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《Soil biology & biochemistry》2012,44(12):2432-2440
Feedbacks to global warming may cause terrestrial ecosystems to add to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, thus exacerbating climate change. The contribution that soil respiration makes to these terrestrial emissions, particularly from carbon-rich soils such as peatlands, is of significant importance and its response to changing climatic conditions is of considerable debate. We collected intact soil cores from an upland blanket bog situated within the northern Pennines, England, UK and investigated the individual and interactive effects of three primary controls on soil organic matter decomposition: (i) temperature (5, 10 and 15 °C); (ii) moisture (50 and 100% field capacity – FC); and (iii) substrate quality, using increasing depth from the surface (0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm) as an analogue for increased recalcitrance of soil organic material. Statistical analysis of the results showed that temperature, moisture and substrate quality all significantly affected rates of peat decomposition. Q10 values indicated that the temperature sensitivity of older/more recalcitrant soil organic matter significantly increased (relative to more labile peat) under reduced soil moisture (50% FC) conditions, but not under 100% FC, suggesting that soil microorganisms decomposing the more recalcitrant soil material preferred more aerated conditions. Radiocarbon analyses revealed that soil decomposers were able to respire older, more recalcitrant soil organic matter and that the source of the material (deduced from the δ13C analyses) subject to decomposition, changed depending on depth in the peat profile.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment into grasslands and savannas is a globally extensive land-cover change that alters biogeochemical processes and frequently results in soil organic carbon (SOC) accrual. We used soil physical fractionation, soil respiration kinetics, and the isotopic composition of soil respiration to investigate microbial degradation of accrued SOC in sandy loam soils along a chronosequence of C3woody plant encroachment into a C4-dominated grassland in southern Texas. Our previous work in this system demonstrated significant changes in the chemistry and abundance of lignin and aliphatic biopolymers within particulate soil fractions during the first 40 yrs of woody plant encroachment, indicating selective accrual of purportedly more recalcitrant plant chemicals. However, during the long-term soil laboratory incubation presented herein, a greater proportion of SOC was mineralized in soils from older woody stands (34-86 yrs) than in soils from younger woody stands (14-23 yrs) and grasslands, providing no evidence for greater biochemical recalcitrance as a controlling mechanism for SOC accrual. In addition, δ13C values of respired CO2 indicate that the mineralized SOC was predominately of C3 origin from all woody stands along the chronosequence, and that respired CO2 was primarily derived from the free light fraction (density <1.0 g/cm3) and macroaggregate-sized soil fraction. Our data suggested that the location of SOC among soil fractions was more important than plant polymer chemistry in determining SOC turnover rates during incubation. Surprisingly, estimates of the size and turnover rate of the active SOC pool based on respiratory kinetics did not increase with woody encroachment, and the turnover rate of the slower SOC pool decreased, again supporting the notion that increases in biochemically recalcitrant biopolymers did not hinder decomposition in the lab. These data indicate environmental conditions that may allow for C accrual in the field were alleviated during the controlled incubation. Therefore, C accrual in these sandy loam soils following woody encroachment should not be assumed stable, and this factor should be taken into account when considering responses of SOC to climate change or when making management decisions regarding land cover impacts on SOC.  相似文献   

Bioenergy production from renewable organic material is known to be a clean energy source and therefore its use is currently much promoted in many countries. Biogas by-products also called biogas residues (BGR) are rich in partially stable organic carbon and can be used as an organic fertilizer for crop production. However so far, many environmental issues relevant when BGR are applied to agricultural land (soil C sequestration, increased denitrification and nutrient leaching) still have to be studied. Therefore a field experiment was set up to investigate the degradation of BGR and its impact on the decomposition of native soil organic matter based on a natural abundance stable isotope approach. Maize, a C4 plant has been used as bioenergy crop, therefore the δ13C of total C in BGR was −16.0‰PDB and soil organic matter was mostly derived from C3 plant based detritus, SOM thus showed a δ13C of −28.4‰PDB. Immediately after BGR application, soil-emitted CO2 showed unexpectedly high δ13C of up to +23.6‰PDB, which has never been reported earlier. A subsequent laboratory scale experiment confirmed the positive δ13C of soil-emitted CO2 after BGR addition and showed that obviously, the added BGR led to a consumption of dissolved inorganic C in soils. Additionally, it was observed that the δ13C of CO2 driven from inorganic C of BGR (BGR-IC) by acid treatment was +35.6‰PDB. Therefore, we suggest that also under field conditions the transformation of BGR-IC into CO2 contributed largely to CO2 emissions in addition to the decomposition of organic matter, which affected both the amount and the carbon isotope signature of emitted CO2 in the initial period after BGR application. Positive δ13C of inorganic C contained in BGR was attributed to processes with strong fractionation of C isotopes during anaerobic fermentation in the biogas formation process.  相似文献   

