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陈少波 《海洋渔业》1996,18(3):138-140
1995年秋,笔者受中国政府派遣,赴印尼参加由印尼政府、联合国有关组织和日本政府合作举办的“庭园对虾育苗培训班”。在此期间,笔者还考察了印尼一些有关的研究机构、对虾育苗场和养虾场。根据讨论交流和实地考察中所获得的有关资料和信息,撰写了此报告,供有关人士参考。  相似文献   

20多年来 ,斯里兰卡国内由于僧、泰两个民族的不和 ,导致内战不断。最近经过挪威政府的从中斡旋 ,双方已达成共识 ,从而结束了战争 ,为斯国政府和人民发展经济建设 ,提高人民生活水平开创了新的局面 ,也为各国政府和民间企业家投资斯国 ,参与其经济建设创造了有利的环境条件。斯里兰卡是印度洋上的一个岛国 ,被誉称为印度洋上的珍珠 (风景秀丽 )和红茶之国 ,面积 6.5 6万km2 ,人口 1 80 0万 ,全年平均气温 2 8℃ ,无春夏秋冬 ,只有雨季和旱季之分 ,属热带气候 ,该国是个农业国家 ,主要农产品有红茶、天然橡胶、椰子和稻米 ,海岸线长达 1 2…  相似文献   

在斯里兰卡养殖斑节对虾及防病技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年,由于病毒性虾病暴发,期里半卡80%以上养虾场濒于绝产。笔者在A.E.虾场利用30个0.5hm62的池塘进行养虾防病试验。采取的措施是:将10个池改为海水沉淀消毒池。20个养虾池铲除淤泥,翻耕曝晒,遍洒生石灰。选择健壮虾苗暂15-30天后放入养殖池,每池放养10-12.5万尾。池四角各设一台水车式增氧机,使池水溶氧始终保持3mg/L以上。  相似文献   

美国水产养殖概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国水产养殖业起步较晚,到了20世纪60年代才开始,美国水产养殖业的发展,首先是从斑点叉尾开始,到了80年代后才逐步增加了鳟、鲈、罗非鱼等少数几个品种,但斑点叉尾的绝对主导地位一直没有改变。1999年,美国水产养殖总产量约50万吨,排世界第6位(前5位均为亚洲的国家,其中中国养殖总产量1900万吨,占全世界养殖总量的60%)。在美国水产品总量中,叉尾占83%、鳟鱼占9%、鲈鱼占5%、罗非鱼占3%,其他品种总和不到1%。美国的斑点叉尾养殖业最近几年发展很快,1997年总产量23.8万吨,1999年…  相似文献   

<正> 为了学习借鉴国内先进地区水产养殖经验,唐海县政府组织水产养殖考察团于8月24日至9月7日赴南部四省(湖北、安徽、江苏、山东)进行了为期15天的海淡水养殖考察。考察团所到之处,受到当地政府和人民的热情接待,收获之大,前所未有。 (一) 考察团先后走访了中国科学院水生生物研究所、湖北省荆沙市长湖水产管理处、中  相似文献   

综述了拉美国家现有水产养殖业的状况。养殖的主要种类依鱼类、虾类及软体动物和藻类等分别论述。同时指出了拉美水产养殖业现存的主要问题。并简要介绍了拉美地区与水产养殖业有关的研究、培训机构和一些专业协会。  相似文献   

2007年9月~12月,笔者赴埃及参加了由埃及国际农业中心举办的水产养殖发展(Fish Culture Development)培训班.本文根据此次参加培训了解到的情况,对埃及的水产养殖情况作一介绍.  相似文献   

介绍了新西兰的水产养殖现状、养殖品种及养殖区域;并就在新西兰进行渔业养殖的操作流程、注意事项、申请材料作了较为详尽的说明,对了解国外水产有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

介绍了新西兰的水产养殖现状、养殖品种及养殖区域;并就在新西兰进行渔业养殖的操作流程、注意事项、申请材料作了较为详尽的说明,对了解国外水产有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

养殖的种类和方法在香港,有海水、咸淡水和淡水养殖,但以浅海养殖为主。养殖历史已有100年以上,初期的养殖方法为中国的传统养殖方法,即把渔船钓到的鱼放养在网箱里,投喂以小鱼,使其增重,以达到上市的目的。这就是肉食性鱼类养殖的起始。现在的养殖基本上还是个人的养殖。规模庞大的大企业养殖仅在几年前才开始,以渔民为主的中型企业也加入了生产。  相似文献   

