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An excess of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCs) can present a risk for horses prone to pasture-associated laminitis or some other metabolic conditions. Determining WSC concentrations in commonly grazed cool-season grasses, at different times of day and under different fertilization treatments, can help optimize grazing times and management strategies. The goals of this study were to develop a near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration curve for WSC and to apply it to four cool-season grass species. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass, and perennial ryegrass (10 cultivars) were sampled every two to four weeks from plots with or without added nitrogen, in the morning and afternoon. WSCs were quantified colorimetrically for a sample subset, and these values were used to develop an NIRS calibration predicting WSC concentrations with 90% accuracy. An interaction of species, nitrogen treatment, time of day, and harvest date influenced WSC concentrations in 10 harvests (P = .040). A modest positive relationship was observed between photosynthetically active radiation and WSC concentration when morning and afternoon samples were included (r = 0.503; P = .024). On nine harvest dates, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue were highest in WSC. High-WSC cultivars included “Aberzest” and “Calibra” perennial ryegrass, “Ginger” Kentucky bluegrass, and “Bronson” and “Cajun II” tall fescue. Water-soluble carbohydrates did not exceed 150 g/kg freeze-dried weight, possibly due to assay method, sampling times, or defoliation. The results suggest that minimizing WSC intake for horses may be possible by cultivar choice, grazing time, or mowing frequency.  相似文献   

匐柄霉(Stemphylium botryosurn)和束状匐柄霉(S.sarciniiforme)引起三叶草和多种豆科牧草的叶斑病,并随种子传播,是牧草种子健康检验的重要对象。本研究发现并确定了这两种病原真菌的吸水纸培养特征,即分生孢子梗型和气生菌丝型,其整体形象易于识别,据此可利用吸水纸培养检验法实施种子带菌的快速检验。  相似文献   

用分光光度法、液相色谱法及氨基酸测定仪等测定了桑螟越冬幼虫虫体、血淋巴中蛋白质、氨基酸、小分子碳水化合物等的含量变化,并分析了该类物质的含量变化与抗寒性的关系。结果表明:虫体与血淋巴中的蛋白质在越冬期间相互转移,过冷却能力变化与血淋巴蛋白质含量的增减一致,12月至翌年2月间是血淋巴蛋白质含量最高的时期,此期的过冷却点亦最低;丝氨酸、丙氨酸、酪氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸的含量变化趋势大致相同,含量与过冷却点的变化一致,随着寒冬的到来迅速上升,随着越冬期的结束又迅速下降,这5种氨基酸含量的变化,影响着桑螟幼虫的过冷却点和抗寒能力的变化;桑螟越冬幼虫以“小分子碳水化合物(海藻糖、甘露醇、山梨醇)氨基酸(丝氨酸,丙氨酸,酪氨酸,赖氨酸,精氨酸)甘油蛋白质结合脂肪”组成抗寒物质系统。  相似文献   

