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动物胚胎移植与胚胎分割技术研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
人工授精技术极大地提高了优良公畜的利用率,而胚胎移植和胚胎分割技术则是充分挖掘优良母畜繁殖潜能的有效途径,胚胎移植技术包括了供体超数排卵,人工授精,胚胎采集,同期发情,移植受体,使其优良母畜的繁殖潜力充分发挥,迅速增加其后代数量,可提高母畜繁殖几十倍,加速遗传进展,较现行的育种方案提高50%-100%,也为MOET育种提供有价值技术资料。  相似文献   

胚胎移植技术在奶牛场中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
奶牛胚胎移植技术是近30年来国际上发展很快的一项生物技术。目前.在奶牛的繁殖过程中.胚胎移植作为繁育牛的较新方法已被公认和接受.它同人工授精技术相比.冷冻精液人工授精虽可提高优良种公畜的配种效能.但优良后代的增加.不仅决定于公畜.也有赖于母畜.其生产性能取决于双方。因此充分发挥优良母畜的繁殖潜力也是改良品种的一个方面。胚胎移植技术就是提高优良母畜繁殖力的一个有效方法。通过这项技术在相对短的时间里、从一头母牛能够获得更多的小牛.它可以比传统的方法加快几倍.几十倍繁殖优良种子牛。是本世纪畜牧业生产中家…  相似文献   

胚胎移植技术是继人工授精技术后的又一次家畜繁殖技术革命,它能充分发挥优良种公、母畜的繁殖潜力.加快遗传改良进展,迅速提高畜群生产性能,是目前最有前途的生物技术之一.特别在奶牛业中应用前景更为广阔。  相似文献   

胚胎移植(embryo transfer)是指将优良母畜(供体)早期胚胎取出,移植到同种的处于相同生理状态的一般母畜(受体)体内,使之继续发育为新个体的过程。胚胎移植大大地缩短了优良母畜的繁殖周期;同时,由于实行超数排卵,一次便可从优良母畜获得多个胚胎,故可充分发挥优良母畜的繁殖潜力,加速品种改良。此外,胚胎移植和胚胎冷冻技术相结合还为种畜进出口和保种提供了新的途径。许多新兴的生物  相似文献   

牛胚胎移植技术是继牛人工授精、同期发情之后,养牛生产繁殖技术中的一项先进技术。该技术的应用,可以充分挖掘优良母畜的繁殖潜力,从而在较短时间内迅速地扩大优良种群,加速畜群的改良和纯种繁育的进程,也是迅速提高我国牛群整体水平的重要措施。近年来,虽然我国畜牧  相似文献   

胚胎移植又称受精卵移植。就是将1头母畜(供体)的受精卵移植到另一头母畜(受体)的子宫内,使之正常发育,充分发挥优良母牛的繁殖潜力。一般情况下.1头优良成年母牛一年只能繁殖1头犊牛.应用胚胎移植技术.一年可得到几头至几十头优良母牛的后代.大大加速了良种牛群的建立和扩大。  相似文献   

奶牛胚胎移植技术应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎移植技术是继20世纪六七十年代人工授精之后发展起来的生物技术,是胚胎工程的重要组成技术。它是将一头良种母畜配种后形成的早期胚胎取出,移植到另一头(或几头)同种的、生理状态相同的母畜生殖器官的相应部位,使之继续发育成为新的个体,也有人通俗地称之“借腹怀胎”。胚胎移植技术冲破了母畜繁殖力低的障碍,能够大大提高母畜的繁殖效率,使优秀母畜可能产生比自然繁殖更多的优秀后代,使优良公、母畜的繁殖潜力得以充分发挥。  相似文献   

国内外牛胚胎移植技术发展概况及其趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 胚胎移植技术概述胚胎移植又称受精卵移植 ,就是将 1头母畜 (供体 )的受精卵移植到另一头母畜 (受体 )的子宫内 ,使之正常发育。胚胎移植的意义 :( 1)充分发挥优良母牛的繁殖潜力。一般情况下 ,1头优良成年母牛一年只能繁殖 1头犊牛 ,应用胚胎移植技术 ,一年可得到几头至几十头优良母牛的后代 ,大大加速了良种牛群的建立和扩大。 ( 2 )诱发肉牛产双胎。对发情的母牛配种后再移植一个胚胎到排卵对侧子宫角内 ,这样配种后未受孕的母牛可能因接受移植的胚胎而妊娠 ,而配种后受孕母牛则由于增加了一个移植的胚胎而怀双胎。另外 ,也可对未配种…  相似文献   

胚胎移植是将一头良种母畜配种后形成的早期胚胎取出,移植到另一头(或几头)同种的、生理状态相同的母畜生殖器官的相应部位,使之继续发育成为新的个体,也有人通俗地称之“借腹怀胎”。人工授精技术使优秀公畜的遗传潜力得到最大限度地发挥,胚胎移植技术使优良公、母畜的繁殖潜力得以充分发挥。采用人工授精改良地方品种,产生的是杂交种;胚胎移植产生的后代,其遗传物质来自于经过严格挑选的母畜和与之交配的公畜,遗传素质出众,品质和价值都远远高于杂交改良品种。目前,胚胎移植应用最广,成效最大的家畜是牛,其次是羊。  相似文献   

