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鲤血清转铁蛋白纯化及其与铁离子的结合特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
用硫酸铵分级沉淀法及制备性SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)法,获得含有鲤(Cyprinuscarpio)血清转铁蛋白(Tf)的PAG条带,同时除去SDS及考马斯亮蓝,分离纯化了转铁蛋白,并做铁离子结合试验及光谱分析。结果表明,转铁蛋白结合铁离子后的特异吸收峰为467nm,说明,去SDS后转铁蛋白仍有很强的铁离子结合能力,用普通SDS-PAGE法测得鲤血清Tf分子量约为74000Dal  相似文献   

Some mycobacterial species (particularly Mycobacterium marinum) found in aquarium environments may cause chronic diseases in fish and cutaneous infections in humans, the so-called 'fish tank granuloma'. The presence and distribution of mycobacterial species in clinically healthy aquarium fish and their environment has not been adequately explored. The present study analysed the occurrence of mycobacteria in a decorative aquarium (Brno, South Moravia) and in five aquaria of a professional fish breeder (Bohumin, North Moravia). After Ziehl-Neelsen staining, acid-fast rods (AFR) were observed in six (14.3%) and mycobacteria were detected by culture in 18 (42.9%) of 42 tissue samples from 19 fish. Sixty-five samples of the aqueous environment from all six aquaria were examined; AFR were found in 16 (24.6%) and mycobacteria were detected by culture in 49 (75.4%) samples. Forty-one (70.7%) of 58 selected mycobacterial isolates were identified biochemically as follows: M. fortuitum, M. flavescens, M. chelonae, M. gordonae, M. terrae, M. triviale, M. diernhoferi, M. celatum, M. kansasii and M. intracellulare. The clinically important species for humans and fish, M. marinum, was not detected. Mycobacterium kansasii was isolated from one sample of the aquarium environment from North Moravia, which is a region of the Czech Republic with endemic incidence of M. kansasii in water. The incidence of other conditionally pathogenic mycobacterial species in healthy fish and in all investigated constituents of the aquarium environment including snails and crustaceans used for fish feeding, was quite high. Accordingly, mycobacterial species from aquarium environments may serve as a possible source of infection for both aquarium fish and immunodeficient fish handlers.  相似文献   

In a blind study serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of control horses and of horses in hepatic coma after chronic food intoxication with Senecio alpinus were collected simultaneously and the composition of free amino acids was determined. The hepatic encephalopathy index in serum (less than 1.65) and in CSF (less than 1.11) of liver patients was distinctly less than to the control values in serum (greater than 2.42) and in CSF (greater than 1.49). The serum concentrations of glutamic acid in hepatic coma were elevated five-fold in comparison to the controls. An indication of ammonia decontamination was that nearly ten-fold higher values of glutamine were found in the cerebrospinal fluids of patients than in serum. In comparison to controls the serum levels of glutamine in horses with hepatic encephalopathy were decreased by the factor 0.7.  相似文献   

Xylazine and Ketamine were used for anaesthesia in 250 adult horses. This combination is useful both for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. The induction with Xylazine and Ketamine has been successful not only with foals but also with high risk patients such as horses with colic. During the maintenance of anaesthesia Xylazine/Ketamine can be used with injectable anaesthetics as well as with volatile anaesthetics at the same time. A form of injection anaesthesia for short-time surgical procedures like castration and wound repair is presented. The maintenance of a Thiobarbiturate/Guaifenesin anaesthesia with Xylazine/Ketamine seems to be suitable for field conditions.  相似文献   

Due to their marked antiinflammatory effect, synthetic corticosteroids are used to mask illness, especially lameness in horses. The detection of these drugs in equine body fluids requires accurate methods, particularly where misuse of corticosteroids is suspected. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is well established as a reliable technique for the identification of drugs in biological fluids. Using GC/MS, we determined dexamethasone levels in horse urine and serum after intravenous application of a therapeutic dose. Dexamethasone was detectable, in serum for up to six hours, and in urine for up to 32 hours, after its administration. These findings indicate that serum measurements are unreliable for the detection of corticosteroid abuse, and demonstrate urine to be a more suitable body fluid for investigation. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, regardless of the technique employed, the clinical effects of dexamethasone last longer than 32 hours; thus, failure to detect dexamethasone does not disprove corticosteroid abuse.  相似文献   