Six mature stock-type geldings with maintenance only requirements were used in a randomized cross-over design to determine the effect of sward height on pasture plant nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations and blood glucose and insulin concentrations. Horses were randomly assigned to one of two tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum Schreb cv Max-Q, Pennington Seed, Madison, GA) grazing cells (0.37 ha) having two different sward heights for a period of 7 days: (1) short (approximately 15 cm; n = 3) or tall (between 30 and 40 cm; n = 3). After the first 7-day period, treatment groups were reversed by moving horses to ungrazed cells having similar characteristics to those used in the first 7 days, so that all horses receive all treatments resulting in six observations per treatment. Both short and tall grazing cells were mowed to a height of approximately 15 cm 32 days before the experiment starts. The short grazing cells were removed to approximately 15 cm at 11 days before the start of the first 7-day period and again 1 day before the start of each 7-day period. All horses had access to pasture for 10 h/d beginning at 8 AM and ending at 6 PM. Although not at pasture, all horses were individually housed in 3.7 × 12.2 m partially covered pens containing automatic water troughs and a crushed stone surface. Herbage mass (kg DM/ha) was determined by use of a falling plate meter for each pasture to ensure that both groups of horses had adequate dry matter to provide grazing for at least 7 days. On day 7 of each period, jugular venous blood samples were collected from each horse before being turned out to pasture, and then at 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours after turn-out. Pasture samples were also collected from each grazing cell at the same time blood samples were taken. Serum and plasma from blood samples were harvested and analyzed for insulin and glucose concentrations, respectively. Pasture samples were analyzed for water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), ethanol soluble carbohydrate (ESC), and starch. The sum of WSC and starch were used as an estimate of NSC. Area under the curve (AUC) and peak concentration were calculated for both plasma glucose (PPG) and serum insulin (PSI) concentration and were analyzed using analysis of variance for randomized cross-over designs. Pasture WSC, ESC, starch, and NSC concentrations were analyzed using analysis of variance for randomized complete block design. A P value of < .05 was considered significant. Mean pasture plant NSC, WSC, and ESC concentrations were lower (P < .001) in short as compared with tall. Pasture plant starch concentration was not different between treatments. Mean pregrazing plasma glucose concentrations, PPG concentrations, and plasma glucose AUC were not affected by treatment. Mean pregrazing serum insulin concentrations were not affected by treatment. Mean PSI and insulin AUC were greater (P < .01) when horses grazed tall, as compared with short. In conclusion, decreasing the sward height by mowing pasture decreased NSC, WSC, and ESC concentrations and subsequently decreased the postprandial insulin response of horses grazing the pasture. These findings may be important in developing strategies aimed at preventing insulin resistance in grazing horses.  相似文献   

Background: Determination of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentration is a commonly used test in the evaluation of endocrine causes of equine laminitis, but the concentration in healthy horses can be high at certain times of year, which alters the specificity of the ACTH test. Objective: To determine if circulating concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, glucose, insulin, and thyroxine vary month to month in healthy horses and in horses with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Animals: Nine healthy adult horses were studied on their farm/stable over the course of 1 year. After the diagnosis of EMS, 10 laminitic horses residing at the same farm/stable were also studied. Methods: Prospective study of healthy and laminitic horses. Plasma/serum samples were analyzed for concentrations of hormones and glucose. Results: ACTH was the only analyte to show a discrete seasonal pattern, with concentrations in healthy and EMS horses frequently outside of the reference range (9–35 pg/mL) in August through October. Insulin was elevated (>40 μIU/mL) in EMS horses during most months and median serum glucose was generally higher in EMS horses (100 mg/dL, range, 76–163 mg/ dL) than in controls (94 mg/dL, range, 56–110 mg/dL), but no seasonal patterns for insulin or glucose were found. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: An increased ACTH concentration in horses in late summer or autumn should be interpreted with caution. In contrast, insulin concentration is maintained within the reference range throughout the year in healthy horses, thus an increased insulin concentration at any time of year should raise suspicions of EMS, ECD, or both.  相似文献   

Eight mature idle gelding horses (mean body weight [BW], 558 ± 45 kg) were used in a replicated 2 × 2 Latin square design study. Horses received either two or three meals per day (MPD) for 7 days, of either a high (H; 43%; 215 g/100 kg BW) or low (L; 18%; 90 g/100 kg BW) nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrate feed to achieve four treatment groups: low NSC in two MPD (L2), low NSC in three MPD (L3), high NSC in two MPD (H2), and high NSC in three MPD (H3). On day 7 of the treatments, blood was collected before (baseline) and for 5 hours after feeding the morning meal (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, and 300 minutes after feeding). Baseline insulin concentrations tended (P = .093) to be higher for horses fed high NSC than low NSC, and horses fed two MPD tended (P = .092) to have higher baseline insulin concentrations than horses fed three MPD. In addition, baseline glucose-to-insulin ratio (GIR) was higher in horses fed high NSC compared with low NSC (P < .001). Horses fed high NSC had higher area under the curve of insulin and higher peak insulin after feeding than those fed low NSC. These findings suggest that NSC content of a concentrate feed has an impact on baseline insulin and GIRs and on postprandial insulin concentrations. Meanwhile, the number (and therefore size) of MPD had fewer impacts on glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diurnal patterns of sugar accumulation in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) pastures were monitored to evaluate risk factors for pasture-associated laminitis of ponies and horses. Bermudagrass was collected from four plots in the morning and afternoon on a weekly basis, from mid-July until late August. Tissue was air-dried to simulate hay, or frozen to retain the sugar profiles of fresh pasture. Samples were analyzed colorimetrically for total water-soluble and ethanol-soluble carbohydrates, and electrochemically for starch. In addition, sugars were separated and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to pulsed amperometric detection. The dominant sugars in extracts were glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Some minor peaks, corresponding to tri- and tetrasaccharides, were also detected in some extracts. Starch increased over time in fresh and dried tissue, and concentrations varied diurnally in fresh, but not in dried tissue (P = .021). Sucrose in dried tissue decreased and then increased, with higher concentrations than in fresh tissue on all sampling dates (P = .024). Glucose and fructose exhibited diurnal variation on one and two dates, respectively (P = .034 and .0028, respectively). These results reveal trends in carbohydrate concentrations and profiles that may help to evaluate the likelihood of equine laminitis outbreaks on bermudagrass.  相似文献   

