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In France, meat-and-bone meal (MBM) has been prohibited for cattle feeding since 1990, but bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) cases, called 'NAIF', appeared in animals born after this feed ban. Furthermore, in 1996 a new measure was taken: removal of cadavers and specified risk materials (SRM) from the processing of MBM dedicated to animal feed. Nevertheless, BSE cases (called 'super-NAIF') appeared in cattle born after this measure was in force. We analysed the spatial distribution of 445 'NAIF' and 58 'super-NAIF' cases detected in France from July 1, 2001 to July 31, 2003. The detection of BSE was based both on the mandatory reporting system (MRS) and the systematic test screening of cattle at the abattoir and at the fallen-animal plant with rapid tests. The background population was based on the adult-cow census. The disease mapping of the BSE risk was based on the standardised incidence ratio (stochastic Poisson process). A spatial component, which takes into account the spatial dependence between the geographical units by a notion of adjacency was used to eliminate the over-dispersion in the risk assessment. The geographical units were defined by hexagons with a side of 23km (France had 1264 hexagons). The parameters were estimated by a Metropolis Gibbs sampling algorithm using the Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods. The BSE cases were not randomly distributed. Furthermore, the areas at risk for the 'super-NAIF' matched part of the areas at risk for the 'NAIF' cases-which suggests that it might be a common source of contamination.  相似文献   

A spatio-temporal analysis was carried out to see how the risk distribution of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in France changed depending on the period of birth. The data concerned the 539 BSE cases born in France after the ban (BAB) of meat and bone meal (MBM) in 1990 and detected between July 1, 2001 and December 31, 2003, when the surveillance of BSE was comprehensive. Seventy-two of these cases were born after the reinforced (second) ban (BASB) in 1996, which involved the removal of BSE-risk materials and cadavers from the processing of MBM. The Ederer-Myers-Mantel (EMM) time and space cluster test was applied, after classifying the cases by trimester and region of birth, BAB or BASB status, and dairy or beef status. Then disease mapping was performed for four successive birth periods, three for the BAB cases (January 1991 through June 1994, July 1994 through June 1995, July 1995 through June 1996), and one for the BASB (July 1996 through October 1998). It was elaborated with the Bayesian graphical modelling methods and based on a Poisson distribution with spatial smoothing. The parameters were estimated by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation method. The main finding was that the areas with the highest risk of BSE changed largely from one birth period to another; from the west, it reached the east of France for birth cohort 1994-1995 and the southwest for birth cohort 1995-1996. The EMM test identified a peak risk in this region both for dairy and beef cattle in the fall 1995. The spatial distribution of the risk for the BASB cases matched the spatial pattern of risk for the preceding BAB birth cohort quite well; this was in favour of a common origin of the infection of the BAB and BASB cases, despite the complementary control measures.  相似文献   

In France, after the ban on meat and bone meal (MBM) in cattle feeding in June 1990, cases of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) have continued to be detected in bovines born after that ban (called BAB cases). A case-control study was therefore carried out to determine the way these cases were contaminated. A multivariate conditional model was built adjusting for the production type of the animals and taking into account the herd size. The results confirmed that feeding cattle with proprietary concentrates was at risk for BSE, with an adjusted odds ratio of 6.8 (2.5; 18.7) for the consumption of less or three different proprietary concentrates and 17.6 (5.7; 54.8) for more than three, when comparing with no consumption of proprietary concentrates, considering feeding of bovines before the age of two. The results suggest that cross-contaminations by MBM in bovine concentrates have occurred after 1990. To a lesser extent, on-farm cross-contaminations, i.e. consumption by cattle of feedstuffs initially dedicated to other animals and which could legally contain MBM, have probably also existed, since the presence on farms of poultry fed purchased feed involved an increased risk of BSE with an odds ratio of 1.8 (1.1; 3.0). The use of milk replacers, which often incorporates animal fats, was also at risk with an odds ratio of 1.8 (1.0; 3.1).  相似文献   

Over one-third of the cases of BSE in Switzerland have been born after the feed ban of December 1, 1990. Evidence for the geographical clustering of these cases emerged in two distinct regions. All the 354 BSE cases recorded until June 30, 2000 (set A), and the 376 cases recorded up to May 14, 2001 (set B), were georeferenced to the centres of the communities in which the herds of origin were located, and control populations were georeferenced to the centres of the communities in which these herds were located at the time of the census. The latitudes and longitudes of these centres were used in the statistical analysis of the spatial clustering. The Cuzick-Edwards test and the spatial scan statistics were applied to assess the significance of the clusters, while controlling for the spatial distribution of the underlying cattle population. There was global clustering of the cases born after the ban, and distinct and significant (P<0.05) spatial clusters were repeatedly identified in the two case datasets, and in several control populations (all cases born before the feed ban on a random sample of control farms) in terms of cattle density by region or cow density by region. Differential reporting was excluded as the underlying reason for the observed clusters.  相似文献   

