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《Soil biology & biochemistry》2012,44(12):2473-2479
Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) in combination with sequencing of amplified partial 18S ribosomal DNA was used to assess the effects of transgenic Bt corn 5422Bt1 (event Bt 11) and 5422CBCL (event MON810) on the community structure of a non-target microorganism, namely the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus in corn roots and rhizosphere soils, relative to their non-Bt isolines 5422 (conventional parent) and 5422wx (conventional hybrid). AMF colonization in roots of different corn genotypes was also assessed using microscopic visualization. No adverse effect was detected on the indigenous AMF colonization of the roots of Bt hybrids 5422Bt1 and 5422CBCL. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN®) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the DGGE data from corn roots presented differences between Bt and non-Bt corn isolines (5422Bt1 vs. 5422wx, and 5422CBCL vs. 5422wx). However, differences were also recognized between the two non-Bt corn cultivars (5422 vs. 5422wx), and between the two Bt corn lines (5422Bt1 vs. 5422CBCL) in roots. Our results suggest that corn genotypes may have a greater influence on the AMF community structure of plant roots and rhizosphere soils than other factors, such as the age of the growing plants.  相似文献   

Soil environmental factors affect the structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities present in soil. However, it is not understood to which degree management practices such as tillage lead to dissimilarities between intra- and extraradical AM fungal communities. This study aims to assess the influence of two different soil management practices (conventional tillage and no-till) on the diversity of AMF communities, both in rhizosphere soil and inside corn roots. We hypothesized that under no-till, roots are colonized as they grow through the undisturbed fungal mycelia left from the previous crop whereas under conventional tillage they are colonized by those propagules that survived disturbance and can re-establish in their new relocated and mixed environment. We predicted that the degree of similarity of AM fungal communities inside versus outside the roots would be greater under no-till than under tillage. Using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis we observed a different AM fungal community present in roots under no-till than under conventional tillage. Moreover, the communities present in the rhizosphere soil were different than in the roots of the corn plants. These results suggest that soil management does alter the diversity of AM fungal communities associated with corn roots and that plants influence the structure of the AMF community colonizing their roots. Sequencing results indicated that the majority of AMF species found in this agricultural soil was Glomus spp. However, further work is required to determine the extent to which AM fungal genotypic alterations by soil management influences competitive relationships.  相似文献   

The interactions between plant roots and soil microorganisms are essential for the function and stability of ecosystems, primary agricultural production and plant health. Despite the importance of soil microbes the response of these microbes to large-scale cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops is still poorly understood. This study evaluated the potential impact of two lines of transgenic Bt maize on rhizosphere microorganisms. A time-course field experiment was conducted over a period of two years in two fields in Guadalajara (Spain) with monthly sampling from April to September. Rhizosphere soil was collected from transgenic (TG) and unmodified (WT) maize plants from each field and sampling time for the analysis of several important functional and structural soil quality parameters. Total microbial activity, as determined by H3-Thymidine and C14-Leucine incorporation, was found to be higher in the rhizospheres of the transgenic plants. Similarly, differences in potential ammonification and nitrification were observed in the second year of the study. In contrast, bacterial and fungal microbial catabolic abilities, as determined by Biolog ECO and FF plate analyses, respectively, were more influenced by sampling time than the transgenic nature of the plants. Microbial community structure was also studied by bacterial and phylum-specific PCR-DGGE and PCR cloning approaches. In general, differences were again more pronounced between sampling times, as opposed to between TG versus WT plants, although marked differences were observed within the Betaproteobacteria between plant lines. For the first time it describes the presence of Iamiaceae family in soil, specifically to TG plant rhizosphere. To summarize, the study showed that some important properties of rhizopshere microbes may be impacted by Bt maize cultivation and highlighted the fact that such potential effects need to be viewed within the context of seasonal and spatial variability.  相似文献   

