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瓜菜根结线虫病是世界性难题,其发生呈逐年上升的趋势,将对大路菜如黄瓜、番茄、辣椒、茄子、芹菜等造成不同程度危害,可使作物严重减产甚至绝收。根结线虫病的发生和蔓延将会成为瓜菜产区的重要制约因素,将严重影响设施瓜菜生产及现代农业的发展。主要研究根结线虫的发生原因以及有效的防治措施,避免根结线虫大规模暴发影响农业效益。  相似文献   

随着我省保护地设施蔬菜面积的扩大,多年连作,过量施用化肥。导致土壤酸化和以根结线虫病为代表的土传病害日趋严重。成为实现日光温室等设施蔬菜产品安全生产和可持续发展的重大限制因素。根据省农业厅领导的指示,蔬菜分团在寿光、苍山等设施蔬菜主产区开展了调查研究,并认真总结了“十五”国家和省无公害蔬菜生产关键技术研究中有关根结线虫病发生和防治研究的结果,现综合报告如下,供领导和各地参考。[第一段]  相似文献   

近年来,随着农业种植结构的调整,蔬菜种植面积不断扩大,根结线虫病的发生呈逐年上升的趋势,由于多年连作,根结线虫病已成为蔬菜设施栽培的一种毁灭性病害,除辣椒、葱、蒜目前尚未发现被侵染外,几乎所有蔬菜都已受到危害,特别是瓜类、茄类、豆类等受到的危害最重,常造成严重减产甚至绝收.  相似文献   

鸡粪防治温室蔬菜根结线虫病研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
试验表明,鸡粪可以明显降低根结数,对蔬菜生长有促进作用;鸡粪水溶液可有效抑制根结线虫的孵化,以8g/200ml的剂量效果最佳,抑制率为99.3%;随着鸡粪用量的增加和处理时间的延长,幼虫死亡数量也相应增多。  相似文献   

<正> 蔬菜根结线虫病,是由根结线虫引起的病害。各地普遍发生,蔬菜被害后,不仅直接影响生长发育,降低品质,且可通过根结线虫为害,加剧镰刀菌枯萎病等病发生。寄主范围较广,可发生于黄瓜、冬瓜、番茄、茄子、莴苣、胡萝卜、白菜以及豆科蔬菜等多种蔬菜的  相似文献   

目前寿光市约有90%左右种植蔬菜的村庄有线虫危害,每个村约有80%左右的日光温室蔬菜有线虫发生。各类蔬菜中,除尖椒上线虫危害较少外,其它如黄瓜、丝瓜、番茄、茄子、甜椒、菜豆、西葫芦等都有线虫危害的纪录。线虫造成蔬菜减产甚至绝产,当前线虫防治已提到议事日程上来了。  相似文献   

温室蔬菜根结线虫病的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,山东莘县温室蔬菜栽培面积迅速扩大,给农民带来高的经济收益的同时,根结线虫病的发生与危害也日益严重,制约了温室蔬菜产业的可持续发展.总结了根结线虫发生与危害特点、生活规律,并从农业防治和化学防治方面提出了温室蔬菜根结线虫病的防治措施.  相似文献   

根据植物寄生线虫形态学特征,采用根结线虫特异性引物PCR扩增检测方法,鉴定第十四师四十七团设施蔬菜根结线虫种类。结果表明,15个供试根结线虫群体雌虫会阴花纹的形态特征与南方根结线虫的形态一致;特异性引物扩增检测结果显示仅有南方根结线虫的特异性引物扩增出了特异性条带。据此判断四十七团设施蔬菜根结线虫群体均为南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita),未发现与其它根结线虫复合侵染的现象。  相似文献   

近期 ,安徽省怀远县石榴产区的部分园片石榴树 ,其生长表现出不正常 ,叶片发黄。经初步研究 ,确定发生的一种新病害 ,即石榴根结线虫病(Meloidogynesp .)。1 材料与方法1 1 田间调查 于怀远县涂山园艺场、城关镇石榴园 ;品种为青皮、粉皮、玉石籽和玛瑙籽 ;树龄30~ 4 0a生。采用五点取样挖出细小侧根。1 2 根结采集 将采到病根带泥 ,冷藏带回实验室后 ,清水去除泥土。浸与TAF液中 ,冷藏备用。1 3 病原分离 取根结 ,于解剖镜下观察、解剖。在MoticK4 0 0L型体视显微镜成像 ,以MoticImagesAdvancedVersion 3 0软件分析拍照。2 …  相似文献   

