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Three rice varieties, Te-qing (TQ), Wu-xiang 9915 (WX) and Guang-ling-xiang-nuo (GLXN) with different amylose contents, and their derived lines with inhibition of starch branching enzyme I and IIb (SBEI/IIb) (GLXN-, WX- and TQ-SBEI/IIb) were used to investigate and compare the starch ordered structure and component accumulation in developing kernels. The starches in developing kernels of TQ, WX and GLXN all showed a typical A-type crystallinity and had similar short-range ordered structure, but their relative crystallinities gradually decreased in TQ and WX and had no significant change in GLXN with kernel development. For wild-type rices, starch components gradually increased in developing kernels. With inhibition of SBEI/IIb, the accumulation of amylose and amylopectin long branch-chains in kernels was slightly affected, but amylopectin short branch-chains seriously decreased, resulting in a significantly lower dry weight and starch content in kernel. The B-type crystallinity in developing starch gradually accumulated with kernel development of TQ-, Wx- and GLXN-SBEI/IIb lines. The inhibition of SBEI/IIb decreased the relative crystallinity but increased the short-range ordered structure of starches. The effects of inhibition of SBEI/IIb on starch ordered structure and component accumulation mainly appeared after 10 days after flowering, and were the most conspicuous for indica rice TQ. Though the inhibition of SBEI/IIb influenced the ordered structure and component accumulation of starch, the starch content and components in developing kernels all showed significantly positive correlations with kernel dry weight.  相似文献   

Preharvest sprouting occurs following rainfall after maturity and reduces grain quality and value. Dormancy at maturity is a trait frequently used by wheat breeders to improve tolerance to sprouting. To determine the environmental influence on the predicative relationship between dormancy at maturity and improved preharvest sprouting tolerance, dormancy (germination index) at maturity and grain quality (falling number) at maturity and then, after rainfall, was measured over three seasons. Based on the results it was possible to draw three main conclusions. Firstly, genotypes with strong dormancy (germination index <0.20) which have the embryo and seed coat component of dormancy maintained a falling number >300 s at all sites and seasons for the 2-month period after maturity despite receiving up to 122 mm of rain. Adequate preharvest sprouting tolerance also occurred in dormant genotypes, with just the embryo component; in all but the most severe conditions. Secondly, though the effect of environment and interaction of genotype and environment was significant, the G by E interaction did not account for a large proportion of the variation (<6%) in sprouting tolerance (measured by falling number after rainfall) or change the relative rankings of preharvest sprouting tolerance. Finally, other defects associated with rainfall during grain filling such as black point and fungal staining may slightly reduce dormancy estimates and preharvest sprouting tolerance. For this reason grain defects need to be improved in parallel with preharvest sprouting tolerance. In conclusion, strong dormancy provides a reliable source of preharvest sprouting tolerance in the field.  相似文献   

Grain quality improvement is one of the most important goals in a rice breeding program. An indica variety with small grain size was crossed to a japonica variety with large grain size to construct a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) which was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling eight grain quality traits. Based on a linkage map of 185 SSR markers, a total of 16 QTLs were mapped on six chromosomes. A pleiotropic main effect QTL (M-QTL) flanked by RM3204 and RM16 on chromosome 3 influences the grain length (GL), length width ratio (LWR) and head rice ratio (HRR), explaining the phenotypic variation of 46.0, 36.1 and 29.7%, respectively. A total of 18 epistatic QTLs were identified for all the traits except MRR, distributed on all the chromosomes except chromosome 10. Two M-QTLs for GL and one M-QTL for GW were involved in epistatic QTL. No significant interaction between M-QTL or epistatic QTL and environment was detected except AC having significant M-QTL by environment interaction with minor effect. GL and LWR have a significant negative relation with HRR which might make it difficult to develop long grain with higher HRR in the rice breeding practice.  相似文献   

