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利用稻田养殖美国青蛙,放养平均重50g的幼蛙,经过4个月的养殖,平均规格达250g,亩产220kg,成活率85%,水稻亩产407kg,每亩收入4818元。试验表明,稻田养蛙生态农业确实可行。  相似文献   

稻田养鳖新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻田养鳖是利用稻田在种稻的基础上再搞养鳖的立体生态种养新技术。稻田养鳖在不影响水稻产量的基础上可亩产商品鳖150kg左右,净增亩收入1500元左右,是目前农村发展经济的实用新技术,现把这项新技术作一通俗的介绍,供有条件的地方参考应用。一、稻田养鳖的基...  相似文献   

北方稻田养泥鳅鱼,在没有搞田间工程的情况下,获每667m^2净产泥鳅鱼92.3kg、水稻650kg、收益1797.08元,比未养鱼稻田每667m^2增收1297.08元。  相似文献   

稻、鱼、蛙共生就是在田中种稻,水里养鱼,浅水区和田间空隙地养蛙。鱼蛙在田中活动能够起到松土、除草、除虫作用,使水稻少用或不用农药。鱼、蛙的粪便和残饵可为水稻提供养料。因而这种模式节约农药、化肥成本,生产出的粮食无污染,可满足人们对绿色食品需求。我中心3年来开展了稻、鱼、蛙生态养殖试验,稻、鱼、蛙生态养殖,每667米2产水稻500~600千克,鱼100~200千克,美蛙400~600千克,每667米2利润约为6 000元。具体技术介绍如下。1 田块标准这种模式要求稻田保水性好,水源充足。稻田内开挖的鱼沟、鱼池面积占稻田总面积的10%…  相似文献   

1997年以来,我们对稻田养殖美国青蛙的技术进行了研究,研究中曾遇到了蛙病防治的一些问题,现结合其它养殖方式有关蛙病的防治报道,对稻田养蛙中蛙病防治的综合技术措施进行总结,以期更好地推动我国稻田养蛙事业的发展。1稻田蛙病的发生原因1.1环境因素 在一般情况下,蛙对环境的变化有一定的适应和耐受能力,但如果某项环境因子变化幅度过激或超过了蛙的正常适应范围,就会诱发蛙病发生。如短时间内使美国青  相似文献   

<正>一、田块选择养蛙稻田要求地势平缓,水源条件好,水质良好,稻田保水性强,田间排灌渠道完善,一般来讲,凡是适合养鱼的田块都可养蛙。二、田间工程建设1.开挖蛙沟在稻田的两边各开挖一条长与蛙田相等、宽1.0米、深O.5~0.6米的"11"字形蛙沟,面积占稻田的8%~10%。2.加高加固田埂开挖蛙沟的土用于蛙田四  相似文献   

王树林 《内陆水产》1996,22(3):16-16
稻田鱼、蛙结合养殖技术我国有数亿亩的稻田面积,有很多的稻田都可发展水产业。稻田中水温高,富氧,pH值适宜,有水稻遮荫,饵料丰富;稻田鱼、蛙结合立体开发,就是鱼、蛙、稻综合养殖种植,即把水稻种植业与水产养殖业有机结合起来,使两种不同的生产在同一场所进行...  相似文献   

<正>目前依靠单纯种植水稻利润十分有限,平均1亩地产值只有2000元左右,通过稻蛙共生种养模式后,在不影响水稻种植的条件下,每亩可增收2万多元。同时,弥补了过去产业结构较为单一,对于需求量较大的水产类有机生态农产品的开发力度不够,不能满足市场多样化及优质化的消费需求的缺陷。从市场发展前景来看,广大消费者越来越注重食品的安全卫生,讲究营养健康,消费趋向方便化、多元化、生态化。据对湖州、杭州、上海等地的调查,居民对蛙产品需求十分旺盛,因此,稻蛙生态种养拥有广阔的发展前景。稻田养蛙,蛙能吃掉危害水稻的害虫,蛙粪  相似文献   

凌剑  陈玲  林林 《齐鲁渔业》2003,20(6):28-28
棘胸蛙(俗称石蛙)以其肉质滑嫩、鲜美、爽口的特点,使人食之回味无穷。棘胸蛙是我国特有的大型野生肉用蛙,成体重250~400g,高的可达500g以上。稻田人工仿自然精养棘胸蛙,是利用现有的自然环境进行养殖,不但可以节约建池投资,而且蛙生长快,耗料少,抗病力强。1 稻田设施 棘胸蛙是离不开水和洞穴的穴居两栖动物,因此要选择水源充足、排灌方便、保水性能好的稻田。为便于管理,养蛙沟、涵一般开挖在  相似文献   

