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E. Portis    L. Barchi    A. Acquadro    J. I. Macua  S. Lanteri 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(3):299-304
Cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis DC) belongs, together with globe artichoke (C. (cardunculus L. var. sylvestris L.) and wild cardoon (C. cardunculus L. var., sylvestris (Lamk) Fiori). to the family Asteraceae (Compositae). Cultivated cardoon is of regional importance in Italy. Spain and southern France, where it is used for the preparation of traditional dishes. It has been shown to have potential as a source of oil from its seeds, inulin from its roots and various biopharmaceuticals from its leaves. Levels of genetic diversity and relatedness between eleven Italian and 10 Spanish accessions were assessed by DNA profiling with eight AFLP primer combinations and at five microsatellite loci. The AFLP analysis of genetic similarities showed that the Spanish and Italian accessions represent two distinct gene pools; substantial variation was present within each accession. On the other hand a limited variation was detectable by applying SSR markers.  相似文献   

A. Riaz    G. Li    Z. Quresh    M. S. Swati  C. F. Quiros 《Plant Breeding》2001,120(5):411-415
Significant heterosis for seed yield in oilseed rape has created interest in the development of hybrid cultivars. The DNA‐based marker protocol, sequence‐related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) was used to determine genetic diversity among oilseed rape maintainer and restorer lines. This measure was used in an attempt to establish an association between genetic distance and heterosis in hybrids for various agronomic traits. A total of 118 polymorphic loci were generated by 18 SRAP primer combinations. Based on the polymorphism generated by the markers, calculated similarity index values ranged from 0.46 to 0.97. Cluster analysis grouped 10 maintainer and 12 restorer lines into three groups, with the exception of two maintainer lines, PM5 and PM9, which fell outside these groups. The grouping of the lines was largely in agreement with the available pedigree data on their origin and agronomic performance. Analysis of variance among inbred lines and their resulting F1 hybrids over two locations revealed significant differences for plant height, days to maturity and seed yield, but not for oil content. Substantial mid‐parent heterosis was observed only for seed yield, and ranged from 26% to 169%. All hybrids surpassed their respective inbred lines for this trait, except for a single cross combination of related lines. In general, crosses of lines located in different clusters yielded more than those from the same clusters. Regression analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between the genetic distance of the parents and seed yield in their hybrid, and their derived mid‐parent and high‐parent heterosis. The correlation coefficient between genetic distance and yield (0.64) indicated a moderately strong relationship, so it is possible that some of the SRAP markers might be linked to quantitative trait loci for seed yield.  相似文献   

为了解糯玉米种质的遗传基础,利用29对SSR标记对87份糯玉米自交系进行遗传多样性分析,共检测出180个等位变异,平均每个位点6个等位变异,多态性信息含量变幅为0.308~0.915,平均为0.572。材料间遗传相似系数为0.49~0.93,平均为0.66。通过聚类分析UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means)方法在遗传相似系数0.64处将87份糯玉米自交系划分为4个类群,分别包含9、66、10和2份材料。此外,利用Structure群体遗传结构分析也将87份糯玉米自交系分为4个类群,分别包含24、25、19和19份材料;进一步分析表明,供试群体中大部分糯玉米自交系的遗传变异较单一。本研究为糯玉米新品种选育和遗传进化分析提供了种质基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

