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The influence of barium temperature on canine esophageal transit time and gastric motility were studied fluoroscopically. Micropulverized barium sulfate (30% wt/vol) at 35°F, 70°F, and 100°F was given orally to each of five dogs with a minimum of two hours between each temperature. Esophageal transit times ranged from 4 to 9.67 seconds, and gastric contractions average four per minute. Barium temperature had no significant effect on either esophageal transit time or gastric motility.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the Reflex Closure of the œsophageal Groove in Sheep. H. O. M önnia and J. I. Quin
The Growth of Skin Area In Sheep
The Variation and Inter-Dependence of Merino Fleece and Fibre Characteristics.  相似文献   

Signalment, clinical and ultrasonographic findings from 16 dogs with histologically confirmed gastric epithelial neoplasia were reviewed. The most common clinical findings were vomiting, anorexia and weight loss. Hematemesis and melena were uncommon findings. Ten (10/16) dogs were female and there were four Chows. The most common ultrasonographic findings were transmural thickening of the gastric wall associated with altered wall layering. A poorly echogenic lining often was noted on the innermost and/or the outermost portions of the gastric wall, separated by a more echogenic central zone. The distribution of these changes was variable. This ultrasonographic feature, called pseudolayering, was present in 14 dogs. It was believed to most likely correlate to the unevenly layered tumor distribution noted histopathologically. The maximum wall thickening ranged from 1 cm to 2.7 cm. Regional lymphadenopathy was identified ultrasonographically in 15 dogs. Ultrasound-guided fineneedle aspiration biopsy or automated microcore biopsy, endoscopic biopsy, surgical biopsy or necropsy resulted in the diagnosis of carcinoma in 15 dogs and of carcinoid tumor in one dog. The results of this study suggested that ultrasonography was a useful tool for the detection and diagnosis of canine gastric epithelial neoplasia. Furthermore, ultrasonography can assist in obtaining diagnostic samples and in clinical staging of the tumor.  相似文献   


实验以颈静脉分别注射乙酸、丙酸、丁酸的钠盐溶液模拟反刍动物采食后血液中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA,下同)升高的状况;以瘤胃平滑肌电为瘤胃消化运动的指标,研究了绵羊血液中VFA对瘤胃消化运动的影响。结果表明:0.2M的乙酸钠50ml,丙酸钠5ml或丁酸钠2.5ml可增强瘤胃运动的频率和强度:而1M的乙酸钠50ml、丙酸钠5ml或丁酸钠2.5ml对瘤胃运动的频率和强度有抑制作用。三种VFA钠盐的作用强弱顺序是:丁酸钠>丙酸钠>乙酸钠。  相似文献   

Benign gastric polyps are uncommon in dogs and most are discovered incidentally. Polyps protruding into the pyloric antrum can cause gastric outflow obstruction. Clinical and ultrasonographic findings in seven dogs with histologically confirmed benign mucosal gastric polyps were reviewed. Sonographic findings such as shape, size, echogenicity, location, evidence of gastric wall thickening, wall layering, and size of regional lymph nodes were recorded. Five sessile and two pedunculated masses of different sizes (range 7–60 mm) and echogenicities were found. They primarily arose from the mucosal layer and protruded into the gastric lumen. Only one dog had a large inhomogeneous mass with a poorly visualized gastric wall layering. The polyps were all single, and were located in the pyloric antrum in six out of seven dogs. Although the ultrasonographic appearance allowed a presumptive diagnosis of mucosal gastric polyp, the final diagnosis was determined from histopathologic examination.  相似文献   

This paper is a retrospective analysis of the radiographic appearance of one benign and four malignant gastric ulcers in dogs. The benign gastric was diagnosed radiographically following gastric surgery and was healed at necropsy 28 months after diagnosis. Malignant gastric ulcers were confirmed at surgery and/or necropsy. None of the five ulcers penetrated the normally expected gastric contour. Mucosal fold pattern was either partially or completely effaced with all five ulcers. Undermining appeared to be present asymmetrically in the benign and one malignant ulcer, and symmetrically in one malignant ulcer. Tissue surrounding the ulcers joined the normal gastric wall very abruptly in three malignant ulcers. This transition was more gradual in the benign ulcer and was not identified in one malignant ulcer. None of these ulcers completely fit the criteria used in people to diagnose benign gastric ulcer. Prospective evaluation of more cases with a more thorough radiographic technique is needed  相似文献   

The clinical, ultrasonographic and, when available, histopathologic findings of gastric ulceration in 7 dogs were reviewed. The most common clinical signs were vomiting, hematemesis, melena, weight loss and anemia. Ultrasonographic features of gastric ulcer included local thickening of the gastric wall, possible loss of the 5-layer structure, the presence of a wall defect or "crater", fluid accumulation in the stomach and diminished gastric motility.The localized gastric thickening varied from 9 to 16 mm. The ulcer crater was often located in the center of the thickened site and appeared as a mucosal defect associated with persistent accumulation of small echoes, most likely representing microbubbles. In this preliminary study, there was no definitive ultrasonographic distinction between benign and malignant ulcers.  相似文献   

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