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<专刊>= <栏目>=研究论文 <图片>= <表格>= <连载>= <来源>= <中图分类号>=Q178 <主题分类>= <行业分类>= <本刊专题>= <本刊编号>=1005-8737-(2007)07-078-06 <基金项目>=北京市环保局自然保护区基金项目. <注释>= <参考文献>= <  相似文献   

根据2004年拒马河水域生态调查结果,对拒马河的水质状况和水生生物种类组成、数量分布和群落特征进行分析研究,来评估拒马河生态系统状况.结果表明,共发现浮游植物252种、浮游动物91种、底栖生物28种;浮游植物和底栖生物的多样性指数分别为4.32、3.03;均匀度分别为0.60、0.63;水质调查发现总氮的超标较为严重,其余指标基本符合地表水环境质量标准.综合指标表明,拒马河的水质属于β-中污染至寡污染类型.但由于人为干预行为和生活污水的排放,其生态系统遭到一定程度的破坏,建议加强管理,防治污染.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱(GC-ECD)法测定了漳江口水域表层水、沉积物及水生生物中三氯杀螨醇(DCF)的残留量,并对其残留水平、来源和分布、食用安全及人体健康风险等方面进行了探讨与分析。结果表明,漳江口表层水中DCF的含量范围为未检出~13.5 ng·L-1,检出率为4.8%;表层沉积物(以干重计)中DCF的含量范围为未检出~2.49 ng·g-1,检出率为28.6%;11种水生生物中DCF的含量范围为未检出~7.06 ng·g-1,检出率为38.1%。漳江口表层水和沉积物中DCF的分布趋势基本一致,D8站(江心岛)附近为DCF残留高值区,这与当地农民施用DCF防治螨害有关,而且因DCF的使用造成D8站成为DCF型DDT污染。水生植物中DCF残留较低,水产品(鱼类、虾类和贝类)中的DCF残留较高,但低于欧盟、美国、日本的食品安全限量;参考国家食品安全标准规定的DCF每日容许摄入量(ADI)估算得出的DCF接触风险指数(ERI)远小1,表明漳江口水域水产品消费引起的DCF接触风险为可接受风险。  相似文献   

简述了环境DNA发展进程,介绍了环境DNA应用领域,包括物种及物种多样性研究、生物量评估、珍稀物种和入侵物种监测。归纳了环境DNA研究方法,样品的采集与保存、eDNA捕获、提取、分析。指出了eDNA技术的优势和存在的问题。提出,在今后的环境DNA研究中,一方面要大力发展并推广eDNA技术;另一方面应尽快制定一个统一的eDNA监测方法标准化框架,将eDNA技术和传统调查方法相结合,才能更好地对水生生物进行监测,在水生生态文明建设中发挥更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

环境DNA在水域生态中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境DNA(environmental DNA,eDNA)是指生物通过皮肤脱落、唾液、配子、粪便以及分泌物等方式向环境中释放的游离DNA。环境DNA具有敏感性、准确性以及容易操作等诸多优势,更能实时地反映物种多样性以及生物量等,近两三年受到了世界各地学者们的大量关注。水域环境高度复杂,环境DNA在水域生态领域具有重要的应用价值。本文主要从环境DNA在水域生态的应用以及研究方法方面对环境DNA的研究做一小结,同时介绍环境DNA在其他生境的应用,以期为水域生态的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

1994年,澳大利亚Macquaire大学的WiUkins和Willimm在意大利Siena召开的双向电泳会议上首次提出了“蛋白质组”这一名词,并将其定义为“基因组所表达的全部蛋白质”。这个概念的提出标志着一个新的学科——蛋白质组学(proteomics)的诞生。  相似文献   

在许多水域环境监测中,沾污通常主要是通过化学分析的方法来测定的,即通过对水环境中各个介质中的物质进行化学分析,可以灵敏地检查出各种沾污物质的浓度。但因水域的污染会对水域中生物带来有害的影响,因此对于水域污染的监测;单纯依靠化学分析法来研究生物效应是很不够的。  相似文献   

谭燕  李远友 《水产科学》2006,25(11):583-587
鱼类在毒理学研究和生态风险评价中有重要的试验价值,是研究内分泌干扰作用的理想试验动物。本文主要综述了利用鱼类进行内分泌干扰研究的主要测试终点和敏感效应指标;重点介绍了稀有鮈鲫、斑马鱼、日本青鳉、孔雀鱼、剑尾鱼、黑头软口鲦等鱼类的主要生物学特性,以及利用它们进行内分泌干扰物的筛选与测试方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

