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Fluxes of protons with energies of approximately 550 kev and electrons with energies of approximately 300 kev which exceed approximately 10(4) and 10(5) cm(-2) sec(-1), respectively, have been discovered in the magnetosphere of Mercury. Electron fluxes > 10(3) cm(-2) sec(-1) also are observed in the outbound pass of the Mariner 10 spacecraft throuigh the magnetosheath. The intensity versus time profiles of the particle fluxes in the magnetosphere appear with sudden onsets of approximately 10(4) cm(-2) sec(-1) beginning at interplanetary background levels and persisting for times equivalent to their being distriblited spatially over regions having a scale size comparable to the planetary radius. For a spectral form dJ/dE alpha E-gamma, where J is the differential particle intensity and E is the kinetic energy, the typical values of gamma are gamma(p) = 5.5 for protons above 500 kev and gamma(e) >/= 9 for electrons above 170 kev. Large coherent electron intensity oscillations (variations of factors of 10 to 100) have been discovered with characteristic periods of approximately 6 seconds and with higher frequency components. In some cases proton bursts are found in phase with these oscillations. On the basis of the experimental evidence and a knowledge of the general magnetic field intensities and directions along the trajectory of Mariner 10 provided by the magnetic field observations, it is shown that the radiation events observed in the magnetosphere and magnetosheath are transient and are not interpretable in terms of stable trapped particle populations. Furthermtiore, experimental evidence strongly supports the view that the particles are impulsively accelerated and that the acceleration source is not more distant from the point of observation along lines of force than approximately 8 x 10(3) to 16 x 10(3) kilometers (3 to 6.5 units of Mercury's radius). Candidates for the regions most likely to be sources of particle acceleration are discussed, namely, the magnetotail and the magnetosheath. It is pointed out that the phenomena discovered at Mercury will place more stringent conditions on allowed mnodels for electron and proton acceleration than have heretofore been possible in studies within the earth's magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Optical pulses in the 5-femtosecond range are produced by a variety of methods. Although different in technical detail, each method relies on the same three key components: spectral broadening due to the nonlinear optical Kerr effect, dispersion control, and ultrabroadband amplification. The state of the art of ultrashort pulse generation is reviewed with a focus on direct laser oscillator schemes.  相似文献   

为揭示多级压气机中上下游叶轮对中间叶片叠加气动影响特性,阐述不同叠加干涉情况下下游叶轮进气角度变化,采用数值方法模拟了一级轴流和一级离心组成的组合压气机非定常流场。详细讨论了上游动叶尾迹和下游动叶势流对中间导流叶栅段气流非定常流动的异频和同频叠加干涉特性,依据计算结果,直观地展示了静叶通道中两种干涉间相互激励和抑制作用的位置和时间,与数学公式的推导结果相互印证。研究结果表明:当上下游动叶对中间静叶段异频干涉时,干涉的激励、抑制区域的轴向位置随时间发生变化;当上下游动叶对中间静叶干涉频率相同时,干涉的相互激励、抑制区域的轴向位置不随时间发生变化,但干涉的激励、抑制区域的轴向位置受时序位置影响。另外,上游动叶尾迹与下游离心叶轮势流的不同叠加情况,决定着下游离心叶轮进口相对气流角的大小及波动幅值。   相似文献   

麦田水热传输的控制效应及非线性特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用波文比-能量平衡法测定了太行山山前平原冬小麦农田生态系统辐射平衡各分量,并计算了波文比、农田蒸散。结果表明,土壤水分对波文比具有控制性效应,波文比与0 ̄60cm土层土壤相对含水量旦线性负相关。农田生态系统的蒸散量随作物的生长发育而呈上升趋势,净辐射是控制农田蒸散的热力驱动因子。农田生态系统的净辐射、潜热通量和显热通量为典型的非线性过程,随时间序列具有白相似的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Fluxes of high energy electrons and protons are found to be highly concentrated near the magnetic equatorial plane from distances of ~ 30 to ~ 100 Jovian radii (R(J)). The 10-hour period of planetary rotation is observed as an intensity variation, which indicates that the equatorial zone of high particle fluxes is inclined with respect to the rotation axis of the planet. At radial distances [unknown] 20 R(J) the synchrotron-radiation-producing electrons with energies greater, similar 3 million electron volts rise steeply to a maximum intensity of ~ 5 x 10(8) electrons per square centimeter per second near the periapsis at 2.8 R(J). The flux of protons with energies greater, similar 30 million electron volts reaches a maximum intensity of ~ 4 x 10(6) protons per square centimeter per second at ~ 3.5 R(J) with the intensity decreasing inside this radial distance. Only for radial distances [unknown] 20 R(J) does the radiation behave in a manner which is similar to that at the earth. Burst of electrons with energies up to 30 million electron volts, each lasting about 2 days, were observed in interplanetary space beginning approximately 1 month before encounter. This radiation appears to have escaped from the Jovian bow shock or magnetosphere.  相似文献   