The long-grain, specialty rice cultivars, Bolivar, Cheniere, Dixiebelle, and L-205 are used for wet-pack canning. These cultivars have similar apparent amylose content but showed differences in canning, pasting, and gelatinization properties. Starch fine structures were analyzed to rationalize observed differences in functionality. Cheniere amylopectin had the lowest weight-average molar mass (Mw), shortest average chain length (CL), smallest z-average radius of gyration (Rz), lowest proportion of long chains (DP 37–65), and highest polydispersity; while its amylose had the largest Mw and Rz. These structural features were associated with more leached solids in the canning broth, lower volume expansion, lower peak and final viscosity, and lower gelatinization temperature and enthalpy. Bolivar amylopectin had the largest Mw, longest average CL, largest Rz, highest proportion of long chains (DP 25–65), and lowest proportion of short chains (DP 6–12); while its amylose had the smallest Mw and lowest polydispersity. These structures were associated with lower levels of leached solids, higher volume expansion, and higher peak and final viscosity. L-205 was similar to Bolivar in most structural and functional properties; those of Dixiebelle were either comparable to Bolivar or intermediate to Bolivar and Cheniere. These findings point to the importance of the molar mass of amylopectin and the proportion of long and short chains on the canning stability of rice.  相似文献   

Grain quality is one of the key targets for rice breeding. Two-meter-high giant rice, Xiangju-1, is a new high-quality restorer line of hybrid rice. Here, the grain quality and storability of three varieties Jufeng 5 (JF5), Jufeng 6 (JF6), and Jufeng 8 (JF8) were studied. The grain sizes of three giant hybrid rice varieties (JFs) were larger than that of the control rice Jingliangyou 1212 (1212). With respect to nutritional value, the three JFs varieties had similar protein content (~8%) but much higher fat content (>0.8%) than 1212. In addition, JF6 had better storability than JF8 when assessed by controlled deterioration treatment (CDT). RNA-seq analysis revealed that the heatmaps of differentially expressed genes in JF6 and JF8 were similar after 20 days of CDT when compared with 0 days. Of particular interest were the different mRNA levels of several genes related to the pathways of DNA damage response and abscisic acid biosynthesis in JF6 and JF8 after 20 days of CDT. Taken together, the data suggested that JF6 had better grain quality and storability than the other hybrid varieties, and several candidate genes for seed storability were identified.  相似文献   

High temperature (HT) and drought stress (WS) severely affect rice quality by altering the starch structure in rice. The morphological and physicochemical properties of starches isolated from two rice varieties grown under three stress treatment (HT, WS and WS + HT) during the grain filling stage were investigated. The results showed that WS increased amylose content (AC%) and the proportion of large starch granules (LSG) and made the surface of the starch granule smooth and flat. As a result, a lower relative crystallinity, surface order, swelling power, setback viscosity and gelatinization enthalpy were caused. HT decreased AC% and milled rice rate, but increased chalky rice rate, the number of LSG and the large air space and pits on the surface of the starch granules. As a result, a higher relative crystallinity, surface order, swelling power, setback viscosity and gelatinization enthalpy were caused. Similar results were observed under the treatment of WS + HT, indicating that there is a mild antagonistic effect on rice starch when the HT and WS occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

Storage retrogradation behavior and properties of sorghum, maize, and rice starches were compared to better understand the relationship of amylopectin fine structure to quality issues. Long-term changes in texture of starch gels were attributed to amylopectin retrogradation. In starch pastes aged 7 days at 4 °C, change in the storage modulus (ΔG) during heating (representing intermolecular associations) was highly and positively correlated (r = 0.93, p < 0.01) with the proportion of fraction I (FrI) long chains from debranched amylopectin. One sorghum cultivar, Mota Maradi, showed a dramatic increase in the storage modulus (G′) over the 7 day storage period that was related to its high proportion of FrI. Pastes/gels made from starches with normal (20–30%) amylose content and higher proportions of FrI long chains from debranched amylopectin tended to become firmer with more syneresis during extended storage. Both degree of polymerization measurements and previous models for amylopectin structure indicate that FrI represents long B chains of amylopectin. Cereal cultivars having amylopectin structures with lower proportion of long B chains were speculated to give improved quality products with lower rates of retrogradation and staling. This is particularly an issue in sorghum foods where products generally lack storage stability and tend to stale relatively quickly.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of A- and B-type granules of wheat starch on noodle quality, the fractionation and reconstitution method was used to prepare noodles with five different ratios of A-to B-granules (100A-0B, 75A-25B, 50A-50B, 25A-75B, 0A-100B). The pasting and swelling properties of reconstituted flours and the microstructure of noodles observed under a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) indicated that there were at least two aspects were responsible for the changes in noodle quality. First, the water distribution, texture and cooking quality of noodles were influenced by the different physicochemical properties of A- and B-granules; and second, the gluten structure in noodles was altered by the granule size distribution, which further led to a difference in noodle quality. In general, with increasing number of B-granules, the A22 (the proportion of less immobilized water) of raw noodles and the hardness, resilience and chewiness of cooked noodles increased first and then decreased, while the cooking loss, water absorption and protein loss showed the reverse trend. Raw noodle samples containing 50A-50B had the minimum T22 (less immobilized water) but the maximum A22 and, when cooked, had the greatest hardness, chewiness and resilience and the least cooking loss (6.6%) and water absorption (166.1%). These results have important implications for illustrating the mechanism by which A- and B-granules affect noodle quality and guide efforts to improve noodle quality and wheat breeding.  相似文献   

