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细辛挥发油抗植物病原真菌活性初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从天然产物包括植物中开发新的高效低毒环境友好型杀虫杀菌剂,是农药领域重要的研究内容。细辛(Asarum)为马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)草本植物,是我国特有的传统中药,中医用于治疗风寒头痛、痰饮咳喘、关节疼痛、鼻塞、牙痛、胃炎以及口腔糜烂等。有文献报道,细辛提取物对黄曲霉(Aspergillus sp.)、黑曲霉(Aspergillusr sp.)、人类致病菌白色念珠菌(Candida sp.)、伤寒杆菌(Salmonella sp.)有抑菌作用;对人参黑斑病菌(Alternaria panax)、人参根疫病菌(Phytophthora cactorum)、腐皮镰孢(Fusarium solani)和番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)等植物病原菌具有较好的抗菌效果。有关细辛抗菌机制的研究尚未见报道。本文选择9属16种植物病原真菌进行生物测定,探讨细辛挥发油抗菌的广谱性,并以Alternaria humicola为研究对象,对其抗菌机理进行初步研究,以便为开发新型植物杀菌剂提供理论依据。  相似文献   

两种生物农药防治菜心黄曲条跳甲的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄曲条跳甲 Phyllotreta striolata 是为害十字花科蔬菜的重大害虫?本文研究了种子丸粒化包衣?拌土撒施和叶面喷雾3种施药方式下苏云金杆菌 Bacillus thuringiensis G033A和金龟子绿僵菌 Metarhizium anisopliae CQMa421对为害菜心 Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis 的黄曲条跳甲的防治效果?结果表明, 采用苏云金杆菌G033A和金龟子绿僵菌CQMa421进行种子丸粒化包衣处理的菜心, 叶片受害指数分别为6.71和9.93, 显著低于对照(31.79); 拌土撒施处理的菜心, 叶片受害指数分别为19.34和24.17, 显著低于对照(65.53); 〖JP+1〗叶面喷雾处理后第3?5?7天的校正防治效果分别为58.95%/52.37%?69.56%/64.04%和81.12%/70.09%?本研究探索了菜心生产中主要害虫的生物防治技术, 研究结果将为菜心生产过程黄曲条跳甲的有效防治提供技术支撑?  相似文献   

从筛胸梳爪叩甲Melanotus cribricollis僵死幼虫体内分离得到1株金龟子绿僵菌小孢变种Metarhizium anisopliae var.anisopliae菌株WP,首次采用拌土法对该菌寄生筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫的致病力进行测定,并分析外界条件对绿僵菌致病力的影响。在WP菌株1×104~1×107孢子/g干土7个孢子浓度梯度下,随着浓度的提高,筛胸梳爪叩甲的校正死亡率从20%上升至100%。在15、20、25、30℃4个温度下,该菌对筛胸梳爪叩甲的致死率随着温度升高而上升。30℃时,筛胸梳爪叩甲死亡率达96.7%;当降至15℃,筛胸梳爪叩甲不会被寄生。在6%~18%土壤湿度条件下,土壤湿度的升高会提高WP菌株对筛胸梳爪叩甲的致死率,6%的土壤湿度不会导致该虫染病。  相似文献   

为获得对小麦全蚀病菌有良好拮抗效果的生防菌株,分别从河南省商丘市及驻马店市小麦全蚀病发生田块中采集小麦根际土样,采用稀释平板涂布法共分离到1051株细菌,通过与全蚀病菌G1037菌株进行平板对峙筛选,最终获得9株具有明显拮抗效果且生长状况良好的菌株。16S rDNA序列比对及生理生化性状分析结果表明:菌株P155、P154、P16及P147为荧光假单胞菌Pseudomonas fluorescens,菌株P188和P97为恶臭假单胞菌Pseudomonas putida,菌株LY3为产酶溶杆菌Lysobacter enzymogenes,菌株S38为嗜根寡养单胞菌Stenotrophomonas rhizophila,菌株B20为洋葱伯克霍尔德Burkholderia cepacia。产抗生素相关基因的检测结果发现,菌株P147含吩嗪和硝吡咯菌素合成基因,菌株B20含硝吡咯菌素合成基因。除B20、LY3、S38和P147外,其余菌株均可产生嗜铁素。9株细菌都产蛋白酶。除P97、B20和S38外,其余菌株均可产脂肽类物质。盆栽试验结果表明,9株生防菌对小麦全蚀病都具有较好的防治效果,菌株P155和P154的防治效果最好,相对防效分别为67.11%和63.82%,略高于3%的苯醚甲环唑种衣剂的防治效果。研究结果表明这些细菌具有作为小麦全蚀病生防菌的潜力。  相似文献   