为探究L-色氨酸和褪黑激素(MT)对中华绒螯蟹血糖水平及肝胰腺抗氧化能力的影响。实验选取初始体质量为(16.58±2.20)g的雌性中华绒螯蟹,随机分成8组(L-色氨酸和MT处理各4组),实验周期均为30 d。(1)L-色氨酸饲料投喂实验4组:L-色氨酸所占饲料比重分别为0.36%(基础饲料即对照组)、0.47%、0.73%和1.05%(分别记为1、2、3和4组),30 d后分别测定各组蟹的血糖水平及肝胰腺的T-AOC和SOD活性;(2)MT注射实验4组:每组分别在第1天和15天时注射生理盐水(即对照组,C组)和不同剂量的MT 10-6 mol/只(μM组)、10-9 mol/只(nM组)和10-12 mol/只(pM组)。分别于第1天和15天时,收集血淋巴和肝胰腺,分别测定血糖水平、T-AOC和SOD活性。于第30天时,再次收集血淋巴以测定血糖水平。结果显示:不同含量L-色氨酸对中华绒螯蟹血糖水平无明显影响,其血糖含量约为(4.62±0.20)mmol/L。此外,0.73% L-色氨酸的饲料能显著提高肝胰腺SOD活性(82.86±1.07)U/mL;注射MT仅在第1天时对中华绒螯蟹的血糖水平有促进作用,并呈剂量依赖性的方式升高,其中μM组蟹血糖水平高达(7.56±0.36)mmol/L,其值显著高于C、pM和nM组。此外注射MT在第1天时,对肝胰腺T-AOC和SOD活性也有明显的促进作用。其中,μM组蟹肝胰腺T-AOC和SOD活性均显著高于C、pM和nM组。研究表明,饲喂0.73% L-色氨酸的饲料能够提高中华绒螯蟹的抗氧化能力,但对血糖水平的影响不明显;注射10-6 mol/只MT可以在短时间内(1 d)提高中华绒螯蟹的血糖水平和抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

Different measures of capacity and capacity utilization (CU) are estimated and examined for the multi-species Danish Gill-net fleet using a mathematical programming approach—data envelopment analysis (DEA). The potential capacity output is calculated using an output-orientated measure. CU is assessed using both a partial CU measure, which permits CU to be assessed relative to each output, and a ray measure. Based on the ray measure, the average CU for the Danish Gill-net fleet was estimated to be between 0.85 and 0.95. The partial CU measure for cod was determined to be approximately the same as the overall or ray CU measure, but the partial CU measure for plaice was less than the level of the ray measure, which indicated that the production of plaice could be increased by a higher proportion than could the production of cod. The optimal variable input utilization was also estimated. It was determined that, on average, the variable input—number of trips—could be increased by 27% compared to the optimal level. Results also indicated higher excess capacity for cod and sole than for other species, which is in accordance with how the fishery developed.  相似文献   

Pleural effusion in the horse can be caused by diseases such as pneumonia, trauma, pulmonary abscesses and thoracic neoplasms. Besides clinical (auscultation, percussion) and radiographic diagnostic procedures, the ultrasonic examination represents a method that supplies detailed information on quantity and location of fluid in the pleural space. By means of ultrasonic examination the most favourable position for a thoracentesis can be determined. Control of thoracentesis' efficiency as well as exact supervision of the disease's course are made feasible by repeated sonographic examinations.  相似文献   

Using a fibreoptic endoscope ("small gastroscope" with outside diameter of 9.3 mm) a simple and sparing inspection of the guttural pouch is performed. The flap-type tube cover is opened by means of medial leverage with a guidance probe shifted through the work duct of the endoscope. The same procedure is used in diagnostic specimen collection and therapeutical measures such as irrigations. Guttural pouch topography and pathological disorders are illustrated by endoscopic photography. The different diseases such as follicular hyperplasia, ascending pharyngeal catarrh, perforating abscesses of the retropharyngeal lymphnodes, empyema and chondroid formation, guttural pouch mycosis leading to arrosion of the carotid artery, tympanites of the guttural pouch in foals caused by congenital defects of the eustachian tube flap and rarely observed tumors are discussed.  相似文献   

Metacarpal or metatarsal exostoses were diagnosed in 112 horses used for sport purposes between January 1976 to December 1987. Fourteen of these patients were treated surgically by subperiosteal removal of the exostosis. All animals which could be followed up had returned to their original use. The average time of use after discharge from the clinic was 38.4 months. Surgery was successful in completely removing the exostoses in 58.3% of these horses. The indications for anaesthesia and resection of the ulnar nerve are discussed.  相似文献   

