were monitored for 5 consecutive weeks in 7 of the 10 dogs and for 17 weeks or longer in 6. Two dogs were euthanized after 4 weeks because of acute decompensation of heart failure, and one dog developed severe azotemia and uremia. Six of 10 dogs with congestive heart failure had at least one serum potassium concentration above the reference range sometime during the 5 weeks of observation, although the changes in the mean serum potassium concentrations were not statistically significant. Four of 10 dogs with congestive heart failure developed azotemia sometime during the 5 weeks of observation.  相似文献   

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