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尹冬  王娟 《警犬》2009,(3):20-20
临床常见动物胸腰椎部受强烈钝性外力作用后,会引起脊髓组织病变明显的挫伤和病变不明显的震荡两种情况。腰荐部脊髓损伤后使犬正常排粪姿势改变,肛门括约肌丧失排便反射,是犬发生便秘的常见原因。  相似文献   

临床常见动物胸腰椎部受强烈钝性外力作用后,会引起脊髓组织病变明显的挫伤和病变不明显的震荡两种情况.腰荐部脊髓损伤后使犬正常排粪姿势改变,肛门括约肌丧失排便反射,是犬发生便秘的常见原因.  相似文献   

犬球虫病的诊疗报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
<正> 犬球虫病是犬常见的一种肠道原虫性疾病,感染率和发病率均很高,尤其对仔幼犬危害较大,有时甚至是毁灭性的。笔者于1991年3月—6月诊治了98例球虫病犬,现报告如下:1 发病情况某犬场共有狼种犬100多头,其中仔幼犬90多头。成年犬舍饲散放,仔犬群养。该犬群于1991  相似文献   

宠物膀胱结石时有发生,由于其尿道狭窄细长,膀胱收缩力弱,一旦在这些部位形成结石很难排出,以常规疗法诊治成功率极小,往往以淘汰而告终,给犬主造成心理上的痛苦。为解决这一难题,我们大胆试用药物配合按摩诊治获得成功,现将诊治过程详述如下。驻马店市电表厂退休工人李某夫妇养一小型犬不久前发病,在其他地方治疗无好转,反而病情加重,后经别人介绍于2006年3月19日来我院治疗。1发病情况该犬属纯种京八,毛色金黄,雌性,已生过二胎,体重约5kg。患犬体温40.5℃,心跳129次/min,呼吸63次/min。张口喘粗气。并有后蹲现象。时而侧卧、四肢伸开,表现…  相似文献   

肠梗阻是指肠腔内容物运行发生障碍,不能顺利通过肠道。这类疾病发生的主要原因是由于异物或者由于肠蠕动机能紊乱而使多量内容物集聚于肠管某部,逐渐变干硬继而引起的肠腔狭窄或阻塞的一种疾病。由于犬生活习性及行为特点导致该病多发。现将我们对三例典型犬肠梗阻的诊治情况报告如下。病例1:1991年4月12日,香坊区张某饲养的3月龄牧羊犬。主诉:发病10天,病初饮欲正常,但采食量减少,排稀便。随着病情的发展,病犬出现食后呕吐,排便少。临床检查 T39.0℃,P130次/分,R30次/分;体格中等,消瘦,被毛蓬乱,精神沉郁,眼结膜轻度潮红,舌苔白、厚腻,眼窝塌陷,频频努责,偶  相似文献   

在规模化肉犬养殖过程中,体内外寄生虫的感染是影响犬生长发育的一个重要因素。2004年,任港街办某肉犬养殖场内的12条犬(其中10条圣伯纳犬,2条大丹犬)发生了以剧烈瘙痒、脱毛和湿疹性皮炎为主要临床特征的接触性传染性皮肤病,经过药物治疗和加强饲养管理等综合防治措施后,所有病犬痊愈。现报告如下:1发病情况2004年4月,该养殖场工作人员来我站求诊,主述其场内有部分肉犬近几天食欲减退甚至废绝,坐立不安,时不时发出嗷嗷怪叫,不时在身体上搔抓和啃咬,逐渐消瘦,已连续使用青霉素、链霉素和复方氨基比林治疗3天,效果不佳,病情逐渐加重。2临床症…  相似文献   

<正> 犬角膜炎常因失于医治而转为慢性经过,在角膜面上形成白斑或色素斑;或形成乳白色云雾状,称角膜翳。角膜翳的形成是白细胞浸润的结果,即在受损害的角膜面上形成不透明的白色斑痕。由于角膜混浊(翳膜)的形成破坏了角膜的透明度和弯曲度,从  相似文献   

吴嘉  于娜 《警犬》2009,(11):19-21
急性脊髓损伤(ASCI)是兽医临床上常见而又严重的创伤,其致残率极高。常见的急性脊髓损伤主要见于脊柱骨折(椎体骨折、椎体错位、椎弓骨折等)、椎间盘脱出或突出等。脊椎骨折主要与外伤有关,如:车祸、从高处跌落、暴力打击脊柱等。常见的脊柱骨折类型主要有:暴裂骨折、移位骨折、压缩性骨折等。  相似文献   

