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In this work, starch pasting curves were reinterpreted with suitable models to show deficiency of widely used starch pasting parameters in the literature. The aim was to attract scientific attentions to the behavior and dynamics of the curve with respect to process parameters instead of values on the curve. Mainly, pasting curve was separated into four parts combining sigmoidal gelatinization model, exponential thinning model and Arrhenius temperature model. For the gelatinization part, starch swelling rate, water binding capacity and starch resistivities to heat and shear might be compared by the proposed model parameters. Amylose and damaged starch contents of starches had a good relation with Arrhenius and exponential model parameters. Activation energy values gave clues about retrogradation rate of starches and changed between 7142 and 17,327 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Storage retrogradation behavior and properties of sorghum, maize, and rice starches were compared to better understand the relationship of amylopectin fine structure to quality issues. Long-term changes in texture of starch gels were attributed to amylopectin retrogradation. In starch pastes aged 7 days at 4 °C, change in the storage modulus (ΔG) during heating (representing intermolecular associations) was highly and positively correlated (r = 0.93, p < 0.01) with the proportion of fraction I (FrI) long chains from debranched amylopectin. One sorghum cultivar, Mota Maradi, showed a dramatic increase in the storage modulus (G′) over the 7 day storage period that was related to its high proportion of FrI. Pastes/gels made from starches with normal (20–30%) amylose content and higher proportions of FrI long chains from debranched amylopectin tended to become firmer with more syneresis during extended storage. Both degree of polymerization measurements and previous models for amylopectin structure indicate that FrI represents long B chains of amylopectin. Cereal cultivars having amylopectin structures with lower proportion of long B chains were speculated to give improved quality products with lower rates of retrogradation and staling. This is particularly an issue in sorghum foods where products generally lack storage stability and tend to stale relatively quickly.  相似文献   

The properties of starch and starch–lipid pastes have been explored using a novel extended Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) profile, in which the heating and cooling cycles are repeated five times. Starches from four wheat varieties with amylose content ranging from 23 to 27%, and waxy starches of wheat, rice and maize were tested, alone and in mixtures with lauric acid and monopalmitin (glyceryl-1-monopalmitin). Gels of all of the starches formed and melted reproducibly during repeated heating and cooling in the RVA. The addition of lauric acid to the waxy starches had no effect on the multiple RVA profile. Monopalmitin caused an increase in viscosity during the heating stage of the second to the fifth cycles with the waxy starches, which was attributed to the presence of monopalmitin aggregates. Changes in the multiple cycle viscosity traces observed when monopalmitin or lauric acid was added to the amylose-containing starches were complex. It was concluded that RVA paste viscosities were determined by starch–lipid interactions, as well as by free lipid in the starch mixtures. The water solubility of the lipid and association of proteins with starch granules influence these interactions.  相似文献   

The starch and protein properties of rice grain are important factors for sake brewing and these properties are reported to be influenced by temperatures during grain ripening. Amylose content, nitrogen content, protein composition, pasting properties measured by a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA), and their relationship to temperatures during ripening were investigated in a rice cultivar, Yamadanishiki, which was grown under various conditions in the same experimental field. The average temperature after heading was significantly correlated with amylose content and RVA properties, but not with nitrogen content. Under high temperatures during ripening, a decrease in prolamin, which accumulated in type I protein body (PB-I), and an increase in glutelin, which deposits in type II PB (PB-II), were recognized. The ratio of PB-II/PB-I and RVA pasting temperatures were distinctly increased as the temperature became higher. High temperatures during grain ripening would lead to difficulties in digesting steamed rice grains by Aspergillus oryzae, together with ease in digesting rice protein. The average temperature of 11–20 days after heading showed a higher correlation coefficient than that of 1–10 or 21–30 days, implying that temperatures during the middle stage of grain development would be important in determining the rice component that relates to brewing properties.  相似文献   