A spatial analysis was carried out in order to analyse the reason why the risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) was spatially heterogeneous in France, during the period following the feed ban of Meat and Bone Meal to cattle. The hypothesis of cross-contamination between cattle feedstuff and monogastric feedstuff, which was strongly suggested from previous investigations, was assessed, with the assumption that the higher the pig or poultry density is in a given area, the higher the risk of cross-contamination and cattle infection might be. The data concerned the 467 BSE cases born in France after the ban of meat and bone meal (July 1990) and detected between July 1st, 2001 and December 31, 2003, when the surveillance system was optimal and not spatially biased. The disease mapping models were elaborated with the Bayesian graphical modelling methods and based on a Poisson distribution with spatial smoothing (hierarchical approach) and covariates. The parameters were estimated by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation method. The main result was that the poultry density did not significantly influence the risk of BSE whereas the pig density was significantly associated with an increase in the risk of 2.4% per 10 000 pigs. The areas with a significant pig effect were located in regions with a high pig density as well as a high ratio of pigs to cattle. Despite the absence of a global effect of poultry density on the BSE risk, some areas had a significant poultry effect and the risk was better explained in some others when considering both pig and poultry densities. These findings were in agreement with the hypothesis of cross-contamination, which could take place at the feedstuff factory, during the shipment of food or on the farm. Further studies are needed to more precisely explore how the cross-contamination happened.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM), when supplemented with tryptophan, is an excellent protein source for pigs. It is also a rich source of Ca and P, but some research has suggested that the bioavailability of P is variable. Experiment 1 further examined the bioavailability of P in MBM. The MBM was obtained directly from a plant and was processed to pass through a 10-mesh screen. It contained 50.7% CP, 2.26% lysine, 10.0% Ca, and 5.0% P (air-dry basis). Individually penned pigs (n = 35; 17 kg initial BW) were fed (ad libitum basis) a low-P, corn-soybean meal-basal diet (0.95% lysine, 0.70% Ca, 0.34% P; as-fed basis) or the basal with graded levels of added P (0.067, 0.133, 0.200%) from monosodium phosphate (MSP) or MBM for 40 d. The Ca level was 0.70% in all diets. Diets were fortified with salt, vitamins, and trace minerals. At termination, the third and fourth metacarpals and metatarsals and femurs were removed from all pigs. Growth rate and feed:gain improved linearly (P < 0.01) with P addition, regardless of source, whereas ADFI was unaffected (P = 0.20). Bone strength and ash increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing level of P from either source. The main effect of P source (MSP vs. MBM) was not significant, except for the greater femur strength (P < 0.05) in the pigs fed the MSP-supplemented diets. Femur and metacarpal/metatarsal strength and metacarpals ash (grams) were regressed on grams of added P consumed for each P source, with the basal included in both regressions. Based on slope ratios (MSP considered as 100%), the relative bioavailability of P in MBM averaged 87% when the regression lines were forced through a common intercept and 95% when unforced. In Exp. 2, 100 pigs were fed fortified corn-soybean meal or corn-soybean meal-MBM diets from 45 to 110 kg BW to evaluate MBM as the sole source of supplemental P. The MBM (54% CP, 2.3% lysine, 9.2% Ca, 4.4% P; air-dry basis) was substituted for corn and soybean meal on a lysine basis, and crystalline lysine was added to all diets at 0.15%. Tryptophan was included in diets containing MBM. Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial with P source (dicalcium phosphate or MBM) and P level as the two factors. The two levels of P and Ca were at the NRC requirement or the NRC level plus 0.10% additional P and Ca. Performance, carcass traits, and bone strength were not affected by source of P and Ca, but bone strength was greater (P < 0.01) at the higher P and Ca level. These results indicate that the bioavailability of P in MBM, relative to that in MSP, is high (approximately 91%) for growing pigs, and MBM can serve as the sole source of supplemental P and Ca for finishing pigs.  相似文献   

The results of the official feed control program in Bavaria between 1997 and 2002 document that the proportion of ruminant feedstuffs that was cross-contaminated with animal material was distinctively reduced after the comprehensive feed ban since 2001, and decreased close to zero in 2002. The results underline the high efficiency of the comprehensive feed ban. They also indicate risks of a potential re-admittance of animal protein for nonruminant domestics under the momentary production procedures.  相似文献   

