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Water erosion and runoff can be severe due to poor infiltration through frozen soil in the dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production region of the inland Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA. For more than 70 years, farmers and researchers have used various methods of subsoiling to reduce runoff and erosion and to improve infiltration and soil moisture storage. The practice and equipment have evolved from chiseling continuous open channels across hillslopes to the rotary subsoiler that pits the soil. Farmers often subsoil wheat stubble after harvest, but do not employ this practice on newly planted winter wheat fields. These fields are especially vulnerable to erosion because of meager residue cover after a year of fallow. A 6-year field study was conducted in eastern Washington to determine the effect of rotary subsoiling in newly planted winter wheat on over-winter water storage, erosion, infiltration, and grain yield. There were two treatments, rotary subsoiling and control. The rotary subsoiler created one 40 cm-deep pit with 4 L capacity every 0.7 m2. Natural precipitation did not cause rill erosion in either treatment because of mild winters during the study period. Net change in water stored over winter was significantly (P < 0.05) improved with rotary subsoiling compared to the control in 2 of 6 years. Grain yield was not affected by treatments in any year or when averaged over years. In 2003, we simulated rainfall for approximately 3 h at a rate of 18 mm/h on both subsoiled and control plots to determine runoff and erosion responses on frozen soils. Rotary subsoiling reduced runoff (P < 0.01) by 38%. Rotary subsoiling also significantly reduced erosion (P < 0.01) during the 20–45 min period after runoff had begun. The total quantities of eroded soils were 1.3 and 3.4 Mg/ha for the subsoiled and control treatments, respectively, with inter-rill the dominant erosion process. The average infiltration rate for the control treatment (3.3 mm/h) was half of the rate for the subsoiled treatment (6.6 mm/h), at the end of the 3 h simulation. Rotary subsoiling of newly-planted winter wheat can increase soil moisture stored over-winter and reduce runoff and soil loss on frozen soils, but the benefit of this practice for increasing grain yield has not been proven.  相似文献   

A 2‐year field experiment was carried out in loessal soil in a semi‐humid climate to explore the integrative influences of subsoiling on soil properties and winter wheat grain yield. Results showed that it was essential to deepen the plough pan in loessal soil. The sharply increased soil penetration resistance (>7 MPa) in plough pan under dry soil condition was especially harmful for plant growth. In rotary tillage treatment, the waterlogging conditions caused by shallow plough pan slightly produced macropores and preferential water flow. Significantly, higher grain yield was obtained in the subsoiling tillage treatment, increased by 21.9% in 2016 and 11.3% in 2017, respectively. Subsoiling tillage improved the resilience of winter wheat under adverse climate conditions. Subsoiling tillage should be popularized in loessal soil with shallow plough pan in semi‐humid climate. This study may provide valuable information on soil sustainable use and management in loessal soil.  相似文献   

In the USA a suggested method for correcting late season K deficiencies in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is by in-row deep placement of K fertilizer. Experiments were conducted on three Alabama soils (southeastern USA) for 3 years to evaluate cotton response to K fertilizer when surface broadcast with and without in-row subsoiling (to 38 cm depth) or deep placed in the in-row subsoil channel. Potassium was applied at rates ranging from 0 to 84 kg K ha−1. Deep placement was achieved with a fertilizer applicator developed to distribute dry fertilizer at three depths down the back of the subsoil shank. All three soils also had deep placement treatments of 1680 kg ha−1 agricultural limestone with and without 84 kg K ha−1. Soils were an Emory silt loam (fine-silty, siliceous Fluventic Umbric Dystrochrepts), a Norfolk sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous Typic Kandiudults), and a Lucedale sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, siliceous Rhodic Paleuduts). All three soils had medium soil test K concentrations in the plow layer and medium or low concentrations of K at greater depths. The Norfolk soil had a well-developed traffic pan and in-row subsoiling increased seed cotton yields by an average of 22% during the 3 years of the study. Cotton responded to K fertilization in 2 out of 3 years at each location (6 out of 9 site-years) regardless of the method of K application. Annual applications of 84 kg K ha−1 increased 3 year average seed cotton yields by 17%, 10% and 19% on the Emory, Norfolk and Lucedale soils, respectively. Deep placement of agricultural limestone with or without K fertilizer for cotton did not increase cotton yields.  相似文献   