Laser spectroscopy is an emerging technique to analyze the stable isotopic composition of soil-respired CO213Cresp, δ18Oresp) in situ and at high temporal resolution. Here we present the first application of a quantum cascade laser-based spectrometer (QCLS) in a closed soil-chamber system to determine simultaneously δ13Cresp and δ18Oresp. In a Swiss beech forest, a total of 90 chamber measurements with 20 min sampling time each were performed. The instrument measured the δ13C and δ18O of the CO2 in the chamber headspace at every second with a precision of 0.25‰, resulting in Keeling plots with 1200 data points. In addition, we calculated δ13Cresp directly from the flux ratio of 13CO2 and 12CO2. The flux-ratio values were 0.8‰ lower than the Keeling plot intercepts when the flux rates were derived from quadratic curve fits of the CO2 increase. The δ18O-Keeling plots showed a significant bending very likely due to the equilibration of chamber CO2 with the 18O of surface soil water. Therefore, we used a quadratic curve fit of the Keeling plots to estimate δ18Oresp. Our results also revealed that δ13Cresp was not constant throughout the CO2 accumulation in the closed soil chambers: there were significant but non-systematic variations in δ13Cresp for the first 10 min, and systematic shifts in δ13Cresp of on average 1.9 ‰ in the second part of the 20-min measurements. These biases were probably caused by non-steady-state conditions in the soil-chamber system. Our study illustrates that the high temporal resolution of QCLS measurements allows the detection of non-linearities in the isotopic effluxes of CO2 from the soil due to soil-chamber feedbacks. This information can be used to improve the estimates for δ13Cresp and δ18Oresp.  相似文献   

The effect of 2(N‐morpholino)ethane)sulfonic acid (MES) on the growth of cucumber (Cucumis sativa L. var. Marketer) in hydroponic culture was determined at 0, 1, 5, and 10 mM concentrations. The effect of adding the MES to the solution at the time of transfer to hydroponic culture or waiting one week was also determined. MES was observed to strongly affect plant growth with increasing concentration in nutrient solution. Tissue and nutrient solution analysis determined that MES affects manganese (Mn) uptake. MES appears to be reduced by Mn, precipitating the Mn out of solution. The suitability of MES as a pH buffer in hydroponic culture is discussed in terms of this effect.  相似文献   

The average chain length (ACL), carbon preference index (CPI), and hydrogen isotope composition (δ2H) of long-chain n-alkanes in sediments have been used to retrieve information about the paleoclimate. Despite their importance as in-between media from leaves to sediments, n-alkanes of surface soils have not been systematically analyzed at large scale. Such an investigation of the spatial variation of n-alkane properties in soil and their dependence on climatic and botanic (e.g., vegetation type) factors could provide a rationale for a better estimation of the past environment. We synthesized the patterns and δ2H of long-chain n-alkanes in soil (δ2Hn-alkanes) with regard to vegetation types (cropland, grassland, shrubland, and woodland) and environmental factors using data from peer-reviewed papers. Our results showed that the ACL and CPI of soil C27–C33 n-alkanes were not suitable indicators for differentiating vegetation types at large scale; instead, ACL significantly correlated with water conditions such as mean annual precipitation (MAP) and Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and CPI significantly correlated with temperature without significant influence of vegetation type. The variation (i.e., standard deviation) of fractionation between the δ2H values in annual precipitation and in soil n-alkanes (εrain-soil) was smaller than that reported in leaves; therefore, soils were better suited to quantifying the general growing conditions of plants at a certain site. The fractionation εrain-soil correlated with climatic conditions as described by the PDSI and relative humidity (RH). This correlation agreed with the change in leaf water enrichment with changing RH taken from the literature and was independent of the vegetation type at large scale. This meta-analysis may provide useful information for the variations of the patterns and δ2Hn-alkanes values in surface soils.  相似文献   

