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The combination of the organophosphate (OP) chlorpyrifos (CPF) and the pyrethroid cypermethrin (CPM) is commonly marketed as pour‐on formulations for the control of sheep lice, ked, and blowflies. CPF irreversibly inhibits acetylcholinesterases (AChE), while pyrethroids are not AChE inhibitors. However, combinations of pyrethroids with OPs showed a highly synergistic effect on AChE inhibition. Thus, the aim of the current work was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo the inhibitory potency of both pesticides, alone and in combination with AChE and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activities in sheep blood. In vitro, IC50 values were similar after CPF or CPF plus CPM incubations. The pour‐on coadministration of recommended doses of CPF and CPM did not cause a significant inhibition of AChE and BChE in sheep blood. Only slight percentages of inhibition of their catalytic activities were observed when both drugs were given at 4‐fold higher dose rates. The lower systemic availability of topical administration of OPs in sheep may help to explain the lower degree of inhibition of blood AChE and BChE in vivo. The results emerged from this research are a further contribution to the knowledge of the risks of implementing higher dosage regimens of OPs‐containing antiparasitic formulations.  相似文献   

The in vitro and in vivo effects of corticosteroids on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from ponies were studied. Prednisolone inhibited lymphocyte stimulation by phytohemagglutin (PHA) in a dose-dependent manner, without inducing lysis even at large doses. The PBL from horses heterozygous for the combined immunodeficiency trait responded to corticosteroid treatment the same as did PBL from normal ponies. Removal of the corticosteroid after incubation with PBL from normal ponies partially restored responsiveness of these cells to PHA. Chronic in vivo treatment of ponies with corticosteroids caused a marked decrease in the absolute numbers of circulating lymphocytes. Most remaining lymphocytes had detectable surface immunoglobulin and C3 receptors, suggesting a greater decrease in the T-lymphocyte population. In spite of this, there was little change in the in vitro PHA- or keyhole limpet hemocyanin-sensitized ponies. In general, the corticosteroid effects of lysis, as well as the mitogenic and antigenic responses of PBL from ponies, were similar to those previously reported for human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to investigate in vitro and in vivo (in broiler chickens) ochratoxin A (OTA) adsorption efficiency of three different adsorbents: inorganic (modified zeolite); organic (esterified glucomannans) and mixed (inorganic and organic components plus enzymes).

2. The aim of the study was to investigate which of these adsorbents provided the best protection against the presence of residues of OTA in the pectoral muscle and liver of broilers given an OTA-contaminated diet. In addition, it was important to test and compare the results of adsorbent efficiency using two different in vitro methods.

3. The results from classical in vitro investigations carried out in the artificial intestinal fluid, showed that the inorganic adsorbent (Mz), exhibited the highest adsorption, having adsorbed 80.86 ± 1.85% of OTA, whereas average in vitro adsorption abilities of organic (30.52 ± 3.50%) and mixed (32.00 ± 2.60%) adsorbents were significantly lower.

4. In the investigation of absorption in everted sacs of broiler duodenal segments (Everted Duodenal Sacs Procedure), higher OTA adsorption in gut was exhibited by organic adsorbent, 74.26 ± 4.48%. Furthermore, the mean adsorption efficiency of mixed and inorganic adsorbent was 65.26 ± 4.76% and 45.75 ± 7.14%, respectively.

5. In the in vivo investigation, broilers were fed for 21 d on diets containing 2 mg/kg of OTA and supplemented with inorganic (Mz), organic (Ms) or mixed adsorbent (Mf) at the recommended concentration of 2 g/kg of feed. All three adsorbents significantly decreased OTA residue concentrations in the pectoral muscle and livers, but the order of effectiveness was mixed > organic > inorganic. The most efficient was the mixed adsorbent which decreased residue concentration by 72.50% in pectoral muscle and 94.47% in livers.

