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BACKGROUND: Biotype B of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.), is a worldwide pest that has developed resistance to many insecticides, including the neonicotinoid class. Florida field populations were monitored for susceptibility to the neonicotinoids imidacloprid and thiamethoxam using a cut leaf petiole bioassay method. RESULTS: Average RR50 values for imidacloprid increased from 3.7 in 2000 to 12.0 in 2003; decreased to 5.0 and 2.5 in 2004 and 2005, respectively; and then increased to 26.3 and 23.9 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Populations with RR50 values of about 50 to 60 during generation one reverted to RR50 values of ?4 in six generations, when reared without further exposure to imidacloprid. Average RR50 values for thiamethoxam increased from 2.0 in 2003 to 24.7 in 2006 and decreased to 10.4 in 2007. Populations with RR50 values of about 22, 32 and 53 during generation one declined to 8, 5 and 6, respectively, after being reared for five generations without exposure to thiamethoxam. The correlation coefficient from the 26 populations that were bioassayed both with imidacloprid and thiamethoxam showed a significant positive correlation (R2 = 0.58) between these populations. CONCLUSION: The high level of RR50 values to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam suggest an unstable decline in the susceptibility of B. tabaci to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, with possible cross‐resistance or predisposition for dual resistance selection. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The integrated control concept emphasizes the importance of both chemical and biological control for pest suppression in agricultural systems. A two-year field study was conducted to evaluate the selectivity of acetamiprid for the control of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in cotton compared with a proven selective regime based on the insect growth regulators (IGRs) pyriproxyfen and buprofezin. Acetamiprid was highly effective in controlling all stages of B tabaci compared with an untreated control, and generally produced lower pest densities than the IGR regime. Univariate analyses indicated that nine of 17 taxa of arthropod predators were significantly depressed with the use of acetamiprid compared with an untreated control, including common species such as Geocoris punctipes (Say), Orius tristicolor (White), Chrysoperla carnea Stephens sensu lato, Collops vittatus (Say), Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, and Drapetis nr divergens. Compared with results from independent, concurrent studies using mixtures of broad-spectrum insecticides at the same research site, acetamiprid depressed populations of fewer predator taxa; but, for eight predator taxa significantly affected by both regimes, the average population reduction was roughly equal. In contrast, only four taxa were significantly reduced in the IGR regime compared with the untreated control and three of these were omnivores that function primarily as plant pests. Principal response curves analyses (a time-dependent, multivariate ordination method) confirmed these patterns of population change for the entire predator community. Predator:prey ratios generally increased with the use of both IGRs and acetamiprid compared with an untreated control, but ratios were consistently higher with IGRs. Parasitism by aphelinid parasitoids was unaffected or depressed slightly in all insecticide regimes compared with the control. Because of its high efficacy, acetamiprid may play an important role in later stages of B tabaci control where less emphasis is placed on selectivity. However, our results suggest that acetamiprid would be a poor substitute for the currently used IGRs in the initial stage of control where insecticide selectivity is crucial to a functional integrated control program for B tabaci in cotton.  相似文献   

