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As it is well documented that the phytochemical composition and bioactive profile of quinoa are influenced by different phenotypes, we analyzed the physicochemical and functional characteristics of different quinoa soluble dietary fiber (SDF). SDF was prepared through ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction from three colored quinoa brans. After purification, the yield of SDF from white (W-SDF), red (R-SDF) and black quinoa bran (B-SDF) was 2.2%, 5.7% and 5.9%, respectively. Compared with R-SDF and B-SDF, W-SDF had a higher molecular weight (1.72 × 106 Da) and lower zeta-potential (- 32.16 mV), although their monosaccharide composition and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) results showed no obvious differences. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) image suggested that R-SDF exhibited a more complex and loose structure than W-SDF and B-SDF. Moreover, R-SDF exhibited higher thermal stability, gel forming capacity, bile acid binding capacity, water-holding capacity and glucose adsorption capacity than those of B-SDF and W-SDF. Taken together, SDF extracted from quinoa especially from red quinoa might be a promising candidate for the development of novel functional food ingredients.  相似文献   

The edible seeds of the quinoa plant contain small quantities of alcohol-soluble protein which, after peptic-tryptic digestion, are unable to agglutinate K562(s) cells. When separated by affinity chromatography on sepharose-6B coupled with mannan, peptic-tryptic digest separated in two fractions. Fraction B peptides (about 1% of total protein) were shown to agglutinate K562(s) cells at a very low concentration, whereas peptides in fraction A and in the mixed fraction A+B were inactive, suggesting that fraction A contains protective peptides that interfere with the agglutinating activity of toxic peptides in fraction B.  相似文献   

Leaf protein isolate from water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) was prepared and the chemical composition was studied. It contained 49.6% protein, 16.0% total lipids, 26.9% total carbohydrates, 1.7% fibre and 5.8% ash. Calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and potassium were determined. Nutritional properties of the isolate are discussed in relation to its amino acid composition and to its in vitro digestibility by proteolytic enzymes. Comparison with the FAO/WHO reference pattern showed that all of the essential amino acids were present at high levels in the leaf protein isolate. The limiting amino acid in the isolate was methionine (i.e., methionine + cystine). In vitro digestibility was highest with digestion by pepsin followed by pancreatin and lowest with digestion by pepsin alone. Digestion with pancreatin alone gave intermediate values.  相似文献   

Composite flour blends containing wheat (W), fababean (F), cottonseed and sesame flours were formulated to provide the FAO/WHO/UNU protein requirements for the 2–5 year old child, and evaluated in pan and flat bread applications. Water absorption of composite flour doughs was up to 35% greater than the control but gluten strength and slurry viscosities were markedly reduced. Loaf volume and specific volume of pan breads prepared from composite flours were 25–60% less than that of the control bread but flat breads tolerated the protein supplements extremely well. The W/F flat bread, containing 27% of fababean flour, received acceptable taste, texture and colour scores and was only slightly inferior to the control in puffing and layer separation. Additions of cottonseed or sesame flours to the W/F blend failed to improve sensory properties of the flat breads.  相似文献   

Proximate and mineral composition, seed protein fractions, amino acid composition, fatty acid profiles and antinutritional factors were analysed for the seeds of the tribal pulse,Bauhinia malabarica. The seeds contained higher amount of crude lipid when compared with most of the domesticated pulses. The seeds were rich in minerals like Ca, Mg and Fe. Glutelins (45%) constituted the major seed protein fraction followed by globulins which accounted for about 34%. Cystine and methionine were found to be the limiting essential amino acids; whereas tyrosine and phenylalanine content were fairly high when compared with WHO requirement pattern. The unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid and linoleic acid, were predominant in seed lipids. Presence of antinutritional substances like total free phenols, tannins, L-DOPA and haemagglutinating activity also were analysed/assayed.  相似文献   