Abstract. Direct drilling was compared with mouldboard ploughing on a sandy clay loam using winter wheat as the test crop for a period of four years (1978/79 to 1981/82). The effect of short- and long-term sequences of direct-drilling on grain yield from 1981/85 was also investigated and in 1983/84 and 1984/85 the effect of soil loosening by a slant-legged subsoiler, the'Paraplow'. The range in annual mean yields was 7.19 to 9.32 t ha-1. There were no significant differences in grain yield between direct-drilling and ploughing except in 1979 when direct-drilled wheat yielded 0.60 t ha-1 more than wheat after ploughing. The number of years the land had been direct-drilled had no effect on grain yield.
Using a slant-legged subsoiler on direct-drilled land significantly reduced cone resistance and increased root density, but these effects were variable across the working width of the implement. Subsoiling did not increase yield in 1983/84, and in 1984/85 it reduced yield by 0.45 t ha-1.
Long-term direct drilling of winter wheat on the Tickenham soil series is unlikely to result in a loss of yield provided straw is burnt and grass weeds are controlled.  相似文献   

Dry matter yield and water uptake by barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. ‘Gus') and wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. ‘Inia 66') grown in full strength Hoagland nutrient solution were compared under three NaCl salinity levels in a growth chamber. Total dry matter yield decreased with increasing salinity for both plants, but wheat was more severely affected than barley at the high salinity level. Reduction in dry matter weights of barley and wheat were 57% and 67%, respectively, at the 1.2 MPa stress. Salt stress substantially decreased the number of tillers in both crops, however, this reduction was more severe for wheat than barley. The numbers of tillers were 10 and 7 for barley plants at 0.6 and 1.2 MPa stress, respectively. The respective values were 6 and 4 for wheat plants. Water uptake in both plants was substantially decreased by increasing salinity stress. This reduction was essentially similar for both plants. Water uptake per gram dry weight was not significantly affected by salt stress for barley. For wheat, only 1.2 MPa stress increased the amount of water absorbed per g dry matter produced.  相似文献   

豫西旱坡地高留茬深松对冬小麦生态效应的研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
丘陵旱坡地长期定位试验研究结果表明 ,高留茬深松保持耕作技术具有蓄水保墒、防止水土流失、培肥改土、抑制杂草和增加土壤生物量等土壤环境效应以及促进冬小麦生长发育、提高产量的生物学效应 ,比传统耕作 2年冬小麦平均增产 70 3.6kg/hm2 ,平均增产率 18.8% ,平均水分利用效率提高 1.9kg/hm2 ·mm ,平均增长率 16 .8%。  相似文献   

The proportion of straw and grain as well as of nitrogen (N) in the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plant was greatly changed by the distribution of rain in the pre‐ and post‐anthesis periods and by the existence of air temperatures above 30°C during grain filling along with N fertilizer rate. The response of barley to N rates of 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N/ha was studied over a three‐year period. Adequate rainfall in the pre‐anthesis period, little rain in the post‐anthesis period, and air temperatures above 30°C during the hard dough stage of the grain development, produced high N translocation to the grain as well as a positive response on grain yield and N content in the grain up to a fertilizer rate of 118 N kg/ha. Above this rate, grain yield decreased, while the N content in grain continued to increase. Optimum moisture conditions during the pre‐ and post‐anthesis periods, and mild temperatures during the grain filling period, produced a good grain yield response to N fertilizer rate, increases up to 131 kg N/ha without varying the N content in grain. The N translocation efficiency was somewhat lower than low rainfall in the post‐anthesis period. Low rainfall in the pre‐anthesis period and air temperatures above 30°C in the early milk stage of the grain made grain filling difficult, even when the rainfall was sufficient in the post‐anthesis period. Hence under these conditions, N fertilizer rate did not increase the grain yield, but the N content and the N‐translocation efficiency decreased with increasing N fertilizer rates.  相似文献   

冬小麦根系对施肥深度的生物学响应研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
施肥深度对冬小麦根系分布及后期衰老影响的根管栽培试验结果表明,施肥深度可改变不同土体中小麦根重及根系活性,较深层次(50~100cm)施肥有利于小麦根长增加和下层土壤中根重及根系活性的提高,同时可增加旗叶叶面积和净光合率,并使小麦根系SOD和POD活性保持较高水平,抑制过氧化产物MDA的产生,延缓根系及旗叶衰老,明显提高小麦产量。施肥过深(150cm)虽能诱导根系下扎,但小麦总根重和产量却均有所下降。  相似文献   