6. The Everted Duodenal Sac in vitro method provided results similar to those obtained in the in vivo study. However, further studies are required to investigate the efficiencies of adsorbents against various mycotoxins using this method.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors have been shown to inhibit equine neutrophil function in vitro and may be of benefit in recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), an allergy-based respiratory disease characterized by inflammatory cell recruitment and activation within the lungs following exposure of susceptible horses to allergens in mouldy hay. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory effects of the PDE4 inhibitor, rolipram, in an in vitro assay of thromboxane (Tx) production. The assay was then used to monitor the activity of this compound in vivo in normal and RAO-affected horses. Rolipram and the structurally distinct PDE4 inhibitor, denbufylline, attenuated both lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced and unstimulated Tx production in blood from normal horses. Thromboxane production appeared to involve a calcium-dependent interaction between leucocytes and platelets (LPS-induced Tx production = 2.3 +/- 0.4, 4.5 +/- 1.1 and 20.8 +/- 3.6 ng/mL for platelets, leucocytes and blood, respectively) and rolipram-inhibited Tx production via an effect on leucocytes. Inhibition of ex vivo LPS induced Tx production was detected after intravenous administration of rolipram (5 microg/kg) to normal ponies. This dose did not significantly affect either lung function or neutrophil accumulation when administered to three horses with clinical signs of RAO. This study suggests that inhibition of Tx production in equine blood can be used to measure PDE4 activity. However, PDE4 inhibitors with improved therapeutic profiles are required for evaluation in RAO.  相似文献   

Quinolones and magnesium deficiency cause similar lesions in joint cartilage of young animals. Chondrocytes cultivated in the presence of quinolones and in Mg-free medium show severe alterations in cytoskeleton and decreased ability to adhere to the culture dish. We investigated whether Mg2+ supplementation can prevent quinolone-mediated effects on chondrocytes in vitro. Chondrocytes cultivated in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium/HAM's F-12 medium were treated with ciprofloxacin (80 and 160 microg/ml) and enrofloxacin (100 and 150 microg/ml). Mg2+ was added at a concentration of 0.0612 mg/ml (MgCl) and 0.0488 mg/ml (MgSO4) or a triple dose. In addition, cells were cultivated in Mg-free medium and accordingly treated with Mg2+ supplementation. After 5 days in culture, the number of adherent cells per milliliter was determined. The number of chondrocytes in quinolone-treated groups decreased to 12-36% that of the control group within the culture period. With Mg2+ supplementation, the number of attached cells increased to 40-70% that of control cells. The threefold dose of Mg2+ led to better results than did the single dose. Cell proliferation tested by immunohistochemical staining with Ki67 (clone MIB5) decreased from 70% in control groups to 55%, 48%, and 30% in enrofloxacin-treated groups in a concentration dependent manner (50, 100, and 150 microg/ml). Addition of Mg2+ did not increase the rate of cell proliferation. These results suggest that a great part of quinolone-induced damage is due to magnesium complex formation, as Mg2+ supplementation is able to reduce the effects in vitro. However, quinolone effects on cell proliferation seem to be an independent process that is not influenced by magnesium supplementation.  相似文献   

The antiviral effects of recombinant bovine interferon-tau (rboIFN-tau) on bovine leukemia virus (BLV) were examined in vitro and in vivo. In the in vitro experiments, BLV titers decreased in FLK-BLV cells and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of BLV-infected cattle treated with rboIFN-tau at a concentration higher than 10(2) U/ml. In order to examine the in vivo effects of rboIFN-tau, 10 BLV-infected cattle were subcutaneously injected with rboIFN-tau. In the first experiment, 6 cows were administrated with 10(5) U/kg body weight of rboIFN-tau 3 times per week for 4 weeks, while in the second experiment 4 cows were administrated with 10(6) U/kg body weight of rboIFN-tau 3 times per week for 3 weeks. No adverse effects were observed after the administration of rboIFN-tau. In experiment No. 1, the mean BLV titers in cattle decreased in the post-rboIFN-tau administration period compared to the pre-rboIFN-tau administration period. In experiment No. 2, the mean BLV titers in cattle decreased in the rboIFN-tau administration period. These results suggest that rboIFN-tau decreases BLV titers in vitro and in vivo and that rboIFN-tau possibly reduces the degree of BLV titer in cattle without severe side effects.  相似文献   