The insecticidal activities of essential oil extracts from leaves and flowers of aromatic plants against fourth-instar larvae of the mosquito Culex pipiens molestus Forskal were determined. Extracts of Myrtus communis L were found to be the most toxic, followed by those of Origanum syriacum L, Mentha microcorphylla Koch, Pistacia lentiscus L and Lavandula stoechas L with LC50 values of 16, 36, 39, 70 and 89 mg litre-1, respectively. Over 20 major components were identified in extracts from each plant species. Eight pure components (1,8-cineole, menthone, linalool, terpineol, carvacrol, thymol, (1S)-(-)-alpha-pinene and (1R)-(+)-alpha-pinene) were tested against the larvae. Thymol, carvacrol, (1R)-(+)-alpha-pinene and (1S)-(-)-alpha-pinene were the most toxic (LC50 = 36-49 mg litre-1), while menthone, 1,8-cineole, linalool and terpineol (LC50 = 156-194 mg litre-1) were less toxic.  相似文献   

食蚜瘿蚊是多种蚜虫的捕食性天敌.深入研究影响该虫繁殖力的关键性因子有助于改进规模化饲养以及提高该虫在生物防治中的应用效果.本文选用玉米蚜、禾谷缢管蚜和麦长管蚜作为寄主昆虫,通过设置猎物蚜虫斑块的3种混合方式(单一种群、两种或三种均匀混合种群),以及每种混合方式下的4个密度梯度(总虫量6~48头/株),研究混合蚜虫斑块对...  相似文献   

为了明确荆条不同器官的除草活性,为进一步开展活性化合物的研究提供依据,采用琼脂混粉法于室内测定荆条对生菜、黄瓜、反枝苋、苘麻、小麦和稗草6种受体植物的除草活性。结果表明,在10 mg/mL的供试浓度下荆条不同器官粉末对6种植物幼苗均有明显的抑制作用,其中以花活性最高。进一步测定了花乙醇提取物及不同溶剂极性萃取物对6种植物幼苗生长的抑制作用,石油醚层和乙酸乙酯层的抑制活性较高,其中石油醚层对黄瓜幼根和乙酸乙酯层对稗草幼根的EC50分别为0.07、0.03 mg/mL,说明花含有较高的除草活性物质。  相似文献   

 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(Ascorbate peroxidase,APX)是H2O2清除剂,在植物抗逆反应中起着重要作用。根据NCBI发布的过氧化物体抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(Peroxisomal APX, pAPX)基因序列设计简并引物,分别以青花菜(Brassica oleracea var. italica)叶片DNA和cDNA为材料进行PCR扩增,克隆到一个APX基因,命名为BoAPX2,序列提交GenBank,登录号为JN172929。BoAPX2的基因组序列长为2 013 bp,具有8个内含子,编码区全长864 bp,编码287个氨基酸。序列分析结果表明,BoAPX2与已知的过氧化物体APX有较高的相似性,氨基酸的C端具1个跨膜结构域。RT-PCR结果表明,BoAPX2的表达受霜霉病菌(Hyaloperonospora parasitica)、H2O2、水杨酸和NaCl诱导。  相似文献   

Larvicidal activity against the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) was measured for a series of N-tert-butyl-dibenzoylhydrazines having various substituents on the benzoyl (A-ring) moiety nearer to the tert-butyl group, with the other benzoyl (B-ring) moiety being unsubstituted. The effects of these substituent on the larvicidal activity were analyzed using classical quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) procedures. The effects of substituents on the A-ring moiety on larvicidal activity were entirely different from those against the lepidopteran rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) previously reported. Position-specific steric and hydrophobic effects, as well as certain substitution patterns, were likely to participate in modifying the larvicidal activity. The activity of para-substituted compounds was generally lower than that of un-, ortho- and meta-substituted compounds. Most multi-substituted compounds showed an activity equivalent to or lower than that of the unsubstituted compound. Among 46 compounds tested, the 2-sec-butoxy analogue was most potent against L decemlineata, although this compound had previously been shown to be only weakly active against C suppressalis.  相似文献   

枸杞红瘿蚊是宁夏枸杞上重要成灾害虫之一。枸杞白瘿蚊是继枸杞红瘿蚊后在宁夏枸杞上新发现的另一种瘿蚊科害虫。两种瘿蚊均以幼虫为害宁夏枸杞幼嫩花蕾使其不能正常发育,但形成的虫瘿结构差异明显。本文通过外部形态观察、石蜡切片等方法对两种虫瘿发育过程中的外部形态特征、内部组织结构进行了对比。结果表明,两种瘿蚊幼虫的取食不会引起花部结构的增加或缺失,但均影响花部结构发育,使其无法正常开花结果。枸杞红瘿蚊主要造成子房细胞数量增多形成虫瘿,枸杞白瘿蚊主要造成花冠细胞体积增大形成虫瘿。此外两种虫瘿在花柱、花丝、蜜腺、花药、花柄等处均存在一定差异。  相似文献   