Twenty four barley lines derived from the F 7generation of crosses between two winter barley cultivars and different accessions of Hordeum spontaneum Koch collected in Israel were tested against a set of ten European and five Israeli powdery mildew cultures, possessing virulence genes which completely match the spectrum of known mildew resistance genes. The comparison of reaction patterns justified the conclusion that new genes for resistance have been conferred from H. spontaneum which also differ from genes previously identified in other wild barley accessions from Israel. Participation in the expression of the resistance reaction of one of the two barley cultivars used in the development of the lines is well documented in some cases. The majority of the lines was found to be highly resistant against all or almost all European isolates, while various kinds of reactions were observed against the Israeli cultures. The effective transfer of novel mildew resistance from H. spontaneum into winter barley confirms similar results with spring barley, indicating natural wild barley populations in Israel as a significant gene pool for yet unexploited mildew resistance in barley.  相似文献   

Wild barley (Hordeum sp.) germplasm is rich in genetic diversity and provides a treasure trove of useful genes for crop improvement. We carried out a comprehensive program combining short‐term hydroponic screening via hematoxylin‐staining of root‐regrowth procedure and filter paper–based evaluation of diverse germplasm in response to Al/acid stress using 105 annual Tibetan wild barley and 45 cultivated barley genotypes. Root elongation among the 105 Tibetan wild barley genotypes varied significantly after Al exposure, ranging from 62.9% to 80.0% in variation coefficients and 4.35 to 4.45 in diversity index. These genotypic differences in Al resistance were fairly consistent in both the hydroponic and filter paper–based evaluations: XZ16, XZ166, and XZ113 were selected as Al‐resistant genotypes, and XZ61, XZ45, and XZ98 as Al‐sensitive wild genotypes. Furthermore, significantly lower Al concentrations in roots and shoots were detected in the three selected Al‐resistant genotypes than in the three sensitive genotypes in the filter paper–based experiment. Meanwhile, XZ16 was the least affected by Al toxicity in regard to reduced SPAD value (chlorophyll meter readings), plant height, root length, dry biomass, tillers per plant, and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in the long‐term hydroponic experiment compared with the Al‐resistant cultivated barley cv. Dayton, while XZ61 had the severest stress symptoms.  相似文献   

Increasing fertilizer costs have prompted farmers to ask whether soils could be maintained at lower levels of plant‐available phosphorus (Olsen P) than currently recommended without losing yield. To help answer this question, we assessed the response to Olsen P by spring barley grown from 1986 to 1991, followed by winter wheat from 1992 to 2008, on a silty clay loam soil. Each year the curve relating grain yield to Olsen P was fitted statistically to determine the asymptotic yield and the Olsen P associated with 98% of that yield, that is, the critical level of Olsen P. The variance accounted for by the relationship ranged between 83 and 97% in all but two years, suggesting that the availability of soil P was the major soil factor affecting yield and that Olsen P was a reliable measure of plant‐available P in soil. Asymptotic annual yield of spring barley ranged from 2.34 to 7.12 t/ha and of winter wheat from 3.87 to 10.36 t/ha. In part, this range in yields was because of changes in the cultivar grown while the range of yields for any one cultivar was probably due to differences in weather, principally rainfall, between years. Critical Olsen P ranged from 7 to 18 mg/kg for both cereal crops (with one outlier at 26 mg/kg for winter wheat) most probably due to seedbed and soil structure conditions affecting root growth, and thus acquisition of available soil P, and the way these soil factors were affected by weather. Thus, a general recommendation for cereals grown on this silty clay loam, which is comparatively easy to cultivate, would be to maintain Olsen P at about 20 mg/kg in the plough layer to minimize the risk of losing yield in some years. This value, 20 mg/kg, equivalent to 20 mg/L, is the midpoint of P Index 2, the recommended P Index given in the Fertiliser Manual (RB209) (Defra 2010) for soils growing arable crops and grass in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

