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To quantitatively define relationships among stocking densities, feeding rates, water quality, and production costs for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, grown in multiple‐batch systems, twelve 0.1‐ha earthen ponds were stocked at 8,600, 17,300, 26,000, or 34,600 fingerlings/ha along with 2,268 kg/ha of carryover fish. Fish in all ponds were fed daily to apparent satiation using 32% protein floating feed. Temperature and dissolved oxygen in each pond were monitored twice daily; pH weekly; nitrite‐N, total ammonia nitrogen, and Secchi disk visibility every 2 wk; nitrate‐N, chlorophyll a, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand monthly; and chloride every other month. The costs of producing channel catfish at different stocking densities were estimated. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) as a result of stocking density among treatment means of (1) gross or net yields, (2) mean weights at harvest, and (3) growth or survival of fingerlings (24–36%) and carryover fish (77–94%). Mean and maximum daily feeding rates ranged from 40 to 53 kg/ha/d and 123 to 188 kg/ha/d, respectively, and feed conversion ratios averaged 1.75. There were no differences in any feed‐related parameter as a result of density. Water quality variables showed few differences among densities at samplings and no differences when averaged across the production season. Yield of fingerlings increased as stocking density increased with significant differences between the two highest and the two lowest stocking densities. Breakeven prices were lower at the higher stocking densities as a result of the higher yield of understocked fish and similar mean individual fish weights produced at these higher stocking densities. Overall, varying stocking densities of fingerlings in multiple‐batch systems had little effect on production efficiency and water quality. Additional research on managing the population structure of carryover fish in commercial catfish ponds may be warranted.  相似文献   

Feed represents the largest cost input in intensive catfish Ictalurus punctatus production. Daily feed rations are generally related to stocking densities, up to a point at which high feeding rates begin to affect water quality. There has been no prior research to analyze the economic interactions between feeding and stocking rates. Econometric techniques were used to estimate a Just-Pope catfish production function, which was used to compute marginal products of inputs, and to identify stocking and feeding rates associated with the boundaries between Stages I, II, and III of the production function. Survey data collected by USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System were used for this analysis. Maximum yield, when accounting for both stocking and feeding rates, occurred at about 30,000 fingerlings/ha. However, profit-maximizing stocking densities ranged between 16,942 and 21,312 fingerlings/ha, depending upon expected catfish and feed prices. Farmers stocking at higher rates could be attempting to maximize yield instead of profit.  相似文献   

Fingerling channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were stocked into sixteen, 0.4-ha ponds at 11,120 fish/ha or 19.770 fish/ha. Half the ponds at either density were managed as single-batch cropping systems and half as multiple-batch cropping systems. Each of the four combinations in the 2 X 2 factorial design was replicated in four ponds over a 3-year study period. Ponds were not drained until the study was terminated. Average net fish production (totaled over 3 years) was 23,717 kg/ha for the single-batch, high-density treatment; 19,501 kg/ha for the multiple-batch, high-density treatment; 17,396 kg/ha for the single-batch, low density treatment; and 16,857 kg/ha for the multiple-batch, low- density treatment. Both stocking density and cropping system significatly (P < 0.05) influenced net production. Average size of fish at harvest was significantly (P < 0.05) lower at the high stocking density and in the single-batch cropping system. Feed conversion was better (P < 0.05) at the low stocking density and in the single-batch cropping systems. Poorer feed conversion in multiple-batch systems is believed due to harvest-to-harvest carryover of large fish, which convert feed to flesh less efficiently than small fish. Observed mortality and total fish loss (observed mortality plus fish unaccounted for upon termination of the study) were not affected (P > 0.05) by cropping system but were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in ponds stocked at the high density. Production data were used to assess discounted net revenues from a synthetic 131-ha farm based upon a price of $1.54/kg either for all fish harvested or for fish harvested that were ≥0.35kg. When based on all fish harvested, discounted net revenue was highest for the single-batch, high-density treatment, but the low average size of fish harvested from ponds in that treatment (0.49 kg/fish) would not be acceptable across the industry. The multiple-batch, low-density treatment had the second highest discounted net revenue based upon all fish harvested and the highest revenue when only fish ≥ 0.34 kg were valued. Of the treatments analyzed, this was judged the economic choice for the channel catfish industry.  相似文献   

