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杂交稻制种异交高产栽培规律及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据杂交稻制种异交栽培的特性,提出高产制种的栽培目标:母本穗齐穗多,中穗 粒多,柱头外露率和千粒重高;父本穗大粒多,穗子相对不齐和抽穗分散。在栽培上应采取措施 实现早发、稳长,使高产栽培与改善异交性能相结合。据此,作者提出了异交高产栽培的模式及 汕优63高产制种技术措施的具体指标。  相似文献   

在总结制种高产县经验的基础上,分析了内江市杂交稻春播夏制的几个主要技术问题,指出,保证种子纯度是高产制种的前提;改进制种技术,增苗增德是高产制种的保;提高异交结实率是高产制种的关键。  相似文献   

杂交稻新品种泸优637高产制种技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了杂交稻新品种泸优637高产制种技术:制种基地选择与隔离,合理安排父母本播种差期,构建父母本高产群体,采取综合措施提高异交结实率,严格去杂去劣,做好病虫防治,确保种子质量。  相似文献   

高温对不育系异交率和千粒重的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安排水稻制种的最佳抽穗期。是制种获得高产的关键措施之一。通过几年试验观察,V20A不耐高温,在泰宁县7月中旬至8月上旬的高温条件下抽异交率极低;D297A在这一时段抽穗,虽然表现异交率基本正常,但千粒重下降明显,龙特甫A和珍汕97A较耐高温,异交率,千粒重正常。  相似文献   

根据2003-2004年丰优559大面积制种实践和制种特点,提出丰优559高产制种策略是:父母本保足穗、争大穗、主攻提高异交结实率.相应的制种技术是合理安排播差期,确保花期相遇;培育壮秧,合理密植;加强肥水管理,培育高产群体;采取辅助措施,早喷重喷"九二○",提高异交结实率.  相似文献   

根据天优1120亲本特性和制种技术特点,其高产制种策略是:父母本保足穗、争大穗、主攻提高异交结实率.相应的制种技术是合理安排播差期,确保花期相遇;培育壮秧,合理密植;加强肥水管理,培育高产群体;采取辅助措施,适期喷施"920",提高异交结实率.  相似文献   

根据天优1120亲本特性和制种技术特点,其高产制种策略是:父母本保足穗、争大穗、主攻提高异交结实率。相应的制种技术是合理安排播差期,确保花期相遇;培育壮秧,合理密植;加强肥水管理,培育高产群体;采取辅助措施,适期喷施“920”,提高异交结实率。  相似文献   

根据天优1120亲本特性和制种技术特点,其高产制种策略是:父母本保足穗、争大穗、主攻提高异交结实率.相应的制种技术是合理安排播差期,确保花期相遇;培育壮秧,合理密植;加强肥水管理,培育高产群体;采取辅助措施,适期喷施"920",提高异交结实率.  相似文献   

两系杂交粳稻高产制种技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了两系杂交粳稻制种最佳抽穗扬花期的选择,建立父母本双强群体结构,促进盛花期及花时相遇,喷施“九二0”,提高异交结实率,以及防止自交混杂等高产制种技术。  相似文献   

杂交稻深优957烟后高产制种技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了杂交水稻深优957烟后高产制种技术:制种田块选择,制种花期安排,确定双亲播差期,构建父母本高产群体,采取综合措施提高异交结实率,严格去杂,及时收割,确保种子质量。  相似文献   

对两个不育系SE21、MS6和父本明恢63在福州农场进行连续2a的叶龄调查,结果表明:该材料在不同年份主茎叶片数、抽穗期不变,表现相对稳定.父母本主茎叶片数相同,母本抽穗期比父本早1~2d,在同一年份内不同播种期,主茎叶片数不变,抽穗期相差9d.母本穗大粒多,柱头外露率高、存活力强,管理简便,极易获得制种高产.  相似文献   

对杂交粳稻组合3优18在不同父母本行比、母本栽插密度等处理下的异交结实率与制种产量进行分析,结果表明:1:6的父母本行比是最佳行比配置,母本密度株行距18cm×22cm为获得高产的最优配置;父母本花时不遇、柱头外露低等种性是制约制种产量进一步提高的主要限制因子。  相似文献   

汕优系统组合制种,由于珍汕97A花期长,花时迟,加之开颖角度小,柱头双边外露少.长期处于制种低产.针对这种状态,采取相应技术措施,使制种大面积亩产过270kg。  相似文献   