A large-scale field experiment was conducted over four seasons on a gleysol (24% clay in topsoil) in Scotland. Conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow rotary or tine cultivation were investigated for the incorporation of straw in winter barley. Straw after harvest was either chopped or removed. Thus the residue treatments were either straw plus stubble or stubble only. Incorporation depths ranged from 0–100 to 0–300 mm.The presence of straw changed soil physical conditions after several seasons in which straw was incorporated. In the ploughed treatments, the presence of straw plus stubble decreased the average soil water content and matric potential in the topsoil in comparison to stubble only, indicating more rapid drainage. This was associated with the presence of buried straw in zones of loose soil just above plough depth and with a long-term increase in soil pore continuity related to the presence of straw residues. The presence of straw plus stubble under conventional ploughing decreased thermal diffusivities in the top 150 mm of soil in comparison with stubble only. Shallow incorporation of straw plus stubble gave higher overall strengths, bulk densities, lower water infiltration rates and poorer drainage in the topsoil than deeper incorporation. However, shallow incorporation caused an accumulation of organic matter over the first three seasons. This accumulation probably contributed to the increased aggregate stability and resistance to compaction of the top 50-mm soil layer, indicating improved resistance to erosion and to further compaction.  相似文献   

冬小麦籽粒品质评价及其对气象因子的响应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选用南北方冬麦区主要推广品种作试验材料,通过田间分期播种试验方法,采用方差分析、主成分分析对冬小麦籽粒性状和内在品质进行分析评价,利用线性相关、二次曲线相关和逐步回归等方法,选择影响显著的气象因子绘制品质响应曲线,构建冬小麦品质预测模型。结果表明:各供试小麦品种均属中蛋白品种,其主要品质性状中,淀粉含量最高且变异程度最小,蛋白质含量次高变异程度居中,脂肪含量最低但变异程度最大;蛋白质、脂肪和产量区域差异显著,各品质含量地域分布总体呈北方较南方高而稳定的特点;蛋白质组分氨基酸品质可由3个主成分解释,一般非必需氨基酸谷氨酸含量最高,必需氨基酸蛋氨酸含量最低,北方麦区氨基酸品质优于南方麦区,表明北方气温日较差大更利于提高氨基酸含量;脂肪组分脂肪酸品质可由4个主成分解释,一般不饱和脂肪酸亚油酸含量最高,饱和脂肪酸十五碳一烯酸含量最低。温湿条件是影响冬小麦籽粒品质的主要气象因子,可通过调整开花-成熟期气温日较差和降低土壤湿度的方式提高蛋白质或氨基酸品质,通过调节开花-成熟期最低气温和土壤湿度的方式提高脂肪或脂肪酸品质。  相似文献   

In this study, ten‐day‐old seedlings of barley {Hordeum vulgare L. cultivar Anadolu [boron (B)‐tolerant] and Hamidiye (B‐sensitive)} were used. Boron‐treated plants were grown on H3BO3 solution (final concentration of 10 mM) for five days. Control plants received no B treatment during this period. Total protein patterns were obtained by analysis of total protein extract from root and leaf tissues of control and B‐treated plants using two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. The protein profile of B‐treated seedlings of each cultivar was compared to the profile of control (no stress treatment) plants of the same cultivar. Silver‐stained gels showed that B stress caused increases or decreases in a number of proteins in root and leaf tissues. Moreover, as a result of B treatment, one newly synthesized protein with relative molecular weight (Mr) of 35.0 kDa was detected in root profile of the tolerant cultivar. This protein failed to show up in root profile of the B‐treated sensitive cultivar. Three proteins were quantitatively increased in B‐treated root profile of both cultivars. Following B treatment, three proteins were increased in root profile of the tolerant cultivar, but were not changed in the sensitive one. In leaf tissues, however, there were remarkable changes in total protein profiles after B treatment, relative to the control. Following B treatment, in leaf tissues, at least seven proteins were increased in amount in tolerant cultivar but were unchanged in the susceptible one. In tolerant and sensitive cultivars, amounts of two proteins were increased in B‐treated plants, relative to control seedlings. In addition, four proteins (Mr:29, 58, 58, and 22 kDa) were unchanged in control and B‐treated seedlings of the tolerant cultivar. In the susceptible cultivar however, among these four proteins, the first one (Mr:29) was very much reduced and the others (Mr: 58, 58, and 22 kDa) were completely lost in B‐treated seedlings. Moreover, following B treatment, a set of high‐molecular‐weight proteins was quantitatively decreased in the susceptible cultivar but was unchanged in the tolerant cultivar. These results indicate that in barley, certain proteins may be involved in tolerance to B toxicity. In this study, changes in polypeptide composition as a result of B toxic concentration in leaf tissues were more abundant than in roots. Therefore, it is suggested that these changes, especially at shoot level may form the basis of the tolerance mechanism to B toxicity.  相似文献   