There are a multitude of possible side effects when using high levels of or chronic administration of glucocorticoid treatment. Several of the studies referred to in this discussion used large amounts of glucocorticoids for rather lengthy periods. The endocrine, as well as nonendocrine, effects of glucocorticoids are minimized when the lowest effective doses are used, when treatment is terminated as soon as reasonably possible, and when an alternate-day therapy schedule is followed. However, an occasional individual may appear with a particular susceptibility to one or more of the side effects of glucocorticoid treatment even when these measures are followed.  相似文献   

In vivo chemotaxis to rat leucocytes was shown to mildly oxidised arachidonic acid in the migration into cotton pellet method. Amounts of oxidised acid, 0.25, 0.5 and 2.5 mg, mobilized net leucocytes (mostly neutrophils) into experimental pellets in 12 h. The 0.5 mg of oxidised acid showed maximum chemotactic activity and attracted maximum net leucocytes into the experimental pellets at 12 h. Doses lower or higher than this were less effective. Equivalent doses of pure arachidonic acid failed to show these chemotactic activities but evoked inflammatory reactions at the experimental pellet sites. Chemotactic activity seemed therefore to require mild oxidation of the lipid. Oxidation also seemed to stimulate spontaneous migratory activity into the control pellets.  相似文献   

Naringenin is a bioactive flavanone involved in the inhibition of drug metabolism which exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancerogenic properties and which recently appeared to be a factor mitigating the hyperlipidaemic effects in rats and rabbits. In the performed experiment, the effect of naringenin, administered intragastrically (50 mg/kg) for 2 weeks to normal and ethanol drinking rats, on insulin and leptin levels and on some metabolic parameters was investigated. Naringenin did not change the hormone levels in any group of rats. Blood glucose, triglyceride, total, esterified and free cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations were also unaffected by this compound. Only free fatty acids were elevated after the naringenin treatment in the water-drinking rats. In spite of unchanged glucose and insulin concentrations in blood, the tested flavanone reduced the glucose/insulin ratio in ethanol-receiving rats. Liver triglycerides, elevated due to ethanol ingestion, were partially normalized by naringenin. Other tested parameters like liver glycogen and cholesterol, muscle triglycerides and glycogen were not altered in any group of rats. The influence of naringenin (62.5, 125, 250 and 500 microM) on basal and insulin-stimulated glucose conversion to lipids (lipogenesis) as well as on basal and epinephrine-stimulated glycerol release (lipolysis) in the isolated rat adipocytes was also tested. The basal and the stimulated lipogenesis tended to be decreased in the presence of the flavanone (250 microM). This inhibitory effect intensified and was statistically significant at the highest concentration of naringenin. The tested compound did not evoke any effect on basal lipolysis while the epinephrine-stimulated process was limited at the highest concentration of the flavanone. Naringenin (62.5, 125, 250 and 500 microM) had no effect on leptin secretion from the isolated rat adipocytes. Results obtained in our studies demonstrate that naringenin exerts a very weak influence on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of normal and ethanol-consuming rats and on metabolism of isolated rat adipocytes.  相似文献   

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit cyclooxygenases (COX), and the inhibition of COX-2 rather than COX-1 can limit the onset of NSAID-related adverse effects. The pharmacodynamic properties of eltenac, naproxen, tepoxalin, SC-560 and NS 398 in healthy horses were investigated using an in vitro whole blood assay. To predict COX selectivity in clinical use, eltenac and naproxen were also studied ex vivo after intravenous administration. SC-560 acted as a selective COX-1 inhibitor, tepoxalin as a dual inhibitor with potent activity against COX-1, and NS 398 as a preferential COX-2 inhibitor. Eltenac was a preferential COX-2 inhibitor in vitro but un-selective in the ex vivo study. Naproxen maintained its non-selectivity both in vitro and ex vivo. These findings have demonstrated that in vitro studies may not accurately predict in vivo NSAID selectivity for COX and should be confirmed using an ex vivo whole blood assay.  相似文献   