1.养蛙稻田的准备1.1基本要求为保证种养目的的共同实现,养蛙稻田要求水源丰足,水质良好;稻田保水性强;田间排灌渠道完善;为满足美国青蛙的生长要求,田间最高水温不超过37℃,稻蛙所在地区气温高于20℃的时间不少于110天。1.2田间工程建设加高加固田埂,要求达到高砌一50cm,宽30-40cm,且要坚实牢固,不垮不漏,防止逃蛙。1998年6月一Ic月间,对稻田养蛙的田间工程类型进行了试验比较,设计对比了如图的四种类型,即:垄稻沟蛙型(Ⅰ)、沟地结合型(Ⅱ)、宽沟型(Ⅲ)、平田型(Ⅳ),结果以沟地结合型的效果最好。开挖沟池结…  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in rice field plots each of 30 m2 to determine the appropriate combination of feeding and fertilization regimes for the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) cultured along with rice in rice fields. There were four treatments: rice culture only with regular fertilization (A, control); rice–prawn integrated culture with regular fertilization (B); rice–prawn integrated culture with basal fertilization and commercial feed (C) and rice–prawn integrated culture with regular fertilization and commercial feed (D). Juvenile prawns of 1.5‐g size were stocked on the third day after rice transplantation at a density of 2 prawns m?2 and fed twice daily at 5% reducing to 2% of body weight during the experiment. The rice yield in treatment D (0.42 kg m?2) was significantly higher than that in other treatments (0.34, 0.36, 0.34 kg m?2 in treatments A, B, C respectively). Prawns grew significantly faster (P<0.05) in treatments C and D (23.8±0.9 and 22.0±1.7 g prawn?1 respectively) than in treatment B (14.7±1.6 g prawn?1). Prawn production in treatment C (347±13 kg ha?1 crop?1) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that (234±30 kg ha?1 crop?1) in treatment B, while in treatment D (296±53 kg ha?1 crop?1) it was not significantly different from that in treatments B and C (P>0.05). Treatment C gave the highest economic returns among all treatments, followed by treatments D and B, indicating that the combination of basal fertilization and commercial feed is the most appropriate nutrient input regime for the rice–prawn integrated culture system.  相似文献   

将ETS微生物菌肥应用于养蟹稻田,并用普通农家肥作对照,探索ETS微生物菌肥对稻田水体以及水稻、河蟹产量的影响。试验共设置6个正方形单元格,每个单元格面积100 m2。试验设置对照组和试验组,每组3个平行。试验组施用ETS菌肥,每个单元格用量26 kg,放养幼蟹50只。对照组施用金正大有机肥和缓释肥,每个单元格用量17.3 kg,放养幼蟹50只。分析不同稻田的水质和水稻、河蟹产量。结果显示:试验组稻田水体的pH、总磷含量略低于对照组,但差异不显著(P005);试验组稻田水体的亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮、硝酸盐氮含量显著低于对照组(P005);试验组水稻产量(1.01±0.06)kg/m2,显著高于对照组(P005)。试验组河蟹平均规格(121.3±5.7)g/只,单产(40.26±0.31)g/m2,显著优于对照组(P005)。研究表明,将ETS微生物菌肥用于养蟹稻田,能够降低水体中的氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮等水化学指标,并能够提高水稻和河蟹的产量。  相似文献   

稻田培育扣蟹技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年进行了稻田养殖扣蟹试验。研究了水稻栽植和河蟹放养密度,水稻晒田、晾田与养蟹兼顾技术,调整水稻施肥、撒药时间等,结果:20亩水田,平均每亩产稻413kg,扣蟹26kg,纯利2224.8元。专家鉴定认为,本试验在养殖面积、单产和经济效益方面均达国内先进水平。  相似文献   

为缩短乌鳢养殖周期,笔者于1997-1998年,在沅江市鱼类良种繁育场选择2口面积均为333m^2的池塘,进行了使用乌鳢当年孵化的鱼苗,当年养成商品鱼的高产试验,现综述如下:  相似文献   

Adoption of rice-fish culture by farmers in the rainfed areas of northeast Thailand is examined with reference to recent field research and extension in the region. The practice is placed in perspective with the development of aquaculture per se and the human and agricultural ecology of this heterogeneous region. Rice-fish culture is a recent activity in the region and has been promoted by government and non-government agencies with variable success among small-scale farmers. The widespread availability of private hatchery-produced fish seed and perceived decline in wild fish have been important stimuli. Rainfed rice fields are marginal agricultural environments and lack of water constrains both rice and fish production. Wild swamp fish are tolerant of these conditions and traditional systems for their management and capture have expanded greatly in recent years. In much of the region ‘trap’ ponds are used more for catching wild fish than as refuge sumps or ponds for fish culture per se; wild fish typically constitute between 20 and 80% of the total yields in stocked systems. Widespread availability of fish seed allows more farmers to try rice-fish culture but the small size of seed at purchase is still a problem particularly where carnivorous, wild fish are prevalent. Appropriate on-farm nursery techniques may improve success and adoption of hapa nursing has been high in some parts of the region. Species ratio and density of fish stocked depends mainly on their availability from fry traders; the major species stocked in rice fields are the silver barb (Puntius gonionotus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

Farmers adapt rice fields for fish culture as part of their whole farm strategy; benefits to rice, vegetable and fruit and livestock may be considered more important than fish yields. The high value attached to even small quantities of fresh fish is a major incentive for rice-fish culture, but women who are decision makers in terms of changes to rice fields and household consumption have often not been fully considered during promotion of rice-fish.

