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耕深对土壤物理性质及小麦-玉米产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
为了解不同犁底层破除程度对黄淮海平原农田土壤蓄水保墒、穿透阻力动态变化及作物产量的影响,在山东德州试验基地以冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田为研究对象,设置4个犁底层厚度处理,分别为犁底层不破除(RT15)、犁底层破除1/3(DL20)、犁底层破除2/3(DL25)和犁底层完全破除(DL40)。结果表明:1)完全或者部分破除犁底层均能够显著降低10~30 cm土层容重和穿透阻力,各处理降低幅度具体表现为DL40DL25DL20RT15。2)DL20、DL25和DL40处理有利于增加降水或灌溉后水分入渗,冬小麦苗期20~70 cm土壤平均含水率分别较RT15处理提高5.3%、15.9%和23.6%,且冬小麦季耗水量分别较RT15处理提高4.9%、10.2%和11.6%;DL20、DL25和DL40处理夏玉米苗期20~70 cm土壤平均含水率分别较RT15处理提高7.7%、14.2%和15.8%,但夏玉米季耗水量分别较RT15处理降低5.8%、7.6%和10.5%。3)冬小麦季0~15和15~30 cm土层穿透阻力均表现为双峰型,且2土层受冻融作用影响各处理在越冬期达到穿透阻力峰值1 489.2~2 128.1和1 925.4~4 423.7 kPa;30~45 cm土层各处理穿透阻力变化规律在两季作物生长后期差异较大,冬小麦生长后期表现为DL40DL25DL20RT155,而夏玉米后期表现为DL40DL25DL20RT15。4)相对完全打破犁底层,部分打破犁底层更有利于提高水分利用效率,显著增加作物产量,DL25处理冬小麦和夏玉米产量分别较DL40处理增加4.2%和2.4%。综合考虑,DL25是目前相对较好的犁底层改良方式,此时犁底层厚度适当,既可节省农机能耗,又可兼有透水、增产效能。  相似文献   

农业机械的过度使用、密集轮作以及不适当管理等都会造成土壤压实。试验研究了拖拉机行走对土壤特性和小麦生长的影响。试验所使用的耕作机械包括轮式、履带式和手扶式三种拖拉机,分析了土壤压实对小麦生长以及土壤结构不连续性的影响。试验数据表明,土壤密度、土壤阻力以及土壤水分一般会随拖拉机行走次数增加而增大。同时,文中给出了小麦根系与秸秆间蕴涵的机理关系。试验数据还表明,小麦发芽率在显著性水平P≤0.05时,不同处理组之间无明显差异。但是,2、4、6、8、10、12、18周以及收割时的小麦秸秆高度在显著性水平P≤0.01时,各处理组之间却存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组高于履带式拖拉机处理组。当显著性水平分别为P≤0.05和 P≤0.01时,不同处理组的小麦根长度和密度间也存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组同样表现出更好的结果。总之,拖拉机行走会显著影响干物质、谷物产量等小麦生长参数。然而,作物产量不仅受土壤压实的影响,同时很大程度上也取决于天气以及土壤初始压实等因素。  相似文献   

In a field experiment with soil compaction by tractor traffic on a loam soil, the denitrification rate (using the C2H2 inhibition method), the soil structure, and the wheat yield were investigated. Tractor traffic on wet soil (> – 50 mbar matric potential) reduced the pore volume, doubled the percentage of large aggregates (> 20 mm), reduced the wheat yield by about 25%, and increased the N-loss through denitrification by a factor of 3–4. Neither of these parameters were affected by tractor traffic at low soil moisture content. The weight of the tractor (1800 kg vs 4800 kg) did not significantly alter the effect of compaction on the measured parameters. There was a factor of 2–6 between the measured denitrification rate in compacted and that in uncompacted soil, and this factor showed little dependence on the average activity level on each date of measurement. Accumulated values for the measured denitrification during 75 days (May 23-August 9) were 3–5 kg N ha–1 in uncompacted soil and 15–20 kg N ha–1 in soil which was compacted in wet condition.  相似文献   