杂交水稻制种异交结实机制的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文讨论了杂交稻制种中异交结实的影响因素和形成机制,异交结实率的变化规律性等。提出了异交结实率构成式,从理论上阐明了异交结实率的限制因素、潜力及开发途径的思路。  相似文献   

1990~1992年对密阳46、珍汕97A等6个主要制种亲本的生育特性和开花习性进行了观察、研 究,掌握了亲本在早夏制的变化规律及相关技术。  相似文献   

An increase in the proportion ofhybrid vs. selfed plants improves the performance ofopen pollinated (OP) true potato seed (TPS) families. Strategies to increase the proportion ofhybrid seeds were investigated. A marker gene for yellow tuber flesh in a diploid clone, interplanted as the male parent, permitted identification of 4x × 2x hybrids among the OP progeny. Only 5% of the OP progeny were 4x × 2x hybrids. The proportion of 4x × 2x hybrid plants among the OP progeny was increased when the female parent had low male fertility and when only the largest 25% of the seeds were planted. The hybrid 4x × 2x plants were superior for all traits evaluated on the OP seedling transplant families. Traits included vigor, flowering, pollen stainability, OP fruit set, and tuber yield. Effects of the female parent were significant only for vigor and flowering, while seed size did not affect values for any trait consistently: With the limited outcrossing observed, the low seed set obtained when using parents with low male fertility and the work involved in selecting the largest seeds within individual fruits were not justifiable. However, research with OP true seed families asa low cost planting material should be continued, since high yielding OP families have been identified.  相似文献   

杂交稻制种母本撒直播的花遇规律及成因研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年发现,杂交稻春、夏季制种母本撒直播比移栽的异交结实率高5%左右。经试验观察,父、母本日开花相遇机率提高3.5%,时开花相遇机率提高6.5%。前者由两亲本成穗结构相似所致,后者与母本撒直播的群体密度大、有效穗多、调节田间小气候使母本开花提早有关。  相似文献   

提出了双季稻区汕优63、特优63再生制种可行的花期安排及提高再生季异交结实率的有效措施.并讨论了再生季花期调控的有关问题.  相似文献   

Practices and Prospects of Super Hybrid Rice Breeding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The great progress in super rice breeding both in China and other countries has been made in recent years. However, there were three main problems in super rice breeding: 1) the super rice varieties were still rare; 2) most super rice varieties exhibited narrow adaptability; and 3) current breeding theories emphasized too much on the rice growth model, but they were unpractical in guidance for rice breeding. According to the authors’ experience on the rice breeding, the breeding strategies including three steps (super parent breeding, super hybrid rice breeding and super hybrid rice seed production) were proposed, and the objectives of each step and the key technologies to achieve the goals were elucidated in detail. The super parent of hybrid rice should exhibit excellent performance in all agronomic traits, with the yield or sink capacity reached the level of the hybrid rice control in regional trials. The super hybrid rice combination should meet the following criteria: good rice quality, wide adaptation, lodging resistance, resistance to main insects and diseases, and the yield exceeded above 8% over the control varieties in the national and provincial regional trials. To achieve the goal, the technical strategies, such as selecting optimal combination of the parents, increasing selection pressure, paying more attention to harmony of ideal plant type, excellent physiological traits and all the agronomic traits, should be emphasized. The yield of seed production should reach 3.75 t/ha and 5.25 t/ha for the super hybrid rice combinations derived from early-season and middle-season types of male sterile lines, respectively. The main technologies for raising seed production yield included selecting optimum seed production site, using the male sterile line with large sink capacity and good outcrossing characteristics, and improving the amount of the pollen by intensive cultivation of the male parent. According to the technologies of the three-step breeding on super hybrid rice, two super rice parents, including a male parent 996 and a thermo(photo)-genic male sterile [T(P)GMS] line C815S, were bred. Furthermore, a super early hybrid rice combination, Luliangyou 996, which could be used as a double-season early rice variety in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, was bred by using the super rice variety 996 as the male parent, and several hybrid rice combinations with higher yield than control variety in regional trials both of Hunan Province and state were bred with the T(P)GMS line C815S as the female parent.  相似文献   

2009—2010年杂交稻新品种宜优673在江苏省泰州大面积制种,2 a平均产量达130 kg/667m2。介绍了宜优673亲本的特征特性,大面积高产主要制种技术:适时提早播种、合理安排播差期、加强秧田管理培育多蘖壮秧、适时早插父本培育高产苗架、加强肥水管理促进均衡生长、适时适量喷"九二○"、及时防治病虫害、严格去杂保纯。  相似文献   

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