超数排卵(Multiovulation,MO)技术可以充分发挥优良种母畜(供体)的作用,提高优良母畜的繁殖力,加快优良品种改良和动物育种步伐,同时也是胚胎移植的一个重要环节。传统的超数排卵方法的胚胎的生产效率较低,诱发新卵泡波的超排方法可以缩短高产奶牛排卵的时间间隔,提高胚胎的生产效率。  相似文献   

中国肉牛种业现状、存在问题及发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 在全面分析中国肉牛种业产业现状的基础上,针对肉牛种业发展面临良种匮乏、良种繁育体系不健全、良种良法不配套、肉牛基础生产环节薄弱等的突出问题,论文提出了加强肉牛良种繁育体系建设,增加政府投入和宏观调控能力,加大科技创新和先进技术的推广以及加强育种人才和推广队伍的建设等发展建议。  相似文献   

结合西藏昌都市对边坝县农牧业发展区位定位,边坝县将大力发展以藏东黑山羊为主的特色畜牧业。鉴于藏东黑山羊种源质量参差不齐、现有特色资源无法发挥其资源优势和远远不能满足边坝县藏东黑山羊产业发展需求的情况,提出培育适应饲草料短缺的高海拔环境的节粮型无角、多胎、快长、繁殖率高和屠宰率高的藏东黑山羊新品种方案,以期为边坝县藏东黑山羊产业发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

Genetic breed differences, heterosis, recombination loss, and heritability for reproduction traits, lamb survival and growth traits to 90 days of age were estimated from crossing D'man and Timahdite Moroccan breeds. The crossbreeding parameters were fitted as covariates in the model of analysis. The REML method was used to estimate (co)variance components using an animal model. The first estimation of crossbreeding effects for Timahdite and D'man breeds shows that breed differences in litter traits are mainly of maternal genetic origin: +1.04 lambs, +1.88 kg, +0.60 lambs, and +2.23 kg in favour of D'man breed for litter size at lambing, litter weight at lambing, litter size at weaning, and litter weight at 90 days, respectively. The breed differences in lamb growth and survival are also of maternal genetic origin for the majority of traits studied, but in favour of the Timahdite breed: +3.48 kg, +45 g day−1 and +0.19 lambs for weight at 90 days, for average daily gain between 30 and 90 days of age, and for lamb survival to 90 days, respectively. The D'man direct genetic effect was low and negative for survival and birth weight of lambs during the first month of life. All traits studied showed positive heterosis effects. Recombination loss effects were not significant. Therefore, crossbreeding of Timahdite with D'man breeds of sheep can result in an improved efficiency of production of saleable lambs. Heritability estimates were medium for litter size but low for the other reproduction traits. Direct heritabilities were low for body weights and lamb survival at 90 days and the corresponding maternal heritabilities showed, however, low to moderate estimates. For litter traits, the estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were positive and particularly high for genetic correlations.  相似文献   

Experiments revealed that it is necessary to get rid of genotypes RYR1C/T and RYR1T/T because of problems with meat quality and reproduction of gilts and sows. This phenomenon, however, is of individual nature and is characterized by high variability. The aim of the study was to analyse the influence of stressogenic factors in native Pu?awska and high productivity Polish Landrace breed sows during the period of low pregnancy on reproductive performance and maternal behaviour. Sows in the 2nd reproduction cycle were assigned into groups of five animals as follows: control (C) of RYR1 C/C genotype and experimental (E) of RYR1 C/T genotype. In all, 30 Pu?awska breed sows and 30 PL breed sows were analysed. During the early stage of pregnancy (days 42–84), experimental groups were subjected to the action of stressogenic factors: elevated temperature, noisy and rough treatment of sows by service personnel and immobilization stress. The effect of stressogenic factors was referred to the reproductive performance of sows. Pu?awska and PL breed sows from the experimental groups were subjected to the evaluation of maternal traits on the basis of perinatal behaviour determined with the help of an ethogram. Analysis of the results of reproduction and the behaviour of the sows confirmed the higher resistance to stressogenic factors of the Pu?awska breed. The performed analysis of reproduction and behaviour confirmed that heterozygotic genotypes in the RYR1 locus exhibited less advantageous reproduction, which corroborates the hypothesis about a negative impact of the T allele on swine productivity.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the importance of effects of cytoplasmic origin on milk production and reproduction traits.Cow families at the experimental farm originated from randomly collected calves from 240 herds in two breeding districts. Cytoplasmic origin was defined as the first animal in the traced, maternal lineage. Milk production of 290 cows in first lactation from 1976 to 1982 was used. Reproduction records of the same cows as nulliparous and primiparous could be analysed in cow families.Cytoplasmic origin was a significant (P < 0.01) source of variation in kg fat plus protein, and milk returns (Dfl.) after adjustment for district of origin of the cytoplasmic source, sire's breed, calving year and season, breeding values of sires and material grandsires, and age at calving. Cytoplasmic origin accounted for maximal 10% and 13%, respectively, of the phenotypic variation in the two traits.Cytoplasmic origin was not a significant source of variation in nulliparous and primiparous reproduction traits after adjustment for effects of sire's breed, calving year and season. Although not significant, the cytoplasmic components accounted for 10 to 4% of the phenotypic variation in number of inseminations per first conception and for −0.04% to 13% of the phenotypic variation in age at first calving for the first and second generation, respectively. Some of these cytoplasmic components accounted for more phenotypic variation in reproductive traits of nulliparous heifers than most additive genetic components found in the literature.The effects of cytoplasmic inheritance on production and reproduction traits might have an impact on breeding policies in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