Systemic uptake bioassays using excised cotton leaves confirmed resistance to imidacloprid in a Guatemalan population of the tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of naphthyl esterases identified the insects as B-types. Upon collection from the field, resistance was determined to be 58-fold relative to a susceptible strain originating in the Imperial Valley of California. Resistance levels increased to 126-fold in this population during its continuous exposure to systemically treated cotton. In biochemical investigations, there was no detectable NADPH-dependent mixed function oxidase metabolism of 14C-imidacloprid at any time during the selection process. In contrast, microsomal preparations from housefly abdomens readily produced significant amounts of the mono-hydroxy and olefin derivatives of the parent compound. Detoxification of imidacloprid by housefly MFOs may account for reports of lower toxicity of the insecticide towards this insect compared with whiteflies, despite similar binding properties between imidacloprid and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in both species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The presence of symbiotic microorganisms may influence an insect's ability to tolerate natural and artificial stress agents such as insecticides. The authors have previously shown that Rickettsia in the B biotype of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) increases this insect's susceptibility to several insecticidal compounds. This communication reports a comparison of the susceptibilities of three isofemale strains of the Q biotype of B. tabaci harbouring different bacterial complements to major insecticides from different chemical groups: one strain harboured only Arsenophonus, one harboured Rickettsia and Arsenophonus and one harboured Arsenophonus and Wolbachia. RESULTS: The presence of different symbiont combinations in the three strains had a significant influence on their susceptibility to most of the insecticides tested. Thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen and spiromesifen had a significant influence on strains that had the double infections RickettsiaArsenophonus and Wolbachia–Arsenophonus, which also carried higher amounts of symbionts as assessed by quantitative real‐time PCR. No significant differences in mortality rates were observed when the tested strains were treated with diafenthiuron. CONCLUSION: The results suggest a correlation between the presence of high bacterial densities in B. tabaci and the insect's ability to detoxify toxic compounds such as insecticides. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid and accurate detection of mutations related to insecticide resistance is essential for development of resistance management strategies to support sustainable agriculture. The M918V, L925I and T929V mutations of the voltage‐gated sodium channel gene (vgsc) and the F392W mutation of the acetylcholinesterase I gene (ace1) are reportedly associated with resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates, respectively, in Bemisia tabaci. In order to detect known base substitutions in the ace1 and vgsc genes, a low‐density microarray with an allele‐specific probe was developed. RESULTS: Specific regions of the ace1 and vgsc gene mutations were amplified by multiplex asymmetrical PCR using Cy3‐labelled primers, and then the PCR products were hybridised on the microarray. After analysing the probe signal data, the microarray containing 12 allele‐specific probes produced a unique pattern of probe signals for field DNA samples of B. tabaci. To determine the optimal cut‐off value of each probe, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was conducted using SPSS. Among 60 individual samples, microarray data for 57 samples were consistent with direct sequencing data. CONCLUSION: Although many molecular detection methods have been employed to monitor insecticide resistance, the present microarray provides rapid and accurate identification of target mutations in B. tabaci for resistance management. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

麦蚜是为害小麦的一类重要害虫,广泛分布于我国各小麦种植区.2016年-2018年我国麦蚜总体偏重发生,严重影响小麦产量和品质,造成巨大的经济损失.拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂是防治麦蚜的主要杀虫剂类型之一,但由于化学农药的长期使用,麦蚜对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂产生了不同程度的抗性.本文综述了拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂作用机制、麦蚜对拟除虫菊...  相似文献   

Separation of non‐specific esterases on electrophoretic gels has played a key role in distinguishing between races or biotypes of the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. One intensively staining esterase in particular (termed E0.14) has assumed significance as a diagnostic of B‐type whiteflies (aka Bemisia argentifolii), despite any knowledge of its biological function. In this study, a whitefly strain (B‐Null) homozygous for a null allele at the E0.14 locus that had been isolated from a B‐type population was used to demonstrate a significant role for E0.14 in resistance of B‐type populations to pyrethroids but not to organophosphates (OPs). Bioassays with pyrethroids, following pre‐treatment with sub‐lethal doses of the OP profenofos (to inhibit esterase activity), coupled with metabolism studies with radiolabelled permethrin, supported the conclusion that pyrethroid resistance in a range of B‐type strains expressing E0.14 was primarily due to increased ester hydrolysis. In the same strains, OP resistance appeared to be predominantly conferred by a modification to the target‐site enzyme acetylcholinesterase. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A field-collected population of the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii, was selected with the nicotinyl compound, imidacloprid, over 32 generations to determine if resistance would develop when maintained under continuous selection pressure in a greenhouse. Resistance was slow to increase at first with low to moderate levels of resistance (RR from 6- to 17-fold) in the first 15 generations of selection. Further selection steadily led to higher levels of resistance, with the greatest resistance ratio at 82-fold, the gradual rise suggesting the involvement of a polygenic system. At the end of the selection, slopes of probit regressions were substantially steeper than earlier, indicating increased homogeneity of imidacloprid resistance in this strain. A hydroponic bioassay featuring systemic uptake of imidacloprid through roots was developed to monitor the changes in resistance to imidacloprid in the selected whitefly strain and in seven field-collected strains from Imperial Valley, California. Six out of seven field-collected strains exhibited low LC50 values (0·002 to 0·512 mg ml-1) compared to the selected resistant strain, with one exception where the LC50 was 0·926 mg ml-1 (RR=15·0). Variation in responses to imidacloprid in the field strains suggest that this technique is sufficiently sensitive to detect differences in susceptibilities of whitefly populations. The imidacloprid-resistant strain showed no cross-resistance to endosulfan, chlorpyrifos or methomyl (RR ranging from 0·4- to 1·5-fold). A low level of cross-resistance was observed to bifenthrin in the IM-R strain at 7-fold. The success of selection for resistance to imidacloprid has serious implications for whitefly control programs that rely heavily on imidacloprid. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