Metabolizable energy and N-corrected ME (MEn) values of 12 samples of meat and bone meal (MBM) were determined using 288 barrows with an average BW of 35 +/- 3.1 kg. For each of 12 MBM samples, diets were formulated by substituting 0, 50, or 100 g/kg MBM (as-fed basis) in a basal 170 g of CP/kg corn-soybean meal diet; corn and soybean meal were adjusted at the same ratio to account for the substitution. Each diet was fed to eight barrows in individual metabolism crates in metabolism studies that used a 5-d acclimation, which was followed by a 5-d period of total, but separate, collection of feces and urine. The GE, CP, crude fat (CF), ash, Ca, and P contents of the MBM samples, per kilogram (DM basis), ranged from 3,493 to 4,732 kcal, 496.7 to 619.1 g, 91.1 to 151.2 g, 200.3 to 381.9 g, 54.3 to 145.8 g, and 25.6 to 61.7 g, respectively. For each of the 12 MBM samples, MBM intake and MBM contribution to ME and MEn increased linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing level of MBM in the diets. The ME and MEn content of each of the MBM samples was calculated from the slope of the regression of MBM contribution (in kilocalories) to ME and MEn intake, respectively, against quantity (in kilograms) of MBM intake. The ME and MEn of the 12 MBM samples ranged from 1,569 to 3,308 kcal/kg DM and 1,474 to 3,361 kcal/kg DM, respectively. The variation in ME was described by the regression equation: ME = 6,982 + 0.283 GE (kcal/kg) - 6.26 CP (g/kg) - 3.75 CF (g/kg) + 129.47 P (g/kg) - 54.91 Ca (g/kg) - 6.57 ash (g/kg), with an R2 of 0.612 and SD of 376. For MEn, the corresponding equation was: MEn = 3,937 + 1.089 GE (kcal/kg) - 8.74 CP (g/kg) + 3.58 CF (g/kg) + 60.89 P (g/kg) - 15.92 Ca (g/kg) - 9.57 ash (g/kg), with an R2 of 0.811 and SD of 314. Simpler regression equations describing variation in ME or MEn were 9,254 - 7.41 CP (g/kg) - 9.41 ash (g/kg), with R2 of 0.504 and SD of 278; or 12,504 - 10.71 CP (g/kg) - 13.44 ash (g/kg), with R2 of 0.723 and SD of 249. Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the variations in ME and MEn of the MBM samples were not related to any of the major chemical components. The results indicated that variation in each of the chemical components of MBM alone is not the sole determinant of ME or MEn content of MBM, but that the interactions among these components influence energy use in MBM for pigs.  相似文献   

本文综述了肉骨粉在水产饲料中的应用、影响肉骨粉使用的因素及改善水产动物对肉骨粉利用率的途径,以期为其深入研究和合理应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Samples of brain and lymphoid tissues from 1107 meat and bone meal-fed, culled adult pigs from 24 Irish farms were examined for evidence of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) by histopathological, immunohistochemical and Western blotting techniques. No evidence of deposits of abnormal prion protein suggesting the presence of TSE was found. Neuropil vacuolation was apparent in the rostral colliculus in 64 per cent of the brains examined and neuronal vacuolation was present in the dorsal vagal nucleus in 15.4 per cent of the brains. However, similar lesions have been described in pigs used as controls in a bovine spongiform encephalopathy challenge experiment. Age-related changes were also observed, including spheroids in the funicular nucleus of 24.5 per cent of the pigs, deposits of lipofuscin in the trigeminal neurons of 13.75 per cent, and mineral deposits in the walls of vessels in the dorsal vagal nucleus of 0.6 per cent. Low-grade non-suppurative inflammatory changes of uncertain origin were observed in 4 per cent of the animals.  相似文献   

肉骨粉类饲料营养价值较高,营养成分的变异性很大,其养分的利用率属于中等水平,存在一定的安全性问题。本文就肉骨粉类饲料的营养特点、饲用安全性和肉骨粉的可利用性及其在畜牧业上的应用作一简要综述。  相似文献   

Detection of a case of BSE in slaughtered cattle causes considerable expenses. It seems therefore desirable to screen cattle before slaughtering and exclude suspect animals from slaughter. The object of this study was to determine the practicability of such screening under realistic conditions in a large slaughterhouse and to evaluate the specificity of the tests proposed by BRAUN et al. (1997). 949 cattle over 24 months old were examined in the Munich slaughterhouse. Spontaneous behaviour and the reaction to tactile, acoustic, and optical stimuli only could be tested. The evaluation of locomotion was not possible without interference with the routine processing of cattle before slaughter. The examination took about three minutes per animal. The results were evaluated using a modification of the scheme of BRAUN et al. (1997). The specificity of the classification "BSE very likely" was 97.8%. If all animals that exhibit any signs suggestive of BSE were to be excluded, the specificity would drop to 63.7%. This pre-slaughter clinical screening is not useful.  相似文献   

In Switzerland there was a reduction in the number of cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, observed in the birth cohorts from 1995 to 1996, but no further reduction in the following birth cohorts up to 1998. From the records of 34 cases born after April 30, 1996 (BAB96) and 174 cases born before April 30, 1996 and after December 1990 (BAB90), observed up to April 30, 2004, the risk factors at the farm level, possible routes of exposure and the geographical distribution of the cases were analysed to try to explain the observations. No evidence was found for a rate of exposure other than feed. There was some evidence that the risk factors at farm level were different between the BAB90 and BAB96 cases. A large proportion of the BAB96 cases was born in cantons that had reported only a few BAB90 cases, but a small cluster of the BAB96 cases was found in a region where there had been a cluster of BAB90 cases. The spatial distribution of these cases indicated that the risk of exposure to infection had been more randomly distributed than during the period up to April 1996. Farms with mixed livestock had a higher risk of having a case born after the ban on the feeding of specified risk material in 1996. In a regression model, a trend towards an association between cases of BSE and presence of small ruminants on the farm was observed for the BAB96 cases, and the presence of pigs and the pig:cattle ratio were significant for the BAB90 cases.  相似文献   

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