The capability of the soil water balance model SIMWASER to predict the impact of soil compaction upon the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) is tested, using the results of a field experiment on the influence of soil compaction by wheel pressure upon soil structure, water regime and plant growth. The experimental site was located on an Eutric Cambisol with loamy silt soil texture at an elevation of 260 m in the northern, semi-humid sub-alpine zone of Austria. Within the experimental field a 7 m wide strip was compacted by a tractor driven trailer just before planting maize in May 1988. Compression effects due to trailer traffic resulted in distinct differences of physical and mechanical soil parameters in comparison with the uncompressed experimental plots down to a depth of about 30 cm: bulk density and penetration resistance at field capacity were increased from 1.45 to 1.85 g/cm3, and from 0.8 to 1.5 MPa, respectively, while air-filled pore space as well as infiltration rate were appreciable lowered from about 0.08–0.02 cm3/cm3 and from 50 to 0.5 cm per day, respectively. The overall effect was a clear depression of the dry matter grain yield from 7184 kg/ha of the non-compacted plot to 5272 kg/ha in the compacted field strip. The deterministic and functional model SIMWASER simulates the water balance and the crop yield for any number of crop rotations and years, provided that daily weather records (air temperature, humidity of air, global radiation, wind and precipitation) are available. Crop growth and soil water regime are coupled together by the physiological processes of transpiration and assimilation, which take place at the same time through the stomata of the plant leaves and are both reacting in the same direction to changes in the soil water availability within the rooting zone. The water availability during rainless seasons depends on the hydraulic properties of the soil profile within the rooting depth and on rooting density. Rooting depth and density are affected by both the type of the crop and the penetration resistance of the soil, which depends on the soil moisture status and may be strongly increased by soil compaction. The model SIMWASER was able to simulate these effects as shown by the calculated grain yields, which amounted in the non-compacted plot to 7512 and to 5558 kg dry matter/ha in the compacted plot.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to study the effect of three tillage depths (5, 15 and 30 cm) on soil physical properties and on yield of maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) on a ferruginous tropical soil. The increase in porosity due to deep tillage was only temporary and differences in water storage and movement were only noticeable during the early part of the rainy season. Deep tillage increased the yield of maize and cotton by about 10% but sorghum yield was not affected.  相似文献   

构建适宜作物生长的耕层是解决农田土壤耕层变浅、变薄、变硬和透气透水性差的重要技术途径之一,对于土壤黏粒含量较高的土壤来说,更是如此.该研究以黑龙江省较为典型的农田暗棕壤为研究对象,在黑河市爱辉农业示范园区设置不同耕层构建模式试验,分析不同翻耕深度(15、35 cm)和不同有机物还田(秸秆和牛粪)对暗棕壤物理性质、玉...  相似文献   

秸秆还田配施氮肥改善土壤理化性状提高春玉米产量   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
为了探明秸秆还田配施氮肥耕层构造对春玉米产量及土壤物理性状的影响,2014-2015年在辽宁铁岭设置了秸秆0 kg/hm~2+纯N 0 kg/hm~2(S0F0),秸秆9 000 kg/hm~2+纯N 0 kg/hm~2(SN0),秸秆9 000 kg/hm~2+纯N 112.5 kg/hm~2(SN1),秸秆0 kg/hm~2+纯N 225 kg/hm~2(S0N2)(当地传统种植方式,CK),秸秆9 000 kg/hm~2+纯N 225 kg/hm~2(SN2),秸秆9 000 kg/hm~2+纯N 337.5 kg/hm~2(SN3)6个处理开展了研究。结果表明,秸秆还田配施氮肥耕层构造对春玉米产量、土壤物理性状、根系形态等指标影响显著(P0.05)。全量还田9 000 kg/hm~2和配施纯氮225 kg/hm~2产量最高,比秸秆不还田2 a增产1.10%~11.56%,但产量并未随着施氮量的增加而持续增加;群体生物产量随着施氮量的增加而增加,收获指数在0.46~0.59之间。秸秆还田配施氮肥耕层构造可显著提高土壤含水量,降低土壤容重,调节土壤三相比;秸秆还田配施氮肥耕层构造春玉米根数、根长、根体积、根干质量等根系形态指标均优于秸秆不还田,且随着氮肥施入量的增加,各项指标均表现越好。因此,综合分析认为,秸秆还田量9 000 kg/hm~2和配施氮肥225 kg/hm~2是辽北棕壤区比较理想的耕层构造模式和秸秆还田技术,在该区域农业发展中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Application of urban refuse compost to agricultural soil could help to solve municipalities' problems related to the increasing production of waste only if soil property improvement and environmental conservation can be demonstrated. The use of low-pressure tractor tyres is another proposal in modern agriculture for reducing soil compaction. This study thus aimed to detect the effects of both compost and low-pressure tractor tyres on soil loss, runoff, aggregate stability, bulk density, penetrometer resistance and maize (Zea mays L.) yield. A 3-year field experiment was carried out on a hilly (15% slope) clay loam soil in central Italy. Twelve plots (200 m2 each) were monitored with tipping-pot devices for runoff and soil erosion measurement. Treatments were: compost addition (64 Mg ha−1), mineral fertilisation, use of low-pressure tyres, use of traditional tyres, with three replicates, in a fully randomised block design. Compost was applied once at the beginning of the experiment. Runoff reduction due to compost ranged between 7 and 399 m3 ha−1 during seasons, while soil erosion was reduced between 0.2 and 2.4 Mg ha−1. Mean weight diameter (MWD) of stable aggregates, measured on wheel tracks, increased by 2.19 mm, then progressively decreased. Compost significantly increased bulk density by 0.08 Mg m−3 due to its inert fraction content. This effect was less evident in the second and third year, probably due to harrowing. Maize yields were slightly, but significantly, reduced in composted plots by 1.72 Mg ha−1 in the third year. Low-pressure tyres significantly reduced soil loss in the third year by 1 Mg ha−1. Furthermore, they did not significantly influence runoff volumes and soil structural stability. Low-pressure tyres or compost addition were singly able to prevent an increase in penetrometer resistance due to agricultural machinery traffic. Low-pressure tyres increased the maize yield during the 3 years and the difference (0.4 Mg ha−1) became significant in the third year. In conclusion, results show the positive lasting effect of compost in ameliorating soil physical properties and reducing runoff and soil erosion. Low-pressure tyres appear justifiable both for the observed increase of grain production and reduction of soil compaction. This latter effect is, nevertheless, masked by compost addition which is also able to reduce penetrometer resistance. Further research is required to explain the causes of the slight inhibition of grain yield observed when compost was compared with mineral fertilisation.  相似文献   

