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无公害茶叶生产中的病虫综合防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国茶园面积辽阔,东起台湾,南至海南,西自西藏自治区米村,北到山东荣成,地跨热带、亚热带和暖温带,茶树病虫种类繁多。据不完全统计,茶树害虫超过400种,茶树病害100种以上,杂草30种以上。这些病、虫、杂草对茶叶生产构成一定的威胁。有害生物综合治理技术的发展,保证了茶叶生产的优质丰产,但存在一些亟待解决的问题,特别是无公害茶叶生产的发展,对病虫防治提出了更高的要求。1茶园病虫区系变化及其原因1.1病虫区系变化特点半个世纪来,我国茶树病虫的区系变化趋势,呈现如下一些特点:1由体型大的害虫向体型小的…  相似文献   

为了有效应对入世后出口蔬菜面临的种种技术壁垒挑战.2002年11月份起,从出口蔬菜成品的农药残留量检测和退货的农药残留量验证2个方面实施对宁波出口蔬菜的农药戏留量的监控工作。结果表明成品农药残留量控制良好.农药残留量均未超过输入国规定的限量要求;退货农药残留量验证时超标原因分析准确.并采取有效整改措施.杜绝类似现象再度发生.  相似文献   

贮烟害虫的发生及综合防治技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
烟叶储藏期害虫主要种类有烟草甲、烟草粉螟和大谷盗,本文简述了其害虫的危害情况及国内外贮烟害虫综合防治研究进展。  相似文献   

安徽省茶叶农药残留现状与控制措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文结合本省茶树的主要病虫发生和防治情况,对茶叶农药残留现状和欧盟新农残标准对我省茶叶出口的影响进行了论述,总结并提出了安徽省茶叶农药残留的控制措施。  相似文献   

Leaf eating insect outbreaks of unprecedented severity occurred on oil palms and cocoa in what became Malaysia, from the late 1950s to early 1960s. Growers faced two crucial questions, what to do about the attacks, and what caused them. The tropical climate generally continues suitable for phytophagous insects to realise their large increase capacity, a factor emphasised in the stable agroecosystem of perennial tree crops. Parasitic and predatory natural enemy insects are equally favoured and maintain control. It became increasingly evident that the prime cause of outbreak was disruption of this balance by the introduction of broad spectrum, long residual contact insecticides (bslrcs), with various contributory factors. Patchy pesticide residues would continue to eliminate inherently exploratory parasitic and predatory insects, something worsened by uneven initial application. In these conditions, there is a complete overlap of generations of both pests and enemies, with no evolution of synchronised or otherwise coordinated life cycles (‘continuous generation mode’– CGM). In outbreaks the pests tend to be at a similar lifecycle stage (‘discrete generation mode’– DGM), so that at times a high proportion of an enemy population that may be building up cannot find a suitable host stage. Simply stopping application was often enough to end the vicious circle of treatment and reoutbreak, but also, commonly, there was heavy damage in the meantime. Selective application was developed, involving inherent pesticide characteristics or method of use opposite in at least one aspect to bslrc (i.e. narrow spectrum, short residue life, or non-contact). Large areas were treated, e.g., from the air. Infestations mostly disappeared with only one or a few applications. In that era of the 1960s, chemical application compatible with biological control was known as ‘integrated control’. The bslrcs had been introduced to control other regularly occurring pests (‘key’ pests), limited localised build up of the target pests e.g., from climatic fluctuations (‘occasional’ pest), or as a ‘precaution’. Some species only appeared after disruption started (‘potential’ pest). Development of selective chemical control continued to be for key and occasional pests, aiming at effective kill once decided upon. Census monitoring ensured application only when justified economically, with timing to the most vulnerable stage in the pest lifecycle. Among non-chemical approaches, cultural methods include provision of suitable flora in the ground vegetation for food sources for adult parasitic insects. Reasonably dense ground vegetation cover is grown to suppress rhinoceros beetle damage in oil palm replantings. Other possibilities include dissemination of insect diseases, traps and attractants, and resistant plant types. This fitted ‘pest management’ which by the mid-1970s came to encompass selective chemical use, as ‘integrated pest management (IPM)’. There were similar developments in other parts of the world, and in other perennial tree crops, extended also to short term crops (e.g., rice and vegetables). IPM is not an esoteric methodology awaiting ‘complete knowledge’. It can be applied on the basis of principle and existing knowledge for the most reliable economic control, targetted to encompass any aspect, such as toxicology and environmental effects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Modern commercial poultry production under large companies is expanding worldwide with similar methods and housing, and the accompanying arthropod and rodent pest problems. The pests increase the cost of production and are factors in the spread of avian diseases. The biology, behavior and control of ectoparasites and premise pests are described in relation to the different housing and production practices for broiler breeders, turkey breeders, growout (broilers and turkeys), caged-layers, and pullets. Ectoparasites include Ornithonyssus fowl mites, Dermanyssus chicken mites, lice, bedbugs, fleas, and argasid fowl ticks. Premise pests include Alphitobius darkling beetles, Dermestes hide beetles, the house fly and several related filth fly species, calliphorid blow flies, moths, cockroaches, and rodents. Populations of these pests are largely determined by the housing, waste, and flock management practices. An integrated pest management (IPM) approach, tailored to the different production systems, is required for satisfactory poultry pest control. Biosecurity, preventing the introduction of pests and diseases into a facility, is critical. Poultry IPM, based on pest identification, pest population monitoring, and methods of cultural, biological, and chemical control, is elucidated. The structure of the sophisticated, highly integrated poultry industry provides a situation conducive to refinement and wider implementation of IPM.  相似文献   

