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3种植物单根对土体残余抗剪强度影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课题组采用四联电动直剪仪对3种沙生植物重塑的根-土复合体及素土进行了直接剪切试验,研究其单根对提高土体残余抗剪强度的影响以及不同孔隙水承压条件下根-土复合体的残余抗剪强度变化.结果表明:浅层土压力下3种植物根-土复合体残余抗剪强度均大于素土,且柠条根系固土效果优于沙棘和白沙蒿;不同含水量梯度下,复合体存在最优含水量,该含水量条件下,根-土复合体强度达到最大值;模拟降雨条件下复合体各残余强度指标均大于非降雨条件下的指标,表现为模拟降雨条件下,3种植物复合体残余粘聚力增长率排序为柠条>白沙蒿>沙棘,模拟非降雨条件下排序为柠条>沙棘>白沙蒿.上述研究定量分析了3种植物根-土复合材料的力学特性,为水土保持树种的选择提供了理论依据,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

以额济纳荒漠典型红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)群落为样本,通过测定土壤的理化性质、水势以及红砂根系分布,研究红砂根系分布与土壤环境的关系。结果表明:红砂主要分布在灰棕漠-灰漠土地带,而其根系主要集中在pH8.0-8.97之间、电导率高达1.19-1.78ms/cm的地下30-70cm层,该层不但含盐量很高,含水率也较高;可以认为,土壤水分、盐分是影响红砂根系分布的主要因素,而红砂根系集中分布在盐化层和高含水层则是长期适应土壤环境的结果。  相似文献   

3种灌木直根抗剪特性及其与化学组分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为揭示风力侵蚀区植物长期遭受大风使其根系反复受力后的固土性能,以神东矿区广泛分布的水土保持植物种沙柳(Salix psammophila)为研究对象,采用TY8000伺服式强力机对1~5 mm径级沙柳直根进行轴向循环荷载试验,探究直根抗拉特性对模拟大风拉拔产生的反复加载-卸载作用的响应。结果表明:(1)承受循环荷载后直根极限抗拉力与根径呈幂函数正相关,抗拉强度与根径呈幂函数负相关,与单次荷载下直根抗拉力、抗拉强度-根径关系相似。(2)承受循环荷载后各径级直根抗拉力、抗拉强度较单次荷载均有所增强且差异显著(P<0.05),1~2mm、2.5~3.5 mm、4~5 mm直根抗拉力、抗拉强度分别增长了60%、60%,48%、50%,31%、32%。(3)直根力-位移曲线在循环过程中表现出明显的周期循环特征,随循环次数增加,滞回环间距逐渐闭合,由加载段-卸载段曲线组成的滞回环面积随之减小,抵抗塑性变形能力越来越差,最后趋之稳定。直根累计伸长率随循环次数的增加而增长,分为快速增长阶段和缓慢增长阶段。(4)承受单次荷载和循环荷载后,直根弹性应力、极限应力、弹性模量与根径呈负相关,累计弹性应变...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The extent of spatial and temporal variability of sugarcane rust (Puccinia melanocephala) infestation was related to variation in soil properties in five commercial fields of sugarcane (interspecific hybrids of Saccharum spp., cv. LCP 85-384) in southern Louisiana. Sugarcane fields were grid-soil sampled at several intensities and rust ratings were collected at each point over 6 to 7 weeks. Soil properties exhibited significant variability (coefficients of variation = 9 to 70.1%) and were spatially correlated in 39 of 40 cases with a range of spatial correlation varying from 39 to 201 m. Rust ratings were spatially correlated in 32 of 33 cases, with a range varying from 29 to 241 m. Rust ratings were correlated with several soil properties, most notably soil phosphorus (r = 0.40 to 0.81) and soil sulfur (r = 0.36 to 0.68). Multiple linear regression analysis resulted in coefficients of determination that ranged from 0.22 to 0.73, and discriminant analysis further improved the overall predictive ability of rust models. Finally, contour plots of soil properties and rust levels clearly suggested a link between these two parameters. These combined data suggest that sugarcane growers that apply fertilizer in excess of plant requirements will increase the incidence and severity of rust infestations in their fields.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the relationship between plant hosts and root‐colonizing fungi recovered from apple orchard soils that had been replanted over multiple generations. Functional relationships of three groups of filamentous fungi (Ceratobasidium sp., Cylindrocarpon‐like group and Fusarium acuminatum) with apple rootstocks were evaluated in plant growth bioassays. The Cylindrocarpon‐like group and Ceratobasidium sp. showed a relationship with the host plant varying from pathogenic to commensal through to mutualistic for the latter group, while that of F. acuminatum tended to be mutualistic. Seven fungal isolates of each group, which induced the highest plant growth in bioassays, were evaluated for auxin (IAA) and gibberellin (GA3 and GA4) production in culture filtrate. All isolates of F. acuminatum as well as most of those of the Ceratobasidium sp. and Cylindrocarpon‐like groups produced IAA in culture filtrate. IAA production was evaluated for additional isolates of endophytic fungal species from fruit tree orchards and the functionality of IAA was confirmed by growing in vitro micropropagated plantlets of apple rootstock on MS medium supplemented with fungal culture filtrate. Findings from this study may explain the difficulty in defining the precise role of diverse root‐colonizing fungal populations in replant disease aetiology of fruit tree orchards. However, the results demonstrate the presence of a positive and widely available biotic component of the orchard soil biology that may be exploited for the benefit of tree growth and production.  相似文献   