The effects of repeated heating and cooling on the properties of pastes prepared from a commercial wheat starch (Triticum aestivum L.) with added monoglycerides were studied using a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). The nanostructure of the freeze-dried pastes was determined by X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering. Pastes prepared from the wheat starch alone, or from the starch mixed with tripalmitin, which does not form complexes with starch, produced regular viscosity profiles in the RVA when subjected to multiple heat-cool cycles. In comparison, the effects of adding monoglycerides (or monoacylglycerols) depended on the chain length and saturation of the fatty acid of the monoglyceride. Repeated heat-cool cycles in the RVA of the starch with different monoglycerides induced the formation of complexes of varying stability that influenced the viscosity trace of the paste during multiple heating and cooling cycles. Small-angle X-ray scattering in combination with X-ray diffraction proved useful in describing the nanostructural changes in the RVA pastes induced by monoglycerides and temperature cycling. The results indicate that the functional properties of starch pastes may be manipulated through the strategic selection of an added monoglyceride.  相似文献   

Inhibition of plant growth by Trinexapac-ethyl, TE, a gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor, can produce a shorter stemmed plant, requiring less nutrients and water to grow, while maintaining grain yield. Although TE and other plant growth regulators are commonly used in grain crops, their effects on starch biosynthesis in the grains have not been systematically examined. The changes in the structural and functional properties of starch in grains harvested from TE-treated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) were examined, and the results compared with those from the untreated controls. TE treatment had little or no effects on the molecular structures of starch, starch granule morphology, and starch and amylose contents, but increased the protein content of the grains significantly. Consistent with the lack of change in the molecular structure, there were no significant effects on the thermal properties of the starch. The pasting properties of TE-treated sorghum flours, however, showed lower peak viscosity, trough, and final viscosity, which were attributed to their higher protein contents. The TE treatment thus does not have an appreciable effect on the biosynthesis of starch during grain development in sorghum.  相似文献   

Germinated brown rice (GBR) recently has received renewed attention due to its enhanced nutritional value. Pasting properties and in vitro starch digestibility of GBR were examined before and after hydrothermal treatments. Steeping in water (30 °C, 24 h) raised the moisture content and germination percentage of brown rice. Pasting viscosity was substantially decreased but gelatinization temperatures and enthalpy were decreased only marginally by germination (30 °C, 48 h). However, annealing (50 °C, 24 h) and heat-moisture treatment (100 °C, 1 h at 30% moisture) after germination resulted in increased pasting viscosity and gelatinization temperatures. The hydrothermal treatments, however, induced browning reactions to darken the flour of GBR. The digestibility of starch in brown rice was increased by germination. The contents of rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) in the cooked brown rice were 47.3%, 40.8%, and 11.9%, respectively, but changed to 57.7%, 39.1%, and 3.2%, respectively upon germination. The hydrothermal treatments, however, decreased the digestibility of starch in GBR. The heat-moisture treatment decreased the RDS content in GBR near to that of native brown rice. The digestibility and physical properties of brown rice can be controlled by germination and hydrothermal treatments.  相似文献   

Milled rice from 11 varieties, with amylose levels from 1.2 to 35.6% dry base, were collected to study the impacts of amylose content on starch retrogradation and textural properties of cooked rice during storage. The relationship between amylose content and different properties was determined using Pearson correlation. Starch retrogradation enthalpy (ΔHr) of cooked rice was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. ΔHr values were found to be positively correlated with amylose content (0.603 ≤ r ≤ 0.822, P < 0.01) during storage. Textural properties were determined by a Texture Analyser. The hardness of cooked rice showed a positive correlation with amylose content (0.706 ≤ r ≤ 0.866, P < 0.01) and a positive correlation with ΔHr of cooked rice (r = 0.650, P < 0.01) during storage. The adhesiveness showed a negative correlation with amylose content (−0.929 ≤ r ≤ −0.678, P < 0.01) and a negative correlation with ΔHr of cooked rice (r = −0.833, P < 0.01) during storage. Hardness showed a negative correlation with adhesiveness (r = −0.820, P < 0.01). These results indicated that amylose content has significant effects on starch retrogradation and textural properties of cooked rice. The cooked rice with high amylose content is easy to retrograde, the cooked rice with low amylose content retrograded slowly. Sarch retrogradation contributes to the changes of textural properties of cooked rice during storage.  相似文献   