冬大麦花后穗部氮素积累及转移的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大田条件下,以扬饲麦3、扬饲麦1、苏啤2号和扬农啤2号等4个品种为供试材料,在07、5、1502、25.kg/hm24个氮肥处理水平下,研究了大麦花后穗部氮积累及转移的规律。结果表明,在扬饲麦3、扬饲麦1、苏啤2号和扬农啤2号4个品种各氮肥处理的平均值中,开花期绿叶的含氮量依次为2.64%、2.76%、2.63%和2.45%,穗部含氮量依次为1.43%、1.83%、1.69%和1.51%。成熟期子粒含氮量分别为2.65%、2.63%、2.48%和2.14%。氮的花前积累量(NABF)依次为17.68、15.27、19.80和14.85.mg/plant,总积累量(NTA)分别为33.75、25.51、54.24和28.83mg/plant,花后积累量(NAAF)依次为16.061、0.25、34.45和13.98.mg/plant,转移量(NT)依次为12.60、10.551、3.48和9.54.mg/plant,转移效率(NTE)分别为71.49%、69.84%、68.42%和64.97%。收获指数(NHI)分别为84.91%、81.95%、88.47%和81.90%;随着施氮水平的提高,各品种的花前氮积累量、总积累量、花后积累量和氮转移量均呈上升趋势,而氮转移效率、氮转移对子粒的贡献(NCR)率则成下降趋势;大麦花后穗部氮积累过程可以用Richards方程W=A/(1+be-kt)m来描述,通径分析方程各特征参数与氮积累和转移的关系表明,影响大麦穗部氮积累和转移的主要因素是最大积累速率,其次是起始积累势,最大积累速率越高,起始积累势越小,越有利于氮的积累和转移。同时,积累中期和前期的积累速率和积累量对大麦穗部氮积累和转移的影响也较大。  相似文献   

The tillage system, which joins soil tillage, fertilisation, and seed sowing in one pass of a machine, is rarely used in cereal cultivation. This research aimed to study whether strip-till and conventional tillage (post-harvest ripping and mixing of stubble, ploughing, pre-sowing fertilisation, and seedbed preparation) differ in plant density, yield components, and grain yield of winter barley cultivated on Cambisol in a region with low rainfall, the annual average is about 500?mm. To reach this aim, a two-year, large-plot experiment was conducted in a production field. The soil within the field was spatially variable in texture, moisture, and chemical and biological properties, CV 2.3% do 29.6%. Strip-till had lower within-field spatial variability of winter barley grain yield than conventional tillage. The standard deviation was 0.36?t?ha?1, 0.67?t?ha?1 in the first year and 0.12?t?ha?1, 0.30?t?ha?1 in the second year, respectively. During the period of limited rainfall, strip-till had greater uniformity of plants after emergence; after the winter with low air temperature and a low amount of snow, it had greater plant density. Thus, strip-till can reduce variability of plants and their yield within a field, especially in adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Since the fate of nanoparticles after their release in the environment and their possible transfer in plants and subsequent impacts is still largely unknown, this paper evaluates the potential phytotoxic effects of up to 20% w/w TiO2 nanoparticles (nTiO2) on barley cultivated in hydroponics and agar media. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that nTiO2 powder corresponds to anatase phase. On agar medium only high concentrations of nTiO2 (10% and 20% w/w) induced significant inhibition of shoot growth. However, hydroponics treatment with nTiO2 up to 1000?mg?L?1 did not show any adverse effect on the shoot growth. In both experiments, (i) root growth inhibition effects became visible with increasing concentration of nTiO2, (ii) plants treated with nTiO2 showed no change in chlorophyll a and b content, even though the plants absorbed nTiO2, (iii) weight of biomass treated with nTiO2 was not significantly different compared to control. Therefore, we assume that transport of nTiO2 into the aerial parts is limited due to the presence of effective mechanical or physiological barriers in roots. Overall, it appears that early root growth is a relevant indicator of potential effects of nTiO2 exposure. Our results also indicate that synthesized nTiO2 are not significantly toxic to the barley when applied at the concentrations used in this work, even though plants absorb titanium.  相似文献   