Diets containing 28% and 32% crude protein were compared for pond‐raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus stocked at densities of 14,820, 29,640, or 44,460 fish/ha. Fingerling channel catfish with average initial weight of 48.5 g/fish were stocked into 30 0.04‐ha ponds. Five ponds were randomly allotted for each dietary protein ± stocking density combination. Fish were fed once daily to satiation for two growing seasons. There were no interactions between dietary protein concentration and stocking density for any variables. Dietary protein concentrations (28% or 32%) did not affect net production, feed consumption and weight gain per fish, feed conversion ratio, survival, processing yields, fillet moisture, protein and ash concentrations, or pond water ammonia and nitrite concentrations. Fish fed the 32% protein diet had slightly but significantly lower levels of visceral and fillet fat than fish fed the 28% protein diet. As stocking density increased, net production increased, while weight gain of individual fish, feed efficiency, and survival decreased. Stocking densities did not affect processing yield and fillet composition of the fish. Although highly variable among different ponds and weekly measurements, ponds stocked at the highest density exhibited higher average levels of total ammonia‐nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite‐nitrogen (NO2‐N) than ponds stocked at lower densities. However, stocking density had no significant effect on un‐ionized ammonia‐nitrogen (NH3‐N) concentrations, calculated based on water temperature, pH, and TAN. By comparing to the reported critical concentration, a threshold below which is considered not harmful to the fish, these potentially toxic nitrogenous compounds in the pond water were generally in the range acceptable for channel catfish. It appears that a 28% protein diet can provide equivalent net production, feed efficiency, and processing yields as a 32% protein diet for channel catfish raised in ponds from advanced fingerlings to marketable size at densities varying from 14,820 to 44,460 fish/ha under single‐batch cropping systems. Optimum dietary protein concentration for pond‐raised channel catfish does not appear to be affected by stocking density.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus fry are typically held under hatchery conditions for 7 to 14 d after hatching to allow feeding and growth before they are stocked into nursery ponds to produce fingerling catfish. In an attempt to reduce hatchery operating costs, several catfish fingerling producers in Louisiana presently stock fry within 2 d after hatching before yolk absorption is complete. Fry at this stage of development are commonly referred to as "sac-fry." Although research has shown that fry can be stocked at the onset of yolk absorption with no detrimental effects on subsequent fingerling production, stocking sac-fry has been reported to result in reduced fingerling survival. To further investigate this topic, production trials were conducted in experimental outdoor pools over the course of two growing seasons to evaluate the effect of stocking fry of three different ages (2-, 7-, and 14-d post-hatch, DPH) on survival, growth (weight and length), condition factor (K), yield, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of fingerling catfish. Results from both trials indicated that the age at which fry were stocked had no effect on production characteristics with the exception of growth. Specifically, fingerlings reared from fry stocked at 2 and 7 DPH were significantly larger than fingerlings reared from fry stocked at an age of 14 DPH. These findings suggest that the practice of stocking sac-fry may be a suitable alternative to the traditional procedure of holding and feeding fry under hatchery conditions prior to stocking. However, in order to fully evaluate the effects of early-age stocking of catfish fry on fingerling production, additional studies must be conducted under pond conditions. Furthermore, these studies must be coupled with a rigorous economic analysis before the practice of stocking sac-fry can be recommended to the catfish industry.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine if channel catfish could be cultured at an increased density in the Partitioned Aquaculture System (PAS) without significantly affecting performance. Channel catfish fingerlings (36.53±6.76 g; mean ±SD) were initially stocked into six 9.15 m3 sections at 3,461±317 fish per section, twice the designed carrying capacity, and fed twice daily to satiation. After 75 days, the density of three units was reduced by approximately 50% and all six units were fed for another 97 days. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in mean growth rate, feed conversion ratio, or production between fish grown at the low- and high-density treatments. Also, length variation (CV) and condition factors (K) were similar (P > 0.05) between fish grown at the low and high-density. Increasing density by twice the designed carrying capacity did not affect performance of channel catfish in the PAS.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We studied the effects of captive doublecrested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus predation on channel catfish Ictalurus puncratus inventories from research ponds with and without alternative prey during the years 1998–2000. In 1998, predation by two groups of captive cormorants on ponds without alternative prey produced inventory reductions relative to a control pond that were equivalent to 10.2 (516 g) and 10.5 (608 g) catfishhird per d. In 1999 and 2000 individual cormorants foraging on 0.02-ha pond halves for 10 d (500 cormoranta) stocked with both catfish and golden shiners Noremigonus crysoleucas produced inventory reductions at harvest (7.5 mo after predation occurred) averaging approximately 7 and 9 catfishhird per d, respectively. In 1999, two ponds averaged a 30% reduction in fish inventoried and a 23% loss in biomass from ponds stocked at 12,355 fishha using a single batch cropping system. Production losses from predation were not apparent at a third pond where disease reduced the catfish population by more than 50%. In contrast, two ponds with more modest disease problems in 2000 had additive predation losses that exceeded those observed in 1999. Observations of cormorants foraging during 1999 and 2000 suggested that differences in catfish predation between these years may have been related to less shiner utilization by cormorants in 2000. However, based on availability, there was no preference for shiners over catfish (Chesson's alpha c0.41) in either year, although shiners were a more readily manipulated prey. Despite the possible moderating effects of alternative prey utilization, we conclude that cormorants can cause significant economic losses to catfish at harvest.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the clearance time of yellow pigments lutein and zeaxanthin in channel catfish at various temperatures. Fish of initial weight of 13.4 g were stocked into flow‐through aquaria and fed daily with a pigment‐enhanced diet for 11 wk when yellow color became visible in the flesh. All fish were then transferred into tanks in three recirculating systems that were assigned one of the three temperatures (10, 20, and 30 C). During the pigment clearance period, fish were fed a control diet without added pigments daily to satiation for 12 wk. Every 4 wk, fish from three randomly chosen tanks per temperature were euthanized and fillets were analyzed for yellow color intensity (Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage [CIE] b*) and lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations. The b* values of fillets of fish reared at 20 and 30 C decreased linearly as time progressed. There was no significant linear regression of b* value against time for fish raised at 10 C. The rate of pigment clearance was similar for fish reared at 20 and 30 C. Results demonstrate that about 8 wk were needed for catfish to “purge” most of yellow pigment at warm temperatures (20 and 30 C). A longer period of time (> 12 wk) was required at 10 C.  相似文献   