The effects of deep tillage on soil physical properties and maize yields were evaluated on a loamy sand soil in which the bulk density distribution did not show a distinct root-limiting soil zone. Sub-soiling, mould-board ploughing and deep digging to 45 cm were compared with conventional tillage with and without irrigation. The tillage operations slightly decreased the bulk density of soil at all working depths. Sub-soiling and deep digging decreased the soil penetration resistance in the 20–40-cm layer to one-tenth of that in the control. They induced deeper and greater rooting and increased profile water use compared with conventional tillage. Sub-soiling, mould-board ploughing and deep digging increased plant height by 30–35 cm and yielded 80–100% more stover and 70–350% more grain than the control in different experiments.  相似文献   

为了探明不同施肥模式对滨海轻度盐碱地土壤化学性质、微生物多样性及玉米表型、产量的影响,确定适宜滨海轻度盐碱耕地的改良模式,通过玉米田间试验5种施肥模式:习惯施肥(T1)、优化施肥(T2)、优化施肥+有机肥(T3)、优化施肥+功能肥(T4)、优化施肥+微藻肥(T5)。播种前和施肥后测定土壤化学性质、微生物,成熟期测定玉米干物质积累量和产量。结果表明:T3的全氮含量比TI显著提高了40.80%;T4的pH值比T1显著降低了7.27%,有机质含量比T1显著提高了13.53%;T5的盐离子浓度比T1显著降低了5.61%。在5种施肥模式中,T3和T4的放线菌门(Actinobacteriota)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)等对盐碱地有利的菌群含量较高,其中T3的微生物群落多样性指数最高,T2的微生物群落丰度最高;T3和T4的干物质积累量分别比T1增加9.21%和3.31%,T3和T5的玉米产量与T1相比分别增加20.51%和12.23%。结合产量和土壤改善情况考虑,T3是滦南县轻度滨海盐碱地的最优改良模式,对玉米轻度滨海盐碱土壤有显著的改良效果。  相似文献   


Tillage systems may affect many soil properties, which in turn may alter the soil environment and consequently impact on root growth and distribution, and crop yield. In 1993, a long-term field experiment on sustainable crop rotation and ley farming systems was initiated on a Colombian acid-savanna oxisol to test the effects of grain legumes, green manures, intercrops and leys as possible components that could increase the stability of systems involving annual crops. In the present study, five agropastoral treatments (maize monoculture, maize-soybean rotation, maize-soybean green manure rotation, native savanna, maize-agropastoral rotation) under two tillage systems (no tillage and minimum tillage) were investigated. Lower bulk density and higher total porosity for all treatments and soil layers were found in no-tillage compared to the minimum tillage system. Between the two tillage systems, significantly higher maize grain yields (p<0.1) were obtained under no-tillage agropastoral treatments compared to the same treatments under minimum tillage. Maize yields on native savanna soils were markedly lower than in the rest of the treatments, indicating the need for improved soil conditions in subsoil layers for root growth of maize.  相似文献   