The relatively small areas of riceland that farmers can stock and harvest fish, low yields per unit area and high consumption of fish reduces the importance of rice-fish culture in many rural households. The analysis suggests that stocking fish in rice fields in areas with poor access to wild fish supplies from community water bodies would have most impact.

Although rice-fish culture can contribute to subsistence requirements, the high labour demand often means that intensified capture of wild fish or pond-based culture of fish are more attractive for poorer and better off farmers, respectively.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙规模化养殖过程中饵料因子的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用人工饵料、蚯蚓、家蚕、黄粉虫、蝇蛆为饵料,对棘腹蛙成蛙的生长、存活率以及捕食效率进行了观察。结果表明:投喂人工饵料与蚯蚓组的棘腹蛙生长速度最快,其次是家蚕、黄粉虫、蝇蛆。投喂蚯蚓与家蚕的实验组棘腹蛙存活率最高,其次是黄粉虫、蝇蛆组,投喂人工饵料组存活率最低。捕食效率从高到低依次为:家蚕、蚯蚓、黄粉虫、蝇蛆、人工饵料。综合各方面因素,蚯蚓与家蚕为成年棘腹蛙最合适的饵料。  相似文献   

为研究高海拔山区稻田养殖禾花鱼的最优养殖模式,提高郴州高山禾花鱼养殖的标准化水平和规模化程度,试验在不影响禾花鱼品质和稻谷产量的前提下,综合考虑了苗种规格、养殖密度及投饵率3个关键因素,交叉设计了9个养殖模式试验组,通过每667 m2的禾花鱼产量和经济效益对不同模式进行比较评估.研究表明,9个试验模式均能当年养成商品鱼...  相似文献   

Aquaculture development in Kenya has been hampered by lack of targeted feeds. Chemical fertilizers can enhance natural food production and thus indirectly provide protein to complement energy-rich cereal brans used as feed. Consequently, an experiment was conducted at Sagana Fish Farm in central Kenya to realize least-cost combinations of rice bran and fertilizer. Twelve 800 m2 (0.08 ha) ponds were stocked with juvenile (32 g) Oreochromis niloticus L. at 2 m−2 and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) (fingerlings of 4.6 g) at 0.2 m−2. Four treatments, calculated to approximate isonitrogenous conditions, were applied in triplicate as follows: (1) urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP) to provide 16 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 4 kg of P ha−1 week−1; (2) urea and DAP applied to give 8 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 2 kg of P ha−1 week−1, plus rice bran fed at 60 kg ha−1 day−1; (3) rice bran fed at 120 kg ha−1 day−1; (4) rice bran as in treatment 3 and fertilizer as in treatment 2. Ponds were sampled monthly to measure fish growth, and drained completely after 20 weeks. A partial economic analysis indicated minimal net profits of K.Sh. 18 851 (US$ 251), K.Sh. 9895 (US$ 132), K.Sh. 3299 (US$ 44) and K.Sh. 7015 (US$ 94) for treatments 1–4, respectively, because of high feed and seed costs.  相似文献   

An integrated aquaculture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and self‐recruiting small fish mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) was conducted in farmers' rice fields at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. There were four treatments with three replications. Four stocking densities, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 and 25 000 ha?1, of freshwater prawn were applied. The stocking density of mola was the same (20 000 ha?1) in all treatments. During land preparation, triple super phosphate (TSP) and murate of potash (MP) were applied at the rate of 150 and 75 kg ha?1 respectively. Urea was applied at the rate of 200 kg ha?1 in equally distributed three installments after 16, 45 and 65 days of rice plantation. Prawns were fed with commercial pelleted feed at 3–8% body weight. All water quality parameters were found to be within the suitable range for freshwater prawn culture. There was a homogenous abundance of plankton communities in all treatments. The results of a 4‐month culture period showed that the average production of prawn ranged from 222 to 388 kg ha?1, mola 51 to 68 kg ha?1 and rice 2 880 to 3 710 kg ha?1. Significantly higher production of both prawn and mola was recorded in the plots where the freshwater prawn stocking density was 15 000 ha?1. This treatment resulted in a net profit of USD 1100 ha?1.  相似文献   

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