Animal protein, generally fish meal, has traditionally been used in the diet of channel catfish. However, our previous research indicates that animal protein is not needed for growing stocker-size catfish to food fish when the fish are stocked at densities typical of those used in commercial catfish culture. Whether this holds when fish are stocked at high densities is not known; thus, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the effect of feeding diets with and without fish meal to channel catfish stocked in earthen ponds at different densities. Two 32% protein-practical diets containing 0% or 6% menhaden fish meal were compared for pond-raised channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, stocked at densities of 14,820, 29,640, or 44,460 fish/ha. Fingerling channel catfish with average initial weight of 48 g/fish were stocked into 30 0.04-ha ponds. Five ponds were randomly allotted for each fish meal level?×?stocking density combination. Fish were fed once daily to satiation for two growing seasons. There was a significant interaction between stocking density and fish meal for net production; net production increased in fish fed a diet containing fish meal compared with those fed an all-plant diet at the highest stocking density, but not at the two lower stocking densities. Net production of fish fed diets with and without fish meal increased as stocking density increased. Viewing the main effect means, weight gain decreased and feed conversion ratio increased for fish stocked at the two highest densities, and survival was significantly lower at the highest stocking density. Visceral fat decreased in fish at the two highest stocking densities. Body composition data were largely unaffected by experimental treatment except for a reduction in percentage filet fat in fish at the highest stocking density, and fish that were fed diets containing fish meal had a lower percentage fillet protein and a higher percentage fillet fat. It appears that at stocking densities two to three times higher than generally used, animal protein (fish meal) may be beneficial in the diet of channel catfish. In regard to stocking densities, high stocking results in higher overall production, but the average fish size decreased as stocking density increased.  相似文献   