The silverleaf whiteflyBemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) [also known as strain B of the sweetpotato whiteflyB. tabaci (Gennadius)] is a major pest of tomatoes due to both feeding damage and transmission of plant viruses. Certain wild species ofLycopersicon have demonstrated high levels of resistance to the pest. Greenhouse studies were undertaken to quantify the effects on whitefly behavior and mortality of individual, resistant plants selected from three accessions ofL. pennellii (Corr.) D’Arcy (LA 1340, LA 1674 and LA 2560), five accessions ofL. hirsutum f.typicum Humb. & Bonpl. (LA 386, LA 1353, LA 1777, PI 127826 and PI 127827) and one accession ofL. hirsutum f.glabratum C.H. Mull. (PI 126449). In no-choice experiments, fewer adults settled on leaflets of the wild species and deposited 75–100% fewer eggs compared to the cultivated tomato,L. esculentum Mill. Adult mortality ranged from 77–100% on wild accessions but was only 1% onL. esculentum. Most dead adults were trapped in glandular trichome exudates. The effects of these resistant accessions onB. argentifolii were mechanically transferable by appressing the trichome exudates onto the leaves of the susceptible tomato, indicating an association between the factors mediating the resistance and the glandular trichomes. Laboratory studies evaluated the repellent, fumigant and residual toxic effects of representative constituents of trichome exudates onB. argentifolii adults by using selected concentrations and probit analyses. RC50 values (estimated concentration to repel 50% of the adults) and LC50 values for fumigant and residual toxicity indicated that 2-tridecanone had low levels of repellent and residual toxicity activity; that 2-undecanone had high levels of repellent and fumigant activity; and that ginger oil (composed, in part, of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons) had high levels of repellent and residual toxicity activity. These studies suggest that multi-factor resistance exists in wild tomato germplasm. By combining genetically the observed chemical constituents of resistance into a single germplasm, the resulting resistance may be more difficult forB. argentifolii to overcome. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The presence of certain symbiotic microorganisms may be associated with insecticide resistance in insects. The authors compared the susceptibility of two isofemale lines, Rickettsia-plus and Rickettsia-free, of the sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) to major insecticides from different chemical groups, including imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, pyriproxyfen, spiromesifen and diafenthiuron. RESULTS: While the Rickettsia-plus and Rickettsia-free lines showed no differences in their susceptibility to imidacloprid and diafenthiuron, higher susceptibility of the Rickettsia-plus line to acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, spiromesifen and especially pyriproxyfen was observed. LC(90) values indicated that the Rickettsia-free line was 15-fold more resistant to pyriproxyfen than the Rickettsia-plus line. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that the infection status of B. tabaci populations by Rickettsia is an important consideration that should be taken into account when performing resistance monitoring studies, and may help in understanding the dynamics of B. tabaci resistance, symbiont-pest associations in agricultural systems and the biological impact of Rickettsia on whitefly biology.  相似文献   