P. Obara-Okeyo  S. Kako 《Euphytica》1998,99(2):95-101
DNA from thirty-six cymbidium cultivars was examined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine the efficiency of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in identifying cultivars and determining levels of genetic variability. A total of 132 RAPD markers, 78% of which were polymorphic, were produced from 15 10mer arbitrary primers. All the cultivars were distinguishable when a number of primers was considered. One cultivar, Blue Smoke ‘Green Meadow’ could be distinguished from all the rest based only on lack of the OPA5-370 fragment. Genetic distances among the cultivars were estimated based on the amount of band sharing and ranged from 0.08–0.50 with an average of 0.29. Cluster analysis of genetic distance estimates grouped siblings together with each other and parents with offsprings, thereby agreeing with known parentage information and corroborating isozyme data obtained from a separate study. The possible application of the observed polymorphism and variation to cymbidium breeding is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) is a legume crop widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. In this study, we assessed genetic diversity and population structure of 299 individuals of subspecies purpureus and bengalensis of lablab from Thailand using 13 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The SSR markers detected only 34 alleles in total with a mean of 2.6 alleles per locus. Overall gene diversity was 0.360. Gene diversity (HE) and allelic richness (AR) in different geographic regions was comparable. Similarly, both HE and AR between subspecies purpureus and bengalensis were similar. STRUCTURE and neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses revealed that the 299 individuals were clustered into two major groups. In contrast, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed admixture of the lablab germplasm. STRUCTURE, NJ and PCoA analyses also revealed that the subspecies purpureus and bengalensis are not genetically differentiated. Although the number of individuals from the west of Thailand was small and all of them were collected from the same province, they possessed comparable gene diversity with those from the other geographic regions. These results demonstrated that there is moderately low genetic diversity of lablab in Thailand and the west of the country possesses high diversity of lablab.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic relationships among landraces is useful to gene bank managers because it permits a better organization of the crop's gene pool management, more efficient sampling of the available germplasm resources and better access to useful genetic variation for breeders. Genetic diversity of 19 landraces of the cultivated mung bean, Vigna radiate, and three weedy and wild relatives including Vigna mungo, Vigna luteola and Vigna radiate var. sublobata, was investigated at the DNA level with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) procedure. Sixty random decamer primers were employed in amplification reactions; 28 of these were informative and yielded 246 bands, of which 229 were polymorphic with a mean of 8.2 bands per primer. A genetic distance matrix based on Nei and Li coefficient was converted to a dendrogram and a two-dimensional plot using multidimensional scaling (MDS). The accessions studied were separated into three main clusters, which included V. radiate landraces, V. mungo and V. luteola, respectively. The variation of this cluster supports the view that the genetic distance of V. mungo and V. luteola varies considerably from the accession VO2955 (V. radiata). The multidimensional scaling plot confirmed that V. mungo, V. luteola and most of the accessions of V. radiata formed distinct clusters with no overlap, and two mung bean accessions (PI177493 and VO4134–1 from Turkey and India, respectively) were genetically distant from other V. radiata landraces. V. radiata and V. mungo are positioned in separate botanical species and V. radiata var. sublobata is classified within other V. radiata landraces. Based on the limited range of accessions tested, the approach holds promise for the classification of mung bean germplasm, identification of mung bean landraces and applications of molecular markers to mung bean breeding.  相似文献   

为了对巴西木薯种质资源进行遗传多样性、亲缘关系和群体遗传结构分析,本研究利用了7946个SNPs和1997个InDels分子标记,通过ADMIXTURE软件进行群体结构分析、GCTA软件进行主成分分析。结果显示,巴西木薯被划分为9个亚群。这与利用PHYLIP进行的聚类分析结果大概一致,其中亚群1、亚群2、亚群4、亚群6和亚群8能较好地分别聚在一起,而其他亚群中的样品大致能聚在一起,且样品间有一定的交叉。巴西木薯种质资源遗传多样性指数(0.274)高于中国、尼日利亚等,其中巴西木薯亚群5具有相对较高的遗传多样性水平(0.29)。巴西木薯各亚群的群体遗传分化程度较低(群体分化指数在0.03~0.15之间),但高于中国木薯种质资源的群体分化指数。各木薯材料间的遗传距离变幅为0.084~0.297,平均遗传距离为0.228。本研究结果可为后续关联分析发掘优良等位基因及引种提供依据。  相似文献   

As a typical tropical crop, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has the characteristics of drought resistance, barren resistance, high biomass and so on. In addition to being used for food and forage, it can also be used for production, processing and starch extraction. Due to highly heterozygous cassava genome, breeding is more difficult. Enriching the genetic diversity of cassava germplasm, comprehensively evaluating its genetic background and traits, and discovering superior alleles that control excellent traits are of great significance for cassava breeding in the future. In order to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic relationship and population structure of cassava germplasm in Brazil, 7946 SNPs and 1997 InDels molecular markers were used. Population structure analysis was performed by ADMIXTURE software, and principal component analysis was performed by GCTA software. Brazilian cassava was divided into nine subgroups, and was roughly consistent with the results of cluster analysis using PHYLIP. Among them, subgroup 1, subgroup 2, subgroup 4, subgroup 6, and subgroup 8 could be clustered together respectively, while the samples of other subgroups could be roughly clustered, and there was a certain cross between the samples. The genetic diversity of cassava germplasm in Brazil (0.274) was higher than the genetic diversity level of cassava germplasm in China and Nigeria. Subgroup 5 of Brazil cassava had a relatively high genetic diversity (0.29). The genetic differentiation of subgroups was low (the genetic differentiation vary from 0.03 to 0.15), but higher than domestic cassava germplasm. The genetic distance between cassava accessions varied from 0.084 to 0.297, with the average of 0.228. The results of this study can provide a basis for subsequent association analysis to identify great alleles and introduction.  相似文献   