Investigation of four safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars (S208, S400, S541 and S303) showed that when the seeds were harvested at different stages of growth and development (10, 20, 30, and 40 days) after flowering, moisture content significantly decreased with time. Oil, protein, ash and crude fiber were increased up to day 30. Thereafter, these parameters started to decline gradually with time. The cultivars differed in their final values; oil content of the seeds varied from 10.90 to 45.40%, moisture varied from 4.20 to 8.10% and from 8.50 to 11.10%, protein from 12.10 to 20.30% and from 13.40 to 29.60%, ash from 2.30 to 5.40% and from 2.80 to 6.50%, for the seeds and defatted meal, respectively. Crude fiber for the defatted meal was found to vary from 29.50 to 38.60%. Carbohydrate for all cultivars decreased rapidly up to day 40 with final values varying from 28.10 to 63.30% and from 56.70 to 70.30% for the seeds and defatted meal, respectively. Mineral content (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn) fluctuated while phosphorus content significantly increased with time for all cultivars. Amino acid content of the defatted meal increased with time up to day 30 after which it started to decline gradually for all cultivars.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of a dough-like zein polymer was compared to the structure present in a wheat viscoelastic system using FT-IR spectroscopy. When zein was mixed at 35 °C, which is above its glass transition temperature (Tg), changes in its secondary structure suggested that the protein loses its native structure, mainly composed of α-helices (68%), and a viscoelastic system is formed by a structural rearrangement that favors β-sheet structures. This rearrangement is very similar to the structural changes observed in gluten viscoelastic polymers. Upon removal of shear stress, the zein polymer showed a rapid decrease in the proportion of β-sheet structures (from 48% to 28% after the first 3 min) in favor of unordered structures. At the same time, the viscoelasticity of the polymer decreased rapidly. In contrast, gluten, in a similar viscoelastic system and held at the same temperature, showed a fairly constant high content of β-sheet structures (49%) coinciding with the slow relaxation time typical of gluten networks after the removal of shear. We speculate that the addition of a protein capable of causing extensive and stable β-sheet formation in the zein–starch viscoelastic polymer could increase the stability and relaxation time of the zein system and, thereby, create the possibility of a zein dough with similar functionality to a wheat viscoelastic system.  相似文献   

Pachyrhizus erosus seeds were analysed for proximate composition, minerals, protein fractions, antinutritional factors, and rotenoids. The seeds showed a high content of proteins, lipids, Fe and Ca, in comparison to other legumes. Glutelins constitute the highest protein fraction, followed by globulins. Antinutritional substances detected as tannins, hemagglutinating activity and trypsin inhibitory activity, were in low concentrations. Seeds were also processed to obtain a flour which showed proper characteristics, good in vitro digestibility, significant rotenoid reduction level and amino acid composition rich in essential amino acids, except methionine.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱法,对东北三省选育的172个大豆品种的脂肪酸组分进行了测定,并进行了组分间的相关性分析.结果表明:其中软脂酸和油酸分布趋势是黑龙江>吉林>辽宁.硬脂酸和亚油酸表现为辽宁>吉林>黑龙江,而亚麻酸的趋势为吉林>辽宁>黑龙江.共筛选出亚油酸含量高于57.62%的大豆品种10个,亚麻酸含量低于6.62%的品种10个...  相似文献   

The proximate composition of three varieties ofPiper guineense (Odusa — Ibibio/Efik) viz. Uyat Odusa (cultivated and peppery), Eting-keni Ikot (wild forest variety) and Eting-keni mben inyang (wild, riverine variety), were determined using available standard methods. Also determined were mineral, antinutrient and ascorbate levels. The cultivated pepperic variety had the highest content of crude protein and moisture (18.9% and 97% respectively) while the wild, riverine variety had the highest content of ether extract, carbohydrate and calories (7.79%, 63.38% and 398 cals respectively). The cultivated variety had appreciable amounts of phosphorus (1.12 mg/100 g), potassium (1.2 mg/100 g), sodium (0.24 mg/100 g), zinc (0.18 mg/100 g), and copper (0.18 mg/100 g) while the forest variety contained more of calcium (12.38 mg/100 g), magnesium (1.21 mg/100 g) and iron (0.85 mg/100 g). The wild riverine variety appeared to have the least mineral content but had the highest ascorbate level of 173.4 mg/100 g. Of four antinutrients assayed, the cultivated pepperic one had the least quantities while the forest variety was highest in hydrocyanic acid (85.8 mg/100 g) and glucosinolates (0.20 mg/100 g). The wild riverine variety had the highest level of total oxalate (165.0 mg/100 g). These quantities are however far below documented toxic levels.  相似文献   

不同燕麦品种的蛋白质营养品质评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解我国燕麦品种的蛋白质营养品质状况,收集了2008-2010年9个产地的54个燕麦品种,采用国际通用的WHO/FAO氨基酸评分模式对其蛋白质营养品质进行评价,并比较了不同产地和不同年份样本间的差异。结果表明,本试验中的燕麦蛋白质含量大多集中在16%~20%,其第一限制性氨基酸为赖氨酸,其次是苏氨酸、含硫氨基酸(蛋氨酸+胱氨酸);必需氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的33.14%,接近WHO/FAO推荐的理想蛋白质的必需氨基酸组成模式。不同地区所产燕麦品种的蛋白质品质存在显著差异,从氨基酸评分(AAS)、化学评分(CS)、生物价(BV)等指标可反映出吉林产燕麦的蛋白质营养品质较好,甘肃地区的仅次之,且在粗蛋白含量上更具优势。基于蛋白质营养品质通过聚类分析将所收集的样品分为4类,分类结果与其样品来源有关。  相似文献   