Grains of triticale are one of the feedstocks suitable for bioethanol production because they are characterised by high starch and low protein contents. In the present study, spring and winter triticale were comparatively studied to evaluate the influence of N fertilisation intensity on the productivity and bioethanol yield, as well as to assess the relationship between the meteorological factors and ethanol yield. Six treatments of N – 0, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180?kg?ha?1 were compared in spring triticale and in winter triticale crops. The analysis of variance showed that nitrogen level (factor A), year (factor B) and their interaction (A × B) significantly (P?≤?.01) influenced grain yield, starch yield and bioethanol yield of both spring and winter triticale. Fertilisation was the main factor explaining 47.6% and 41.0% of the total variability of bioethanol yield of spring and winter triticale, respectively. Nitrogen fertiliser rates 120–180?kg?ha?1 resulted in maximum bioethanol yield of spring triticale (2417–2480?l?ha?1) and winter triticale (4311–4420?l?ha?1). Bioethanol conversion efficiency of nitrogen-fertilised spring and winter triticale was similar 492?l?t?1 and 508?l??1, respectively. Meteorological factors had a greater impact on grain productivity and bioethanol yield for winter triticale than for spring triticale. Both seasonal types of triticale could be good feedstocks for bioethanol production in the areas with congenial weather conditions for their cultivation.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports the growth and yield of grain and the utilization of fertilizer nitrogen applied on either one or two occasions in spring to a crop of winter barley established by direct drilling on a chalk soil in southern England. Nitrogen, as ammonium nitrate, was applied at rates of 0 to 140 kg N ha−1 in a range of proportions on two occasions (March and April 1981); nitrogen-15 was used to facilitate study of the nitrogen utilization by the crop.
When sampled before the second top-dressing in April, the greatest number of tillers were found on plants treated with 70 and 100 kg N ha−1 in March. The total above ground dry matter production at harvest was greatest when the split nitrogen dressing totalled more than 100 kg N ha−1, although the apparent efficiency of nitrogen usage (kg DM per kg N applied) was greatest when 60 kg N ha−1 was divided equally between the two application dates. Grain yield was heaviest (6.471 ha−1) at the largest rate of nitrogen applied (140 kg N ha−1); the lightest yield from the nitrogen treated crops was recorded from 100 kg N ha−1 applied as a single dressing in April that stimulated shoot production and decreased individual grain weight. The recovery in grain and straw of labelled fertilizer nitrogen applied only in March averaged 42.2% and was 49.8% when the nitrogen was applied only in April. The recovery of nitrogen applied in both March and April at the total rate of 100 kg N ha−1 but split 30/70 or 70/30 was 44.5% and 42.5% respectively. Non-fertilizer sources of nitrogen contributed 60.7–71.7% of the total nitrogen uptake by the crop at harvest.  相似文献   

不同磷效率小麦对低铁胁迫的基因型差异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
用营养液培养方法研究了不同磷效率小麦幼苗对低铁胁迫的基因型差异。结果表明,低铁胁迫(-Fe)对磷高效基因型小麦生长的抑制作用显著大于对磷低效基因型。低铁处理下,磷高效基因型81(85)-5-3-3-3、Xiaoyan54和Taihe-5025的植株地上部干重平均比正常供铁(+Fe)处理下降55.2%;磷低效基因型Jinghe90-Jian-17、NC37和Jing41平均33.0%。低铁胁迫显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的叶片叶绿素含量,3个磷高效基因型的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素a+b含量分别降低了35.6%、35.3%和35.3%,磷低效基因型分别降低了16.8%、7.7%和11.9%。低铁胁迫对小麦的根系生长、根系吸磷量和磷利用效率均未产生明显的影响,但显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的植株地上部吸磷量和根效率比。与正常供铁的处理相比,磷高效和磷低效基因型小麦的地上部吸磷量和根效率比在低铁处理中平均降低了55.0%、54.9%和32.5%、36.4%。磷高效基因型小麦植株体内积累的磷量明显高于磷低效基因型,这是磷高效基因型不耐低铁的主要原因。磷效率越高,对低铁的反应越敏感。  相似文献   

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