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立足于解决高投入条件下的氮污染问题   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
人口基数大且人均可耕地占有量小的基本国情决定了我国只有实施以高垦殖率、 高复种指数和大量施用化肥为特征的高强度农业,才有可能保证粮食安全。我们认为,高强度农业的特点决定了我国氮肥当季利用率不可能达到一些发达国家的水平。在这样的背景条件下实现生态环境的可持续发展,除了继续尽一切可能提高氮肥当季利用率、 减少氮肥向环境的扩散外,还必须加强高投入条件下解决氮污染问题的研究,建立相应的理论体系、 政策措施和技术方法。  相似文献   

中国近30年畜禽养殖量及其耕地氮污染负荷分析   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:34  
为准确掌握近年来中国畜禽养殖发展的区域差异及畜禽粪便对环境的污染威胁,该研究利用年平均增长率方法,揭示畜禽养殖量及其氮污染的增长率的区域差异和时序变化规律,分析耕地的畜禽污染负荷。结果表明,近些年中国畜禽养殖业发展迅速,各地区的猪、羊、家禽养殖量的年平均增长率都普遍较高,增幅甚至超过12%;牛和羊的年平均增长率的区域差异较大。畜禽养殖发展基本可分为3个阶段:稳步发展阶段(1980-1995年),全面发展阶段(1996-2006年),现代化发展阶段(2007年-至今)。华北、华中、华南、西南地区畜禽氮污染产生量都较大,华北和东北各省的年平均增长率相对较高,其中河南、四川、山东三省的畜禽养殖的增幅较快、养殖量较大、耕地的氮污染负荷较重。全国平均单位耕地面积的畜禽氮污染负荷达138.13kg/hm2,其中四川等6省市已达202.98kg/hm2以上。该研究为全国和各省区农业发展规划和畜禽养殖结构调整提供参考。  相似文献   


This study aimed at understanding whether and how long-term organic rice farming affects soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks and their mineralization potentials in submerged rice paddies in Tochigi, Japan. An incubation experiment was carried out to assess the impacts of internal nutrient cycling after organic farming (OF) for 4–5 years (4OF), 8–9 years (8OF), and 12 years (12OF), compared with a conventional rice field (CF). Soil samples were collected at 0–15 cm and 15–20 cm in flooded rice fields after harvest in October 2013. pH and bulk density at 0–15 cm were significantly lower in 12OF fields than in CF fields (by 0.22 unit pH and 17.5%, respectively). Compared with CF, 12OF fields showed significant differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN), but 4OF and 8OF fields did not. In 8OF fields, the C decomposition (Co) and N mineralization (No) potentials were significantly higher (by 34.0% and 35.6%, respectively, at 0–15 cm, and by 67.1% and 24.5% at 15–20 cm) than in CF fields. Similarly, in 8OF fields at 0–15 cm, the Co:SOC and No:TN ratios were 19.8% and 23.2% higher, respectively, than in CF fields. Co, No, Co:SOC, and No:TN in 12OF fields were higher than those in CF fields, demonstrating the effects of prolonged organic rice farming. Additionally, in 12OF fields, C and N stocks were significantly higher (by 15.5% and 17.2%, respectively, at 0–15 cm, and by 4.8% and 12.1% at 15–20 cm) than in CF fields. Our findings suggest that long-term organic rice farming increases soil C and N stocks as well as C and N mineralization in Japanese Andosols.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区畜禽粪便中氮素污染及其环境成本   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
畜禽养殖在保障肉食供应、改善居民生活、增加农民收入等方面发挥着重要作用,但是畜禽粪便中的氮素也给环境造成严重污染,加强畜禽粪便氮素污染及其环境成本研究有重要意义。该研究以湖南洞庭湖区为对象,从耕地、水体、大气3个方面估算了该区域畜禽粪便的氮素污染及其环境成本。结果表明,2006年湖南洞庭湖区畜禽粪便中的氮素养分为18.99 万t,粪便中氮素污染的环境成本为8.77亿元,其中对农田、水体、大气污染的环境成本分别为2.32 亿元、4.81亿元、1.64 亿元。畜禽粪便氮素养分所产生的环境污染问题已经不容忽视。  相似文献   