畜禽品种资源的多样性是多样性的重要组成部分,其多样性的保护直接关系到畜牧业可持续发展,攸关到人类社会的政治经济生活。本研究重点调查了北京市地方畜禽品种的状况,并按照群体近交系数的大小以及相应有效群体大小的方法分析评价了畜禽品种资源的受胁程度,研究发现北京市目前的6个地方品种资源中,除了北京鸭、本地小尾绵羊和本地山羊以外,其余的三个畜禽品种资源北京油鸡、本地黄牛和本地兔都受到了不同程度的威胁。其中本地黄牛和本地兔所受到威胁最为严重,为“严重威胁”的等级,北京油鸡处在“最低威胁程度等级”。  相似文献   

家兔是节粮型草食小动物,其养殖投资少、见效快,已成为中国促进农民增收、助力脱贫攻坚的优势产业。近年来,随着生命科学的发展,国内外家兔遗传育种取得了较大进展。文章分别从家兔传统育种、分子育种和繁殖等方面对国内外2019年家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究进展进行了综述。国外在传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖方面均作了较多的研究,传统育种主要是针对选择和环境及添加物对家兔生产性能影响的研究;分子育种方面主要是对繁殖性状相关基因的研究,其中产仔数及精液蛋白方面的研究较多,其次是生长、肉质、毛色等性状相关基因的研究;而繁殖方面的研究主要针对公兔精液的保存方法及添加物对家兔精液品质、产仔数和受胎率的影响。国内家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究也主要包括传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖,但国内的研究重点在分子育种研究,其中品种与遗传多样性及皮毛性状功能基因的研究较多,主要采用高通量测序、常规基因克隆和基因编辑的方法筛选对研究性状具有重要调控功能的基因及调控网络;而传统育种性状评定和家兔繁殖方面的研究相对较少。该综述可为家兔的育种和生产研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The rabbit is a kind of grain-saving and small herbivore animal.Rabbit breeding which is low investment and obvious efficiency has become an advantageous industry of increasing income of rural farmers and poverty alleviation.In recent years,with the development of life science,great progress has been made in rabbit genetic breeding at home and abroad.In this paper,the research progress in genetic breeding and reproduction of rabbits in 2019 are reviewed from the traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction of rabbits.For abroad,lots of researches involved in traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction were done.Effects of selection,environment and additives on productive performance had been analyzed in traditional breeding.Molecular breeding mainly focused on reproductive performance among which there were more studies on litter size and spermatine.Secondly,the related genes of growth,meat quality and hair color were studied.The research on reproduction mainly focuses on the preservation method of male rabbit semen and the effects of additives on rabbit semen quality,litter size and conception rate.In China,genetic breeding and reproduction research on rabbit also mainly included traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction,but the focus of domestic research was molecular breeding,among which breed and genetic diversity and functional genes of fur trait were mainly researched using high-throughput sequencing,gene cloning and gene editing to screen the important functional genes and regulatory networks related to research traits.However,compared with molecular breeding,there are fewer studies on the traits evaluation of traditional breeding and rabbit reproduction.This review can provide references for rabbit breeding and production.  相似文献   

肉牛业是畜牧业的重要组成部分,而良种产业化是肉牛产业发展的关键。20世纪人工授精、胚胎移植、发情控制等繁育技术的出现及常规育种技术的应用,使肉牛遗传改良取得了巨大进展,但越来越不能满足现代肉牛业发展的需求。进入21世纪,随着现代生物技术的迅速发展,肉牛育种已从传统表型和表型值育种朝着分子水平方向发展;以配子与胚胎工程、基因工程为主体的高新繁育技术将逐渐成为肉牛繁育的主要手段;体外胚胎生产、胚胎移植商业化应用将会进一步提高,实现产业化;动物克隆、转基因动物生产经不断发展与完善,将成为肉牛育种方面最具潜力的方法。论文就肉牛育种与繁育技术的发展趋势作一简要论述,旨在为肉牛生产提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

通过对强健性多丝量新蚕品种"野三元"原原种野A、野B、784、84Y2的试繁,初步了解和掌握了各品系的特征、发育特性、制种特点,对于进一步搞好原原种、原种、一代杂交种繁育,为蚕种场、蚕农提供优质蚕种奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

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