斯里兰卡渔业近况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斯里兰卡是印度洋岛国,位于南亚次大陆南端。该国专属经济区海域辽阔,渔业资源丰富,但开发利用的程度较低,具有很大的发展潜力。本文着重介绍了斯里兰卡的渔业近况以及渔业发展中的一些亮点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了巴西东西南北各区域的养殖现状,并对有意前去投资开发的企业提出需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

渔业在越南国民经济中发挥着重要作用,其中水产养殖业占国内渔业产量的40%,越南拥有广阔的适宜发展水产养殖的水域和土地,近年来水产养殖业取得了快速增长。越南积极开展多品种养殖。也是亚洲少数几个进行有机水产养殖并出口到欧洲的国家。政府希望通过不断的努力,克服不利因素,保持国内水产养殖业的发展势头。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍东非马达加斯加渔业和对虾养殖业概况,着重就马达加斯加对虾的品种、养殖技术和养殖设施进行了详细描述,对对虾养殖企业和个人有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

An electrophoretic analysis of six populations of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) and four populations of O. niloticus (L.) from several rivers and a fish hatchery in Sri Lanka was conducted to determine the degree of mixing within and between stocks. Genetic characterization of the O. mossambicus stocks showed that some degree of mixing with O. niloticus occurred in all but two of the populations examined, while in the case of the O. niloticus, all the populations had some degree of mixing of O. mossambicus alleles. Genetic identity calculated using Nei's coefficient gave values ranging from 0.9484 to 0.9895 for O. niloticus populations and 1.0 to 0.9940 for O. mossambicus populations, while interspecies comparisons ranged from 0.7531 to 0.9002. The implications of these results for fisheries management and aquaculture are discussed.  相似文献   

本文是作者在调查研究的基础上,简述了广西海水养殖业的自然资源概况,概括了改革开放以来海水养殖业的发展变化情况,分析了当前存在问题,着重对今后海水养殖业的发展提出具有全局性、前瞻性的几点思考,作为对今后工作的探讨。  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》1986,4(1):1-33
Age, growth and spawning season were studied in Sardinella sirm, S. albella, S. gibbosa and S. longiceps collected by gill nets in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka.Ageing was based on primary growth rings in the otoliths. The daily periodicity as verified for S. sirm by comparing mean increase in number of rings and the time elapsed between a series of sampling dates. For the other species, the same periodicity was inferred from the similarity in structure to that of S. sirm.The species reach the following lengths after 1 year: S. albella, 12 cm; S. gibbosa, 13 cm; S. longiceps, 14 cm; S. sirm, 20 cm. The total life-cycles are 1–1.5 years.Apparently, all species reach maturity after about 1 year. There seem to be two spawning seasons per year. Estimates based on counting growth rings indicate that these coincide with the south west and north east monsoonal changes. This also agrees with the changes in maturity stages observed.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of culture-based fisheries (CBFs) associated with village irrigation systems (VISs) in Sri Lanka, there is less knowledge about factors that influence productivity levels. CBFs compete with rice for access to water in the VIS, so maximizing the efficiency of CBFs is essential to ensure that the limited water resources are used most effectively. To address this, primary data from 325 fish farming groups were used to estimate a stochastic translog production frontier. Technical efficiency in these irrigation systems was found to be generally low, and substantially lower than that of other aquaculture production systems in other Asian countries. This suggests that production can be increased substantially with better management using existing technology and resources. Removing subsidies, improving consultation with extension officials and improving water user rights – in particular, the introduction of a transferable community quota system – were found to be key means for improving efficiency.  相似文献   

The aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka has become a valuable foreign exchange earner during the past few years, earning Rs. 530 million in 1998. Sri Lankan ornamental fish exports for the international market include locally wild caught marine, brackish-water and freshwater species as well as captive bred freshwater fish. Presently, there are about 18 registered aquarium fish exporters and together they currently contribute approximately 1% of the world's demand for ornamental fish. Of the freshwater fish species exported from Sri Lanka, the guppy ranks the highest (67% by number), followed by swordtails, angels, platies and various species of tetras. This study aims to assess the present status and future trends in the ornamental fish industry in Sri Lanka; to overview the present fish production system which caters for the international market; and to identify present constraints within the industry. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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