Semi‐hybrids between genetically distant alfalfa (Medicago sativa subsp. sativa) populations may display heterosis whose extent is affected by the structure of genetic diversity across populations. This study aimed to assess the genetic diversity across three putative heterotic populations, one Italian, one Egyptian and one of semi‐erect germplasm from Eastern Europe, Canada and Spanish Mielga (EECM population). Each population was bred from ten parents after various selection cycles. Fifteen genotypes per population were characterized by 20 polymorphic SSR markers. The among‐population variance was over eightfold smaller than the average within‐population variance (2.05 vs. 17.24) and accounted for 10.6% of the total variation. GST = .090 across markers indicated modest population differentiation. Various diversity measures, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis of the genetic structure indicated that the Italian population was more distant from the EECM population than the Egyptian one. The EECM and Egyptian populations were the most distant geographically and genetically. EECM displayed widest intrapopulation variation, accordingly to its constitutive geographical diversity. In conclusion, this study indicates modest genetic differentiation between alfalfa populations even for geographically distant germplasm.  相似文献   

M. Yuan    Y. Zhou  D. Liu 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(1):9-12
Recurrent selection facilitated by dominant male sterility has been conducted to broaden the genetic basis for cultivar development in Brassica napus. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic variation in four base populations (C0‐C3) and breeding lines from two of the populations produced during recurrent selection by random amplified polymorphic DNA (Rapd) markers. Genetic variation in four populations declined gradually with the advance of selection cycles as measured by expected genetic heterozygosity (from 0.2058 in C0 to 0.1536 in C3) but the decline was not statistically significant. When compared with the average genetic distances for 21 germplasm collections with wide geographical and genetic origins (0.4712) and seven breeding lines from pedigree selection (0.2059), seven breeding lines selected from the C1 population and 11 from the C3 population had a larger average genetic distance (0.5339 and 0.5486, respectively). Clustering analysis indicated that the lines from recurrent selection had a much lower genetic similarity than lines from pedigree selection. Our results suggest that base populations derived from recurrent selection could provide a wider genetic variation for selection of breeding lines with more broad genetic bases.  相似文献   

A collection of 28 Osteospermum clones and cultivated varieties of different origin were evaluated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. All the clones were identified by 12 decamers selected from a set of 30. This is the first characterization by molecular markers of the genetic material of Osteospermum. The level of genetic diversity among genotypes was assayed and all the accessions tested were then classified into six groups by UPGMA cluster analysis; the clustering of genotypes using the RAPD data proved to be in accordance with their breeding group origin. RAPD analysis can therefore be a useful tool for evaluating genetic variability in other Osteospermum germplasm collections for breeding purposes and for protecting intellectual property rights of improved varieties.  相似文献   

The NPGS-USDA core collection with 85 accessions of red clover, an important forage species, is little described. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the diversity of a set of accessions from the core collection at the morphological and molecular level in order to extract some valuable accessions for Brazilian red clover breeding programs. Twenty-one morphological traits, collected in field and greenhouse in South Brazil, and seven SSR markers were used to describe 57 accessions from the U.S. core collection and one population cultivated in Southern Brazil. Variation between accessions was large for most of the 21 morphological traits. A cluster analysis based on the morphological traits revealed five distinct clusters that separated the populations according to flowering earliness, as already described, but also according to persistency, growth habit and dry matter productivity. Over seven SSR loci, the number of alleles averaged 11.1 alleles per locus. Genetic diversity measured with SSR markers was high, with a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.86. An analysis of molecular variance revealed that the largest proportion of variation (83.6%) resided at the within population level. Although the molecular markers also separated accessions into five clusters, there was no coincidence between the composition of groups found with morphological and molecular data. Use of genetic diversity in breeding programs requires to use the most promising populations, to combine positive traits such as persistency and forage yield, and probably to use within population variation to detect valuable genotypes that could be used as parents of synthetic varieties.  相似文献   

