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To assess the clinical applicability of pulse oximetry in the intensive care setting, a comparison was made of arterial hemoglobin saturation values determined by in vitro oximetry (SaO2) and pulse oximetry (SpO2) in 21 critically ill dogs. Single SaO2 measurements were compared to simultaneously obtained SpO2 readings. The correlation between these two methods was statistically significant (r = 0.8944, p = 0.0001). In addition, heart rates read by the pulse oximeter were compared to simultaneously obtained electrocardiograms (ECG). The correlation between these two methods was statistically significant (r = 0.9966, p = 0.0001). The pulse oximeter was easy to use, and recorded trends in oxygenation virtually instantaneously. Pulse oximetry appears to be an accurate and practical technique for the continuous non-invasive monitoring of oxygenation in critically ill dogs in the intensive care unit.  相似文献   

Ten, anesthetized dogs were instrumented with three pulse oximeter probes; two lingual transmittance probes and one rectal reflective probe. Arterial oxygen desaturation was produced by decreasing the inspired oxygen concentration. Hypotension was produced with an infusion of nitroprusside. Simultaneous pulse oximeter readings (SpO2) were compared to co-oximeter measured arterial saturation (SaO2) collected over a range of SaO2 (50–100%) and mean arterial pressures (40–100mmHg). Each of the monitors and means of evaluating SpO2 studied provided accurate SpO2 measurements over a range of mean arterial pressure from 40–100mmHg. All of the monitors tested tended to overestimate the SaO2 when the arterial saturation was less than 70%.  相似文献   

SpO2 values from the Nonin 8600V veterinary pulse oximeter, using a lingual clip-type, transmittance sensor applied to the tongue, were compared to directly-measured SaO2 values from a co-oximeter, calibrated for equine blood, in 5 halothane-anesthetized horse. Normocapnia was maintained with controlled ventilartion. The inspired oxygen concentration was varied by mixing nitrogen in oxygen to obtain SpO2 readings of approximately 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 92, and 100%. At the time of each SpO2 recording, an arterial blood sample was collected for immediate analysis of SaO2. A total of sixty paired measurements were made. The results showed excellent data correlation with a bias (precision) of 0.55 (2.57) and an R-value of 0.98 over the entire SaO2 range tested. Based on these findings, the Nonin 8600V veterinary pulse oximeter, with the lingual sensor, performed accurately and reliably, and appears to be suitable for clinical use in anesthetized horses. (Vet Emerg & Crit Care, 1999: 13–18)  相似文献   

选取5种动物为试验对象,生理年龄均在1/2性成熟期,每种动物4头,猪(长白,70 d)、羊(小尾寒羊,60 d)、狗(比格犬,80 d)、兔(日本大耳白,75 d)和鸡(爱拔益加,75 d)。采用体内原位结扎灌注肠段的方法研究不同浓度大豆凝集素(SBA)在不同种属动物小肠中的残留、结合和内吞特点。动物禁食24 h后,注入麻醉剂,剪去腹部体毛,打开腹腔,结扎空肠前段,(各种动物以空肠前段1/3处相对位置开始结扎)。用30 m L(39±1)℃的生理盐水冲洗隔离的肠段,以冲洗肠段内残余的食糜,分别结扎4段5 cm长的肠段,用注射器分别输入含不同浓度SB(A 0、0.5、1.0 m g/m L和3.0 m g/m L)的Krebs液。灌注时间8 h。试验结束后,采用间接抑制ELISA方法检测3个指标:灌注液中SBA的残留率,肠黏膜表面SBA的结合率,进入小肠壁的SBA的内吞率。结果表明:大豆凝集素在动物小肠中的结合特点存在种属差异;比较而言,SBA在猪和狗小肠中的内吞率和结合率高于羊,兔和鸡的内吞率也较大,且SBA的不同浓度对其在小肠壁上的内吞也有较大影响,低浓度时SBA的结合率和内吞率较大。  相似文献   



To estimate the prevalence and risk factors for road traffic accidents (RTA) in dogs and describe the management and outcome of these dogs attending primary‐care veterinary practices in the United Kingdom.


Retrospective cross‐sectional study.


Primary‐care veterinary practices in the United Kingdom.


The study population included 199,464 dogs attending 115 primary‐care clinics across the United Kingdom.