氟 对玉米产量品质及土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适量氟对动物和人类健康有益, 而过量氟对动物和人类健康有害。为研究氟对玉米产量品质及土壤性质的影响, 采用盆栽试验研究了添加0、100 mg·kg-1、200 mg·kg-1、500 mg·kg-1、1 000 mg·kg-1 和1 500 mg·kg-1 氟(NaF)对玉米产量、粗蛋白和淀粉含量及土壤pH、水溶性钙和微生物数量的影响。结果表明: 随氟处理浓度的增加玉米产量显著降低, 减产9.9%~85.4%; 玉米籽粒蛋白质含量显著增加, 从91.8 g·kg-1 增加到108.8 g·kg-1。加入氟100 mg·kg-1 和200 mg·kg-1 时, 淀粉含量表现为下降趋势,而当加入氟500 mg·kg-1、1 000 mg·kg-1 和1 500 mg·kg-1 时, 淀粉含量表现为上升趋势。玉米不同部位氟含量基本上随氟浓度的增加而增加, 玉米根部和籽粒含氟量与氟添加量的相关性达极显著水平, 相关系数分别为r=0.998**r=0.915**; 叶含氟量与氟添加量的相关性达显著水平, r=0.852*; 玉米不同部位氟含量的大小顺序为根>叶>叶鞘>茎>籽粒。氟浓度在200 mg·kg-1 时, 籽粒含氟量已超过无公害农产品标准1.0 mg·kg-1。石灰性土壤添加氟后, 可使土壤pH 增加,从8.05 增加到8.70; 水溶性钙含量显著下降, 由2.71 g·kg-1 下降到1.02 g·kg-1。随氟浓度的增加土壤放线菌数量显著降低, 与对照相比, 降低0.92%~65.22%; 低浓度的氟可以促进土壤细菌、真菌的生长, 而高浓度的氟可以抑制细菌、真菌的生长。  相似文献   

Experimental investigations were conducted over three years to test the hypothesis that soil compaction affects the physical and mechanical properties of corn ears and corn cobs. Field experiments were made on sub-drained clay and sandy loam soils at Macdonald College Farm in Quebec Province of Canada. The mechanical properties of corn ears and corn cobs were determined from quasi-static force-deformation analysis performed with a universal Instron testing machine.

The results showed that soil compaction treatments did not significantly influence corn cob elastic modulus and strength in simple bending nor in radial compression. Cob moisture content did not significantly change as a result of the application of various traffic treatments. However, corn cob diameter and pith diameter were both significantly affected by soil compaction.

Corn ear moisture content and bending strength were not significantly affected by soil compaction. However, corn ear yield in all three years was found to be dependent on the amount of soil compaction applied.