经取样调查及田间观察,云南白三叶种子田中共有76种杂草,分属26科。主要杂草分别为春季杂草:荠菜、藜、苕子;夏季杂草:野黍、荞叶、十字马唐、牛膝菊、尼泊尔蓼、希签;秋季杂草:牛膝菊、荞叶、夏枯草、十字马唐、尼泊尔蓼、野黍;冬季杂草:荠菜、夏枯草、藜、鼠麴草。  相似文献   

经取样调查及田间观察,云南白三叶种子田中共有76种杂草,分属26科。主要杂草分别为春季杂草:荠菜、藜、苕子;夏季杂草:野黍、荞叶、十字马唐、牛膝菊、尼泊尔蓼、希签;秋季杂草:牛膝菊、荞叶、夏枯草、十字马唐、尼泊尔蓼、野黍;冬季杂草:荠菜、夏枯草、藜、鼠麴草。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of breeding season [late spring (LSP) vs winter (WIN)] on reproductive performances, foetal development and progesterone (P4) concentrations of sheep in the subtropics. Ewes of Farafra breed were exposed for mating in LSP (n = 79) and WIN (n = 45). Ultrasonographic examinations were performed at days 25, 45 and 75 of mating to estimate the pregnancy rate, incidence of twinning and percentage of foetal losses. Foetal growth rate was determined at 10‐day interval, and blood samples were taken on days 0 (oestrus), 8, 18 of oestrous cycle and on days 30, 45, 60 and 90 of pregnancy for P4 analysis. The results showed that pregnancy and lambing rates were greater (p < 0.01) for ewes mated in LSP (93.7% and 92.4%) than for those mated in WIN (75.6% and 71.1%), respectively. There was no effect of season on the incidence of twinning (overall 19.1%) or the frequency of foetal losses (overall 7.3%). Transient reduction of placental size, foetal growth and P4 concentration was observed following LSP matings. In conclusion, pregnancy and lambing rates were higher following LSP matings. Summer heat stress of the late spring mated ewes transiently interferes with foetal growth and P4 concentrations.  相似文献   

高寒地区牧草碳水化合物及氨基酸含量季节动态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对高寒地区13种牧草碳水化合物(可溶性糖、淀粉)和氨基酸(总游离氨基酸、赖氨酸)含量进行研究.结果表明,球花蒿、高山龙胆、禾草、珠芽蓼和黄花棘豆5种牧草可溶性糖、淀粉、总游离氨基酸、赖氨酸含量随季节呈单峰曲线变化,其最高值和最低值分别出现在6或7月和12或1月;6月13种牧草可溶性糖和淀粉含量不同,变化幅度在0.55%~2.05%,7月8种牧草游离氨基酸和赖氨酸含量变化幅度分别在0.36%~1.37%和0.14%~1.11%;同一时期部分牧草草地来源不同,可溶性糖、淀粉、总游离氨基酸和赖氨酸含量差异显著,部分牧草则差异不显著;淀粉比可溶性糖、总游离氨基酸和赖氨酸更易受环境因子的影响,且它们之间并不一定成正相关性.  相似文献   

