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土壤风蚀量随残茬高度的变化规律研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在内蒙古自治区武川县建立农田土壤风蚀试验区,采用内蒙古农业大学研制的移动式风蚀风洞和旋风分离式集沙仪,直接在农田上观测不同残茬高度条件下的农田风蚀土壤损失情况。试验结果表明:土壤风蚀量和扬起沙尘的高度随风速的增加而增加,随着作物秸秆残茬高度的增加而降低,且输沙量与高度变化符合指数函数关系,土壤颗粒主要集中在近地表层内运动。保护性耕作可明显地提高启沙风速,减少农田土壤损失,当秸秆高度为30 cm时,风蚀量仅为传统耕地的1/4左右。  相似文献   

残茬高度对土壤风蚀量影响的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在内蒙古自治区武川县建立农田土壤风蚀试验区,采用内蒙古农业大学研制的移动式风蚀风洞和旋风分离式集沙仪,观测不同残茬高度条件下农田土壤的风蚀情况.试验结果表明:土壤风蚀量和扬起沙尘的高度随风速的增加而增加,随着作物秸秆残茬高度的增加而降低,且风蚀量与高度变化符合指数函数关系,土壤颗粒主要集中在近地表层内运动.保护性耕作可明显地提高起沙风速,减少农田土壤损失,当秸秆高度为30 cm时,风蚀量仅为传统耕地的1/4左右.  相似文献   

以北方旱作农田为重点开展我国的土壤风蚀研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文在土壤风蚀倍受国际社会广泛关注的背景下,结合我国面临的实际情况,阐述了在北方旱作农田开展土壤风蚀研究的必要性。在评述国内外土壤风蚀研究进展和趋势的基础上,提出了我国拟开展的研究内容。针对我国土壤风蚀问题与研究现状,提出加快我国土壤风蚀研究的几点建议。  相似文献   

沙河洼农田地表风沙运动与土壤风蚀的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文通过对农田不同地表类型的粗糙度,对近地层气流运动状态、风沙流结构特征、输沙量进行了研究,指出改变农田地表性质,就可在一定程度上防止土壤风蚀的发生。  相似文献   

基于风蚀模型的准东地区土壤风蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中选取准噶尔盆地东部(准东)为研究区,以土地利用类型、气象数据为基础,结合实地监测与调查,基于中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所的大田推广模型,定量计算各类地表在不同植被和风力条件下的土壤风蚀模数,分析准东地区土壤风蚀状况。结果表明:准东地区土壤风蚀模数呈现未利用地(风蚀模数6456.17t·km~(-2)·a~(-1))>林草地(风蚀模数3437.32t·km~(-2)·a~(-1))>耕地(风蚀模数758.71t·km~(-2)·a~(-1));土壤风蚀主要发生月份为4月和5月,占全年风蚀量的52%。模型模拟的准东地区年风蚀总量达10194.28万t,平均风蚀模数4571.43t·km~(-2)·a~(-1)。为验证模型模拟的准确性,用测钎法实测准东地区土壤风蚀模数,模型模拟值与实测之间的误差分析表明模型的精确性达84%以上,证明该模型可用于该区域土壤风蚀监测。  相似文献   

内蒙古京津风沙源治理工程土壤风蚀控制效益研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000—2013年内蒙古风沙源治理工程区风蚀模数整体呈现下降趋势,风蚀程度有所减轻。5个亚治理区风蚀模数差异较大,其中浑善达克沙地治理区风蚀模数最高,其他依次为科尔沁沙地南缘治理区﹥乌兰察布高平原退化草原、荒漠草原治理区﹥锡林郭勒高平原-乌珠穆沁沙地盆地退化草原治理区﹥华北北部丘陵山地水源涵养治理区。工程区土壤风蚀量明显减少,2001—2013年累计净减少1 370 446.65×104t,其中,乌兰察布高平原退化草原、荒漠草原治理区累计净减少风蚀量最大;其次为锡林郭勒高平原-乌珠穆沁沙地盆地退化草原治理区。风力是造成内蒙古风沙源工程区土壤侵蚀的最主要营力。2000—2013年,工程区风蚀模数与风蚀量的逐步降低说明,京津风沙源治理工程实施十余年以来,通过实施各类治理措施,工程区土壤风蚀得到初步控制,工程区生态状况趋向好转,随着森林资源总量与质量的提高,水土流失状况进一步改善,沙化土地治理初见成效。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地南缘风蚀量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对浑善达克沙地南缘多伦县沙漠化土地调查中,就其风蚀地貌进行了详细的研究,不仅论证了风蚀地貌的形成、类型和分布,而且实测了不同类型区的风蚀量数据。并采用克拉瓦洛维克的风蚀强度公式计算了该地区风蚀量的理论值。以测定数据为基础,研讨了增加地表粗糙度的方法及防止或减缓风蚀的有效途径,并且具有在同类地区示范推广作用。  相似文献   