The present work was designed to obtain information on the effect of germination time on the selected physicochemical properties of brown rice flour and starch prepared from three different rice cultivars. Changes in total starch, amylose and amylopectin contents of flour, amylopectin/amylose ratio and molecular weight of starch, gelatinization, pasting, rheological, and morphological properties of flour and starch during 5 days of germination were investigated. Significant changes of pasting and rheological properties of brown rice flour were found during germination, but only small changes of these properties could be found in isolated starch. Scanning electron micrographs of flour showed that the continuous matrix structure of flour was highly destroyed after germination and scanning electron micrographs of isolated starch showed that after three days of germination, pits and holes were discovered on the surface of some starch granules. Germination had little effect on the average molecular weight of starch, but the polydispersity value in germinated brown rice (2–5 days germination) was higher than that in non-germinated brown rice. The changes observed in physicochemical properties of brown rice flour and starch after germination provided a crucial basis for understanding flour and starch modification mechanisms with potential applications for an industrial scale.  相似文献   

Modeling plant carbon flow and grain starch accumulation in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The process of starch accumulation in grain directly influences the yield and quality formation in wheat. Since few studies have been aimed at modeling the grain starch accumulation, this study was undertaken to develop a simplified process model for predicting the rate of starch accumulation in wheat grain by focusing on the variation of plant carbon dynamics post-anthesis. Five different experiments involving genotypes, nitrogen rates and water regimes were conducted to support model development and model evaluation. The model proposed that the starch accumulation rate (STR) in individual grain was determined by the availability of carbon source in plant (GCAi) and the ability of starch synthesis in grain (f(Ai)), as influenced by the factors of temperature, water and nitrogen conditions within plants. The f(Ai) could be described in a two-section curve with post-anthesis growing degree days (GDD), first exponential increase and then linear decrease. The GCAi was determined by post-anthesis carbon assimilation and carbon remobilization from vegetative organs to grains. A genotypic parameter was incorporated into the model algorithm, i.e. the maximum rate of individual grain starch accumulation, to differentiate the ability of starch accumulation among cultivars. The overall performance of the model was validated with different data sets from three field experiments spanning 3 years and comprising various genotypes, nitrogen and water levels. The RMSE values for all treatments were averaged as 12.51%, indicating a good fit between the simulated and observed data. It appears that the model can give a reliable prediction for grain starch accumulation of different wheat cultivars under various growing conditions.  相似文献   

High temperature (HT) is the major environmental factor affecting grain starch properties of cooking rice cultivars. However, little information has been available on the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution of rice grains. In this paper, five indica rice genotypes, including the wild type (9311) and its four mutants differing in amylose content (AC), were used to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution, as well as its relation to AC and gelatinization properties of rice starch. Two temperature treatments (HT and NT) at filling stage were imposed to rice plants under the controlled temperature chambers. The result showed that HT increased the average diameter of starch granules and enhanced the proportion of large starch granules (LSG, D > 2.6 μm) by number, volume and surface area, respectively. However, influence of HT on GT and starch granule size distribution was relatively independent of their alteration in AC level for different rice genotypes. Therefore, HT-induced increase in the average diameter of starch granules and LSG percentage was strongly responsible for the higher starch gelatinization temperature and inferior cooked palatability of HT-ripening rice grains, which be not inherently associated with their varying AC level.  相似文献   

ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is a rate-limiting enzyme participating in starch biosynthesis, which may be responsible for the filling rate and starch accumulation in the developing rice kernel. However, it is still unknown whether the naturally occurring variation in the sequence of ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase of rice (OsAGP) is related to the grain weight (GW). In this study, we discovered a total of 38 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (InDels) in the partial sequences of six OsAGP isoform genes from 30 rice accessions with diverse agronomic traits. We then developed ten cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) and derived CAPS (dCAPS) markers for genotyping the SNPs and InDels for an association mapping population consisting of 416 rice accessions. Candidate gene association study indicated that an InDel of OsAGPL4 was associated with GW in two environments and an SNP of OsAGPL2 was associated with GW in one environment. Each gene marker only explained 1% of the variation of GW, thus it could be concluded that both genes contributed little to GW of rice. However, the markers identified in this study could be used for tagging other traits of interests and in molecular breeding.  相似文献   