为从微生态角度探索接种AM真菌对铅污染根际土壤微生物群落代谢特征的影响,以摩西管柄囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae)和幼套近明囊霉(Claroideoglomus etunicatum)为接种菌剂,在温室盆栽条件下以Pb4+含量为0 mg·kg-1、200 mg·kg-1、400 mg·kg-1和800 mg·kg-1土壤种植龙葵(Solanum nigrum)10周后采集根际土壤,采用Biolog微平板法测定龙葵根际土壤微生物群落的代谢变化。结果表明:1)微生物平均代谢活性(AWCD)随铅浓度增加呈降—升—降趋势;接种AM真菌显著提高了铅胁迫下根际土壤微生物的AWCD值,仅中浓度(400 mg·kg-1)下未达显著差异。2)中浓度铅处理能显著提高根际土壤微生物对糖类及其衍生物、氨基酸类、脂肪酸和脂类及代谢产物类四大类碳源底物利用能力;接种AM真菌,高浓度(800 mg·kg-1)铅处理显著提高了根际土壤微生物对氨基酸类底物的利用能力。3)铅胁迫下接种AM真菌提高了根际土壤微生物多样性指数,在中浓度下丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数均达显著水平。4)主成分分析显示,代谢产物类在PC1和PC2中种类最多,分别为6种和4种;糖类及其衍生物在PC3中种类最多(5种)。5)在铅胁迫和接种AM真菌共同作用下,微生物碳源利用主要受铅浓度调节,并且二者对微生物碳源利用具有显著交互效应。综上可知,接种AM真菌能够提高铅胁迫下龙葵根际土壤微生物多样性指数,增强根际土壤微生物对碳源底物的利用能力。该研究为进一步探究AM真菌强化植物联合修复技术提供了依据。  相似文献   

More than 80% of plants form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and the application of fertilizers, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers, is a common agricultural management practice to improve crop yield and quality. However, the potential effects of long-term N and P fertilization on the AMF community in the rainfed agricultural system of the Loess Plateau of China are still not well understood. In this study, a long-term field experiment was conducted based on orthogonal design, with three N levels (0, 90, and 180 kg ha-1 year-1) and three P levels (0, 90, and 180 kg ha-1 year-1) for wheat fertilization. Changes in AMF community and correlations between AMF community composition, soil environmental factors, and wheat yield component traits were analyzed using traditional biochemical methods and high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that long-term N and P addition had a significant effect on the AMF community structure and composition. Nitrogen application alone significantly reduced the richness and diversity of AMF community, whereas the combined application of N and P significantly increased the richness and diversity of AMF community. The AMF community was driven mainly by soil available P, total P, and pH. There was a significant positive correlation between Glomus abundance and wheat yield and a significant negative correlation between Paraglomus abundance and wheat yield. Long-term N and P addition directly increased crop yield and affected yield indirectly by influencing soil chemical properties and the AMF community. Combined application of N and P both at 90 kg ha-1 year-1 could improve the ecological and physiological functions of the AMF community and benefit the sustainable development of rainfed agriculture.  相似文献   

抗真菌转基因水稻根际土壤真菌群落结构的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以非转基因水稻"七丝软粘"为对照,采用传统平板计数法和变性梯度凝胶电泳技术,研究了抗真菌转基因水稻"转品1"和"转品8"生长周期内对根际土壤中可培养真菌数和真菌群落结构的影响。结果显示,相同生育期转基因水稻根际土壤可培养真菌数量与其非转基因对照水稻相比较无显著性差异,表明转基因水稻的种植没有对根际土壤真菌数量产生明显影响;18S rRNA真菌群落DGGE图谱分析显示,相同生育期转基因水稻与其非转基因对照水稻的根际土壤真菌DGGE条带数量和条带位置均无显著性差异,表明转基因水稻的种植没有对根际土壤真菌群落结构产生明显影响。进一步分析相同生育期转基因水稻与其非转基因对照水稻的根际土壤真菌群落香农多样性指数(Shannon diversity index)和均匀度指数(Evenness index)的动态变化,发现两者均没有显著性差异。以上研究结果表明,外源抗真菌基因的导入对水稻根际土壤中真菌群落数量和群落结构均没有明显影响。此外,将不同位置的真菌DGGE条带切胶回收,克隆、测序后,进行系统进化树分析,结果表明根际土壤真菌群落主要归属为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)、接合菌门(Zygomycota)和未知真菌(unknown fungi)5个类群。  相似文献   

