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Oak regeneration failure in the hardwood forests of eastern North America has been well documented. Silvicultural treatments of prescribed burning and canopy thinning (fire surrogate) are being studied as possible management tools to promote oak regeneration in oak dominated forests. We examined oak seed production and predation by acorn weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from two experimental forests in southeastern Ohio, under four different silvicultural treatments. Treatments consisted of replicate stands that received a prescribed burning, thinning, and thinning followed by a prescribed burn, in addition to an untreated control. Initial thinning and prescribed burning treatments were conducted in winter/spring of 2000–2001, with a second prescribed burn in spring 2005. Within each treatment unit, nine black oak and nine chestnut oak trees were selected for study and two 0.25 m2 seed fall traps were placed beneath each tree. Seed collections were completed for five seasons from 2001 to 2005. Data were analyzed using a randomized complete block design, utilizing a mixed-model repeated measures analysis. Overall, stand level treatments resulted in only a slight increase in acorn production (in the burn and thin + burn stands) relative to the control; however, this response was species specific. Masting, the intermittent production of large seed crops, was evident in our study though occurrence of a mast event was not influenced by the treatments. Chestnut oak displayed greater yearly, as well as individual variation in seed production than did black oak. Treatments had no effect on predation by acorn weevils. Predation percentages were lowest during mast years for chestnut oak; however, percentages were mostly stable for black oak across all 5 years. Our data suggest that variation due to climate and genotype are more influential in affecting seed production and masting cycles than are stand level disturbances. Thus, stand level management activities are not likely to have a large influence on oak seed production and oak regeneration must be more strongly influenced at other stages of its life history.  相似文献   

Competition is a major determinant of plant growth and is often used in studies of tree growth and species coexistence. However, these approaches are usually temporally static, i.e., assessed at a single point or period in time. While constantly changing forest conditions due to natural and human-induced disturbances potentially alter competition among individuals, static approaches cannot qualify the temporal variability of competitive interactions. Here we present a longitudinal analysis of competitive interactions among trees and discuss the implication of our results for ecological interpretation.Spatially-explicit tree growth data were obtained from 18 study plots (0.4 ha each) in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stands in Quebec, Canada. During the studied period (1980-2003), these stands had been disturbed by insect outbreaks (forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hubner) and by commercial partial harvest. We analyzed radial growth rates (outcome of competition) on an annual basis and as a function of tree biology (bole diameter, crown position), competition (above- and belowground competition from neighbours) and environmental conditions (light availability, harvest disturbance).Competitive interactions changed throughout the studied period. Canopy disturbance from partial harvest interacted with defoliators and influenced competition symmetry by favoring smaller trees.Competitive interactions seemed to have switched from below- to above-ground following canopy recovery after harvest. Release from competition due to partial harvest increase neighbourhood size (radius of effective competition) and enhanced the competitive pressure from larger individuals.The temporal variability in parameter estimates may be used for setting confidence intervals on competitive success (growth rates), thereby yielding a more robust basis for ecological interpretation. Our results also show that temporal variability in competitive interactions could contribute to the maintenance of high tree species diversity and structural complexity in some ecosystems by temporally altering species-specific responses to environmental change and disturbance.  相似文献   

Secondary cavity-nesting birds (SCN), which cannot create their own breeding cavities, are expected to be influenced by habitat alteration caused by forest management practices, but the mechanisms underlying the distribution pattern of SCN subjected to different management systems are poorly known. To improve our knowledge on these mechanisms, we examine cavity abundance, cavity occupation and reproductive performance of SCN in Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) forests subjected to two management systems: (i) dense “young forests”, maintained at such stage by clear-cuttings and burns, and (ii) “old forest”, subjected to extensive traditional grazing and scarce firewood extraction by selective cutting. Young forests had considerably lower density of cavities (1.29 ± 0.71 vs 15.09 ± 2.00 cavities ha−1), SCN species (0.18 ± 0.11 vs 0.61 ± 0.07 species ha−1) and nests (0.40 ± 0.27 vs 2.67 ± 0.25 nests of all SCN ha−1) than old forests, indicating that a low availability of cavities may limit SCN assemblages in young oak forests. However, reproductive parameters of great (Parus major) and blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) tits associated with the availability of food (laying date, clutch size, nestling number and weight, adult weight) did not differ between both forest types, suggesting that food supply was not reduced in young forests, at least for tits during the breeding season. Large diameter (up to 170 cm dbh) decayed trees were the most likely to hold cavities, but birds preferred smaller living cavity-trees for nesting (90% of nests in 21-65 cm dbh trees). The preservation of cavity-trees within traditionally managed old oak forests is crucial in providing nesting opportunities to SCN. Besides, the protection of these traditionally managed forests would also benefit to other forest organisms that depend on old and open oak forests.  相似文献   