采用人工腐解方法研究了人参根系腐解物对3种十字花科作物小白菜、油菜和萝卜的化感作用.结果表明,人参根系腐解物对小白菜和油菜种子的萌发有抑制作用,且降低了α-淀粉酶的活性;对小白菜和油菜幼苗的生长表现为低浓度促进、高浓度抑制的作用;对萝卜种子的萌发和o-淀粉酶活性表现为中、低浓度促进生长,高浓度抑制,对其下胚轴和鲜重均有促进作用.  相似文献   

覆盖处理苹果细根分布与土壤物理性状响应关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以12年生红富士苹果树为试材,研究黄土高原旱塬区不同覆盖措施(覆膜、覆草、覆沙)对苹果细根(直径≤2 mm)及土壤性状的影响。结果表明:地表覆盖可有效降低土壤容重,增大土壤含水量及孔隙度,增加细根数量,增大根系吸收水肥效率。覆膜处理细根水平分布范围与清耕(CK)相似,在距干0~90 cm范围内,垂直密集分布最大深度由CK的60 cm提升至40 cm,36.05%的细根分布在0~20 cm土壤表层。与CK相比,覆草、覆沙处理的细根水平分布范围由90 cm扩展至120 cm,垂直均匀分布整个土壤剖面,利于树体对深层土壤水肥的吸收利用。土壤物理性状与细根根长、表面积、根长密度呈极显著相关,覆膜处理中根径与比根长也与土壤物理性状表现出相关性。综合分析根系分布与土壤物理性状,覆草处理是陇东旱塬区苹果园较为适宜的地表覆盖模式。  相似文献   

运用植物形态解剖学的实验方法对生长在准噶尔盆地的梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、无叶假木贼(Anabasis aphylla)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)三种典型荒漠植物主茎次生木质部导管的形态进行观察和分析,以研究荒漠植物次生木质部导管对环境差异所表现的可塑性.结果表明:1)相比人工营造荒漠植物,三种野生荒漠植物次生木质部导管直径分布中宽窄导管并存,且宽导管较少,导管直径小、水力直径小、导管密度大、导管壁厚度大,使得野生荒漠植物对水分的输导率变小,但是对水分运输的安全性变强,机械强度变大.2)野生荒漠植物多枝柽柳、梭梭和无叶假木贼具有相似的导管特征,三者相比,导管长度依次变短、单导管直径依次变小、水力直径依次变小;导管密度则是多枝柽柳最小、梭梭最大、无叶假木贼次之;宽窄导管并存,但多枝柽柳宽导管较多,梭梭、无叶假木贼窄导管较多;说明野生多枝柽柳、梭梭、无叶假木贼对水分的输导率依次变小,其中梭梭、无叶假木贼导管密度较大,窄导管较多,可以提高对水分运输的安全性,这些差异是三种荒漠植物对其所处干湿环境适应的结果.通过探讨上述荒漠植物次生木质部导管结构与生境的关系,为引种栽培、资源保护提供解剖学依据,同时也为多枝柽柳、梭梭、无叶假木贼三种荒漠植物的起源、进化、系统分类提供参考资料.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Sato S  Ye X  Dorrance AE  Morris TJ  Clemente TE  Qu F 《Phytopathology》2011,101(11):1264-1269
Transgenic plants expressing double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) of virus origin have been previously shown to confer resistance to virus infections through the highly conserved RNA-targeting process termed RNA silencing or RNA interference (RNAi). In this study we applied this strategy to soybean plants and achieved robust resistance to multiple viruses with a single dsRNA-expressing transgene. Unlike previous reports that relied on the expression of one long inverted repeat (IR) combining sequences of several viruses, our improved strategy utilized a transgene designed to express several shorter IRs. Each of these short IRs contains highly conserved sequences of one virus, forming dsRNA of less than 150 bp. These short dsRNA stems were interspersed with single-stranded sequences to prevent homologous recombination during the transgene assembly process. Three such short IRs with sequences of unrelated soybean-infecting viruses (Alfalfa mosaic virus, Bean pod mottle virus, and Soybean mosaic virus) were assembled into a single transgene under control of the 35S promoter and terminator of Cauliflower mosaic virus. Three independent transgenic lines were obtained and all of them exhibited strong systemic resistance to the simultaneous infection of the three viruses. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of this very straight forward strategy for engineering RNAi-based virus resistance in a major crop plant. More importantly, our strategy of construct assembly makes it easy to incorporate additional short IRs in the transgene, thus expanding the spectrum of virus resistance. Finally, this strategy could be easily adapted to control virus problems of other crop plants.  相似文献   

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