激光照射纳米微粒法是基因转染的一种,其中涉及到的细胞成活率和基因转染率与纳米粒子的光热效应密切相关,且最终依赖于结合体表面所达到的温度。该文作为基因转染的前期工作,旨在能够方便地计算出脉冲激光照射下金粒子的表面温度,设计出激光照射靶的最佳参数,理论上提高转染效率。这里以脉冲激光与金粒子相互作用为研究对象,基于热传导方程,将粒子的吸热过程按照4个距离参数(R ,δ,χfτ,χAuτ)进行分割,并在每个加热区域分析出了表面温度的数学表达式。结果表明在激光功率密度为5×1011 W/cm2,波长为532 nm时,表面温度分析法得到的关于表面温度随金粒子半径变化的曲线趋势与米氏理论数值解析得到的趋势相同,数据点基本吻合。且在3种不同的脉冲持续时间下(30 ns ,30 ps ,30 fs)都得到了证明。另外,表面温度随金粒子半径和脉冲宽度变化的密度图还显示出了获得最大温度的参数关系式R=2χfτ。因此,依据加热区域的划分,利用表面温度分析的方法可以简便、准确地获得金粒子在激光参数下的表面温度,在理论上设计出了激光与金纳米粒子结合的最佳参数。  相似文献   

PSO算法加速因子的非线性策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地控制PSO算法的全局和局部搜索能力,着重分析了PSO算法中加速因子对粒子收敛的影响,提出加速因子采用反余弦非对称策略能有效提高PSO算法的搜索性能。对5种加速因子策略使用4个著名的基准函数进行测试,试验结果表明,反余弦非对称方法可以使粒子在搜索的初期获得更好的多样性,在算法后期则可以有效增强粒子的搜索能力,从而使算法具有更强的摆脱局部极值的能力,提高算法的收敛精度。  相似文献   

The passage of Pioneer 11 by Saturn provided a detailed view of a planetary magnetosphere that is intermediate between those of Jupiter and Earth in both scale and the complexity of its dynamic processes. It appears to have at least three distinct regions: (i) an outer magnetosphere, extending from 17 to 7.5 Saturn radii, that resembles that of Earth in many important aspects; (ii) a slot region, between 7.5 and 4 Saturn radii, where a marked decrease in all protons and low-energy electrons is observed; and (iii) an inner region, extending from 4 Saturn radii to the ring edge, that features a sharp increase in the proton flux extending to energies greater than 20 million electron volts. A cutoff of both proton and electron fluxes occurred just beyond the nominal edge of the A ring.  相似文献   

考虑腔模与Mollow峰的中心峰共振的情况,通过解析稳态方程,讨论了处于非线性光子晶体微腔中的二能级原子在外加相干场的驱动下腔场平均光子数的分布情况。研究结果表明,当光子晶体的态密度很大时,腔场的平均光子数随着驱动场拉比频率的增加而增加,最终达到饱和。  相似文献   

比较了激光加电场处理及未处理的水稻幼苗过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)同工酶酶谱。结果表明,激光加电场处理过的POD与对照组没有明显区别,CAT与对照组有明显区别,且处理过的GS-1 CAT同工酶与其后代GS-2水稻CAT同工酶酶谱没有变化。说明激光处理后,水稻中与CAT相关的某些基因发生了变化,且在一定时间内可以稳定遗传。  相似文献   

MATLAB在光学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨在基础物理光学教学中,应用MATLAB软件模拟光的双缝干涉、单缝衍射和光栅衍射,以获得良好的课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

考虑四夸克态是双夸克和双反夸克的束缚态, 在一相对论夸克模型下利用变分法计算了轻重四夸克态的质量. 采纳夸克-夸克及双夸克-双反夸克之间的相互作用为单胶子交换势与标量和矢量线性禁闭混合势的总和, 使用拟合基态介子质量得到的参数作为输入, 计算了0++的轻、重四夸克态的质量. 计算的结果支持X(3872), Y(3940)是含有粲夸克的0++重四夸克态;f0(600), κ(800), f0(980)和a0(980)是0++的轻四夸克态.  相似文献   

本文通过对优质小麦推广意义的论述、现状、问题的分析,提出了今后发展优质小麦的对策是:加强优质小麦新品种选育;优化品种,品质结构,实行良种良法配套;实行区域化布局,规模化生产;实行订单生产,提高产业化经营水平,提高加工转化能力,创造名牌产品。  相似文献   

根据杨氏双缝干涉、光栅的强度分布函数以及德布罗意物质波的理论,采用蒙特卡罗中的舍选法对大量电子进行舍选,并在Visual Basic中的图片框中输出显示,从而达到在Visual Basic的环境下对电子双缝干涉、光栅衍射的模拟.通过此模拟,可以更加形象地理解电子的波粒二象性以及电子波是概率波,为教学提供方便.  相似文献   

为实现对水田作业机械导航定位系统提供准确的位置坐标、航向角、前轮转角、行驶速度等重要信息参数,并完成相应的控制动作,设计了一套基于双激光源的水田作业机械导航定位系统电路.该系统电路主要由激光发射电路、激光接收电路和中央处理单元组成.试验结果表明,该导航定位系统效果较好,能满足作业速度低于1.5 m/s的水田作业机械导航定位系统的要求.  相似文献   

Passage of a submerged self-propelled body or other mixing device produces a region of more or less homogeneous fluid, in a fluid having a stable vertical density gradient (stratified), which initially expands vertically and then falls back (collapses). Maximum expansion Z(2) at time t(2) after the start of mixing are dependent variables related to the diameter Z(1) of propeller or mixer and to the V?is?l?-Brunt period T by T/t(2) = 2.5 and Z(2)t(2)/Z(1)T = 1.3. These scaling relations are first-order approximations.  相似文献   

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