The efficacy of short-term feed withdrawal as a method of reducing ammonia concentrations in catfish production ponds was investigated. Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, fingerlings averaging 35 g were stocked at 9,880 fish/ha into six 0.04-ha ponds and fed twice daily to satiation for 131 days. For a 9-day period immediately prior to harvest (days 132-140), feeding of fish in three ponds was terminated, while feeding of fish in three other ponds was continued. Total ammonia-nitrogen concentrations were not significantly reduced (P > 0.05) in unfed ponds until 9 days after feeding was terminated. However, after 7 days without feed, un-ionized ammonia concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in ponds where fish were not fed, due to significantly higher (P < 0.05) pH levels. Short-term (9 days) feed withdrawal had little effect on lowering total ammonia and actually increased concentrations of toxic un-ionized ammonia in ponds.  相似文献   

Restaurant patrons, particularly in upscale locations, increasingly prefer entrées developed from portions cut from fillets larger than those currently sold by the US catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, industry. A production study evaluated the feasibility of producing the necessary size (1.6 kg) of catfish. Twelve 0.1‐ha earthen ponds were stocked with 0.363‐kg channel catfish at 2500 (low); 5000 (medium); or 7500 (high) fish/ha, with four replicates. Mean individual weight at harvest exceeded the mean target weight (1.6 kg) at the two lower densities, and the minimum target weight (1.36 kg) at the highest density. Percentages of fish (by weight) that did not meet the minimum weight required were: 1, 5, and 18%, in the low, medium, and high density treatments, respectively. Yields were significantly greater at higher densities (P < 0.05). Costs of production at the two higher densities were 4 to 7% higher than in the traditional multiple‐batch system, but increased to 51% at the lowest density. Results demonstrated the biological feasibility of producing channel catfish of a mean weight of 1.6 kg. Economic feasibility depends on (1) the price premium paid and (2) development of a market for fish sizes between current acceptable maximum sizes accepted and 1.36 kg.  相似文献   

Previous work suggested that feeding catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, more frequently over the winter might reduce weight loss. Twelve 0.10-ha ponds were stocked with 987 kg/ha market-sized fish and 2,960 kg/ha sub-marketable fish in November 2008 with treatments of: (1) unfed, (2) fed daily (fed 90 d), and (3) temperature-threshold feeding (fed 62 d). Total gross yield was significantly greater for the temperature-threshold feeding treatment than the unfed control, but survival and mean weight of fish at harvest were not. Net yield was negative for all treatments, due primarily to mortality of market-sized fish. Plasma glucose and insulin-like growth factor-1 did not differ significantly, but plasma osmolality was significantly lower in fasted than in fed fish. Mean feed consumption rates in vats provided evidence to support more frequent feeding over the winter. Overwintering costs were $0.11/kg with temperature-threshold feeding. Research on strategies to reduce winter mortality has potential to reduce overwintering costs.  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest worldwide in applying bacterial inocula to channel catfish ponds for improving water quality, especially for acceleration of ammonia nitrogen oxidation through bacterial nitrification. The effects of a selected bacterial amendment on water quality in small research ponds for channel catfish production were evaluated at the E. W. Shell Fisheries Center, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Three ponds were treated with the bacterial amendment Waste & Sludge Reducer? (Keeton Industries, Wellington, CO, USA) at three times the dose recommended by the manufacturer every 2 wk, and three ponds served as controls. There were nonconsistent minor differences in water quality between ponds treated with a commercial bacterial amendment and control ponds on several sampling dates. However, the average concentrations of water quality variables did not differ (P > 0.05) between the treatments and control. Channel catfish yield was not improved by applying the bacterial amendment. This study demonstrates that the bacterial amendment was of no benefit in improving water quality in well‐managed catfish ponds where stocking rates, feeding rates, and amount of aeration are balanced.  相似文献   