Larvicidal activity against the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), was measured after topical treatment for a series of N-tert-butyl-dibenzoylhydrazines having various substituents in the benzoyl (A-ring) moiety closer to the tert-butyl group, the other benzoyl (B-ring) moiety being unsubstituted. The effects of substituents on the larvicidal activity were analyzed using the classical quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) procedure. Introduction of hydrophobic substituents with a small volume into any position was favourable to activity. The existence of electron-withdrawing substituents at ortho positions was also favourable to activity. For multi-substituted compounds, physico-chemically unknown unfavourable factors were suggested to remain after separating common substituent effects derived from QSAR for mono-substituted analogues. With the exception of the unsubstituted compound RH-5849, the effect of substituents in the A-ring moiety on the larvicidal activity was similar to those found with the lepidopteran rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker). The larvicidal activity of RH-5849 against S exigua was significantly lower than the value predicted from the correlation between activities against S exigua and C suppressalis. Topical treatment with piperonyl butoxide, a synergist inhibiting oxidative metabolism, slightly enhanced the larvicidal activity of RH-5849 against S exigua.  相似文献   

经形态学特征观察、致病性测定及rDNA-ITS序列分析,首次确定红豆杉根腐病病原为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)。采用平板对峙培养法从健康植株根际土壤中筛选得到3株对尖孢镰刀菌具有明显拮抗作用的芽胞杆菌YB6、YB15、YB37。经形态学、生理生化及16SrDNA同源性分析,并通过构建16SrDNA系统发育树,将YB6、YB15和YB37分别鉴定为蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)、解淀粉芽胞杆菌(B.amyloliquefaciens)和多黏类芽胞杆菌(Paenibacillu polymyxa),其中多黏类芽胞杆菌拮抗效果最好,具有进一步研究开发的潜力。本研究通过对南方红豆杉根腐病病原鉴定及其拮抗芽胞杆菌的筛选,对该病的防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

家蝇生境中充满病原菌,其有效的防防机制成为研究的热点。通过三氟乙酸缓冲液浸提、热处理、固相萃取以及两次RP-HPLC等方法,从混合细菌液诱导的家蝇蛹中分离纯化出4种具有抗菌活性的物质。结果表明,提取的家蝇蛹粗提液抗菌谱较广,对多种微生物具有不同程度的抗菌作用,且抗菌效果好于天然肽类防腐剂和一些化学防腐保鲜剂。4种抗菌物质中包括3个抗菌肽和1个抗菌化合物。Tricine-SDS-PAGE结果显示3个抗菌肽的分子量分别约为12kDa、8kDa和4kDa。本研究表明细菌诱导家蝇蛹中具有丰富的抗菌物质。  相似文献   



Aedes aegypti is an important mosquito species that can transmit several arboviruses such as dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika. Because these mosquitoes are becoming resistant to most chemical insecticides used around the world, studies with new larvicides should be prioritized. Based on the known biological profile of imidazolium salts (IS), the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of six IS as larvicides against Ae. aegypti, as tested against Ae. aegypti larvae. Larval mortality was measured after 24 and 48 h, and residual larvicidal activity was also evaluated.


Promising results were obtained with aqueous solutions of two IS: 1‐n‐octadecyl‐3‐methylimidazolium chloride ( C 18 MImCl ) and 1‐n‐hexadecyl‐3‐methylimidazolium methanesulfonate ( C 16 MImMeS ), showing up to 90% larval mortality after 48 h exposure. C 18 MImCl was more effective than C 16 mIMeS , causing mortality until day 15 after exposure. An application of C 18 MImCl left to dry under ambient conditions for at least 2 months and then dissolved in water showed a more pronounced residual effect (36 days with 95% mortality and 80% mortality up to 78 days).


This is the first study to show the potential of IS in the control of Ae. aegypti. Further studies are needed to understand the mode of action of these compounds in the biological development of this mosquito species. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry

Properties of acetolactate synthase (EC; ALS) from sulfonylurea-resistant (SUR) Scirpus juncoides Roxb. var. ohwianus T. Koyama were studied biochemically and physiologically in comparison with those from sulfonylurea-susceptible weed (SUS). GR50 values for growth inhibition and I50 values for ALS inhibition by imazosulfuron were determined for both SUR and SUS. Imazosulfuron controlled the SUS above 80% at the dosage more than 10 g a.i./ha but did not control the SUR at the even great dosage of 1000 g a.i./ha. The rates required for 50% growth inhibition of the SUR relative to the SUS (R/S ratio) were 271-fold. The I50 value for inhibition of ALS from the SUS was 15 nM, compared to I50 of >3000 nM for inhibition of ALS from the SUR. These results suggest that a resistance may due to an altered ALS that is insensitive to imazosulfuron. The Km (pyruvate) value of ALS from the SUR was similar to the Km for ALS from the SUS, suggesting that a mutation resulting in resistance does not change the affinity of the enzyme for pyruvate. The specific activity of the SUR ALS was similar to that of the SUS ALS, which indicates that resistance is not an over-expression of the enzyme. ALS activity from both biotypes was inhibited by isoleucine, valine, and leucine in this order. However, the SUR ALS was less sensitive to inhibition by valine than the SUS ALS.  相似文献   

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