On sites where C4-plants have replaced C3-plants, changes in soil δ13C allow the turnover of C3- and C4-derived C to be separated. Studies of decadal scale turnover of soil C following conversion to C4-plants generally lack δ13C values for previous C4-residue inputs and assume that estimates of C4-derived soil C to be based on a fixed δ13C value. Further assumptions are that changes in the initial (time-zero) soil δ13C values are insignificant following conversion to C4-plants. We tested these assumptions by measuring: 1) the δ13C of annual samples of silage maize biomass (C4-plant) and winter wheat grains (C3-plant) grown during 1988 to 2006, and 2) the δ13C of soil kept under bare fallow during 1956 to 1983. The δ13C of plants was related to climate variables, and the impact of maize δ13C was based on estimates of maize-derived soil C using different approaches to establish the δ13C in maize inputs. The δ13C of both maize and wheat decreased with time, but the rate of change and annual variations were considerably larger for wheat than for maize. Maize as well as wheat δ13C was best related to year (probably reflecting a decrease in atmospheric δ13C) and the water balance during the active growth period. Using the smallest (−12.44‰) and the largest (−11.26‰) δ13C measured during 1988 and 2006, estimates of maize-derived C in soil after 18 years ranged from 13.2% to 14.2% of the soil total C. Despite a loss of 31% of the soil C pool under bare fallow, the increase in soil δ13C was significant only at P < 0.10. We conclude that annual variations in maize δ13C values and changes in the δ13C of the soil C fraction derived from the pre-conversion C3-vegetation have only little impact on estimates of maize-derived soil C that cover a few decades. For estimates covering several decades to centuries, the subtle but consistent changes in plant and soil δ13C need to be accounted for. The variability in δ13C in wheat grains suggest that the use of any fixed δ13C value for C3-residues in estimates of C turnover in soils on which C4-plants have been replaced by C3-plants can be associated with considerable uncertainty.  相似文献   

气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战, 人类社会生产生活引起的温室气体排放是全球气候变暖的主要原因。大气中CO2、CH4 和N2O 是最重要的温室气体, 对温室效应的贡献率占了近80%。据估计, 大气中每年有5%~20%的CO2、15%~30%的CH4、80%~90%的N2O 来源于土壤, 而农田土壤是温室气体的重要排放源。本文重点阐述了农田土壤温室气体产生、排放或吸收机理及其影响因素, 指出土地利用方式和农业生产力水平等人为控制因素通过影响土壤和作物生长条件来影响农田土壤温室气体产生与排放或吸收。所以, 我们可以从人类活动对农田生态系统的影响着手, 通过改善农业生产方式和作物生长条件来探索温室气体减排措施, 达到固碳/氮增汇的目的。对国内外关于农田温室气体排放的源/汇强度及其综合温室效应评估的最新研究进展进行了综述, 指出正确估算与评价农田土壤温室气体的源/汇强度及其对大气中主要温室气体浓度变化的贡献, 有助于为温室气体减排以及减少气候变化预测的不确定性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

农田改为农林(草)复合系统对红壤CO2和N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鄂南玉米地、紫穗槐/玉米地、香根草/玉米地、紫穗槐林地、香根草草地与撂荒地6种土地利用类型为研究对象,利用静态箱法,对夏玉米生长期间土壤CO2和N2O通量及影响因子进行了测定,研究我国北亚热带丘陵红壤区农田改变为林(草)地和农林(草)复合系统后土壤CO2和N2O排放特征。研究结果表明:(1)土地利用方式改变后,撂荒地土壤CO2排放量明显低于其他5种土地利用类型,但紫穗槐/玉米地、单作玉米地、香根草/玉米地、紫穗槐林地、香根草草地5种土地利用类型之间土壤CO2排放量差异不显著。(2)玉米生长期间,6种不同土地利用方式下,土壤N2O排放总量从高到低依次为紫穗槐/玉米地(508 g·hm-2·a-1)、紫穗槐林地(470 g·hm-2·a-1)、撂荒地(390 g·hm-2·a-1)、香根草/玉米地(373 g·hm-2·a-1)、香根草草地(372 g·hm-2·a-1)、单作玉米地(285 g·hm-2·a-1)。(3)土壤CO2通量与土壤有机碳、土壤微生物生物量碳和土壤含水量无显著相关关系;土壤N2O通量与土壤氮素净矿化率呈显著线性相关,但与土壤无机氮和土壤含水量无显著相关关系。农田改变为农林(草)复合系统可能潜在地增加土壤CO2和N2O排放;农田改变为林(草)地可能潜在地减少土壤CO2排放,增加土壤N2O排放。  相似文献   