甘薯茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor)是国际检疫植物寄生线虫,甘薯茎线虫病是危害我国甘薯生产的严重病害之一。本文通过不同种植方式下甘薯根际土壤线虫群落结构的变化,探索轮作对甘薯茎线虫病防治的作用,明确变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)在土壤线虫群落研究上应用的可行性。试验在河北省卢龙县多年连作的甘薯地上进行,种植方式分别为:A1,休闲→甘薯;A2,玉米-冬闲→甘薯;A3,玉米-黑麦→甘薯;A4,大豆-冬闲→甘薯;A5,大豆-黑麦→甘薯;CK,甘薯连作。提取3个时期甘薯根际土壤线虫,扩增线虫ITS区序列,采用DGGE技术分析土壤线虫群落。结果表明,与连作相比,轮作方式显著提高甘薯根际土壤线虫群落多样性,降低根际土壤甘薯茎线虫数量(P<0.05),冬季轮作黑麦(A3,A5)使甘薯根际土壤线虫群落结构更加稳定,随时间变化幅度小。甘薯根际土壤中检测到的线虫优势属有:茎线虫属、矛线虫属、滑刃线虫属、头叶线虫属、短体线虫属、小环线虫属、刺线虫属、真滑刃线虫属、双胃线虫属。轮作方式提高甘薯产量42.08%~55.83%,降低病情指数22.72%~30.79%,不同轮作方式之间对甘薯产量和病情的影响差异不显著,收获期的甘薯茎线虫数量与甘薯产量和病情指数显著相关(P<0.05)。因此,轮作方式能够显著提高甘薯根际土壤线虫群落多样性和甘薯产量,DGGE可有效检测土壤线虫群落;大豆-黑麦→甘薯是经济效益和生态效益较好的轮作措施。  相似文献   

Sečovlje salterns are an important protected area of biotic diversity in the Mediterranean. They represent an extreme environment with high salinity and drought that severely influence the growth of organisms. In the present study, diversity of plant halophytes and their mycorrhizal status were screened at eight different locations, which were mostly dikes and salt ponds, and which were deliberately selected for their distinct properties (e.g. soil salinity ranging from 105 to 2627 μS cm−1, vegetation type and management practice of the salterns).Twelve different halophytic plant species were recorded, of which eleven are designated as vulnerable. With few exceptions, they were found at the abandoned (Fontanigge) and sustained (Lera) locations of the Sečovlje salterns, distributed according to their tolerance to the salinity and waterlogging. The highest diversity of halophytes was listed at Fontanigge, in the abandoned, periodically flooded and gradually overgrown salt ponds. All of the examined species were colonised with either arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and/or dark septate endophytes (DSEs). High levels of colonisation were however detected only for species belonging to the Asteraceae and Plantaginaceae families. Higher root colonisation frequencies were generally seen for plants growing in the abandoned parts, when compared to the managed parts, whereas there was little correlation of the colonisation parameters with physicochemical parameters of rhizospheric soil properties.Molecular analysis by temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) of roots of halophytic plant species with confirmed AMF colonisation (arbuscules present) revealed the occurrence of at least six different AMF species, related to Glomus geosporum, Glomus caledonium and Glomus intraradices, and to different Glomus sp. clades and the Diversispora clade. This is to the best of our knowledge the first report of AMF and DSE mycorrhizal status of most of the halophyte plant species examined and of the brother scale identification of AMF species based on molecular analyses of roots of diverse halophytes from high saline environments.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was first to assess the dynamics of the bacterial community during a growing season in three Indian rain-fed wheat fields which differ mainly through their fertilizer management and yield and then to study the effects of PGPR/AMF bio-inoculations on the bacterial community structure and wheat growth. The bacterial community structure of the rhizosphere soil (RS) and the rhizoplane/endorhizosphere (RE) was determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Seed treatments consisted of consortia of two PGPR strains alone or combined with AMF or AMF alone. The PGPR strains were Pseudomonas spp. which included some or all of the following plant growth promoting properties: phosphate solubilisation and production of indole-3-acetic acid, siderophores, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase and diacetyl-phloroglucinol. The mycorrhizal inoculum was an indigenous AMF consortium isolated from the field with the lowest level of fertilization and yield. Variation partitioning analysis of the DGGE data indicated a predominant effect of the wheat growth stage (30.4% of the variance, P=0.001) over the type of field (9.0%, P=0.027) on the bacterial community structure in the RE. The impact of plant age in the RS was less than in the RE and the bacterial community structure of the field with the highest input of fertilization was very different from the low input fields. The bio-inoculants induced a significant modification in the bacterial community structure. In the RS, the bacterial consortia explained 28.3% (P=0.001) and the presence of AMF 10.6% (P=0.02) of the variance and the same trend was observed in the RE. Plant yield or grain quality was either increased or remained unaffected. For example, protein content was significantly higher in the treated plants' grain compared to the control plants; maximum values were obtained when the PGPR were co-inoculated with the AMF. The percentage of root colonization by AMF was significantly higher in the treatments containing a mycorrhizal inoculum than in the untreated control and remained unaffected by the PGPR treatments. In conclusion, the wheat rhizobacterial community structure is highly dynamic and influenced by different factors such as the plant's age, the fertilizer input and the type of bio-inoculant. In addition, there is a distance-related effect of the root on the bacterial community. Finally, a combined bio-inoculation of diacetyl-phloroglucinol producing PGPR strains and AMF can synergistically improve the nutritional quality of the grain without negatively affecting mycorrhizal growth.  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐地碱蓬作为生物改良盐碱地的理想材料,其根际土壤微生物对土壤改良发挥着重要作用。为了深入探索环渤海滨海盐碱地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构组成及其功能,采用Illumina Misep高通量测序平台对环渤海地区滨海盐碱地盐地碱蓬根际土壤和裸地土壤进行测序。从16个样本中获得有效序列734 792条, 4 285个OTUs,归属于41门、100纲、282目、400科、892属、1 577种。盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落由变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯曲门(Chloroflexi)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、蓝藻细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、髌骨细菌门(Patescibacteria、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)组成。Alpha多样性计算结果表明,盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构多样性高并与裸地土壤间差异显著;LEfSe(LDAEffectSize)分析发现,盐地碱蓬与裸地差异指示种明显不同。PCoA与相关性Heatmap表明,盐地碱蓬、速效氮、速效钾、速效磷、电导率是影响土壤细菌目类水平群落组成的主要因子。PICRUSt(Phylogenetic InvestigationofCommunitiesbyReconstructionofUnobserved States)分析表明微生物群落在新陈代谢等40个功能方面盐地碱蓬根际土壤比裸地土壤高。本研究表明盐地碱蓬覆盖能够降低土壤盐分,增加土壤养分,对土壤细菌群落多样性及其功能有积极作用。  相似文献   