Gliadin content of wheat is highly variable, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in function of the plant genetic and of the growing conditions. The gliadins are among the major triggers of celiac disease: peptides derived from the gastrointestinal digestion of these proteins and absorbed from the lamina propria cause the immunological reactions that damage the villous structure in affected subjects. In the present work, the peptide mixtures generated by simulated gastrointestinal digestion of the prolamin fraction extracted from different wheat varieties (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum and Triticum aestivum) were characterized by LC/MS and LC-MS/MS techniques. Peptides related to the amount of α-gliadin, as well as toxic and immunogenic peptides for celiac patients have been identified and quantified using an isotopically labeled internal standard. The quantification demonstrated strong differences among the varieties tested. Some samples, belonging to the same varieties and/or cultivation area, showed a lower α-gliadin content, and a smaller amount of toxic and immunogenic peptides.  相似文献   

以龙眼果干为原料,利用碱溶酸沉法提取龙眼果干粗蛋白,并测定其等电点,研究不同等电点龙眼蛋白的含量及其氨基酸组成,配制人工胃液以模拟不同等电点龙眼蛋白的体内消化情况,测定等电点粗蛋白及其模拟体内消化液的总抗氧化能力。结果表明:龙眼蛋白提取过程中的最佳浸泡时间为2 h,其等电点为p H3.0、p H3.5、p H4.0、p H4.5、p H5.0,其中p I3.0、p I4.0、p I5.0组份蛋白含量分别占果肉总蛋白的12.69%、21.68%、17.12%,均含有16种氨基酸,其中7种为人体必需氨基酸;不同等电点组份蛋白及其消化液总抗氧化能力有所不同,p I5.0粗蛋白的总抗氧化能力为276.33 U/mg Protein,显著高于另外2组等电点蛋白,而粗蛋白消化液总抗氧化能力最高为p I4.0蛋白,达154.72 U/mg Protein。  相似文献   

Two germplasms of the tribal pulse,Bauhinia racemosa Lamk. viz., Ayyanarkoil Forest and Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary, were analysed for proximate composition, total (true) seed proteins, seed protein fractions, amino acid composition, fatty acids, minerals and antinutritional factors. Crude proteins, crude lipids, ash and nitrogen free extractives constituted 19.84%, 9.52%, 3.31% and 60.65%, respectively in Ayyanarkoil Forest germplasm; whereas, in Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary germplasm they constituted 19.31%, 8.94%, 3.81% and 61.30%, respectively. The caloric values were found to be 407.64 K Cal (Ayyanarkoil Forest) and 402.90 K Cal (Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary) germplasms. Essential amino acids like isoleucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine and lysine were found to be high in the seed proteins of both the germplasms. The fatty acids, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids, were found to be relatively higher in the seed lipids of both the germplasms. Both the germplasms seemed to be a rich source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and iron. Antinutritional substances like total free phenols, tannins, L-DOPA and phytohaemagglutinating activity also were investigated.  相似文献   

以云南Arabica咖啡(Coffea arabica)、兴隆Robusta咖啡(Coffea robusta Linden)和越南Robusta咖啡为原料,采用正己烷萃取其咖啡油脂肪酸,通过GC/MS分析生咖啡及不同焙炒度咖啡的脂肪酸组成。结果表明:云南Arabica咖啡总脂肪含量高于兴隆Robusta咖啡和越南Robusta咖啡总脂肪含量;咖啡油脂肪酸含量从高到低的3种脂肪酸依次为亚油酸(约40%)>棕榈酸(约30%)>油酸(约20%);焙炒程度对咖啡油脂肪酸组成没有显著影响。此外,3种咖啡中均含有少量的亚麻酸、花生酸和山嵛酸。  相似文献   

Nutrient composition and digestibility of stover contribute markedly to the nutritive value of forage maize in cattle feeding. Low stover digestibility limits the quality of whole plant maize silage (WPMS) and should therefore be prevented by optimizing management of WPMS production. A project was carried out to analyse nutrient composition and ruminal nutrient degradability of ensiled stover of nine different current maize varieties, which were planted in 3 years and harvested at three maturity stages (50, 55 and 60% ear dry‐matter [DM] content). Variety and harvest date had a significant impact (< 0.05) on crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy content, whereas fibre content and non‐fibre components were not affected by these factors. In contrast, the potential and effective degradability (ED) of organic matter (OM), CP and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) were significantly influenced by variety and harvest date. The ED5 (ED at 5% per hour passage rate) of different varieties ranged from 22.9% to 29.3% for OM, from 66.2% to 71.4% for CP and from 17.3% to 20.5% for NDF. The ED5 of OM, CP and NDF declined significantly by 4.1%, 2.5% and 2.1% units between the second and third maturity stage. Almost all investigated parameters were significantly influenced by year. Significant differences between varieties indicate that there is a potential for improvement of stover degradability through breeding. Harvest ear DM content should not exceed 55%, because nutritive value of ensiled stover declines significantly beyond this value, which could negatively affect WPMS quality in cattle feeding.  相似文献   