The selection of Jatropha based on morphological information and molecular markers is essential as it is more reliable and consistent. Hence, twelve Jatropha accessions from different geographical areas of India were screened for genetic diversity using 19 morphological traits and 21 ISSR primers. The analysis of morphological traits grouped the accessions into five clusters. The cluster I consisted of J. curcas (CJC 18), J. curcas (CJC 20), J. curcas (CJC 22), J. curcas (CJC21), and J. curcas (CJC 25), and contained the maximum number of accessions; clusters II and IV contained the minimum number of accessions. Among all the characters, the highest range was exhibited by plant height and the least value by the number of branches. The twenty-one ISSR primers generated 156 polymorphic alleles. The average number of ISSR alleles generated was 7.47 per primer. The ISSR primer UBC 884 was highly informative with the maximum of 12 alleles. The 12 genotypes were grouped into eight clusters. The cluster I contained the maximum number of accessions, namely J. curcas (CJC 18), J. curcas (CJC 20), J. curcas (CJC 22), J. curcas (CJC21), and J. curcas (CJC 25). The clusters II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII (J. tanjorensis, J. gossypiifolia, J. glandulifera, J. podagrica, J. ramanadensis J. villosa, and J. integerrima) contained the minimum number of accessions. Maximum diversity between J. villosa and J. integerrima was noticed and the least diversity between J. curcas (CJC21) and J. curcas (CJC 25) seen because the ISSR markers differentiated the Jatropha accession into a wide genetic diversity as compared to the morphological data. The species-specific diagnostic markers identified in the study such as 1000 bp alleles for J. glandulifera by the primer UBC 826 is suitable for discriminating species of Jatropha, and thus can be used for identifying a Jatropha species from any mixed population comprising other members of the Jatropha complex.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of 46 accessions of the Lima bean (P. lunatus L.) including 16 wild forms and 30 landraces belonging to the three cultigroups Big lima, Sieva, Potato, and their intermediates, was evaluated using RAPD (Random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Twelve oligonucleotide primers produced 172 RAPD markers which allowed the differentiation of two main groups: the mesoamerican and the andean groups. This was confirmed by an AMOVA analysis which indicated that 37.7% of the variation was found between these two groups. For each botanical form (wild and cultivated), the molecular markers showed that small-seeded types (i.e. Sieva and Potato types and their related wild forms) had a wide distribution (from Mexico to Argentina) while the large-seeded types (Big lima type and its related wild forms) were circumscribed to the narrow west-coastal region from Ecuador to Bolivia. The results are in favour of an independent domestication process within the two groups, as the differentiation between mesoamerican and andean accessions was found to occur in both wild forms and landraces. Within each of the two main groups, wild forms and landraces were also found to be genetically differentiated and higher genetic diversity was observed among landraces than among wild forms. Within the mesoamerican landraces, low but significant differentiation between the Sieva and Potato cultigroups was observed. Some suggestions and hypotheses are discussed about evolution of the two small-seeded types. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity of 42 plum varieties by RAPD analysis. Twenty primers discriminated all plum varieties excepting two synonymous pairs: 'Botankyou and ‘Kelsey’, and ‘Chairn’ and ‘Tragedy’. Two North American plums, ‘Beach Plum’ and ‘Glow’, were genetically distinct from the other plums by cluster analysis. Overlaps observed between the ‘European plum group’ and the ‘Japanese plum group’, were perhaps due to intercrossing. We could also discriminate ‘Sordum’ from 'Late Sordum and ‘Bansei Sordum’, although ‘Late Sordum’ and ‘Bansei Sordum’ are thought to be derived from bud mutants of ‘Sordum’. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