The opportunity of cross-pollination in mixed stands of two oak species (cork oak and holm oak) was studied by characterizing individual phenologies of flowering. In the spring of 1998 at one stand consisting of 64 marked trees, there was a period of 19 days when maximal pollen release in one species and stigma receptivity in the other occurred simultaneously, enabling interspecific gene flow in either direction. This happened in spite of an average time separation of 22 days between the two species, reflecting a considerable intraspecific variation in the timings of flowering. Flowering intensities (as estimated from male flower abundance) were high, but fruiting intensities were comparatively low. Shortly after pollination, considerable abortion of female flowers and early fruits was recorded. In 2000, the interspecific overlap of phenologies was drastically reduced due to a delay in cork oak flowering. On the other hand, the individual timings were repeatable for most trees, at least in holm oak. Two other mixed stands were subject of parallel studies, with similar results in all traits except for a less dramatic reduction in fruiting intensities. In spite of the high opportunity for cross-pollination in 1998, and given the lack of hybrids among the progenies from the subsequent fruiting season [Oliveira, P., Custódio, A.C., Branco, C., Reforço, I., Rodrigues, F., Varela, M.C., Meierrose, C., 2003. Hybrids between cork oak and holm oak: isoenzyme analysis. Forest Genet. 10, 283–298], it can be concluded that the prerequisite of cross-pollination is clearly insufficient for hybridization to succeed. Post-pollination processes must play an important role in the maintenance of reproductive isolation between the two species.  相似文献   

Indonesian small-scale forest holders are facing a dilemma due to the implementation of a mandatory national timber-legality verification scheme and an internationally popular forest certification scheme. The problems arise from limited financial, technical, and administrative information concerning the most preferred scheme and the “imperfection of such a scheme” for long-term business needs. Using the Forest Certification Assessment Guide (FCAG) this paper identifies the characteristics of four third-party forest certification schemes currently working in Indonesia, namely FSC, PEFC, LEI, and SVLK. An online questionnaire was used to survey a wide range of respondents about the future development of contested schemes and those preferred by small-scale forest holders. Our findings show that although FSC scheme obtained the highest score and is considered the best scheme according to the FCAG, small-scale forest holders prefer SVLK scheme, which had the lowest FCAG score because of its mandatory nature and available subsidies. Statements by the four schemes’ proponents, which delegitimize other schemes, reveal they are in competition especially in winning market acceptance and local adaptability. Finally, we suggest proponents enhance aspects where their schemes are lacking and contrive a comparable certification scheme in order to induce willingness to be certified.  相似文献   

Understanding long-term changes in forest ecosystem carbon stocks under forest management practices such as timber harvesting is important for assessing the contribution of forests to the global carbon cycle. Harvesting effects are complicated by the amount, type, and condition of residue left on-site, the decomposition rate of this residue, the incorporation of residue into soil organic matter and the rate of new detritus input to the forest floor from regrowing vegetation. In an attempt to address these complexities, the forest succession model LINKAGES was used to assess the production of aboveground biomass, detritus, and soil carbon stocks in native Eucalyptus forests as influenced by five harvest management practices in New South Wales, Australia. The original decomposition sub-routines of LINKAGES were modified by adding components of the Rothamsted (RothC) soil organic matter turnover model. Simulation results using the new model were compared to data from long-term forest inventory plots. Good agreement was observed between simulated and measured above-ground biomass, but mixed results were obtained for basal area. Harvesting operations examined included removing trees for quota sawlogs (QSL, DBH >80 cm), integrated sawlogs (ISL, DBH >20 cm) and whole-tree harvesting in integrated sawlogs (WTH). We also examined the impact of different cutting cycles (20, 50 or 80 years) and intensities (removing 20, 50 or 80 m3). Generally medium and high intensities of shorter cutting cycles in sawlog harvesting systems produced considerably higher soil carbon values compared to no harvesting. On average, soil carbon was 2–9% lower in whole-tree harvest simulations whereas in sawlog harvest simulations soil carbon was 5–17% higher than in no harvesting.  相似文献   