Economic trade-offs associated with single- and multiple-batch production of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were analyzed using multi-period and risk programming mathematical models. Single-batch stocking strategies maximized net returns above variable cost, primarily because poorer feed conversions in multiple-batch systems resulted in lower net returns. In the absence of off-flavor, single-batch production would increase annual net returns by 5%. For every 25% reduction in off-flavor incidence, annual net returns increased by 1-3%. The 10-year average fall-to-spring price differential was less than the cost of holding fish through the winter, based on an assumed inventory holing cost of $0.08/kg/month. For each reduction in holding cost of $0.02/kg/month, annual net returns increased by 8-9%. Multiple stocking was selected as a risk-reducing strategy, but expected income decreased by 8% to 35% depending on the number of ponds stocked in multiple batches. Cash flow restrictions decreased annual net returns by 18% because multiple-batch stocking strategies were required to meet financial obligations.  相似文献   

Experiments to determine effects of skin colour on growth in different water temperatures were conducted with albino and normally pigmented channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). In Experiment 1, fish were reared in 29°C, 27°C, or 22°C water from hatching to 40 weeks of age. Two additional groups were initially reared in 27°C water for either 12 or 16 weeks and in 22°C water for either the remaining 28 or 24 weeks, respectively. Results indicated that: (1) albino fish reared in 29°C water were superior in growth to normal fish; (2) albino fish did not differ from normal fish in growth when reared in either 27°C or 22°C water; (3) albino fish were inferior in growth to normal fish when reared in 27°C water for either 12 or 16 weeks of the 40-week growth period; (4) genetic differences between families and the age of fish strongly influenced relative growth of both colour types; and (5) both albino and normal catfish were able to compensate in growth at a later age. Experiment 2 began when fish were 48 weeks old and included both albino and normal fish which were either full-siblings or not genetically related. Results indicated that: (1) albinos and normal catfish did not respond differently to a 5°C water temperature change; (2) genetically related and randomly selected albino and normal fish produced consistent results concerning water temperature, skin pigmentation, and sex effects on growth; (3) increasing water temperature from 22°C to 27°C for 19 weeks resulted in increased weight and length of the fish by 144 and 80%, respectively; and (4) growth increase during the first 19-week period resulting from the higher water temperature was followed by a significant increase in the subsequent 10-week growth when the fish were in the lower water temperature.  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions among juvenile channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were observed, and fixed action patterns were described and anlyzed. Dominant fish engaged regularly in aggressive activities and never in submissive activities, whereas subordinate fish were observed in submissive activities on a regular basis and rarely in those that were aggressive. Activity levels were significantly higher in dominant fish; however, there was no difference in activity levels between pairs of equal and unequal size fish. A factor analysis indicated that there were three general categoris of behavior in juvenile channel catfish. In addition, two behaviors (which appeared to be displacement activities) were functioning in agnostic encounters. Plasma cortisol concentrations measured in sigle fish and pairs of fish in aquaria and individuals from a holding tank indicated that the least amount of stress occurred in fish that were not interacting with any other individuals. Cortisol levels, however, were lower that those associated with stress levels in fish from other studies.  相似文献   