为了研究不同季节对水牛乳脂肪酸组成的影响,试验选取春、夏、秋、冬4个季节广西地区生鲜水牛原乳720份,采用气相色谱法测定水牛原乳脂肪酸组成和含量,以分析水牛乳脂肪酸四季的变化规律。结果显示,水牛原乳共检出38种脂肪酸,除C13:0、C15:0、C16:0和C20:4n6外,季节对其他脂肪酸含量均有显著影响(P<0.05);多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)总含量在四季差异不显著(P>0.05),冬季短链脂肪酸(SCFA)总含量显著高于其他季节(P<0.05),夏季长链脂肪酸(LCFA)总含量和单不饱和脂肪酸(SUFA)总含量均显著高于其他季节(P<0.05),而夏季中链脂肪酸(MCFA)总含量和饱和脂肪酸(SFA)总含量均显著低于其他季节(P<0.05);夏季ω6系列脂肪酸含量显著高于冬季(P<0.05),春、秋两季ω3系列脂肪酸总含量显著高于夏、冬季节(P<0.05);ω6与ω3系列脂肪酸比值在春季最低(4.43),其次是秋季和冬季,夏季ω6/ω3值最高(6.32)。由此可见,不同季节对水牛原乳脂肪酸组成有显著影响,欲优化脂肪酸组成应合理改善日粮结构并提高饲养管理水平。  相似文献   

Seasonal and diurnal changes in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and ethanol-soluble carbohydrates (ESC), as well as in chromatographic profiles of the sugars comprising these categories, were studied in orchardgrass pastures at one location in the Piedmont region of Virginia. Grass from four experimental plots was sampled weekly in the morning and afternoon over an 8-week period (early to late spring). Tissue was air-dried to simulate hay, or frozen to preserve the sugar profiles of fresh pasture. WSC and ESC were assayed colorimetrically. To profile sugars, boiled-water extracts were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to pulsed amperometric detection. Fructan, glucose, fructose, and sucrose were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. All sugar concentrations were highest in the early spring in both fresh and dried tissue. Fructan chain length was highest in early spring as well. Significant diurnal differences were observed for WSC and fructan, on some dates (P < .0001 and P = .024, respectively), and for ESC, glucose, and sucrose averaged over the entire period (P = .0002, .004, and <.0001, respectively). Sucrose was barely detectable in fresh tissue but reached 1.6% to 12% dry matter in dried tissue. These results demonstrate changes in orchardgrass carbohydrates over a season, within a day, and between dried and fresh herbage. Understanding these changes may be helpful in the management of horses with a history of insulin resistance and laminitis.  相似文献   

以草地早熟禾(Poapratensis)品种男爵(Baronie)为试验材料,研究了不同施钾处理对根部0~10cm可溶性碳水化合物和叶片氮,磷和钾含量的影响。结果表明:在单施钾肥的情况下,随着施钾量的增加,越冬前草地早熟禾根系可溶性碳水化合物的含量也显著提高(P〈0.05),这可能有助于提高植株越冬率,促进返青生长,而在同时施有氮、磷的情况下,碳水化合物含量间的差异并不显著,草地早熟禾叶片氮、钾含量也随着施钾量的增加呈显著增加的趋势(P〈0.05)。通过碳水化合物及叶片氮,磷和钾含量的测定,以N5g/m^2+P20s3.33g/m^2+K2O 6.68g/m^2处理对草坪返青及分蘖最佳。  相似文献   

马属动物的盲肠内栖息着复杂多样的微生物,对饲粮碳水化合物的消化及机体健康起着重要作用,是马属动物盲肠功能的基础;同时,饲粮碳水化合物也对盲肠微生物产生影响,探索饲粮碳水化合物在盲肠内的消化代谢和对盲肠微生物区系的影响及规律,对饲料生产、动物饲养和动物生产性能的提高有积极的指导意义。本文总结了盲肠微生物的特点、盲肠微生物在马属动物碳水化合物消化生理中的地位和作用,以及马属动物盲肠碳水化合物的消化生理,并着重就饲粮碳水化合物对马属动物盲肠微生物区系的影响及规律,以及马属动物盲肠碳水化合物消化相关的营养代谢病的研究现状和进展进行了分析阐述。  相似文献   