J. Vollmann    H. Grausgruber    G. Stift    V. Dryzhyruk    T. Lelley 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):446-453
Camelina is an alternative oilseed crop species with limited information about the origin and diversity of available germplasm. Therefore, a set of 130 camelina accessions from a world collection was evaluated for oil content, protein content and 1000‐seed weight in field experiments grown in three macro‐environments in Austria. Based on phenotypic data, accessions were categorized into four groups with different seed characteristics using k‐means cluster analysis or principal component extraction. Subsequently, a representative set of 41 accessions was subjected to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Of 24 primers, 15 were polymorphic producing a total of 30 marker loci. Genetic distance estimates between the 41 accessions were calculated, based both on RAPD polymorphism and on seed quality characteristics, and dendrograms were generated for comparison. Similarities were found between the two different clustering approaches, and grouping was partly in agreement with pedigree information or geographic origin. However, as the two estimates of diversity sampled different segments of the genome, i.e. regions coding for seed characteristics or phenotypically neutral genomic regions highlighted by discrete markers, the correlation between the two distance matrices was low.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of allozyme polymorphism at 11 loci was carried out on 439 accessions from the genus Lens. This comprised 153 Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis, 35 L. odemensis, 117 L. ervoides, 32 L. nigricans, 2 of a differentiated cytotype of L. nigricans and 100 landrace accessions of the cultivated lentil (L. culinaris subsp. culinaris), from 10 different countries. The aim of the survey was to determine intra-specific genetic diversity and species relationships, based on phylogenetic and phenetic analyses, particularly regarding the position of L. odemensis and the differentiated cytotype of L. nigricans. Diversity was described by three statistics. The level of diversity in the cultivated taxon was lower than in any of the wild species according to two of these statistics, the percentage of polymorphic loci and mean number of alleles per locus. For the third measure (Nei's mean genetic diversity) it was only greater than L. ervoides. Genetic diversity statistics of the wild species indicated differences in the nature of between-population genetic diversity within the different taxa. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that L. odemensis and L. ervoides evolved from a common ancestor, and L. culinaris subsp. orientalis subsequently evolved from L. odemensis. Phenetic analysis, however, places L. odemensis closer to L. culinaris subsp. orientalis than to L. ervoides. Nei's mean genetic distance of L. odemensis from both L. culinaris subsp. culinaris (0.204) and L. culinaris subsp. orientalis (0.110) was greater than the distance between them (0.062). This evidence is not conclusive in determining whether L. odemensis should retain its specific status. Further crossability studies should be carried out on a range of genotypes to assess the potential for gene flow. The evidence presented shows the differentiated cytotype of L. nigricans to be quite distinct from other L. nigricans accessions, both phenetically and phylogenetically. This indicates that the differentiated cytotype of L. nigricans may constitute a new taxon. Discriminant function analysis reveals that isozymes may be useful in validating species classification.  相似文献   

The genus Amaranthus has gained much attention, particularly for its high economic and nutritional value. It is a genus of taxonomic complexity with many interspecific hybrids. For effective conservation and management of the germplasm collected, the development of a core set of accessions is especially important. A core set of 63 accessions was successfully developed from an entire collection of 634 accessions using the powercore 1.0. Among the tested methods for developing the core set – the advanced M strategy using the modified heuristic method (HCC), randomly chosen collections and stratified random collections – HCC was found to be best, with 100% coverage of alleles and minimum redundancy. Allele frequency distribution of the core set developed with HCC was highly correlated with that of entire collections (r = 0.91). Model‐based structure analysis revealed the presence of three subpopulations and 11 admixtures in the selected core set, which is basically consistent with clustering based on the genetic distance. The results from this study will provide effective information for future germplasm conservation and improvement programmes in Amaranthus.  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii Coss. is the D-genome donor to hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and is the most promising wild species as a genetic resource for wheat breeding. To study the population structure and diversity of 81 Ae. tauschii accessions collected from various regions of its geographical distribution, the genomic representation of these lines were used to develop a diversity array technology (DArT) marker array. This Ae. tauschii array and a previously developed DArT wheat array were used to scan the genomes of the 81 accessions. Out of 7500 markers (5500 wheat and 2000 Ae. tauschii), 4449 were polymorphic (3776 wheat and 673 Ae. tauschii). Phylogenetic and population structure studies revealed that the accessions could be divided into three groups. The two Ae. tauschii subspecies could also be separately clustered, suggesting that the current taxonomy might be valid. DArT markers are effective to detect very small polymorphisms. The information obtained about Ae. tauschii in the current study could be useful for wheat breeding. In addition, the new DArT array from this Ae. tauschii population is expected to be an effective tool for hexaploid wheat studies.  相似文献   

Twenty-four tetraploid Indian potato cultivars were characterized by using RAPD markers to assess diversity within and between late blight resistant and susceptible cultivars. Sixty-four random decamer primers generated802 fragments, ranging in size from 60–3200 bp, with 96.4% fragment polymorphism. Shannon's index of diversity was used to quantify the degree of variability present within and between the variety types. Most of the diversity was detected within variety types, with 88% of variation being within and 12% being between the resistant and susceptible cultivars. No clear groupings based on late blight resistance and susceptibility or kinship was reflected on the dendogram. The late blight resistant cultivars exhibited higher variability compared to susceptible cultivars and they were more dispersed on the PCO plot. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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