Also studied were the effects of various tillage methods in ameliorating the deleterious effects of soil compaction on crop yield and crop quality. It is concluded that a judicious choice of tillage machinery system can minimize the reductions in ear yield due to soil compaction.  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究土壤改良、作物调控和土壤作物系统综合管理措施对玉米生长和土壤盐碱特性的影响,为滨海盐渍地区玉米生产和土壤改善提供理论和技术支撑。  【方法】  田间试验于2016年开始在山东省垦利区进行,土壤改良剂为脱硫石膏30 t/hm2加牛粪15 t/hm2,共设4个处理,其中两个处理为农户习惯使用土壤改良剂处理(ISM)和不使用土壤改良剂处理(FP),作物品种为‘郑单958’,播种密度为7.5×104株/hm2,N、P2O5、K2O用量分别为280、90、60 kg/hm2;另外两个处理为综合作物管理使用土壤改良剂处理(ISCM)和不使用土壤改良剂处理(ICM),作物品种为‘登海618’,播种密度为9.0×104株/hm2,N、P2O5、K2O用量分别为200、135、60 kg/hm2。于2020年春玉米收获后取0—60 cm土层土壤样品,每20 cm为一层,分析了钠离子、交换性钠百分率(ESP)、有机碳和全氮含量;调查了该年度春玉米产量和产量构成因素。  【结果】  相较于FP处理,ISM处理0—20 cm土层土壤交换性钠离子含量和ESP值分别显著降低17.1%和28.4%,土壤有机碳和全氮储量分别增加了7.2%和10.7%,玉米产量增加了8.0%;ICM处理成熟期玉米生物量累积提高了19.7%,氮肥偏生产力提高了61.7%,籽粒氮含量提高了6.2%,产量提高了15.5%;ISCM处理分别显著降低交换性钠离子含量和ESP值31.4%和41.1%,分别显著增加表层土壤有机碳和全氮储量15.8%和17.4%,地上部吸氮量提高了29.5%,氮肥偏生产力提高了66.2%,并获得了最高产量(11.24 t/hm2),较FP处理产量提高18.8%。  【结论】  在滨海盐渍地区,通过施用土壤改良剂、适当提高作物密度、调整氮磷钾肥比例和玉米品种,可显著增加土壤中有机碳和全氮储量,降低土壤交换性钠离子含量及碱化度,进而促进玉米干物质积累和氮素吸收,提高氮肥利用效率,实现滨海盐渍地区土壤质量与玉米产量的协同提升。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2000,14(3):213-222
As farm machinery has become heavier, concern has grown about its direct effects on soil physical conditions and its indirect effects on crop yields and soil biota. To study the relationships between these parameters, non-grazed temporary grassland plots on a loamy sand soil were subjected to full-width load traffic with widely different loads (0, 4.5, 8.5 and 14.5 t) one to four times per year for a period of 5 years. Soil bulk density was monitored as an indicator of soil compaction. Grass yield was measured throughout the experimental period. Root distribution over the soil profile and nematodes populations were assessed during the final year of the experiment. Results indicate that a moderate degree of compaction (∼4.5 t load) gave the highest crop yield and that at higher degrees of compaction roots failed to penetrate into the deeper soil layers (>20 cm depth). Total numbers of nematodes were not affected by compaction, but their distribution over the various feeding types shifted towards a population with increased numbers of herbivores and decreased numbers of bacterivores and omnivores/predators. This change in the structure of the nematode assemblage is associated with poorer conditions for crop growth.  相似文献   


Laboratory and field experiments were conducted at the Regional Research Station of Kandi Area, Ballowal Saunkhri, Punjab, India, to determine the immediate influence of artificial topsoil removal (simulated erosion) on selected soil properties, maize (Zea mays) growth and yield, and restoration of crop productivity with nitrogen (N) fertilization. For the laboratory experiment, soil samples (0–15 cm) were obtained after removing 0, 6, 12, and 18 cm of a sandy loam topsoil from a cereal grain cropped field. In the field experiment, topsoil was removed at 0, 6, 12, and 18 cm in main plots, and six N treatments at rates of 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 kg N ha‐1 were applied in subplots. Topsoil removal greatly decreased mineralized N, N mineralization potential and rate constant, and increased time for half mineralization of N. Bulk density and penetration resistance increased as a result of topsoil removal and infiltration capacity of the soil decreased. Total profile water was more at the time of harvest than at sowing in the plots where topsoil was removed, but the water expense efficiency decreased. Both grain and straw yield of maize decreased substantially as a result of adverse effect of topsoil removal on plant height, mass and depth of root, length and girth of cob, and thousand grain weight. Nitrogen application improved maize growth and yield, but the crop responded to higher doses of N on eroded plots than the uneroded plots, and yields on eroded plots did not match to those obtained on uneroded plots at any level of N application. In conclusion, artificial surface soil erosion deteriorated soil properties governing maize productivity. More N was required where topsoil had been eroded, but N application alone did not restore crop yield to that level obtained from uneroded soil. Therefore, there is a need to look for and quantify other factors also to improve soil productivity.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤物理特性及玉米产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:25  
保护性耕作措施是干旱区农田提高作物产量的新型耕作技术。为了探讨其区域适应性,在2004~2007年期间,以毛乌素沙地南缘的靖边县北部风沙区农田为研究对象,选用了免耕、秸秆覆盖、覆膜和传统翻耕(CK)4种措施,采用完全随机试验设计进行了田间定位试验研究。结果表明,秸秆覆盖和免耕地的地温在春播初期略比传统翻耕低0.1℃,但随后迅速回升,覆膜在玉米生长期都高于其他措施。耕作措施对播种前土壤容重没有显著影响,而对收获后土壤容重影响显著,与传统翻耕相比,免耕降低了表层土壤容重1.65%,但次层20~40 cm容重增加了1.8%。3种保护性耕作措施均增加了土壤含水量,顺序依次为秸秆覆盖>覆膜>免耕>翻耕,且在作物需水关键期免耕和秸秆覆盖下的土壤含水量相对稳定,保证作物需水,提高水分利用率,分别为8%、22.0%和13.3%。使作物分别增产4.44%、13.14%和19.26%。因此,保护性耕作在风沙区有利于改善农田土壤物理条件,提高作物产量,适于在风沙区推广。  相似文献   