Measurements and main results

Electronic patient records of dogs attending practices participating in the VetCompass Programme were assessed against selection criteria used to define RTA cases. Cases identified as RTAs were identified and manually verified to calculate prevalence. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression methods were used to evaluate associations between risk factors and RTA. The prevalence of RTA was 0.41%. Of the RTA cases, 615 (74.9%) were purebred, 322 (39.2%) were female, and 285 (54.8%) were insured. The median age at RTA was 2.5 years. After accounting for the effects of other factors, younger dogs had increased odds of an RTA event: dogs aged under 3 years showed 2.9 times the odds and dogs aged between 6–9 years showed 1.8 times the odds of an RTA event compared with dogs aged over 14 years. Males had 1.4 times the odds of an RTA event compared with females. Overall, 22.9% of cases died from a cause associated with RTA. Of dogs with information available, 34.0% underwent diagnostic imaging, 29.4% received intravenous fluid‐therapy, 71.1% received pain relief, 46.0% were hospitalized, and 15.6% had surgery performed under general anesthetic.


This study identified important demographic factors associated with RTA in dogs, notably being young and male.

Objective – To compare blood pressure measurements obtained via ultrasonic Doppler flow monitor (DOP) and 2 oscillometric noninvasive blood pressure monitors (CAR and PAS) to invasive blood pressure (IBP) in hospitalized, conscious dogs with a range of blood pressures. Design – Prospective clinical study. Setting – University teaching hospital. Animals – Eleven client‐owned dogs aged between 4 months and 11.5 years (median 6 y), and weighing between 5.8 and 37.5 kg (median 30.2 kg). Interventions – Blood pressure measurement. Measurements and Main Results – Three consecutive measurements of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were recorded for each of the 3 indirect devices (only systolic for DOP), along with concurrent IBP measurements. The data were categorized into 3 groups: hypotensive (direct MAP<80 mm Hg), normotensive (80 mm Hg≤direct MAP≥100 mm Hg), and hypertensive (direct MAP>100 mm Hg). Each indirect method was compared with the corresponding direct arterial pressure using the Bland‐Altman method. Within the hypotensive group, each indirect method overestimated the corresponding IBP. Within the normotensive group all indirect systolic measurements and the PAS diastolic measurements underestimated the corresponding IBP. The remaining indirect measurements overestimated the corresponding IBP. Within the hypertensive group, DOP and CAR systolic measurements underestimated the corresponding IBP, and the remaining indirect measurements overestimated the corresponding IBP. In hypertensive dogs oscillometric systolic measurements were more accurate than MAP. In hypotensive dogs MAP measurements were more accurate than systolic measurements. All indirect measurements were most accurate in hypertensive dogs. Conclusions – The noninvasive blood pressure monitors in our study did not meet the validation standards set in human medicine. However, CAR diastolic and MAP measurements within the normotensive group, CAR MAP measurements within the hypertensive group, and PAS diastolic measurements in all groups were close to these standards. All indirect measurements showed greater bias during hypotension. Precision was poorer for all indirect systolic measurements than for MAP.  相似文献   

Objective – To report the prevalence of hyperglycemia in cats admitted to a veterinary hospital and to determine if hyperglycemic cats had increased morbidity and mortality when compared with normoglycemic cats.
Design – Retrospective clinical study.
Setting – Community-based referral hospital.
Animals – Nondiabetic cats admitted to the hospital.
Interventions – None.
Measurements and Main Results – The medical records of nondiabetic cats admitted to the hospital over a 1-year period were reviewed. There were 182 cats that met the criteria for inclusion in the study. Information obtained included signalment, length of hospitalization, initial and highest blood glucose measurement, diagnosis, treatment, and final disposition. Sixty-three percent of cats (116/182) were hyperglycemic at the time of presentation. Total incidence of hyperglycemia at any point during hospitalization was 64% (118/182). No association was found between hyperglycemia either initially or at any point during the hospitalization and mortality. However, a significant association was documented between the presence of hyperglycemia and increased length of hospitalization (LOH) ( P =0.04). The duration of LOH was also significantly associated with the degree of hyperglycemia ( P =0.01). A number of different disease processes were represented in the study population. However, the number of cats in each disease category was small and no association could be found between any of them and blood glucose affecting mortality and morbidity.
Conclusion – The prevalence of hyperglycemia in feline patients admitted to a primary referral hospital was 64%. Cats with hyperglycemia had a longer LOH when compared with normoglycemic cats; however, presence of hyperglycemia did not impact mortality in this population of cats.  相似文献   