Gluten-starch interactions are of specific importance during the processing of cereal-based products. However, the mechanisms for gluten-starch interactions have not been illuminated. The effects of various gliadin/glutenin (gli-glu) ratios (0:10, 3:7, 5:5, 7:3, and 10:0) on the pasting, thermal, and structural properties of wheat gluten-starch mixtures were investigated. The peak, through, and final viscosities were obviously decreased, and the setback value initially increased and then decreased with increasing gli-glu ratios during the rapid viscosity analysis (RVA). Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the enthalpy changes increased with increasing gli-glu ratios. Thermogravimetric analysis showed a slight increase in the degradation temperature of the mixtures as the gli-glu ratio increased, although it was still lower than that of wheat flour. However, there was no significant difference in the weight loss among different gli-glu ratios. Rheometer-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that the C-6 peak at 996 cm−1 for all the samples was displaced or disappeared due to the hydrogen bond fracture caused by water molecules entering the starch granules. It was also found that the absorption peak in amide II of gli-starch was more obvious than that of glu-starch. The CLSM obviously described the change structure of mixtures with different gli-glu ratio during starch gelatinizaton. By studying the changes in gluten protein components and how they affected the thermal and structural properties of starch, a simple model was proposed to describe the gelatinization process of the mixtures with different ratios of gli-glu and briefly describe the interactions between starch and wheat gluten components. Optimization of the proportion of protein components in wheat flour will enable greater control over the structural characteristics and elasticity of wheat food products.  相似文献   

小麦淀粉与面条质量关系的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小麦淀粉品质对白盐面条的质量(尤其是煮后的感官特性)有重要影响。直链与支链淀粉的含量及比例是影响面条质量的重要因素,是造成不同小麦品种淀粉糊化和膨胀特性及面条质量差异的物质基础。较低直链淀粉含量的小麦粉具有较好的糊化和膨胀特性,制作的面条煮制时吸水率高,烹调损失低,具有较高的感官评分。优质白盐面条的直链淀粉含量应在22%左右。峰值黏度、稀懈值、峰值时间是影响面条质量的重要糊化参数,这3项参数高的小麦粉适合制作优质面条。高膨胀势或膨胀体积的小麦粉制作的面条中等偏软,光滑且富有弹性,可以作为面条用小麦的重要选择标准。一般认为,直链淀粉含量较低、峰值黏度和稀懈值高、峰值时间长、膨胀势或膨胀体积高的小麦粉适合制作优质白盐面条。其中,直链淀粉含量、峰值黏度和膨胀势是优质面条小麦评价的关键品质性状。  相似文献   

Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has three Wx proteins (Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1), which are granule-bound starch synthases I and are responsible for the amylose synthesis of flour starch. The effects of two novel Wx-A1 proteins identified by gel electrophoresis on amylose content and starch properties were analyzed. The variant Wx-A1 protein coded by the Wx-A1i allele was present in smaller amounts and produced less amylose (7.3%) compared to standard lines with the Wx-A1a allele (21.5%). Wx-A1i generated altered starch properties; greater swelling power (SP), glucoamylase digestibility, starch paste clarity, and gelatinization enthalpy in differential scanning calorimetry. The starch from Wx-A1i also showed an altered pasting profile on a Rapid Visco-Analyzer, greater peak viscosity, smaller final viscosity, and lower pasting temperature. The Wx-A1i allele is a novel genetic resource for reducing amylose content in wheat. The other Wx-A1 protein coded by the Wx-A1j allele showed a more basic isoelectric point compared to Wx-A1a on an electrophoretic gel. The amylose content of Wx-A1j did not differ from standard Wx-A1a. Starch SP, paste clarity, and glucoamylase digestibility also suggested that Wx-A1j produced amylose as much as Wx-A1a.  相似文献   