FMLP was potently chemotactic in vivo to rat leucocytes. Doses of 1 microgram attracted net leucocytes into experimental cotton pellets in 6 h. Maximal chemotactic activity occurred at 0.01 mg. Doses greater or less than 0.01 mg attracted less net leucocytes into experimental pellets. The effect of time on chemotaxis of 0.05 mg FMLP showed that between 3 and 36 h, chemotactic index remained above unity and rose maximally to over 1.5. Maximal chemotactic index occurred at 6 h followed by maximal leucocytic infiltration. FMLP showed early chemoattraction in vivo to rat leucocytes. Leucocytic migration into control pellets rose from 3 h, reached maximum levels at 24 h and remained almost at this level at 36 h. L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (MLP), studied as a negative control, showed a chemotactic index and chemotactic differential that rose and fell together between 3 and 36 h. The kinetics of migrating leucocyte populations in response to FMLP showed absolute polymorphonuclear leucocytes at 3 h and over 90% mononuclear leucocytes at 36 h.  相似文献   

Lufenuron is a benzyl-urea phenol compound that inhibits chitin synthesis and is used as an insecticide. Its efficacy in the therapy of dermatophytosis in dogs and cats was evaluated in several clinical studies, with contradictory results. We assessed the in vitro susceptibility of dermatophytes isolated from dogs and cats to lufenuron, and the clinical response of skin lesions to the drug. Dermatophyte cultures isolated from clinical cases were exposed to lufenuron by three different methods: direct application and application of whole blood or subcutaneous tissue samples obtained from a lufenuron-treated healthy dog. No inhibition of dermatophyte growth was observed in any of the samples after 1 week of incubation. Eight dogs and six cats with skin lesions were included in the in vivo survey. Results indicated that six of seven skin lesions that were diagnosed as being caused by dermatophytes did not respond to lufenuron whereas six of seven skin lesions that were not caused by dermatophytes improved. We concluded that lufenuron, in the way it was administered in this study, had no inhibitory activity on dermatophytes in vitro or in vivo and its clinical use as an anti-fungal agent is questionable. An immunomodulatory effect of the drug is, however, possible.  相似文献   

Using tuberculin (purified protein derivative) as the test antigen, 29 dogs with different vaccination histories were tested with the lymphocyte transformation (LT) assay, the indirect agarose leukocyte migration inhibition (LMI) assay, and the skin test for delayed type hypersensitivity. All three tests were done simultaneously on each dog. The LT assay results were found to correlate well (r = 0.88) with the skin test results, whereas LMI results were found to correlate poorly (r = 0.55) with the skin test results. It was concluded that the LT assay is a more reliable measure of cell mediated immunity in the dog than is the LMI assay.  相似文献   

The metabolism of dexamethasone (DXM) in the camel was assessed by in vivo and in vitro techniques. Liver samples were collected at the abattoir from camels of either sex, and microsomes were isolated and characterized as to their protein and haemoprotein content as well as for their ability to metabolise several cytochrome P450 model substrates. The expression of different P450 enzymes was evaluated by means of immunoblotting, and the glucuronidating capacity was assessed with 1-naphthol as the substrate. The activity of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 was assayed using metyrapone as a model substrate. To examine the in vitro metabolism of DXM, microsomes were incubated with the corticoid in the presence of either a NADPH-generating system or of uridindiphosphoglucuronic acid. In vivo metabolism of DXM was studied in two male camels, injected with a bolus intravenous dose of DXM (0.2 mg/kg body weight) and DXM metabolites were evaluated in urine samples collected at different times after the administration. DXM and metabolites were extracted using solid phase and liquid-liquid extraction, and analysed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and by LC/MS/MS. Comparative results were obtained by in vitro and in vivo studies. Two phase I metabolites were detected: the major one resulted from reduction of the 3-carbonyl group in ring A and the minor metabolite from ring hydroxylation of ring A. Glucuronidation involved both phase I metabolites as well as the parent compound.  相似文献   