Soil compaction caused by traffic of heavy vehicles and machinery has become a problem of world-wide concern. The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the changes in bulk density, soil strength, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability during sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) harvesting on a typical Bavarian soil (Regosol) as well as to assess the most appropriate variable factors that fit with the effective controlling of subsequent compaction. The field experiments, measurements and laboratory testing were carried out in Freising, Germany. Two tillage systems (conventional plough tillage and reduced chisel tillage) were used in the experiments. The soil water contents were adjusted to 0.17 g g−1 (w1), 0.27 g g−1 (w2) and 0.35 g g−1 (w3).Taking the increase in bulk density, the decrease in air permeability and reduction of wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa) into account, it seems that CT (ploughing to a depth of 0.25 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) of plots were compacted to a depth of at least 0.25 m and at most 0.40 m in high soil water (w3) conditions. The trends were similar for “CT w1” (low soil water content) plots. However, it seems that “CT w1” plots were less affected than “CT w3” plots with regard to bulk density increases under partial load. In contrast, diminishments of wide coarse pores (−6 kPa) and narrow (tight) coarse pores (−30 kPa) were significantly higher in “CT w1” plots down to 0.4 m. Among CT plots, the best physical properties were obtained at medium soil water (w2) content. No significant increase in bulk density and no significant decrease in coarse pore size porosity and total porosity below 0.2 m were observed at medium soil water content. The soil water content seemed to be the most decisive factor.It is likely that, CS (chiselling to a depth of 0.13 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) plots were less affected by traffic treatments than CT plots. Considering the proportion of coarse pore size porosity (structural porosity) and total porosity, no compaction effects below 0.3 m were found. Medium soil water content (w2) provides better soil conditions after traffic with regard to wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa), air permeability (at 6 and 30 kPa water suction), total porosity and bulk density. Proportion of wide coarse pores, air permeability and bulk density seems to be suitable parameters to detect soil compaction under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

为了优化全膜双垄沟播玉米土壤耕作技术,实现土壤质量保育和增产增效,布设田间定位试验,比较研究了一膜两年全膜双垄覆盖条件下,少免耕对玉米产量、水分利用效率(WUE)、经济效益及土壤物理性状的影响。结果表明:一膜两年用条件下,深松耕—免耕较对照能显著提高玉米的籽粒产量、水分利用效率、收获指数、总产值及产投比,其籽粒产量、水分利用效率、收获指数、总产值及产投比分别较对照提高22.8%,22.0%,15.0%,17.4%,17.4%;深松耕—免耕具有降低表层土壤容重、紧实度,增加土壤总孔度、大团聚体含量及饱和导水率的作用,全膜双垄沟播玉米采用深松耕—免耕具有明显的稳增产增效及土壤结构改善的作用,建议在全膜双垄沟播玉米种植体系中推广应用。  相似文献   

The effects on a number of soil physical and aeration parameters of compaction during spring pre-sowing operations were measured on a clay soil (49% clay). A soil-tyre contact stress of 200 kPa was applied by tractor tyres.
Yield of an oat crop was reduced by 30% as a result of compaction. Total porosity of the soil was reduced by 6% v/v owing to loss of pores > 60 μm, and water retention was increased. The resultant decrease in air-filled porosity greatly reduced gas diffusion and air permeability coefficients of the soil, and, for a time, O2 content of the soil atmosphere was significantly lowered in the compacted treatment. Penetrometer resistance after sowing was 3.5 MPa in the control and 4.5 MPa in the compacted treatment; in the latter, root growth was inhibited until the soil dried and cracked. By the end of June, canopy temperature measurements indicated water stress in the oat crop on compacted soil but not in that on the control.
The results obtained indicated that air permeability, measured in the field, of 1 mm s−1 provides a satisfactory single value below which crop growth is likely to be reduced.  相似文献   

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