以吉富罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)幼鱼为研究对象,探讨添加不同剂量的几丁聚糖对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼肝脏抗氧化力、血清生化与肌肉品质的影响。选择体重为(2.97±0.02)g的健康吉富罗非鱼375尾,随机分为5组,每组3个重复,每个重复25尾鱼,分别饲喂在基础日粮中添加0%(对照组)、1%、2%、3%和4%几丁聚糖溶液(有效成分为0.6%)。养殖63 d后,测定肝脏抗氧化性能、血清生化和激素水平以及肌肉中氨基酸与脂肪酸组成。结果显示,饲料中添加1%和2%几丁聚糖能显著提高血清C3、T3和Po水平,降低Lac与T4水平(P0.05)。同时,1%和2%添加组能显著降低肝脏MDA含量,提高SOD、CAT和GSH-Px活力(P0.05)。各实验组水分、灰分与粗蛋白含量无显著差异(P0.05)。然而,随几丁聚糖添加水平的增加,粗脂肪含量显著下降(P0.05)。各实验组氨基酸组成与脂肪酸组成无显著差异(P0.05);2%和3%几丁聚糖组氨基酸组成中EAA、DAA和TAA含量与PUFA含量略高于其它实验组。  相似文献   

This is a review on Morbus maculosus equorum (purpura haemorrhagica) on the base of literature data and of a case report on 13 own patients. It is shown, that the clinical picture of this disease has not changed within the last 150 years. Clinical main symptoms are haemorrhagic diathesis (petechiae, ecchymosis, suggillations) as well as peripheral edema and fever. The main haematological findings are neutrophilia, mostly going along with shift to the left and lymphopenia. In the last few years thrombocytopenia was also described in some cases. Basic therapeutics are glucocorticoids and penicillins. Problems of differential diagnosis and of nomenclature are discussed.  相似文献   

Pancreas disease (PD) is a viral disease of farmed salmonid fish, which causes huge economic losses. Pathological changes in skeletal muscle, pancreas and heart are hallmarks of PD. Stakeholders in the fish‐smoking industry have claimed that fillets from PD‐affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are of poor quality. We therefore examined harvest‐ready, clinically healthy Atlantic salmon from a population of fish previously affected by PD. Histopathological changes in skeletal muscle tissues ranged from minor to severe. Fillet quality measurements showed that fish with severe skeletal muscle changes provided a paler raw fillet and a yellowish and harder cold‐smoked fillet than normal. PD had no significant effect on fillet gaping, bacteriological quality or off‐odour development during storage. An unexpected finding was a significant subendocardial fibrosis in 23% of the PD‐affected fish. The latter may indicate susceptibility to stress‐related heart failure.  相似文献   

Over 130 cases of equine periodic ophthalmia (p.o.), which were treated as in-patients at the Equine Clinic of the Free University of Berlin in the last 35 years, were examined statistically in relation to the age and gender of the animals involved as well as to the development of the illness and the season in which it arose. As regards aetiology, the extraction of 71 affected Trotters was investigated. Antibodies to toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis and intestinal parasites were found only in some of the patients. Younger animals, aged between one and four years, and male animals (63.6%) were predominantly affected. The results of the examinations of faeces showed no correlation between cases of p.o. and a vermination of the horses. The examinations for antibodies to toxoplasmosis gave no indication of a participation of the toxoplasmas in the aetiology of recurrent uveitis. In contrast, the results of the examinations for antibodies to leptospirosis, of which 58.8% were positive, showed a seven to ten times higher infection than in healthy horses in Berlin. Breed analysis showed that in certain breeds of Trotters and warm-blooded horses, p.o. illnesses were frequent, supporting the hypothesis that the occurrence of p.o. is due to a hereditary, allergic reaction, triggered by various factors, in particular an infection without clinical signs.  相似文献   

For the inoculation of the dermatophyte-test-medium Fungassay, 200 skin scrapings from horses, 13 from cattle and 13 from artificially infected guinea pigs were used. As control methods, the alkali method, the fluorescent microscope technique and the usual mycological culture were available. For the analysis of skin scrapings, the Fungassay culture mediums are clearly inferior to the usual mycological culture. Fewer dermatophytes were isolated and false positive as well as false negative results occurred. The cultivation of Trichophyton verrucosum failed on the dermatophyte-test-medium.  相似文献   

Clinical symptoms of hepatopathies are not specific and must be verified by further investigation. Laboratory diagnosis is a very useful method to decide if liver disease is present or not. In individual cases laboratory methods can give hints as to the aetiology of the illness. If necessary, biopsy, angiography or/and cholecystography can be carried out for further clarification of the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Trichomonads of the oral cavity were found in 9 of 60 investigated horses. Apart from dental tartar, the oral cavity showed no clinical signs in all positive horses. The clinical investigation of these horses additionally revealed colic in 4 and coughing in 4 horses as well as lumbago in 1 animal. By means of scanning electron microscopy the trichomonads were shown to be round or piriform with an average length of 7.6 microns and greatest width of 6.3 microns. They had 4 anterior flagella with an average length of 8.3 microns, an undulating membrane measuring 8.7 microns with no trailing flagellum as well as an axostyle extending on average 7.8 microns beyond the body, and therefore have to be placed into the genus Trichomonas.  相似文献   

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