燕麦作为血糖生成指数较低的食品,被广泛应用于食品、医药工业。为比较皮、裸燕麦胚乳淀粉理化性质的差异,探究皮、裸燕麦在食品等加工利用方面的不同,以2个裸燕麦品种(白燕2号,坝燕18)以及2个皮燕麦品种(蒙燕1号,塔娜)为材料,通过扫描电镜观察燕麦胚乳淀粉颗粒的形态,采用X-射线衍射分析(XRD)、傅里叶变换远红外光谱、以及13C固体核磁共振等方法研究淀粉的理化性质,同时测定其支链淀粉链长和淀粉的消化速率。研究结果表明,燕麦胚乳中淀粉同时以复粒淀粉和单颗粒淀粉形式存在,复粒淀粉在淀粉提取中易破裂,形成不规则的多面体颗粒,粒径多在5~8μm。4个燕麦品种胚乳的淀粉均为A型晶体,但膨胀势和溶解度存在差异,裸燕麦坝燕18膨胀势最高,溶解度最低。皮、裸燕麦在淀粉晶体结构方面存在差异,皮燕麦淀粉较裸燕麦有更高的结晶度和表层有序度,裸燕麦淀粉无定形比例和表观直链淀粉含量更高,导致皮、裸燕麦在食品加工方面的差异。皮、裸燕麦支链淀粉链长分布不同,裸燕麦的长支链分布少,慢速消化淀粉(SDS)含量高,尤其坝燕18的SDS含量明显高于其他三个品种,更适合作为减肥食品。  相似文献   

The effect of two rice endosperm proteins, glutelin and globulin, on the physicochemical properties of rice starch and flour was investigated. Albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin were sequentially extracted from defatted rice flour with de-ionised water, 1.5 M NaCl, propan-2-ol and 0.1 M NaOH, respectively, followed by dialysis and lyophilisation. Globulin and glutelin were then added to pure rice starch at various concentrations, separately and together, and the pasting and textural properties of mixtures were analysed by the Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) and TA-XT2 textural analyser, respectively. The presence of glutelin in rice starch caused an increase in pasting temperature but a decrease in the viscosity parameters of the starch paste. The concentration of glutelin was also positively correlated with the hardness and adhesive properties of the starch gel. The presence of globulin, on the other hand, resulted in a decrease in all the pasting and textural parameters except gel hardness and the changes were linearly correlated with the concentration of the protein for most of the physical parameters. When the two proteins were added to rice starch together, the outcomes in pasting and textural properties were generally dependent upon the relative concentrations of the two proteins, but were also influenced by the presence of the other two protein fractions, albumin and prolamin. The presence of globulin initially accelerated the rate of water absorption by starch during cooking while the presence of glutelin slowed it down, but in both cases, the ultimate amount of water absorbed was significantly lower than that by pure starch. The contrasting effects of the different protein fractions mean that it might be possible to manipulate the textural properties of rice starch and flour to achieve desirable sensory outcomes by varying the proportions of the protein fractions in product formulations.  相似文献   

Grain quality traits play an important role in the economic prosperity of commercial rice markets. The objective of our research was to identify candidate molecular markers associated with three grain quality and flowering traits in a collection of elite rice japonica inbred lines evaluated in five U.S. states. Candidate marker effects were associated with the traits mapped within regions reported from previous QTL analyses while several new allelic interactions were also detected. Common markers for each trait were observed across two or more locations, and two-way interactions unique to a single location were also found. Significant genotype × location interactions were detected while broad-sense heritability estimates were low for all characters. All but one selected marker effect was associated with a reduction in apparent amylose content. A reduction in heading date at three locations was observed with one marker as a main effect or as a component of two-way interactions that mapped ∼ 5 cM from the Hd3a flowering locus. The majority of selected effects for head rice were associated with modest to substantial increases in value. Marker loci and their interactions identified in this study highlighted targeted regions for future association studies and marker-assisted breeding efforts of grain quality traits.  相似文献   