徐威  王瑜  袁庆华 《草地学报》2011,19(3):492-496
利用盆栽试验,对白三叶(Trifolium repens L.)2份耐盐品种1212和83-160以及2份敏盐品种83-159和81-1进行苗期耐盐性研究,通过对存活率、株高、电导率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性等指标的测定与分析,探讨盐胁迫下白三叶生长情况及保护酶活性的响应。结果表明:随着盐浓度的升高,4个品种的存活率和相对株高均呈显著下降趋势,电导率呈上升趋势。耐盐品种1212和83-160的存活率和相对株高均显著高于敏盐品种81-1和83-159,电导率则显著低于敏盐品种,说明敏盐品种在盐胁迫下细胞受损更严重。随着胁迫时间的延长SOD,POD和CAT活性均表现为先急剧上升后下降之后再上升的趋势,耐盐品种和敏盐品种变化差异显著,在盐胁迫后5 d和10 d时,耐盐品种的3种酶活性低于敏盐品种,而盐胁迫后20 d时,耐盐品种酶活性和敏盐品种趋于一致,这可能是由于盐胁迫前期敏盐品种比耐盐品种中积累了更多的活性氧而使诱导酶活性提高。  相似文献   

詹淼华  沈益新 《草地学报》2010,18(4):603-606
为探究一年生野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)植株基部腋芽的萌动特性,分别在主茎第2、3、4、5、6、7和第8复叶期(20007年5月至8月底)于第1复叶节和第2复叶节之间切除主茎,在剪切后第0、2、4、8、12 d观测各处理主茎基部新生芽(茎)数以及残茬中可溶性碳水化合物含量。结果表明:一年生野生大豆子叶节上对生着2个腋芽,其只有在主茎第4复叶展开前打顶刺激下才能萌动生长,否则枯死;单叶节上也存在2个对生的腋芽,无论主茎剪除与否,均可萌动生长成分枝;第1复叶节上存在多个腋芽,在节上存在分枝的情况下,剪除主茎仍能刺激节上休眠腋芽的萌动。主茎剪除后,残茬中可溶性糖含量短期内显著下降(P<0.05);不同生长期刈除主茎,其残茬可溶性糖含量的变化趋势无显著差异,且与残茬上休眠芽的萌动和生长无明显的相关关系。因此推测,一年生野生大豆植株基部休眠芽在较短生长时期内便失去萌动能力,早期刈割和提高留茬高度是确保刈割后再生的重要措施。  相似文献   

为探讨柞蚕壮蚕期体内物质代谢对滞育生理的影响,研究了不同蚕季的柞蚕5龄幼虫血淋巴中蛋白质和糖类物质含量的动态变化。结果表明:春、秋期柞蚕5龄幼虫血淋巴中总糖、海藻糖和蛋白质含量均随着生长发育而增加,总糖和海藻糖在5龄末期稍有下降;秋期柞蚕血淋巴中的总糖含量略高于春期柞蚕,海藻糖含量二者大致相似,而蛋白质含量却高于春期柞蚕,并且显示出特征蛋白质谱带。推测秋蚕期柞蚕体内物质的变化与发生滞育有关。  相似文献   

自1864年Henneberg与Stohmann首倡概略成分分析方法以来,该饲料养分的测试方法已沿用1个半世纪,基本保持原体系未变.由于碳水化合物组分特别是多糖成分的复杂性和多样性,其分析方法和分析层次不断的完善和改进,大致经历了Weende纤维—Van Soest纤维—总饲粮纤维的发展和革新.饲料碳水化合物组分的营养价值受到饲粮结构、畜禽品种、生理阶段、环境条件、饲养管理等种种复杂因素的影响,同时碳水化合物组分又影响其他饲料养分效价和能量利用率.因此,本文从碳水化合物的定义、内涵和分类入手,侧重分析了饲粮碳水化合物在猪体内的消化、降解和转移规律,并对饲粮碳水化合物对能量利用率影响的作用机理作出相应的阐述,旨在为提高猪饲料转化效率提供参考.  相似文献   

系统研究了小尾寒羊、同羊、滩羊血液褪黑激素在春分、夏至、秋分时的昼夜变化规律,发现绵羊血液中褪黑激素存在着明显的季节性变化,在春分和秋分时平均含量相对较低,在夏至时明显升高。在夏至和秋分时,小尾寒羊和同羊血液中褪黑激素比滩羊低,在春分时,小尾寒羊褪黑激素比同羊和滩羊高。  相似文献   

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