Canine osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common primary malignant bone tumour in dogs, and it has a high metastatic rate and poor prognosis. Toceranib phosphate (TOC; Palladia, Zoetis) is a veterinary tyrosine kinase inhibitor that selectively inhibits VEGFR‐2, PDGFRs and c‐Kit, but its efficacy is not yet fully understood in the treatment of canine OSA. Here, we evaluated the functional effects of TOC on six OSA cell lines by transwell, wound healing and colony formation assays. Subsequently, two cell lines (Wall and Penny) were selected and were inoculated in mice by intrafemoral injection to develop an orthotopic xenograft model of canine OSA. For each cell line, 30 mice were xenografted; half of them were used as controls, and the other half were treated with TOC at 40 mg/kg body weight for 20 days. TOC inhibited cell growth of all cell lines, but reduced invasion and migration was only observed in Penny and Wall cell lines. In mice engrafted with Penny cells and subjected to TOC treatment, decreased tumour growth was observed, and PDGFRs and c‐Kit mRNA were downregulated. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated a significant reduction of Ki67 staining in treated mice when compared to controls. The results obtained here demonstrate that TOC is able to slightly inhibit cell growth in vitro, while its effect is evident only in a Penny cell xenograft model, in which TOC significantly reduced tumour size and the Ki67 index without modifying apoptosis markers.  相似文献   

The effect of certain antimicrobial agents and corticosteroids on bovine polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemotaxis was investigated. Peripheral blood was fractioned by density-gradient centrifugation, using Ficoll-Hypaque. The chemotactic assay was performed in modified Boyden chambers, using Micropore filters, and the chemotactic response was measured by the leading-front technique. Tetracyclines, streptomycin, and penicillin had no effect on chemotaxis at concentrations normally achieved in blood during systemic treatment. However, higher concentrations that were achievable with local therapy, such as intramammary injection or topical application, inhibited the chemotactic response. This inhibition was eliminated by serum. Dexamethasone stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemotaxis with the effect being manifested after the cells were incubated with the drug for 3 hours. Hydrocortisone caused slight inhibition of chemotaxis, whereas prednisone and prednisolone had no effect.  相似文献   

Six pigs were infected oro-nasally with a moderately virulent African swine fever (ASF) virus from the Dominican Republic (DR II). The effect of virus infection on the pig's immune system was tested by measuring peripheral leucocyte numbers and the ability of mononuclear leucocytes (MNL) to respond by lymphocyte proliferation (LP) to the mitogens phytohemagglutinin-P (PHA-P), concanavalin-A (Con-A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM). All 6 pigs developed high viremias between 4 and 18 days post-inoculation (DPI) which became undetectable by 32 to 46 DPI. Virus was found in erythrocytes, plasma, and mononuclear leucocytes from peripheral blood. Overall, virus infection had only minor effects on the number of circulating leucocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes. At the early acute phase of infection slight neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia were observed with mildly elevated monocyte numbers and slightly depressed neutrophil numbers that continued from the time of evident reduction in viremia to beyond the period of viral clearance. The infected pigs readily produced high titers of ASF virus antibody shortly after the onset of viremia. No significant differences in LP responses of MNL from the 6 pigs to PHA-P, Con-A and PWM were observed after infection when compared to those obtained with MNL from normal pigs. The in vitro addition of infectious ASF virus to MNL from normal pigs did not affect LP responses to any of the three mitogens. These results do not support the hypothesis that immunosuppression is a consequence of ASFV infection of pigs.  相似文献   

The pharmacodynamic properties of a new veterinary fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent, ibafloxacin, were evaluated. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC), time-kill kinetics, postantibiotic effect (PAE) and postantibiotic subminimal inhibitory concentration effects (PA-SME) were determined against pathogenic canine Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial isolates from dermal, respiratory and urinary tract infections. The synergistic interactions between ibafloxacin and its main metabolite, 8-hydroxy-ibafloxacin were investigated. Finally, the efficacy of ibafloxacin was tested in in vivo canine infection models. Ibafloxacin had good activity against Pasteurella spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. (MIC90=0.5 microg/mL), moderate activity against Bordetella bronchiseptica, Enterobacter spp. and Enterococcus spp. (MIC50=4 microg/mL) and low activity against Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. The time-killing analysis confirmed that ibafloxacin was bactericidal with a broad spectrum of activity. The PAE and PA-SME were between 0.7-2.13 and 1-11.5 h, respectively. Finally, studies in dog models of wound infection and cystitis confirmed the efficacy of once daily oral ibafloxacin at a dosage of 15 mg/kg. Additional studies are needed to better define the importance of AUC/MIC (AUIC) and Cmax/MIC ratios on the outcome of fluoroquinolone therapy in dogs.  相似文献   

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