急性脊髓损伤(ASCI)是兽医临床上常见而又严重的创伤,其致残率极高。常见的急性脊髓损伤主要见于脊柱骨折(椎体骨折、椎体错位、椎弓骨折等)、椎间盘脱出或突出等。脊椎骨折主要与外伤有关,如:车祸、从高处跌落、暴力打击脊柱等。常见的脊柱骨折类型主要有:暴裂骨折、移位骨折、压缩性骨折等。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病诊疗报告刘志圣,曹云峰,张卡(哈尔滨良种犬繁育中心)犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒引起的以出血性肠炎和非化脓性心肌炎为特征的急性传染病.幼犬发病率及死亡率极高。本文介绍我中心本病流行情况及防治体会。本病1978年在美国中西部首次流行并在短期内...  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Beagle dog was presented for investigation of a left pelvic limb gait abnormality. Neurolocalisation indicated a lumbar (L2 to L5) spinal cord lesion. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an intramedullary mass was demonstrated at L3. The mass was partially removed under general anaesthesia and a diagnosis of ependymoma was made on histological examination. The dog was treated with postoperative orthovoltage x-ray radiation (total dose; 44 Gy given in 11 fractions over a 4 week period) combined with low dose carboplatin (25 mg/m2). The dog was alive 16 months after surgery without further neurological deficits. No further tumour growth was detected on subsequent MRI evaluations.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old spayed female Golden Retriever was examined because of progressive hind limb lameness. Magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic and lumbar portions of the vertebral column revealed a focal, contrast-enhancing, intramedullary spinal cord mass. The history, signalment, and magnetic resonance findings were suggestive of spinal cord neoplasia. A hemilaminectomy, durotomy, and longitudinal myelotomy were performed, and a 1 X 1-cm mass that contained numerous blood vessels was removed with blunt dissection. Results of histologic examination and immunohistochemical staining of the mass suggested that it was a hamartoma. The dog improved after surgery, with no evidence of a recurrence of clinical signs 14 months after surgery. Vascular malformations of the CNS in dogs include hamartomas, hemangiomas, angiomas, hemangioblastomas, meningocerebral hemangiomatosis, and arteriovenous malformations. A hamartoma is a non-neoplastic overgrowth of cells or an improper proportion of cells that are normally in the involved tissue. Although magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful in determining the extent of the lesion in dogs with vascular malforrmations, it cannot be used to distinguish neoplastic from non-neoplastic formations. Excision may result in a good outcome for dogs with an intramedullary spinal cord hamartoma.  相似文献   

Primary lymphosarcoma of the spinal cord has been infrequently reported. This tumor was classified as intramedullary, the least common type of spinal cord tumor. The dog had rapid onset of paresis and paralysis, with no sign of spinal pain.  相似文献   

An astrocytoma of the cervical spinal cord was diagnosed in a 3-year-old Siberian Husky. The dog had an 8-week history of progressive neurologic deficits that finally resulted in nonambulatory tetraparesis. Neurologic examination, CSF analysis, myelography, exploratory laminectomy and histopathologic examination were performed. Intramedullary spinal cord tumors such as astrocytomas are rare, and this case illustrates the manner in which spinal cord tumors may be confused with other nervous system diseases, both from a clinical and clinicopathologic standpoint.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, spayed female giant schnauzer was presented for evaluation of chronic, progressive tetraparesis. Diagnostic imaging was consistent with intervertebral disk protrusion, and surgical decompression and stabilization were performed. Postoperatively the dog did not improve, and further imaging suggested an intramedullary mass at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra. The dog was euthanized 7 days after surgery, and a teratoma was found postmortem.  相似文献   

The history, clinical signs, diagnosis and post-mortem findings of a malignant glioma of the spinal cord of a 5-year-old female Borzoi are reported. A discrepancy between the localization of the cord lesion by neurological examination and myelography is described. A myelogram showed a filling defect of the subarachnoid space caudal to the cord lesion. As the site for surgical exploration was based on the myelographic findings the cord tumour was not exposed during surgery. Autopsy confirmed a malignant glioma in the area of the cord suggested by neurological examination.  相似文献   

Central neurocytoma is a rare, prognostically favorable neuronal tumor of the human central nervous system, typically located intraventricularly near the foramen of Monro. Extraventricular cerebral neurocytomas and spinal tumors have also been reported. To date, however, neurocytomas have not been documented in domestic animal species. In this report, we describe a spinal cord tumor in a dog. The microscopic examination revealed tumor cells forming loosely packed clusters in some areas and palisades in other areas. In addition, they showed fine fibrillary neuropil-like areas of different sizes, sometimes resembling the "rosettes" of pineocytomas, as well as ependymoma-like perivascular pseudorosettes. The tumor cells had scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, with perinuclear halos, closely resembling the appearance of oligodendroglioma. Immunohistochemical staining showed expression of synaptophysin and neuron-specific enolase by tumor cells and pronounced in fibrillary areas. On the basis of histomorphology and immunohistochemical reactivity, the present tumor was diagnosed as extraventricular neurocytoma.  相似文献   

Ependymoma of the spinal cord in a young dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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