通过设置在甘肃省定西市李家堡镇的不同耕作措施试验, 利用CO2分析仪、静态箱-气相色谱法对双序列轮作次序下春小麦地、豌豆地生育期内CO2、CH4和N2O通量进行了测定。试验结果表明: 4种耕作措施下春小麦地和豌豆地在生育期内均表现为CO2源、N2O源和CH4汇的功能。传统耕作不覆盖、免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖和传统耕作结合秸秆还田下, 春小麦生育期内平均土壤CO2通量(μmol·m-2·s-1)分别为0.203 6、0.221 2、0.241 8、0.224 9, CH4通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为-0.041 6、-0.078 0、-0.081 8、-0.053 7, N2O通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为0.089 1、0.069 2、0.046 1、0.065 6; 豌豆生育期内平均土壤CO2通量(μmol·m-2·s-1)分别为0.273 6、0.261 6、0.218 1、0.236 0, CH4通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为-0.055 0、-0.073 7、-0.066 2、-0.054 5, N2O通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为0.123 4、0.084 7、0.080 6、0.035 0。少免耕及小麦秸秆覆盖有利于减少土壤CO2排放通量, 免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖及传统耕作结合秸秆还田均能不同程度地增加CH4吸收通量、减少N2O排放通量。综合来看, 免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖和传统耕作结合秸秆还田3种保护性耕作措施有助于减少土壤温室气体的排放量。春小麦地CO2通量随着土壤温度、土壤含水量的逐渐升高而增大; CH4吸收通量随着土壤含水量的逐渐升高而增大, 而随着土壤温度的逐渐升高而减小。豌豆地CO2通量的变化与土壤含水量存在极显著正相关关系; 而春小麦地N2O通量则与平均土壤温度呈显著正相关, 豌豆地则为极显著正相关。  相似文献   

徐明岗  张建新 《土壤》1996,28(4):217-219
Hg(CNS)2-Fe(NO3)3比色法测定盐土中Cl-快速准确,其变异系数小于5%,回收率98.5%-102.4%,与莫尔法相比,其绝对相差< 0.1g/kg。尤其适宜于批量样品及现代化的仪器分析。其适宜工作条件是:在50ml比色液中加0.75g/L Hg(CNS)2 8ml,20g/L Fe(NO3)3·9H2O 10ml。定容10分钟后于460nm下用3cm光径比色。  相似文献   

The mineral contamination of peat soils in the oil-production area differs considerably in the places of oil or stratal water spills. The time elapsed since the spill occurred is also an important factor of the changes in the chemical composition of the peat ash. The ash content rises drastically in the oil-contaminated peat, and the peat ash becomes rich in heavy metals (Mn, Ni, and Sr) and lanthanides (La and Ce). The content of K and Fe decreases, and that of P, S, Mg, Ca, Ni, and Pb increases with time at the site of old oil contamination. In the course of the self-rehabilitation of oil-contaminated peat, the content of Cl decreases more intensely than that of the heavier halogen Br. The ash content rises to a lesser extent in the peat contaminated with stratal water. The ash of the salinized peat is enriched in heavy alkaline-earth elements, i.e., Ba and Sr. Although most of the elements are leached with time, the content of Ba and Sr still remains 4–6 times higher than the background one even after long-term (more than 10 years) leaching. The concentrations of halogens rise considerably in the salinized peat, that of Cl in the peat ash decreases by 10 times, and the content of Ba virtually remains the same.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the detailed characterization of the phenolic composition and the determination of the antioxidant activity of the Bord? grape (Vitis labrusca) cultivated in South Brazil. The edible parts of Bord? grapes (flesh and skin) contained 1130 mg/kg of total phenolic compounds (as gallic acid), mainly located in the skins. Anthocyanin content in the skins was high, largely as 3,5-diglucosides (1359 mg/kg, as malvidin 3,5-diglucoside). Total flavonols accounted for 154 μmol/kg, mainly located in the skins and with myricetin 3-glucoside as the principal flavonol in both grape parts. Very low amounts of flavan-3-ol monomers and dimers and low amounts of polymeric proanthocyanidins, with a composition similar to that reported for V. vinifera grape varieties, were found in Bord? grape skins. Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives mainly derived from caffeic acid and were found in the skins in high amounts, ten times higher than in the flesh (total amount: 483 μmol/kg). Finally, the Bord? grape cultivar can be considered a high resveratrol producer (10.91 mg/kg) and also exhibited a high value of total antioxidant capacity (37.6 ± 1.0 mmol/kg, as Trolox).  相似文献   