A split plot trial involving Ailanthus triphysa (ailanthus) at four spacings (3 m×1 m, 2 m×2 m, 3 m×2 m and 3 m×3 m) and four fertiliser regimes (0:0:0, 50:25:25, 100:50:50 and 150:75:75 kg ha−1 per year N, P2O5, K2O) was initiated in June 1991. Objectives included evaluating the growth and yield potential of ailanthus grown under differing density and fertiliser regimes and to estimate the nutrient export through harvest. Ninety-six randomly selected average-sized trees were felled at 8.8 years of age for assessment. Results show that height, diameter, stand leaf area index, biomass production and volume yield were greater in the 2 m×2 m spacing. Repeated application of fertilisers at 1.2, 2.25 and 5.25 years after planting had little effect on biomass and volume yields, presumably because of weed competition (despite periodic weed control), higher pest incidence (in the heavily fertilised plots) and/or moderately adequate soil nutrient levels. Regarding partitioning of tree biomass, stem wood represented the principal component (>70%), while foliage contributed the least (<7%). Conversely, foliar N, P and K concentrations were the highest, followed by branch wood, coarse roots and stem wood. Denser stands showed greater accumulation of N, P and K with higher potential for nutrient export through harvest. However, as the bole fraction accounted for only about 56–64% of the total nutrients removed, leaving other biomass components (foliage and branches) at the site will reduce the associated nutrient export. Wider spacings (3 m×2 m and 3 m×3 m) were more efficient in N and K use, but P use efficiency was higher in 2 m×2 m. Likewise, trees in the no fertiliser plots exhibited greatest N, P and K use efficiencies. Available soil P, K and organic C levels declined with increasing tree density, while repeated fertilisation increased nutrient concentrations. Soil pH and available P levels declined in comparison to the pre-treatment values.  相似文献   

文章明确了内蒙古自治区森林资源监测管理信息系统二类数据更新流程,规范了数据更新流程中各个环节和各级用户做什么、怎么做、在什么时间做。为提高数据更新效率,保证数据更新准确真实、有效可用提供参考。  相似文献   

Using 3D architectural models to assess light availability and root bulkiness in agroforestry systems. In many parts of the humid tropics, coconut trees are frequently intercropped with food crops, or tree crops such as cocoa. The performance of such systems depends on planting patterns, but also on growing conditions for crops below the coconut canopy throughout the development of the coconut trees. We used a modelling approach providing indicators for assessing above-ground competition for light and below-ground competition for space, in order to optimize intercropping in coconut smallholdings. Light transmission and the number of coconut roots in the interrow were assessed in coconut smallholdings from 6 to 60 years old. The modelling of light transmission through coconut stands was based on three-dimensional virtual coconut trees and a numerical light model that computed the shade cast by coconut trees on underlying crops. Root colonization in the interrow was assessed with virtual 3D coconut root systems. Our results showed that intercropping with shade-tolerant species was not limited by light transmission from the 35th year after coconut tree planting. However, at that stage of coconut tree development, the density of primary roots in the interrow limited intercrop development, especially for root and tuber crops. Alteration of the planting pattern over time increased light transmission but did not significantly affect root density. This modelling approach, which involved little parameterization that was easily done, appeared to be an efficient tool for recommending coconut tree planting patterns and densities, as well as indicating intercrop potential depending on their location in the most sunlit areas with minimum root competition.
Eric MalézieuxEmail:

数据更新是森林资源监测管理信息系统的核心内容,它能够赋予二类数据动态性和现势性,确保实时动态反应森林资源现状。为保持更新后的二类数据准确一致,文章针对数据更新属性回填计算方法与图形编辑控制细节进行分类叙述,为内蒙古自治区森林资源监测管理信息系统数据更新提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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