Partial waxy (reduced amylose) and fully waxy (amylose-free) tetraploid durum wheats (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) were used to investigate the relationships between both intra- and inter-granular variation in amylose concentration and starch functionality. Starches isolated from each genotype (intra-granular amylose variants) were compared to those of commercially available hexaploid wild-type and waxy starches, and functionalities compared to blends (inter-granular variants) of durum waxy and wild-type starches of 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, & 30% amylose content. Starch particle size distributions were not significantly different amongst partial waxy and wild-type genotypes; waxy samples had significantly smaller mean starch granule size. Few significant differences for crystallite melting and related intrinsic heat as determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were observed. The detected differences in starch gel color or gel strength generally were observed for the waxy samples relative to wild-type. Numerous significant differences were observed via Rapid-Visco Analysis (RVA). Pasting peak viscosity and breakdown were inversely proportional to % amylose. Wx-B1 null final viscosity differed significantly from that of all other blends and genotypes, demonstrating that genotypic differences exist amongst the partial waxy types, independent of amylose concentration per se.  相似文献   

Summary Small amounts of potato tuber and leaf tissues are extracted in perchloric acid. After staining with I2-KI solution absorbancies at 618 and 550 nm are measured. The amylose/amylopectin ratio can be estimated from the ratio of the absorbancies by using a formula or a graph in which the specific absorptions of the two compounds are introduced. Weighing of samples is not required. The method can be used for the estimation of the starch composition of minitubers and is especially suitable for the detection of mutants with an altered starch composition.  相似文献   

The constituent starches from eleven cultivars of non-waxy rice with different degrees of cooking hardness were subjected to detailed analysis. No significant differences were observed in the granule morphology, crystallinity and size distribution of the starch granules that could be correlated with the textures of the cooked, parboiled rices. Differences in the contents of amylose and the fine structures of amylopectin were detected, however, which did correlate with texture. It appeared that the texture of the rices was critically controlled by the proportion of the longest (DP 92–98) and shortest (DP&lE25) amylopectin chains but not the intermediate (DP 43–68) chains. Hard cooking rice tended to have a higher amylose content (or amylose:amylopectin ratio) and more longer chain amylopectin than soft cooking rice, which feature is thought to encourage more extensive intra and/or inter molecular interactions with other components in rice grain, such as protein, lipid and non-starch polysaccharides and results in a firmer texture. The different amylopectin structures may explain why rices that possess similar amylose contents can have different textural properties. Such a correlation suggests that the structure of the starches determined from the SE–HPLC profile of the debranched amylopectin could be useful as a sensitive screening method in the classification of cooked rice texture.  相似文献   

Prolamin is a major class of rice proteins but its influence on the physicochemical properties of rice is not clear. Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) and TA-XT2 TPA textural analyses were performed on rice starch with the addition of prolamin extracted from three rice cultivars (Hitomebore, M103 and Amaroo), and on rice flour with the prolamin removed by propan-2-ol extraction. Addition of prolamin to rice starch was found to cause a significant (P<0.05) increase in RVA breakdown viscosity but significant (P<0.05) decreases in hardness, adhesiveness and gumminess of the starch gel. Similarly, when prolamin was removed from rice flour, exactly the opposite effect was observed. Addition of prolamin to rice starch also caused it to absorb water faster during cooking but the gelatinised starch absorbed less water compared with control samples without prolamin.  相似文献   