旱地保护性耕作土壤风蚀模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国外风蚀模型资料的基础上,建立了适用于保护性耕作的风蚀模型。该模型以小时为步长,根据气象数据、地表土壤水分、秸秆残茬覆盖率及地表粗糙度,模拟不同耕作体系下农田土壤风蚀流失量情况;针对保护性耕作的特点,考虑到残茬覆盖对土壤含水量和地表粗糙度的影响;通过田间风蚀测定数据的验证,证明所建立的保护性耕作风蚀模型的模拟值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

土壤风蚀研究进展与评述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
按照时间顺序,分阶段论述了国内外风蚀研究的概况及成果,系统地总结与评述了国内外土壤风蚀研究的进展,指出把土壤风蚀研究与农田耕作制度的研究结合起来,将是以后研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

<正> 自1984年以来,在西非、中东、美、澳等国,已开始应用沙尘暴的气象资料来描述大范围的土壤风蚀。研究证明,利用这些气象资料测定大范围的风蚀是有效的,但大量研究集中于沙尘暴频率这一指标。本文使用沙尘暴持续期和沙尘暴频率等综合性指标,对比研究了澳大利亚全国有沙尘暴记录的138个气象站(见图1)从1960年至1987年期间的沙尘暴情况,结果如下:  相似文献   

Many desert expressways are affected by the deposition of the wind-blown sand,which might block the movement of vehicles or cause accidents.W-beam central guardrails,which are used to improve the safety of desert expressways,are thought to influence the deposition of the wind-blown sand,but this has yet not to be studied adequately.To address this issue,we conducted a wind tunnel test to simulate and explore how the W-beam central guardrails affect the airflow,the wind-blown sand flux and the deposition of the wind-blown sand on desert expressways in sandy regions.The subgrade model is 3.5 cm high and 80.0 cm wide,with a bank slope ratio of 1:3.The W-beam central guardrails model is 3.7 cm high,which included a 1.4-cm-high W-beam and a 2.3-cm-high stand column.The wind velocity was measured by using pitot-static tubes placed at nine different heights(1,2,3,5,7,10,15,30 and 50 cm)above the floor of the chamber.The vertical distribution of the wind-blown sand flux in the wind tunnel was measured by using the sand sampler,which was sectioned into 20 intervals.In addition,we measured the wind-blown sand flux in the field at K50 of the Bachu-Shache desert expressway in the Taklimakan Desert on 11 May 2016,by using a customized 78-cm-high gradient sand sampler for the sand flux structure test.Obstruction by the subgrade leads to the formation of two weak wind zones located at the foot of the windward slope and at the leeward slope of the subgrade,and the wind velocity on the leeward side weakens significantly.The W-beam central guardrails decrease the leeward wind velocity,whereas the velocity increases through the bottom gaps and over the top of the W-beam central guardrails.The vertical distribution of the wind-blown sand flux measured by wind tunnel follows neither a power-law nor an exponential function when affected by either the subgrade or the W-beam central guardrails.At 0.0H and 0.5H(where H=3.5 cm,which is the height of the subgrade),the sand transport is less at the 3 cm height from the subgrade surface than at the 1 and 5 cm heights as a result of obstruction by the W-beam central guardrails,and the maximum sand transportation occurs at the 5 cm height affected by the subgrade surface.The average saltation height in the presence of the W-beam central guardrails is greater than the subgrade height.The field test shows that the sand deposits on the overtaking lane leeward of the W-beam central guardrails and that the thickness of the deposited sand is determined by the difference in the sand mass transported between the inlet and outlet points,which is consistent with the position of the minimum wind velocity in the wind tunnel test.The results of this study could help us to understand the hazards of the wind-blown sand onto subgrade with the W-beam central guardrails.  相似文献   