棉蚜的综合防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉蚜是最重要的农业害虫之一,广泛分布于中国和世界各地,严重危害棉花等寄主植物。近年来,棉蚜抗药性发展极快,本文就棉蚜的综合防治(IPM)作一分析研究,旨在为我国的棉蚜防治提供一些思路。  相似文献   

浙八味中药材中农药残留调查及控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对浙八味主产区的调查.发现有些中药材依然受到土壤中的滴滴涕、六六六农药残留的污染.麦冬中滴滴涕(或同系物)残留量较高,主要因过去曾长期、大量使用滴滴涕、六六六,导致种植麦冬的部分土壤中滴滴涕(或同系物)残留量仍较高(最高达1.6mg/kg);在部分中药材和土壤中检测出痕量的六六六残留.仙居白术2个样品和土壤中五氯硝基苯的残留较高,其他部分中药材中检测到很低量的毒死蜱、违禁高毒有机磷农药甲胺磷、氯菊酯等农药残留.除了滴滴涕、六六六外,造成中药材中其他农药残留的原因均为药农违规使用农药.  相似文献   

桑蚕白僵病发生与综合防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑蚕产业是郧西县重点发展的农业“六大”特色产业之一,2007年被国家商务部列为“东桑西移”工程蚕茧基地县,2008和2010年分别列为湖北省优质农产品(桑蚕)板块基地。全县现有高标准桑园4000hm2,2010年全县产鲜蚕茧151t,蚕茧收入已成为部分农民家庭的主要要来源之一。但郧西桑蚕新区,蚕桑生产技术不够成熟,桑园管理不科学,蚕房、蚕具消毒不严格,加之受秦岭山区特殊气候条件的影响,蚕白僵病时有发生,造成损失近百万元。蚕桑技术人员通过近几年对桑蚕白僵病综合防治技术的研究和试验,有效控制了病害的发生和流行。  相似文献   

采用酶抑制法,选用五种块茎土豆、红薯、茨菇、芋头、莲藕提取植物酯酶,测定了总酯酶活力和比活力大小,结果显示土豆、茨菇、莲藕的酯酶活力分别高达8.462 3、8.743 7、7.491 0,显著高于其他几种。探索其检测有机磷农药的最佳条件,对5种有机磷农药进行了敏感性试验,并测定3种植物酯酶对这5种有机磷农药的最低检测限(LOD)。3种植物酯酶对受试的5种有机磷农药均有良好的敏感性,且最低检测限远低于国家规定的最大残留限量(MRL)。因此,这几种酶可作为有机磷农药残留检测用酶。  相似文献   

Using a leaf disc transformation procedure andAgrobacterium- mediated gene transfer, transgenic apple and strawberry plants have been produced that carry a gene encoding a cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTl). This gene is known to confer resistance to several lepidopteran and coleopteran insect pests. Scientific and regulatory aspects of this type of work are discussed.  相似文献   

随州市中稻病虫综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随州地处鄂北,是一个以农业生产为主的地级市,所辖的曾都区是全省第1个单季中稻过吨粮的县市,主要的栽培模式是中稻小麦,无早稻和晚稻。全市常年中稻种植面积为11万hm2左右,产量达90余万t,中稻产量占粮食总产量的70%。病虫危害是我市中稻生产中的重要障碍因素。受气候、作物品种布局和管理等多种因素的影响,中稻病虫害出现一些新的变化:二化螟成为螟害之首;纹枯病成为病害之首;穗颈瘟、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、稻曲病几乎是连年暴发。全市每年中稻病虫害发生面积在35~40万hm2,虽经广大干群的大力防治,实际损失仍可达4~6万t。在中稻病虫害的防治…  相似文献   

江西园林植物病虫害防治地方标准编制初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对江西省园林植物病虫害防治地方标准的特点、基本构成、编制原则等进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

本文对茶叶中7种有机氯类和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留检测的前处理技术进行了研究,对比了2种不同的提取溶剂对农药回收率、净化效果的影响,建立了丙酮∶正己烷(1∶1,V/V)提取,Florisil固相萃取小柱净化的方法。本方法回收率在82.3~109.8%之间,变异系数3.3~10.22%,最低检出浓度为0.001mg/kg。该种残留分析前处理方法具有操作简便、成本低、回收率高、精密度好的特点。  相似文献   

农田生态系统生物多样性与害虫综合治理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文评述了农田生态系统中生物多样性的概念及其与害虫发生的关系;探讨了农田生态系统中生物多样性影响害虫发生的生态机制,农田生态系统中生物多样性在害虫综合治理中的作用;提出了利用生物多样性进行害虫综合治理的策略和措施。  相似文献   


The effectiveness against Ephestia cautella of Lindane, Malathion, Bromophos, Dursban and Pyrethrins was tested on small stacks of bagged maize in Malawi. The first four insecticides were sprayed either directly on the bags or on a hessian sheet which covered the stacks. The best result was obtained with Dursban when sprayed at a high dosage (3000 mg a.i./m2) on the hessian cover. Bromophos was second in effectiveness under the same conditions. When both insecticides were sprayed directly on the bags at lower dosages, but more frequently, control was nil. Lindane alternated with Malathion gave only some control when applied frequently at a high dosage. The Pyrethrins were found ineffective. The significance of these results for further research is discussed.  相似文献   

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