张锋  杨苗苗  孙娟  洪波 《中国农学通报》2014,30(31):136-140
为明确陕西设施蔬菜根结线虫的主要种类,利用已报道的花生根结线虫[Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal.) Chitwood]、南方根结线虫[Meloidogyne incognita (Kofold & White) Chitwood]、北方根结线虫(Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood)和爪哇根结线虫[Meloidogyne javanica (Treub)]的特异性引物,对陕西省20个县市区的24个样区的根结线虫进行PCR检测。样品中检测到了南方根结线虫、北方根结线虫、花生根结线虫和爪哇根结线虫,其中南方根结线虫为优势种群,大部分样区为单一种群为害,但个别样区存在2种种群。  相似文献   

作物轮作种植在中国应用历史悠久,而针对不同地区不同栽培目的的轮作模式研究一直处于探索中。笔者以轮作在土壤生态学方面对土壤的改良作用着手,分析国内外学者关于多种轮作模式下土壤线虫与微生物群落的相关研究,讨论轮作模式下土壤理化性状对两者的影响以及在团聚体中微生物和线虫群落的关系。从宏观及微观空间尺度下分析两者在土壤生态系统食物网中的相互作用,根据其互作效应探究微生物、线虫对土壤环境的指示作用,以此来达到合理轮作、培肥土壤、作物可持续稳产高产的目的,使得农田土壤状况向着更有利于作物生长发育的方向发展。  相似文献   

The Myrobalan plum Prunus cerasifera clones ‘P,2175’ and ‘P,1079’ carry single major genes (Ma1 and Ma2. respectively) for resistance to the predominant root–knot nematode (RKN) species Meloidogyne arenaria (MA), Meloidogyne incognita (MI) and Meloidogyne jaranica(MJ). The Myrobalan plum clone ‘P.2980’ is another complete–spec–trum source bearing favourable agronomic features. The genetics of its resistance to MA, MI, MJ and to the population Meloidogyne sp. Florida has been investigated from G1 crosses with the host Myrobalan plum clone ‘P.16.5’ (recessive for both Ma genes), the resistant clone ‘P.2175’ (heterozygous for Mal) and the ‘Nemared’ peach (homozygous for resistance to MA, MI and MJ but a host for M. sp. Florida). The segregation of the Gl hybrids from the intraspecific crosses into two significantly separated resistant and host classes, independent of the RKN species, indicates that resistance to all four species in ‘P.2980’ is also controlled by a single major dominant (heterozygous) gene. This gene is designated Ma3 because it shares the same spectrum and efficiency as Ma1 and Ma2, and its relationship with these last two genes is discussed. The first hybrids between ‘P.2980’ and ‘Nemared’ tested only segregated for resistance to M. sp. Florida. These results illustrate the possibility of cumulating (pyramiding) Ma3 and the ‘Nemared’ peach resistance gene(s) into new interspecific rootstocks.  相似文献   

We are able to describe, due to some assays conducted under field conditions, the different ways the root-knot nematode of cereals was affected in some amphiploid plants carrying the resistance of a wild Hordeum sp. This resistance arises in one of three ways: (i) a reduction in the establishment of the infective juvenile stages in the root, (ii) a delay and/or a cessation of development of the parasite occurring at the J2 or swelling-J2 stage, (iii) an altered fecundity of the females. These three actions efficiently control the multiplication of the nematode, resulting in few females at the end of growing period of the crop. A new test was developed for early screening of the resistance under controlled conditions. Based on the analysis of the gall rating and the contents of five young galls from each plant, the response of a line can be seen within 16 days, while preserving the viability of the plants to continue their growth.  相似文献   