Abstract Producers may capture two to three channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus L. for flavor analysis from ponds scheduled for harvest. If off-flavors are not present in several consecutive fish samples, the population may be considered acceptable for harvest. However, instrumental analysis of the muddy/earthy off-flavor metabolites 2-methylisoborneol (1-R-exo-1,2,7,7-tetramethyl-bicyclo-[2,2,1]-heptan-2-ol) (MIB) and geosmin (lα, 10β-dimethyl-9α-decalol) concentrations in approximately 80 catfish from each of three commercial ponds found both acceptable (on-flavor) and unacceptable (off-flavor) individuals within a single pond (i.e., mixed-flavor populations). Ascertaining the frequency of mixed-flavor populations by instrumentally determining the off-flavor metabolite concentration in muscle tissues from a large number of fish sampled from many ponds at several locations over time is not currently feasible. However, analysis of 12,725 commercial processor flavor assessments collected in 1994 and 1995 indicated 120 instances of individual ponds yielding off-flavor fish followed by on-flavor fish in one day or less. Reports indicate that fish require approximately four days to depurate off-flavors fully, suggesting that a proportion of these rapidly changing flavor assessments may reflect the stochastic selection of fish from mixed-flavor populations rather than a complete and rapid conversion of the flavor quality of entire populations. Factors that contribute to the occurrence of mixed-flavor-populations have not been identified fully. However, increased proportion of fat in catfish fillet tissues has been reported to be correlated with a greater retention of MIB by fish. In this investigation, fish fat contents ranged from 4.45% to 30.45%, and were positively correlated (P < 0.0001) with MIB concentrations. Additionally, the spatial distributions of algal populations within certain commercial catfish ponds were not uniform, and the sensory analysis of the flavor intensity of MIB and geosmin in catfish was more variable than the assessment of the intensity of chickeny and nutty flavors. Probability analysis indicated that in certain mixed-flavor populations there was a 10 to 25% probability of a shipment of fish being rejected due to the random collection of only on-flavor fish prior to harvest followed by the post harvest capture of at least one off-flavor fish. In addition, a chance of no off-flavor fish being sampled from a population containing a proportion of unacceptable fish was indicated. At current sample sizes, replacing sensory analysis with instrumental analysis would not completely avoid problems associated with sampling mixed-flavor-populations. Until effective means to reduce/avoid off-flavor metabolite accumulations in fish are widely available, careful attention to proper sensory evaluation protocols, an enhanced attention to pond conditions that affect flavor quality, the production of leaner more uniform populations of fish, and optimizations of sampling strategies offer the most practical near-term augmentations of current practice.  相似文献   

Catfish were cultivated in 0.3 m3 site-specific cages built for fish culture in irrigation ditches. Poor growth (239 g ± 4.2) in 1989 was probably due to velocity of water and variability of fish size at stocking. Addition of baffles to the cages and hand grading of fish eliminated these problems in 1990. A power failure near the middle of the 1990 growing season forced the brief move of the fish from the ditch to a pond. Catfish reached an average weight of 465 g in 1990 over roughly the same growing season as in 1990. Before the cages were moved, fish at lower densities had significantly higher growth (588 ± 3, 515 ± 3) than those at higher densities (396 ± 4.6, 334 ± 4). However, at the end of the experiment, growth was not significantly different between densities (P > 0.05). Perhaps stress to fish caused by moving cages obliterated the previous density differences in growth.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鮰de生殖特性及人工繁殖技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
斑点叉尾鮰是近20年来从国外引进的淡水养殖鱼类。由于其初始性成熟年龄较大,繁殖力偏低,制约了苗种的规模化生产,造成苗种供应紧张。笔者自1997年以来观察了该鱼的生殖特性,并进行了人工繁殖试验,累计催产亲鱼1050组,共获苗500多万尾。  相似文献   

Four treatment groups that received repeating cycles of fixed feed deprivation for either 0, 1, 2, or 3 d (control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively), followed by periods of refeeding with a 36% protein commercial catfish feed once daily as long as the active phase of compensatory growth (CG) persisted, were assessed in flow-through aquaria. No-feed periods elicited the CG state and were immediately followed by days of ad libatum refeeding. At the end of 10 wk, average growth rate (AGR) of fish was higher ( P < 0.05) than the control by 40%, 180%, and 191% for treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. The average weight of fish in treatment 3 was heavier ( P < 0.05) than the average control group at the end of the study period. Mean daily feed consumption was 3.91%, 5.03%, 5.36%, and 5.98% for control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Mean feed consumption per fish per day was 24%, 71.3%, and 70.7% higher than the control in treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Restricted feeding is one of the effective methods to contain ESC-related losses in commercial channel catfish fingerling operations. The mean cumulative survival of treatment groups registered higher ( P < 0.05) survival to Edwardsiella ictaluri infection compared to the daily fed control fish. Results from this study show that compensatory growth response triggered by periodic non-feeding days can improve growth rate, feed consumption, and improved survival to ESC infections in channel catfish fingerlings.  相似文献   

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