分子遗传标记及其技术在水产生物中的研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本总结了现代生物学所发展出来的各类分子标记,并对分子标记技术在水生生物中的研究和应用进行了一简单综述。  相似文献   

环境DNA技术在象山港水域鱼类多样性调查中的应用与评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对象山港水域环境DNA(eDNA)样品的采集和高通量测序分析,并结合渔业资源调查数据,阐述象山港主要鱼类群落的种类组成和多样性特征,探讨了环境DNA技术在典型海域鱼类多样性研究中的应用前景.结果显示,共从象山港水域环境DNA样品中检测到26个常见鱼类物种,隶属于辐鳍鱼纲(Actinopterygii)的7个目中的2...  相似文献   

1. Recent data on habitat characteristics and the animal and plant communities from 166 brackish lagoons in Great Britain have been analysed to interpret their community stucture and the environmental features important to maintaining the diversity of specialist lagoonal species. 2. Lagoons supporting a diverse community of specialist species of restricted distribution are considered to be the most valuable in conservation terms. 3. Lagoons are concentrated in the south and east of the country, are predominantly shallow with fine sand and mud sediments and cover a range of sea-inlet types, areas and salinities (from zero to hyperhaline). 4. The environmental characteristics of lagoons show more variability than those of ambient sea-or estuarine water. 5. Six suites of species are identified: freshwater species, stenohaline marine lagoonal specialists, euryhaline lagoonal specialists, estuarine species tolerant of lagoons, estuarine species incidental in lagoons and underrecorded species. 6. The lagoons are categorized as freshwater sites and groups of saline sites of a range of conservation value in terms of their community, from high value sites dominated by stenohaline specialist species to sites supporting no specialist lagoonal community. 7. The higher value sites are bar-built or sluiced lagoons with a channel inlet, with salinities close to 35%0, a heterogeneous sediment, predominantly shallow and with larger area if narrow. Spatial density of lagoons may be important in recruitment of stenohaline specialist species, and frequent exchange of a proportion of the lagoon water with adjacent estuary or sea-water may be important in maintaining requisite salinity. 8. Aspects worthy of further study are identified.  相似文献   

阐述了海洋对人类赖以生存的地球的重要作用以及我国海洋领土的现状,指出了我国在大力发展现代经济的过程中对海洋环境造成的损害及其严重性,着重论述了海洋生态学研究对我国海洋情报获取、海洋资源合理开发以及海洋生物多样性保护中的重要意义,并且指出了海洋生态学研究对促进我国海洋生态文明建设中的重要地位。  相似文献   

Abstract– Projected world population increases imply demand for an increase of 60 million tonnes on the present world fish production of 100 million tonnes. Capture fisheries are unlikely to yield more because many stocks are already overexploited, there are few remaining unexploited and management shows few signs of redressing problems. Aquaculture is a possible source of the required production, given maintenance of current rates of increase. If this potential is to be realized, the importance of maintaining the quality of freshwater, brackish and coastal marine environments can scarcely be overstated. In a world of rapid change, there is an urgent need for research at all levels of biological and social organization that relate to the ecology of freshwater fish. At the organismic level, genetics, migratory behaviour and physiological ecology will be emphasized. Population genetics research is needed to enlighten controversies concerning the impact of cultural practices and the effects of harvesting natural populations. Greater attention will be given to interactions between species, including fish and their parasites, and the dynamics of multispecies interactions in pond culture and in capture fisheries. Issues of multiple uses of water resources will force research on freshwater fish ecology into broader contexts. The march of discovery in all branches of science will have major implications for freshwater fisheries research. The next few decades will be demanding of the creative energies of young researchers.  相似文献   

海水交换能力的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海水交换研究是海洋生态研究的新热点问题,对海域环境质量的评价有重要作用,并且对新兴的人工鱼礁区海洋生态变动机制的研究也有重要的意义.文章综述了国内外海水交换能力的研究进展,系统地分析和评价了国内外海水交换的研究方法,提出了海湾水交换以及人工鱼礁区水交换研究的发展趋势,为以后的相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