吴晶晶  施卫明 《土壤》2019,51(6):1057-1064
本文利用水培试验和琼脂板培养试验研究了高CO2条件下产量响应存在显著差异的两个水稻品种:II优084(高响应)和武运粳23(低响应),在幼苗期根系形态对高C的响应差异。水培试验结果表明,在幼苗时期,高应答品种II优084在低氮条件下地上部生物量在高CO2下增加28.5%,根系干物质量对高CO2响应显著,增幅为28.5%,而其不定根数目没有显著增加,对干物质量响应贡献较大的为总根长。II优084的总根长在高CO2下增幅为26.3%,不同根粗的根长均有高响应。低应答品种武运粳23低氮下地上部和根系响应不显著,而在正常氮和高氮下则不同。正常氮条件下,地上部对高CO2响应不显著,而根系生物量在高CO2下显著增加76.0%,不定根数目增加25.8%,同时总根长增加45.0%,不同根粗的根长均有高响应,II优084则没有显著响应。在高氮条件下,武运粳23地上部生物量在高CO2下增加35.5%,根系生物量增加80.3%,不定根数目增加38.5%,根系平均直径增加16.7%,总根长无响应,而II优084生物量在高氮下无显著差异。同时,武运粳23在正常氮和高氮下的根系表面积和体积对高CO2响应也较II优084显著。琼脂板培养试验的结果与水培结果一致,武运粳23根系形态对高浓度蔗糖的响应普遍高于II优084。试验结果说明品种对高C环境的响应特征不随培养条件的变化而变化。与植株生长后期不同,在幼苗期正常氮条件下低应答品种武运粳23的根系生物量和各形态指标对高C的响应明显高于II优084,说明水稻苗期生长响应参数与后期产量响应参数不一定一致,可能是由于苗期生长高响应的品种在营养生长期旺长,反而不利于后期生殖生长,从而导致后期产量的低响应。  相似文献   


An inexpensive piston‐action ball mill for the rapid preparation of plant and soil material for the automated analysis of 15N and 13C contents is described. A sample throughput of 150 samples per hour is possible with at least 50% of the particle sizes below 105 μm. The range of particle sizes obtained with the grinder allows a level of precision of less than 1% for the analysis of 15N isotope enrichment using an automated continuous flow nitrogen and carbon isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Considerable savings in labor and costs are possible compared with other sample preparation systems currently available. The use of the mill is illustrated by a study of isotope enrichment of different plant organs of tropical forage species.  相似文献   

大气CO2 浓度升高对绿豆生长及C、N 吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究大气CO2 浓度升高对绿豆生长及C、N 吸收的影响, 有助于了解未来气候变化下绿豆养分平衡的变化。利用FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment)系统在大田条件下研究了CO2 浓度升高对绿豆生物量及C、N 吸收的影响。结果表明: 大气CO2 浓度升高使绿豆叶、茎、荚、根、地上部分生物量、总生物量及根冠比增加。各发育期地上部分含N 量下降10.39%~21.06%, 含C 量增加0.41%~1.13%, C/N 增加12.23%~26.68%; 籽粒中N、C 含量及C/N 无显著变化。植株地上部分吸N 量和吸C 量分别增加1.99%~50.87%和14.43%~92.69%。未来大气CO2 浓度升高条件下, 绿豆将通过生物量的增加固定更多的C, 并增加对N 素的吸收, 未来的绿豆生产应考虑增加土壤的施肥水平以保证其养分供应。  相似文献   

基于C8051F005芯片设计开发一种新型组培气体微环境控制系统,采用高纯度CO2定压定量供给和自动箱内循环在线监测技术,成功解决了CO2气体难以自动精确施放和传感器检测精度及其稳定性的问题,实现了组培微环境CO2浓度的按需设定和自动控制。该系统能够同时记录CO2浓度的下降量和时长,既可用于研究不同组培微环境因子对组培苗同化CO2速率的影响,又能用于规模化组培育苗生产。以驱蚊香草、冬青、大花蕙兰组培苗为实验材料,验证系统可靠性与可行性。结果表明该系统运行可靠,控制精度高,能够满足规模化组培育苗对气体微环境调控的需求和组培微环境建模的科研要求。  相似文献   

何娴  徐仁扣 《土壤》2022,54(5):1016-1023
选择稻草、玉米秸秆和油菜秸秆作为制备生物质炭的原料,分别用H2O2和HNO3/H2SO4对生物质炭进行改性处理,以未改性的生物质炭和HCl处理的生物质炭作为对照。按土重3%的比例向采自安徽郎溪的酸性水稻土中添加上述生物质炭,在经历一个干湿交替周期后,进行Cd(Ⅱ)吸附/解吸实验,研究添加生物质炭对水稻土吸附Cd(Ⅱ)的影响及其机制。结果表明,两种改性方法均有效增加了生物质炭表面的质子结合位点数,且HNO3/H2SO4改性对生物质炭表面羧基官能团的扩增效果更显著。官能团的增加使得添加了HNO3/H2SO4改性生物质炭的水稻土对Cd(Ⅱ)的专性吸附能力显著增强。因此,添加HNO3/H2SO4改性生物质炭可以作为酸性水稻土吸附固定重金属Cd的一种新型方法。  相似文献   

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