In India, the seeds ofCanavalia gladiata andC. ensiformis have traditionally been eaten by the aborigines, but they are less popular among the civilized people. The data on the chemical composition and nutritional quality of these seeds are not readily available. The proximate composition, mineral composition, the contents of total (true) proteins, seed protein fractions, profile of seed protein amino acids and certain antinutritional factors were analysed and reported in the present study. The seeds ofC. ensiformis contain more crude protein, crude lipid and minerals like Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe and Mn than doesC. gladiata. Both albumins and globulins together constitute the major bulk of seed proteins. In both the species ofCanavalia investigated, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine+leucine, tyrosine+phenylalanine and lysine are the major amino acids of seed proteins. The presence of certain antinutritional factors (total free phenols, tannins, lectins, L-DOPA, trypsin inhibitor activity) is also reported for both species ofCanavalia.  相似文献   

The effects of heat treatments on the proximate composition, energy content, and levels of some antinutritional factors in brown and marble-colored African yam bean (AYB) seed flours were investigated. In raw brown and marble-colored AYB seed flours; moisture content, dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, ash, total carbohydrate and caloric value did not differ significantly at the 5% level. Autoclaving and cooking slightly increased the moisture level. Crude protein, crude fat, and ash contents were decreased by autoclaving and were further decreased by cooking. The decrease was not, however, considerable for the AYB that is not eaten raw and whose full nutritional potential as a legume can be derived only when heat treated, as previous reports have indicated for legume seeds.The levels of the toxicants were generally higher in the raw brown AYB compared to the marble-colored, and were generally reduced by both autoclaving and cooking. In the most commonly available and consumed marble-colored AYB, autoclaving at 121 °C, 15 psi for 20 min decreased cyanogenic glycosides by 46%, oxalate by 48.9%, tannin by 15.0%, saponin by 14.8% and trypsin inhibitors by 61.3% while cooking for 3.5 hours in tap water decreased these toxic factors by 66.5%, 70.3%, 72.2%, 48.7%, and 86.0%, respectively.The results indicate that for raw samples, varietal difference did not significantly affect nutrient composition though the toxicants were generally higher in the brown AYB than the marble-colored. Autoclaving decreased both nutrient value and the level of toxicants in the two seed types; values were further reduced by cooking. Of the toxicants, trypsin inhibitor was found to be the most heat-labile and of the heat treatment methods, cooking to tenderness is recommendable.  相似文献   

Dehulled and defatted flour of urdbean (Vigna mungo), Var T-9, contained 25% protein with maximum contribution by globulins (63%). Albumins and glutelins contributed 12% and 21% respectively, whereas prolamins were present only in traces (1%). Globulins were further fractionated into legumin and vicilin type proteins which were present in the ratio of 4:1. All the protein fractions were heterogenous in nature as revealed by high performance liquid chromatography. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the total protein sample to contain 21 different components with molecular weights ranging from 8.92 to 117.49kd. Albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins resolved into 4, 8, 6 and 13 different sized components of molecular weights ranging from 10.23 to 25.53, 10.84 to 112.72, 10.33 to 51.52 and 8.91 to 112.72kd, respectively. Amino acid analysis of all fractions revealed that glutamic acid was present in maximum concentration followed by aspartic acid and lysine. Just like other pulse proteins, the urdbean proteins were also deficient in sulphur containing amino acids.  相似文献   

Seeds of two coastal sand dune wild legumes, Canavalia cathartica and Canavalia maritima from the west coast of India were analyzed for their nutritional and antinutritional properties. The seeds contained 35.5 and 34.1% crude protein, 52.8 and 50.5% crude carbohydrates, 1.3 and 1.7% crude lipids and 3.1 and 3.5% ash content, respectively. Among the minerals, potassium was the highest followed by phosphorus. Globulins and albumins constituted the major seed proteins of both plants. Most of the essential amino acids were at adequate levels. Although the crude lipids were below 2%, the unsaturated fatty acids were high. Seeds did not contain tannins and trypsin inhibitors. The levels of total phenolics were low, but showed high hemagglutination activity. The nutritional properties of these seeds have been compared with other Canavalia spp. and wild unconventional or tribal legumes. Overall, the study results suggest that the seeds of C. cathartica and C. maritima possess potential nutritive value particularly higher protein, essential amino acids and low levels of antinutritional factors. These wild legumes are adapted to low nutrient, high saline and drought conditions of the coastal sand dunes; their conservation and domestication are warranted as potential alternative sources of protein.  相似文献   

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