黑土农田施加AM菌剂对大豆根际菌群结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为揭示在黑土农田条件下施加丛枝菌根(AM)菌剂对作物根际微生物群落的影响,试验以大豆为研究对象,田间播种时分别施加根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradices,GI)和摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae,GM)两种AM菌剂,以单施化肥处理(F)和不施加AM菌剂及化肥处理(CK)作为对照,采用传统与现代分子生物学手段,研究大豆根际土壤中菌群结构及根系内AM真菌多样性。结果表明:GI、GM处理的大豆菌根侵染率最高达到78.3%和86.6%;GI、GM、F处理的大豆根际土壤中可培养细菌、真菌和放线菌三大菌群的数量与CK处理相比显著提高(p0.05)。分离大豆结荚期根际土壤中AM真菌孢子,共获得Acaulospora属真菌3种,Glomus属真菌7种,孢子密度均较低,G.intraradices和G.mosseae均为各自处理的优势种群。对大豆结荚期根系和根际土壤PCR-DGGE图谱条带的丰度及优势条带测序分析,结果表明根际土壤中的AM真菌菌群数明显高于根系中AM真菌的菌群数量,GI处理的大豆根际土壤中AM真菌丰度值最大,GM处理大豆根系里的AM真菌丰度值最大,F处理的根际土壤中总AM真菌的数量最少;施加AM菌剂处理的大豆根系及根际土壤中的优势菌群分别为外源施加的两种AM真菌。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to induce the biocontrol of soilborne diseases, to change the composition of root exudates and to modify the bacterial community structure of the rhizosphere, leading to the formation of the mycorrhizosphere. Tomato plants were grown in a compartmentalized soil system and were either submitted to direct mycorrhizal colonization or to enrichment of the soil with exudates collected from mycorrhizal tomato plants, with the corresponding negative controls. Three weeks after planting, the plants were inoculated or not with the soilborne pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae growing through a membrane from an adjacent infected compartment. At harvest, a PCR-Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from the total DNA extracted from each plant rhizosphere was performed. Root colonization with the AM fungi Glomus intraradices or Glomus mosseae induced significant changes in the bacterial community structure of tomato rhizosphere, compared to non-mycorrhizal plants, while enrichment with root exudates collected from mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal plants had no effect. Our results support that the effect of AM fungi on rhizosphere bacteria would not be mediated by compounds present in root exudates of mycorrhizal plants but rather by physical or chemical factors associated with the mycelium, volatiles and/or root surface bound substrates. Moreover, infection of mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal plants with P. nicotianae did not significantly affect the bacterial community structure suggesting that rhizosphere bacteria would be less sensitive to the pathogen invasion than to mycorrhizal colonization. Of 96 unique sequences detected in the tomato rhizosphere, eight were specific to mycorrhizal fungi, including two Pseudomonas, a Bacillus simplex, an Herbaspirilium and an Acidobacterium. One Verrucomicrobium was common to rhizospheres of mycorrhizal plants and of plants watered with mycorrhizal root exudates.  相似文献   