风沙防治中覆网床面风沙流特性的风洞模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在风沙防治中,根据气流与沙物质地表作用的机理来看,主要有三种途径。一是降低床面风速,二是减少沙源,第三就是阻截运动气流与床面的相互作用。借助风洞模拟实验,对覆网床面风沙流特性研究发现:覆网床面沙面稳定性主要受覆网形状参数的影响,通过对覆网床面风速廓线、风沙流结构观测,主要探讨孔隙度、孔径等覆网参数对沙面稳定性的影响机理。另外,覆网床面蚀积状态还受进口风速的影响,在风速较小时,床面表现为积沙,风速较大时,床面开始风蚀。  相似文献   

文中基于光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: SPH)方法,采用五次样条光滑函数,通过调节不同类型粒子光滑因子,对风沙流运动特性进行分析:1)在风沙流起动阶段,沙粒平均水平速度随高度增加而增大,同一高度处沙粒平均水平速度随时间推移而减小.2)风沙流稳定前后,沙粒数均随高度...  相似文献   

Desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems in the world,especially in the arid desert regions.Combating desertification,therefore,is an urgent task on a regional or even global scale.The Taklimakan Desert in China is the second largest mobile desert in the world and has been called the'Dead Sea'due to few organisms can exist in such a harsh environment.The Taklimakan Desert Highway,the longest desert highway(a total length of 446 km)across the mobile desert in the world,was built in the 1990s within the Taklimakan Desert.It has an important strategic significance regarding oil and gas resources exploration and plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of southern Xinjiang,China.However,wind-blow sand seriously damages the smoothness of the desert highway and,in this case,mechanical sand control system(including sand barrier fences and straw checkerboards)was used early in the life of the desert highway to protect the road.Unfortunately,more than 70%of the sand barrier fences and straw checkerboards have lost their functions,and the desert highway has often been buried and frequently blocked since 1999.To solve this problem,a long artificial shelterbelt with the length of 437 km was built along the desert highway since 2000.However,some potential problems still exist for the sustainable development of the desert highway,such as water shortage,strong sandstorms,extreme environmental characteristics and large maintenance costs.The study aims to provide an overview of the damages caused by wind-blown sand and the effects of sand control measures along the Taklimakan Desert Highway.Ultimately,we provide some suggestions for the biological sand control system to ensure the sustainable development of the Taklimakan Desert Highway,such as screening drought-resistant species to reduce the irrigation requirement and ensure the sound development of groundwater,screening halophytes to restore vegetation in the case of soil salinization,and planting cash crops,such as Cistanche,Wolfberry,Apocynum and other cash crops to decrease the high cost of maintenance on highways and shelterbelts.  相似文献   

Guardrail, an important highway traffic safety facility, is mainly used to prevent vehicles from accidentally driving off the road and to ensure driving safety. Desert highway guardrails hinder the movement of wind-blown sand, resulting in the decline of sand transportation by the pavement and the deposition of sand gains on the pavement, and endangering traffic safety. To reveal the influence of guardrails on sand transportation of desert highway pavement, we tested the flow field and sand tran...  相似文献   

杨兴华  何清  霍文  程玉景 《干旱区研究》2012,29(6):1100-1104
利用策勒绿洲-荒漠过渡带风沙前沿输沙资料及风速风向资料,分析这一区域近地面输沙的方向分布特征。结果表明:① 风沙前沿起沙风风向以W、WNW为主,风向变化比较单一;② 观测点输沙量集中于NW、WNW、W、SW、WSW 5个方位,合计占总输沙量的68.3%;0~40 cm高度年输沙量为96.0 kg,年合成输沙量为45.9 kg,合成输沙方向为102.5°;③ 观测点年输沙势为43.2 VU,年合成输沙势为31.04 VU,输沙势的方向分布与实测输沙量存在较大差异。  相似文献   