The increasing need to prolong the shelf life of buckwheat has prompted the use of roasting techniques in buckwheat processing. For effective roasting, the responses of common buckwheat (CB) and tartary buckwheat (TB) to the process should be explored. Herein, the antioxidant properties, nutrients, pasting, and thermal properties of raw and roasted buckwheat flours (roasted at 200 °C for 50 s) from two CB and three TB varieties were investigated. Results showed that roasting considerably reduced the total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of TB. The TPC of CB was significantly improved by roasting, whereas the TFC significantly decreased. The total antioxidant capacities were consistent with the TPCs. Additionally, the colour deepened as the amount of antioxidant compounds increased. Unexpectedly, roasting enhanced the protein and fat contents of CB and decreased those of TB. Roasting improved the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of CB, and opposite results were obtained in TB. In conclusion, CB was more suitable to the development of roasted specialty products with nutritional applications than TB. We suggest that differences among varieties should be considered first in the buckwheat roasting process.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of stearic acid on the functional properties of teff starch, a compound granule starch in comparison to maize, a simple type granule starch. Stearic acid was incorporated into teff and maize starches and pasted (held for 5 or 120 min at 91 °C) with an RVA (Rapid Visco Analyser). Teff starch with added stearic acid (0.25 and 1.5% starch basis) did not produce a pasting peak viscosity within short holding time (5 min) compared to maize starch. The paste viscosity of both teff and maize starches with stearic acid increased by about three times with long pasting (120 min). This increase in paste viscosity occurred earlier for teff starch than maize starch. Teff starch with stearic acid was more viscous and was non-gelling. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that stearic acid did not diffuse in teff starch granules, but seemed to coat them. However, stearic acid diffused inside maize starch granules through channels. This microstructural difference may explain the different pasting behavior. The early high paste viscosity and non-gelling properties of the teff starch modified with stearic acid could have promising applications in foods, for example better mouthfeel with lower starch concentration.  相似文献   

A health claim linking the consumption of barley β-glucan and the lowering of blood cholesterol has been allowed in North America and Europe which resulted in increased interest in barley products. Waxy barley flour rich in β-glucan (10% d.b.) was used to produce barley functional spaghetti and compared to semolina spaghetti. The impact of processing (extrusion, drying and cooking) on the physicochemical properties of barley blends and pasta as the molecular characterization of β-glucan were investigated. Pasta processing did not significantly affect the amount of β-glucan, but it impacted the β-glucan physicochemical properties in the end products. In all pasta, extrusion and drying were detrimental to the β-glucan properties, while cooking significantly increased the extractability and molecular weight of β-glucan, and in turn its viscosity, which determines its physiological effectiveness. In general, replacing wheat semolina with barley flour rich in β-glucan resulted in improved barley pasta containing the recommended amount of β-glucan per serving and enhanced β-glucan properties.  相似文献   

Wheat bran is one of the major dietary fiber sources widely used in the food industry in order to produce fiber-rich foods. The effects of particle size and addition level of wheat bran on the quality of flour and of dry white Chinese noodles (DWCN) were investigated. Results suggested that increasing wheat bran concentration and particle size decreased midline peak value (MPV). However, the MTxW and MPT increased as particle size increased. Peak viscosity, trough, final viscosity, area of viscosity, breakdown, and setback of blends decreased significantly with increasing bran levels from 5% to 20%, but there were no significant differences in the impact of particle size on pasting properties. For the 5% and 10% addition levels, there was no distinct effect in breaking strength of the noodles when bran size was 0.21 mm and 0.53 mm. Hardness, gumminess and chewiness of cooked DWCN showed a downtrend with increasing addition levels and particle size, while adhesiveness showed uptrend. The total score of DWCN showed a downtrend with increasing of addition level and particle size. For the 5% bran level, the scores of cooked DWCN were more than 83 when wheat bran particle size was 0.21 mm and 0.53 mm. By using 5–10% fine bran or using 5% medium bran in wheat flour, it is possible to satisfactorily produce fiber-rich DWCN.  相似文献   

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