Objective – (1) To evaluate whether total calcium (tCa) correlates with ionized calcium (iCa) in hypoalbuminemic dogs; (2) to evaluate whether calcium adjusted for albumin (Alb), or total protein (TP), or both accurately predict iCa concentrations and hence can be used to monitor calcium homeostasis in critically ill hypoalbuminemic dogs; and (3) to evaluate factors associated with any potential discrepancy in calcium classification between corrected total and ionized values. Design – Prospective observational clinical study. Setting – Small animal intensive care unit in a veterinary medical teaching hospital. Animals – Twenty‐eight client‐owned dogs with hypoalbuminemia. Interventions – None. Measurements and Main Results – iCa was determined using ion‐specific electrode methodology, on heparinized plasma. The tCa concentration was adjusted for Alb and TP using published equations. In total 29% (8/28) of the hypoalbuminemic, critically ill dogs in this study were hypocalcemic at intensive care unit admission, as determined by iCa measurement. Corrected calcium values failed to accurately classify calcium status in 67.9% and 64.3% of cases, according to whether the Alb‐adjusted or TP‐adjusted values, respectively, were used. The sensitivity and specificity of the tCa to evaluate hypocalcemia was 100% and 47%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the correction formulae were 37.5% and 79% for the Alb‐adjusted values and 37.5% and 74% for TP‐adjusted values. tCa overestimated the presence of hypocalcemia and underestimated the presence of normocalcemia, while corrected calcium values overestimated the presence of normocalcemia and underestimated the presence of hypocalcemia. Conclusions – Calcium homeostasis in hypoalbuminemic critically ill dogs should be evaluated by iCa concentrations rather than tCa or calcium adjusted for Alb or TP. Given that tCa has 100% sensitivity for detecting hypocalcemia in this population it is recommended that all hypoalbuminemic and critically ill patients with low tCa should be evaluated with an iCa measurement.  相似文献   

河南省济源市农村养殖小区动物防疫存在问题及改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重对当前河南省济源市农村养殖小区在动物防疫条件、饲养人员专业素质等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并就该问题提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种由双链RNA诱发的转录后水平的基因沉默现象,是近几年发展起来的基因表达调节新机制,广泛地存在于真菌、植物和动物中。到目前为止,已有很多试验证明,RNAi作为一种基因功能研究的新手段,在动物繁殖研究中发挥了极其高效的作用。作者主要介绍了RNAi的研究历史、分子机制、作用特点、生物学意义及在动物繁殖中的应用。  相似文献   

畜牧养殖是山东省无棣县车王镇的重点产业,近年发展速度较快,显著促进了地区居民的增收致富。在畜牧养殖过程中,动物疾病防控是关键管理环节。为提升动物疾病防控成效,需深入分析动物疾病的出现原因,采取针对性的解决对策,最大程度控制动物疾病的发生与影响。  相似文献   

在我国畜牧业发展进程中,动物防疫工作一直都是重中之重,将基层畜牧兽医动物防疫工作充分做好,能有效确保动物健康生长,控制和减少各类动物疫病造成的危害,增加基层畜牧养殖效益,推动畜牧业持续健康发展。该文探究基层畜牧兽医防疫相关内容,提出指导畜牧兽医防疫工作的对策。  相似文献   

作者剖析了动物福利贸易壁垒成因、特征和对国际贸易的影响,指出了中国动物福利存在的问题及与发达国家的差距,评估了动物福利政策对中国动物、动物产品及相关服务出口贸易的影响。提出了构建既适合中国国情又与国际接轨的出入境动物福利保障体系的框架建议:①应积极推动中国动物福利法立法进程;②要切实提高中国动物福利保障水平;③应先行强化出入境动物福利立法;④应在进出口动物福利立法中引入企业推动模式;⑤要充分利用WTO机制应对国外动物福利壁垒;⑥要建立健全动物福利贸易壁垒预警机制;⑦要应用危害分析与关键控制点原理管理动物福利;⑧要逐步建立农场动物福利认证制度。  相似文献   

Objective: To review the occurrence and etiologies of hypocalcemia in septic human and veterinary patients. Data sources: A thorough search was conducted using CAB abstracts and MEDLINE and the keywords hypocalcemia, ionized calcium, sepsis, and procalcitonin (proCT). Human data synthesis: Ionized hypocalcemia (iHCa) is a common finding in septic human patients. The cause is unknown but is likely multifactorial. Low ionized calcium (iCa2+) concentrations coincide with increased severity of illness and increased mortality. Recent studies show that iHCa has a strong correlation with elevated calcitonin precursor concentrations. Veterinary data synthesis: There is a paucity of publications in the veterinary literature pertaining to iHCa in septic animals. Experimental models of sepsis indicate that iHCa exists in animals. iHCa has also been investigated in horses with enterocolitis and endotoxemia. Prospective studies are needed to determine the prevalence of iHCa among septic small animals, and to determine whether iHCa correlates with increased mortality and severity of disease. Indications for the treatment of iHCa in septic small animals also need to be investigated. Conclusions: iHCa is well documented in septic human patients, but little is known about iHCa in septic veterinary patients. Future veterinary studies should focus on documenting the presence of iHCa in septic patients and steps should be taken to determine the cause. proCT concentrations may show promise for predicting sepsis and mortality in critically ill veterinary patients.  相似文献   

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