7种杀虫剂对北京地区烟粉虱成虫毒力的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验比较测定了7种杀虫剂对北京地区烟粉虱成虫的毒力,以期为北京地区高毒农药淘汰提供参考。结果表明:氟虫腈对烟粉虱成虫的毒力最强,其LC50值为2.98(g/mL;新烟碱类杀虫剂啶虫脒、吡虫啉对烟粉虱成虫的生物活性较好,LC50值分别为8.04(g/mL、7.49(g/mL,噻虫嗪对烟粉虱成虫毒力相对较差,LC50值仅为95.03(g/mL;烟粉虱成虫对马拉硫磷、异丙威和噻嗪酮3种杀虫剂不敏感。在北京地区,采用噻虫嗪、马拉硫磷、异丙威和噻嗪酮等杀虫剂,不能有效防治烟粉虱的成虫;氟虫腈、吡虫啉和啶虫脒可以用来防治烟粉虱成虫。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Development of pyriproxyfen and neonicotinoid resistance in the B-biotype whitefly and recent introduction of the Q biotype have the potential to threaten current whitefly management programs in Arizona. The possibility of integrating the novel anthranilic diamides chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole into the current program to tackle these threats largely depends on whether these compounds have cross-resistance with pyriproxyfen and neonicotinoids in whiteflies. To address this question, the authors bioassayed a susceptible B-biotype strain, a pyriproxyfen-resistant B-biotype strain, four multiply resistant Q-biotype strains and 16 B-biotype field populations from Arizona with a systemic uptake bioassay developed in the present study. RESULTS: The magnitude of variations in LC50 and LC99 among the B-biotype populations or the Q-biotype strains was less than fivefold and tenfold, respectively, for both chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole. The Q-biotype strains were relatively more tolerant than the B-biotype populations. No correlations were observed between the LC50 (or LC99) values of the two diamides against the B- and Q-biotype populations tested and their survival rates at a discriminating dose of pyriproxyfen or imidacloprid. CONCLUSION: These results indicate the absence of cross-resistance between the two anthranilic diamides and the currently used neonicotinoids and pyriproxyfen. Future variation in susceptibility of field populations to chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole could be documented according to the baseline susceptibility range of the populations tested in this study. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

随着拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂在卫生和农业害虫防治中的广泛应用,昆虫对此类杀虫剂产生抗性的报道越来越多。目前已明确昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性机制包括表皮穿透率下降、靶标抗性以及代谢抗性,其中代谢抗性机制较为普遍,而且其与昆虫对多种杀虫剂的交互抗性关系密切。目前,随着基因组、转录组以及蛋白质组学等新技术的发展及应用,昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性机制研究也取得了很多新进展。昆虫体内细胞色素P450酶(P450s)、羧酸酯酶(CarE)及谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)等重要解毒酶系的改变均与昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性有关,其中这3类解毒酶的活性及相关基因表达量的变化是昆虫对此类杀虫剂产生代谢抗性的主要原因。明确昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性机制,对合理使用此类杀虫剂及延缓抗药性的产生均具有重要意义。本文在总结拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂代谢路径及相关生物酶研究概况的基础上,综述了近年来有关昆虫对此类杀虫剂代谢抗性机制研究的主要进展。  相似文献   

The tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) which occurs in various parts of the world, has developed a high degree of resistance against several chemical classes of insecticide, including organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, insect growth regulators and chlorinated hydrocarbons. The present studies were done in order to monitor the susceptibility of whitefly populations in southern Spain to insecticides commonly used there. Systemic bioassays using Spanish field populations of B tabaci collected in 1994, 1996 and 1998 indicated an increase, albeit a slow one, in resistance to imidacloprid over this period. Comparative studies of other neonicotinoids using the same bioassay revealed a high degree of cross‐resistance to acetamiprid and thiamethoxam. Leaf‐dip bioassays with adult females from these populations revealed a high level of resistance to cyfluthrin, endosulfan, monocrotophos, methamidophos, and pymetrozine, each at 200 mg litre−1. Buprofezin and pyriproxyfen were tested against second‐instar nymphs and eggs, respectively. Buprofezin also showed a lower efficacy against ESP‐98, a strain of B tabaci received from Almeria in 1998, but pyriproxyfen resistance was not obvious when tested against eggs of strain ESP‐98. Field trials in 1998 revealed good efficacy of imidacloprid in one farm in the Almeria region and two greenhouses in Murcia and Sevilla, but a loss of activity by imidacloprid in another farm in the Almeria region. Cross‐resistance between imidacloprid and thiamethoxam was also confirmed under field conditions. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Resistance to numerous insecticide classes in Bemisia tabaci Gennadius has impaired field control efficacy in south‐eastern China. The biotype and resistance status of B. tabaci collected from these areas was investigated. RESULTS: Two different biotypes of B. tabaci (B‐biotype and Q‐biotype) were detected in south‐eastern China, and the samples collected from geographical regions showed a prevalence of the Q‐biotype and the coexistence of B‐ and Q‐biotypes in some regions. Moderate to high levels of resistance to two neonicotinoids were established in both biotypes (28–1900‐fold to imidacloprid, 29–1200‐fold to thiamethoxam). Medium to high levels of resistance to alpha‐cypermethrin (22–610‐fold) were also detected in both biotypes. Four out of 12 populations had low to medium levels of resistance to fipronil (10–25‐fold). Four out of 12 populations showed low levels of resistance to spinosad (5.7–6.4‐fold). All populations tested were susceptible to abamectin. CONCLUSION: The Q‐biotype B. tabaci is supplanting the B‐biotype which used to be ubiquitous in China. Field populations of both B‐ and Q‐biotypes of B. tabaci have developed high levels of resistance to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam. Abamectin is the most effective insecticide against adult B. tabaci from all populations. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella L., is emerging as a significant pest of field brassica crops in certain regions of the United Kingdom. In order to investigate the contribution of pesticide resistance to this phenomenon, A. proletella populations were sampled from five different areas in England in 2008 and 2009. Adult residual leaf‐dip bioassays were carried out using pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides. RESULTS: Significant resistance to pyrethroids was found in multiple samples collected from two areas. No evidence of cross‐resistance to neonicotinoids was found in a subset of the pyrethroid‐resistant populations. While the patterns of resistance to different pyrethroids were broadly correlated, the magnitude of resistance factors differed substantially. Survival of strains at a putative diagnostic concentration of lambda‐cyhalothrin was found to provide a guide to their LC50. Significant differences in LC50 were found when different brassica crops were used in the bioassay, although the resistance patterns between strains were maintained. CONCLUSION: Reduced susceptibility to multiple pyrethroid insecticides exists in populations of A. proletella in the United Kingdom, corresponding to recent major outbreaks. The mechanism(s) of resistance are yet to be determined, but molecular structural differences in pyrethroids probably influence the magnitude of cross‐resistance within this group of insecticides. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Background: The efficacy of aerial electrostatic‐charged sprays was evaluated for spray deposit characteristics and season‐long control of sweet potato whitefly (SWF), Bemisia tabaci Genn. biotype B (aka B. argentifolii Bellows & Perring), in an irrigated 24 ha cotton field. Treatments included electrostatic‐charged sprays at full and half active ingredient (AI) label rate, uncharged sprays and conventional sprays applied with CP nozzles at full label rate with several different insecticides. Results: Spray droplet size was significantly smaller for electrostatic‐charged sprays than for conventional sprays in top‐ and mid‐canopy locations. The seasonal mean numbers of viable eggs and live large nymphs on cotton treated with electrostatic‐charged sprays were comparable with those on cotton treated with conventional applications. Lethal concentration (LC50) for adults for electrostatic‐charged sprays was comparable with that for conventional sprays. Conclusion: The amenability of electrostatic‐charged sprays to a wide array of pesticides with different chemistries should be a useful tool in combating insect resistance. Results reported here suggest that the potential exists for obtaining increased efficacy against whiteflies using an electrostatic spray charging system, and that additional research will be required to improve charge‐to‐mass (Q/M) ratio in order to increase deposition of pest control materials to the lower surfaces of cotton leaves where the whiteflies reside. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

杨芳  徐建 《植物保护》2014,40(6):82-86
研究了B隐种烟粉虱为害的棉株对甜菜夜蛾生长发育的影响以及甜菜夜蛾为害的棉株对B隐种烟粉虱生长发育的影响。结果表明:被40头/株初孵的烟粉虱1龄若虫取食6 d后的棉株对甜菜夜蛾3龄幼虫相对生长率产生显著负面影响(P<0. 05), 而分别被50头/株和200头/株烟粉虱初孵若虫取食至3龄时的棉株对后继取食的甜菜夜蛾幼虫存活率没有显著影响; 始终被2头/株甜菜夜蛾3龄幼虫为害的棉株上的烟粉虱3龄龄期、4龄龄期及1龄至成虫总历期显著延长(P<0.05), 且被害棉株对烟粉虱产卵量有极显著的影响, 而对棉株上烟粉虱的存活率无显著影响, 但各龄期存活率都稍降低。  相似文献   

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