全国优质粳稻优良食味品评情况报告   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
孙雅君 《北方水稻》2007,(5):1-4,18
在全国范围内进行征集和初选,筛选出黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、天津、江苏、新疆、河北、山东等省、市、自治区20个优良粳稻品种入选参加食味品评。通过品评可以看到:许多品种均表现出良好的感官食味特性,有些甚至超过日本越光品种;在我国粳稻主产区,只要加强优质食味研究开发力度均能培育出优质食味品种;碾米品质、外观品质及理化指标在对食味影响中存在的相关性需进一步验证,从而建立一套食味品质研究评价体系,使此评价体系完全符合人们对食味的要求;食味研究是一项系统工程,与品种特性、栽培技术、产地、贮藏加工条件等均密不可分;我国有一大批优质食味品种有待于加大开发、宣传、推广力度,并作为优质食味米,高标准地打入国际市场;建立研究我国粳稻食味为主的学术专家组,制定研究目标和发展规划,切实把我国粳稻食味研究做大、做强,尽快提升我国粳稻食味品质的研究水平并赶超世界先进水平。  相似文献   

The common buckwheat ‘cv. Fengtian 1’ (FT1), ‘cv. Yuqiao 4’ (YQ4), ‘cv. Dingtian 2 (DT2)’, and ‘cv. Tongliao (TL)’ were selected to investigate the characteristics of starch synthesis and grain filling. The chlorophyll and chlorophyll a/b contents of leaves in the third stem showed a steady downward trend with the growth of common buckwheat. Whereas, FT1, YQ4 and DT2 showed higher chlorophyll content than that of TL at 7d and 14d. The activity of soluble starch synthase(SSS) and adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGP) in the four tested varieties showed a rapid upward trend until 14 days after heading but then rapidly decreased until 21 days after heading. The average adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase activities of FT1, YQ4 and DT2 were higher than TL, while the average soluble starch synthase activities were similar among the four tested varieties. Consistently, the four tested varieties showed rapid accumulation of starch, amylose, and amylopectin during the prefilling stage, but no difference of starch content was found at maturity. The filling process of the four common buckwheat varieties exhibited an “S” curve. The Richards equation was utilized to evaluate the grain-filling process of common buckwheat. YQ4 showed the largest values of initial growth power (R0). The time reaching the maximum grain-filling rate (tmax.G) of FT1 was the longest, and the maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax) of DT2 was the fastest.  相似文献   

Micro-beam X-ray diffraction analyses were carried out on slices from wild-type rice and mutants. The method permitted the crystalline structure to be analyzed with less destruction of cells and fewer artificial effects that occur during the purification of starch from tissue and provided information concerning the localization and crystalline structure of starches distributed in the endosperm. The starch on kernel slices from the wild-type and waxy mutant, carrying a defect for the Granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene, displayed an A-type of diffraction pattern; no difference in the crystalline patterns between starches located in the inner and outer region in a kernel were observed. A double mutant of the waxy and amylose extender (ae) mutant carrying a defect for the Starch branching enzyme IIb gene accumulated amylose-free B-type starches. The kernel slice from the double mutant of waxy and sugary1, mutated on the Isoamylase I locus, displayed an A-type diffraction pattern in the outer region and was amorphous in the inner region. A chain-length distribution analysis of polyglucans in kernels from wild-type and mutants showed that ae amylopectin had more long chains and less short chains than the wild-type and waxy amylopectin. On the other hand, the water-soluble polysaccharide in the inner region of the sugary1 endosperm had more short chains than the amylopectin in the outer region counterparts. These results indicate that branch chain length in amylopectin is crucial in determining the formation of A- and B-type starches.  相似文献   

The identification of “stay-green” in sorghum and its positive correlation with yield increases has encouraged attempts to incorporate “stay-green”-like traits into the genomes of other commercially important cereal crops. However, knowledge on the effects of “stay-green” expression on grain quality under extreme physiological stress is limited. This study examines impacts of “stay-green”-like expression on starch biosynthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain under mild, severe, and acute water stress conditions induced at anthesis. The proportions of long amylopectin branches and amylose branches in the grain of Flagship (a cultivar without “stay-green”-like characteristics) were higher at low water stress, suggesting that water stress affects starch biosynthesis in grain, probably due to early termination of grain fill. The changes in long branches can affect starch properties, such as the rates of enzymatic degradation, and hence its nutritional value. By contrast, grain from the “stay-green”-like cultivar (ND24260) did not show variation in starch molecular structure under the different water stress levels. The results indicate that the cultivar with “stay-green”-like traits has a greater potential to maintain starch biosynthesis and quality in grain during drought conditions, making the “stay-green”-like traits potentially useful in ensuring food security.  相似文献   

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