甘肃省风速变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国风能资源开发增长迅速,甘肃省风能资源储量在全国名列前茅。为降低风电企业投资的风险,需要对当地多年的风速状况进行评估。文中选用甘肃省79个台站1976年至2010年35年的风速资料,30个台站的历史沿革资料,采用T检验法、SNHT(Standard Normal Homogeneity Test)方法及经验正交分解方法(EOF)对甘肃省风速资料进行分析。T检验表明,甘肃省79个站35年的风速资料有3.98%的存在非均一性;资料分析结果表明,甘肃各地风速除陇中及定西部分地区略有上升外,大部分地区风速呈下降趋势,包括风能资源丰富的地区,且下降趋势较明显,其中河西祁连山区风速下降在0.13m/s.10a~0.26m/s.10a之间,河西东部地形平坦区域风速下降在0.13m/s.10a以下;陇南及陇东大部分地区风速下降在0.13m/s.10a以下。甘肃台站风速每十年变化量与本站1976~2010年平均风速比较结果显示:除陇中及定西部分地区风速略有上升,每十年上升在5%~10%之间外,河西祁连山区风速每十年下降在5%~15%之间,河西东部地形平坦区域风速每十年下降在5%以下;陇南及陇东大部分地区风速每十年下降在5%~10%之间。这是今后风电场投资必须要考虑与防范的风险因素之一。  相似文献   

As the sand mass flux increases from zero at the leading edge of a saltating surface to the equilibrium mass flux at the critical fetch length, the wind flow is modified and then the relative contribution of aerodynamic and bombardment entrainment is changed. In the end the velocity, trajectory and mass flux profile will vary simultaneously. But how the transportation of different sand size groups varies with fetch distance is still unclear. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to investigate the fetch effect on mass flux and its distribution with height of the total sand and each size group in transportation. The mass flux was measured at six fetch length locations(0.5, 1.2, 1.9, 2.6, 3.4 and 4.1 m) and at three free-stream wind velocities(8.8, 12.2 and 14.5 m/s). The results reveal that the total mass flux and the mass flux of each size group with height can be expressed by q=aexp(–bh), where q is the sand mass flux at height h, and a and b are regression coefficients. The coefficient b represents the relative decay rate. Both the relative decay rates of total mass flux and each size group are independent of fetch length after a quick decay over a short fetch. This is much shorter than that of mass flux. The equilibrium of the relative decay rate cannot be regarded as an equilibrium mass flux profile for aeolian sand transport. The mass fluxes of 176.0, 209.3 and 148.0 μm size groups increase more quickly than that of other size groups, which indicates strong size-selection of grains exists along the fetch length. The maximal size group in mass flux(176.0 μm) is smaller than the maximal size group of the bed grains(209.3 μm). The relative contribution of each size group to the total mass flux is not monotonically decreasing with grain size due to the lift-off of some small grains being reduced due to the protection by large grains. The results indicate that there are complex interactions among different size groups in the developmental process of aeolian sand transport and more attention should be focused on the fetch effect because it has different influences on the total mass flux, the mass flux profile and its relative decay rate.  相似文献   

Tao WANG 《干旱区科学》2017,9(6):888-899
The Lanzhou-Xinjiang High-speed Railway runs through an expansive windy area in a Gobi Desert, and sand-blocking fences were built to protect the railway from destruction by wind-blown sand. However, the shielding effect of the sand-blocking fence is below the expectation. In this study, effects of metal net fences with porosities of 0.5 and 0.7 were tested in a wind tunnel to determine the effectiveness of the employed two kinds of fences in reducing wind velocity and restraining wind-blown sand. Specifically, the horizontal wind velocities and sediment flux densities above the gravel surface were measured under different free-stream wind velocities for the following conditions: no fence at all, single fence with a porosity of 0.5, single fence with a porosity of 0.7, double fences with a porosity of 0.5, and double fences with a porosity of 0.7. Experimental results showed that the horizontal wind velocity was more significantly decreased by the fence with a porosity of 0.5, especially for the double fences. The horizontal wind velocity decreased approximately 65% at a distance of 3.25 m(i.e., 13 H, where H denotes the fence height) downwind the double fences, and no reverse flow or vortex was observed on the leeward side. The sediment flux density decreased exponentially with height above the gravel surface downwind in all tested fences. The reduction percentage of total sediment flux density was higher for the fence with a porosity of 0.5 than for the fence with a porosity of 0.7, especially for the double fences. Furthermore, the decreasing percentage of total sediment flux density decreased with increasing free-stream wind velocity. The results suggest that compared with metal net fence with a porosity of 0.7, the metal net fence with a porosity of 0.5 is more effective for controlling wind-blown sand in the expansive windy area where the Lanzhou-Xinjiang High-speed Railway runs through.  相似文献   

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