Agronomic Potential of Three Vetches (Vicia spp.) Under Rainfed Conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major limiting factor to livestock production in West Asia and North Africa is the inadequate feed supply. The introduction of leguminous forage species into fallow lands represents a means of increasing feed supplies for the rapidly growing livestock population.
Twenty five lines each of common vetch ( Vicia sativa L.) wooly-pod vetch ( Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa Ten.), and bitter vetch ( Vicia ervilia L.) were tested over three seasons with contrasting rainfalls and winter temperatures. For each species, seedling vigour, winter growth, cold effect, spring growth, leafiness, herbage yield at 100 % flowering, grain yield, harvest index and aspects of herbage quality were recorded. There were considerable variation among entries with the same species, entries of V. ervilia were the earlier in flowering and maturity, and V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa almost the latest by 45 days. V. sativa , was the most affected by frost whilst both V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa and V. ervilia proved to be cold tolerant.
Although V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa produced high herbage yield in springs its grain yield is low resulting in a low harvest index. Both V. ervilia and V. sativa produced high grain yield with high harvest index. Seed yield was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with days to flowering and maturity indicating the need of earlier types.
Quality of the herbage in term of digestibility was far lower (46 % IVDMD) in V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa than the other two species (69 % and 72 %).
The possible niches and utilization of each species as animal feed in the prevailing farming systems are discussed.  相似文献   

通过酶联免疫吸附法测定根结线虫侵染后48h内的黄瓜体内的各种内源植物激素含量的变化,探索黄瓜根结线虫病害产生的生理应答机制。通过外部形态结果观察看到根结线虫侵染后,黄瓜生长缓慢,植株矮小,并且提前衰老。同时,黄瓜叶片中的内源植物激素含量在48h内也发生了较大变化:黄瓜叶片中茉莉酸的含量在线虫侵染16h内急剧上升,上升幅度高达对照的8.2倍,而水杨酸、脱落酸和异戊烯基腺苷在侵染后含量有显著上升的趋势,并在24h达到各自的峰值;但是生长素和赤霉素含量仅短暂升高,其余时间显著低于对照。通过测定浸染初期各内源植物激素之间的动态平衡,可以为研究植物诱导抗病性提供理论参考。  相似文献   

大豆抗源抗SCN过程中POD酶动态分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能动地大豆抗源抗孢囊线虫(SCN)过程中过的氧化物酶(POD)活性和酶谱的变化研究,探讨了大豆抗源在抗病过程中是通过提高体内POD酶活性来抵御SCN的侵染,抗源品种POD活性和酶谱呈动态变化。在侵染高峰期(30 ̄35d),高抗抗原体内POD酶活性最强,酶谱着色较深;而感病品种在侵染高峰期POD酶活性降至最低值,且一些酶带受损以至消失。另外,证实了POD酶在抗病过程中参与木质素的合成。抗病过程中酶活  相似文献   

影响高校科技成果转化的因素及对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阐述了目前中国高校科技成果产出及转化情况,并在剖析制约高校科技成果转化因素的同时,提出了加速中国高校科技成果转化的对策  相似文献   

Resistance to the southern root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood would be an important attribute of lettuce Lactuca sativa L. cultivars adapted to both protected and field cultivation in tropical regions. `Grand Rapids' and a few other cultivars are reported to be resistant to this nematode. In this paper, we studied the inheritance of the resistant reaction of `Grand Rapids' (P2) in a cross with a standard nematode-susceptible cultivar Regma-71 (P1). F1(Regina-71 × Grand Rapids) and F2 seed were obtained, and inoculated along with the parental cultivars with different races of M. incognita to evaluate nematode resistance. Broad sense heritability estimates for the number of galls and of egg masses per root system, gall size and gall index were generally in the order of 0.5 or higher. Class distributions of these variables over generations P1, P2, F1 and F2 were in agreement with simulated theoretical distributions based on monogenic inheritance models. F3 families were obtained from randomly sampled F2 plants and tested for reaction to the nematode. The frequency ratio of homozygous resistant, segregating and homozygous susceptible F3 families did not differ from the 1:2:1 ratio expected from monogenic inheritance. M. incognita resistance appears to be under control of a single gene locus. The Grand Rapids allele (for which the symbol Me is proposed) is responsible for the resistant reaction, and shows high (though incomplete) penetrance, variable expressivity and predominantly additive gene action. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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