海水交换研究是海洋生态研究的新热点问题,对海域环境质量的评价有重要作用,并且对新兴的人工鱼礁区海洋生态变动机制的研究也有重要的意义。文章综述了国内外海水交换能力的研究进展,系统地分析和评价了国内外海水交换的研究方法,提出了海湾水交换以及人工鱼礁区水交换研究的发展趋势,为以后的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Temporary water bodies are temporally variable ecosystems supported primarily by rainwater. The biota supported by such water bodies present a range of capacities to remain in this environment for all or part of their life cycles. During floods, temporary pools can connect with permanent streams, promoting changes in trophic networks in the aquatic food webs. The aim of this research was to analyse the feeding ecology of a fish community in a temporary pool near of Tlacotalpan, in the Mexican southeast, in order to understand the dynamics of the feeding habits. First, we identified feeding habits that can be interpreted as guilds of the fishes in the temporary pool: the annual killifish Millerichthys robustus (the only autochthonous species) is planktophagous; Cynodonichthys tenuis and Astyanax aeneus are insectivores; Dormitator maculatus and larvae of amphibians (Lithobates sp.) are mainly detritivorous; and Poecilia mexicana is planktophagous and insectivorous. We then estimated the effect of coexistence on niche breadth and overlap. The niches of M. robustus and P. mexicana evidenced overlap, but the breadth was adjusted inversely, suggesting feeding specialisation in M. robustus in response to competition. We documented the existence of two cohorts of M. robustus; the niche breadth of the first and second cohorts suggesting different strategies probably related to competition under variable conditions. The niche of C. tenuis and A. aeneus, and D. maculatus and tadpoles overlapped, following a pattern of feeding generalisation in response to competition.  相似文献   

水质改良机改善池塘水质的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
殷肇君 《水产学报》1997,21(3):322-326
通过多年的研究和生产实践证明,在利用水质改良机改良池塘水质时,应走机械与生物相结合的道路,中文提出翻喷池塘淤泥是改良池塘水质的最有效途径之一,既能充分利用浮游生物光合作用所释放的大量氧,又能有效偿还氧债,改良水质,从而达到提高鱼产量和节能的目的。本文强调偿还养殖水体的氧债,对改良池塘水质至关重要。  相似文献   

  1. Scientific publications on the conservation of threatened species can drive practical conservation solutions for endangered species. Yet, a posteriori assessment of the impact of such publications is rarely seen in the scientific literature.
  2. The impact of two articles published in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) on the conservation of the endangered quillwort Isoëtes malinverniana is assessed. The articles were the result of a 10‐year study on the focal species that eventually led to the first reintroduction of I. malinverniana. The first article described the development of a cost‐effective model for the selection of suitable reintroduction sites for the species. The second article provided a summary of the techniques used to reintroduce the species and included techniques of ex situ propagation, recipient site preparation, planting methods, and monitoring.
  3. This article reviews the practical conservation actions for I. malinverniana that followed the publication of two AQC papers and how they may affect research and conservation for other quillworts and aquatic macrophytes.
  4. The results were surprising and went well beyond the initial expectations of the authors. Both AQC publications stimulated the conservation of I. malinverniana from different points of view. They contributed by informing scientists and policymakers of the risk of extinction of this species, leading to the establishment of a new protected area in Piedmont (northern Italy).
  5. Our published data represent a sound starting point for funding opportunities in the context of the European Union LIFE programme. Further impacts include an expansion of knowledge on oligotrophic habitat management, the assessment of conservation status, and the education of the general public, with the last of these greatly enhanced by the two ex situ collections created in the botanic gardens of Tourin and Pavia. Interestingly, other authors are now using our approach in research and conservation on other endemic and endangered quillworts worldwide.

Marine and fisheries scientists are increasingly using metapopulation concepts to better understand and model their focal systems. Consequently, they are considering what defines a metapopulation. One perspective on this question emphasizes the importance of extinction probability in local populations. This view probably stems from the focus on extinction in Levins' original metapopulation model, but places unnecessary emphasis on extinction–recolonization dynamics. Metapopulation models with more complex structure than Levins' patch‐occupancy model and its variants allow a broader range of population phenomena to be examined, such as changes in population size, age structure and genetic structure. Analyses along these lines are critical in fisheries science, where presence–absence resolution is far too coarse to understand stock dynamics in a meaningful way. These more detailed investigations can, but need not, aim to assess extinction risk or deal with extinction‐prone local populations. Therefore, we emphasize the coupling of spatial scales as the defining feature of metapopulations. It is the degree of demographic connectivity that characterizes metapopulations, with the dynamics of local populations strongly dependent upon local demographic processes, but also influenced by a nontrivial element of external replenishment. Therefore, estimating rates of interpopulation exchange must be a research priority. We contrast metapopulations with other spatially structured populations that differ in the degree of local closure of their component populations. We conclude with consideration of the implications of metapopulation structure for spatially explicit management, particularly the design of marine protected area networks.  相似文献   

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