In sustainable agriculture, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal inoculation in agronomical management might be very important, especially when the efficiency of native inocula is poor. Here, we assessed the effect of native and exotic selected AM fungal inocula on plant growth and nutrient uptake in a low input Trifolium alexandrinum-Zea mays crop rotation. We evaluated the effects of four exotic AM fungal isolates on T. alexandrinum physiological traits in greenhouse. Then, the field performances of T. alexandrinum inoculated with the exotic AMF, both single and mixed, were compared to those obtained with a native inoculum, using a multivariate analysis approach. Finally, we tested the residual effect of AM fungal field inoculation on maize as following crop. Multivariate analysis showed that the field AM fungal inoculation increased T. alexandrinum and Z. mays productivity and quality and that the native inoculum was as effective as, or more effective than, exotic AM fungal isolates. Moreover, the beneficial effects of AMF were persistent until the second year after inoculation. The use of native AMF, produced on farm with mycotrophic plants species, may represent a convenient alternative to commercial AM fungal inocula, and may offer economically and ecologically important advantages in sustainable or organic cropping systems.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of Zn absorption were studied in mycorrhizal (Glomus macrocarpum) and non-mycorrhizal roots of corn (Zea mays L.) at pH 6.0 at Zn concentrations of 75 mol to 1.07 mol m-3. Five concentration-dependent phases of Zn absorption were recognized; phase 0 (1.5–4.0 mmol m-3) was linear but the other four phases (4.0 mmol to 1.07 mol m-3) obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At low concentrations (less than 4 mmol m-3), sigmoidal kinetics of Zn absorption were observed. The absorption of Zn by mycorrhizal maize was greater at low concentrations but decreased at higher levels. This appeared to be a result of a higher maximal uptake rate in phase 1 and lower K m values in the subsequent phases. Kinetic models yielding continuous isotherms could not account for the observed multiphasic pattern.Research paper no. 6820 through the Director, Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263 145, UP, India  相似文献   

Almost 30 different arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (AMF)species, distributed in different genera such as Glomus, Acaulospora,Scutellospora,Entrophospora,Ambispora,Kuklospora,Gigaspora,and Archeospora, have been identified in the root zone of Araucaria angustifolia, known as Brazil Pine. During our AMF survey in this ecosystem, our attention was called to the presence of many superficially growing Araucaria roots. Our hypothesis was that these roots were colonized with AMF because of the presence of AMF spores in organic material aboveground. Samples of these superficial roots and the organic substrate they were growing on were evaluated for their mycorrhizal status. DNA was extracted from the AMF colonized superficial roots and submitted to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using the NS31-AM1 primer pair, followed by cloning and sequencing. We found that the root colonization percentages were between 31% and 52%, and the number of AMF spores in the substrate ranged from 27 to 164 spores per 50 g dry substrate.The phylogenetic analyses and tree construction using maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods identified 13 different species of the phylum Glomeromycota belonging to the genera Glomus, Funneliformis, Rhizophagus, Gigaspora, Acaulospora,and Archaeospora, and five isolates were identified only at the genus level. To our knowledge, this is the first report on Araucaria angustifolia with roots growing aboveground, producing runner roots that develop on dead tree trunks and organic material. The higher colonization of the aboveground roots than those commonly found in belowground Araucaria roots suggests that they may present active metabolic uptakeof nutrients.  相似文献   

我国喀斯特区域面积分布较广,而喀斯特生态系统的退化已成为当前西南地区面临的严重的生态问题。本研究选取贵州中部两种不同植被类型的生态系统—乔木林和灌木林,以乔木林中的白栎、园果化香和灌木林中的火棘、竹叶椒等主要优势树种为对象,研究不同的植物树种对根际土壤微生物生物量及其细菌群落结构的影响。结果显示:乔木林系统中根际土壤微生物生物量碳、氮显著性高于灌木林,植物的根际效应在乔木林中表现更为显著;同时乔木林中的优势树种通过根系分泌物的作用显著提高根际土壤细菌多样性指数,而灌木林中优势树种的根际土壤微生物量及多样性均未表现出明显的根际效应。因此,植被的演替通过改变土壤微生物的特性影响植物-微生物-土壤之间的物质和能量循环,进一步影响喀斯特生态系统的稳定和健康功能。  相似文献   

The interactive impact of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizophagus intraradices, AM fungi) on the degradation of oxytetracycline (OTC) in soils was studied under greenhouse conditions. Treatments included maize plants inoculated vs. not inoculated with AM fungi and treated with or without earthworms at low (1 mg kg−1 soil DM) or high (100 mg kg−1 soil DM) OTC rates. The root colonization rate, the hyphal density of mycorrhizae, the residual OTC concentration in soils, catalase, dehydrogenase, urease, soil microbial biomass C, Shannon–Wiener index (H) for microbial communities from T-RFLP profiles were measured at harvest. The results indicated that earthworms and AM fungi would individually or interactively enhance OTC decomposition and significantly decreased the residual OTC concentration at both high and low OTC rates. Both earthworms and AM fungi could promote the degradation of OTC by increasing soil microbial biomass C at both high and low OTC rates. The effect of soil enzyme activity and soil microbial diversity on OTC decomposition was different between high and low OTC rates. Hyphomicrobium and Bacillus cereus were dominant bacteria, and Thielavia and Chaetomium were dominant phyla of fungi at all occasions. Earthworm activity stimulated the growth of Hyphomicrobium and Thielavia, while AM fungi may stimulate Bcereus, Thielavia and Chaetomium, resulting in greater OTC decomposition. The interaction between earthworms and AM fungi in affecting the degradation of OTC may be attributed to different mechanisms, depending on soil microbial biomass, function (enzyme activity) and communities (the abundance of Hyphomicrobium, B. cereus, Thielavia and Chaetomium) in the soil.  相似文献   

The study reports diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species in the rhizosphere of an endangered anticancerous herb – Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. in its natural habitat. A total of 18 species of AMF, belonging to three genera (Acaulospora, Glomus and Gigaspora) were recorded, with Glomus microcarpum being the most abundant species type. The AMF species composition across the study sites appeared to be influenced by soil pH rather than soil P and vegetation. Acaulospora laevis spores were restricted to sites where the soil pH was acidic. The effectiveness of these native AMF species on growth performance of C. orchioides plants was compared under experimental conditions. In general, the mycorrhizal plants were superior in most of the evaluated parameters, but the extent to which the growth of mycorrhizal plants was influenced varied with the inocula used. The plants inoculated with mixed consortia containing maximum AMF species richness exhibited improved growth in comparison to consortia containing lower AMF diversity and monospecies cultures. The variable plant responses observed with any two consortia having same species richness in the present study could be due to variable component AMF species and their relative abundance. These results emphasize the need to protect the below-ground diversity of AMF and recommend their usage for restoration practices.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) provide essential nutrients to crops and are affected by fertilizers. Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB), and AMF have mutually beneficial relationships with plants, but the effects of their interactions on plant growth by regulating rhizosphere fungal community have not been sufficiently studied. In this study, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the interactions between AMF and bacteria (PSB and NFB) on the growth of Lotus corniculatus L. Specifically, the role of rhizosphere fungal community in the growth of Lotus corniculatus L. was explored using Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing. The results showed that combined inoculation of AMF with PSB and NFB increased plant biomass, plant height, and fungal colonization rate. The richness, complexity, and stability of rhizosphere fungal community also increased after combined inoculation of AMF with PSB and/or NFB, particularly with PSB. In addition, combined inoculation of AMF with PSB and NFB enriched the abundance of beneficial microorganisms, with Chaetomium and Humicola showing the greatest alterations. The structural equation model showed that the interactions of AMF with PSB and NFB promoted plant growth by affecting fungal network structure and soil enzyme activities involved in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling. These findings provide evidence for the effects of interactions of AMF with PSB and NFB on rhizosphere fungal community and plant growth.  相似文献   

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