江苏省畜禽粪便污染现状及其风险评价   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用2004年畜禽养殖量数据,利用各类畜禽粪便日排泄系数估算畜禽粪便量,在此基础上计算江苏省各地畜禽粪便农田负荷量,并对各地畜禽粪便污染现状进行评价。结果显示,江苏省畜禽粪便年产生量已达6825万t;畜禽粪便农田年负荷量平均为14.9 t/hm2,污染风险指数平均为0.33,南通、盐城与徐州3市超过环境预警值,属污染最严重区;受养殖业布局的影响,全省畜禽粪便污染严重地区大多靠近水体,对江苏省水环境质量产生威胁。  相似文献   

为研究绿狐尾藻湿地对不同污染负荷养殖废水氮去除效应和影响因素,该研究在野外建立了9条表面流绿狐尾藻湿地,以低负荷(60 L/d废水+120 L/d清水)、中负荷(120 L/d废水+60 L/d清水/d)和高负荷(180 L/d废水)养殖废水为处理对象,研究了不同污染负荷下绿狐尾藻湿地水体氮素时间变化规律;结合线性混合模型,进一步探究了影响绿狐尾藻湿地氮去除的关键环境因子。结果表明,整个试验期间(2014-07-2015-05),绿狐尾藻湿地对低、中、高负荷废水铵氮(NH4+-N)和总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)去除率均较高,其中NH4+-N平均去除率为85.0%~98.7%,TN平均去除率为83.6%~97.1%。线性混合模型分析结果表明,影响绿狐尾藻湿地NH4+-N去除的关键环境因子是水体溶解氧和硝态氮以及底泥NH4+-N含量,其中水体溶解氧对绿狐尾藻湿地NH4+<...  相似文献   

结合广东省畜禽饲养量 ,采用各类畜禽粪便及其污染物的排泄系数 ,估算出畜禽粪便污染物排放总量、污染物流失量。研究发现 :畜禽养殖业的粪尿流失量是工业固体废弃物的 2 1倍 ;COD和NH3 -N的流失量分别是生活和工业废水的COD和NH3 -N排放量的 1 4倍和 1 7倍 ,畜禽粪便造成的环境污染是农村面源污染的主要原因。并提出采用综合防治的思路解决广东省畜禽养殖的污染问题  相似文献   

Adsorption coefficients are valuable tools used to estimate the environmental relevance of heavy metal contamination. However, their determination with batch experiments is laborious. Thus, attempts have been made to deduce these coefficients from soil parameters. However, the application of the resulting parameterized equations to different sets of samples has often yielded poor results. Hence, the objectives of the present study were (1) to deduce basic soil properties governing the coefficients of Freundlich adsorption isotherms for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, and (2) to derive parameterized isotherms and examine their accuracy. For this purpose, 30 topsoil and nine subsoil samples were investigated which represented one Podzol‐Cambisol‐Gleysol soilscape in an area with intensive livestock production in Lower Saxony, Germany. Total background concentrations (aqua regia digestion) of heavy metals in topsoils ranged from 0.290 (Cd) to 19.2 mg kg—1 (Zn) and exhibited elevated mobilizable proportions (NH4EDTA pH 4.6 extract) of 17 (Ni) — 66 % (Zn) from the total concentration. Background concentrations were higher in topsoils than in subsoils by factors of 1.7 (Ni) — 28 (Zn). These differences were assigned to the special situation of heavy metal input mostly originating from animal excrements. The isotherms obtained by batch experiments showed larger coefficients KF for partition among soil solid phase and soil solution in topsoils than in subsoils by a factor of 3.5. The coefficients of the isotherms were significantly correlated with routinely determined soil properties such as cation exchange capacity and pH (R = 0.36—0.89). Parameterized isotherms were calculated for each metal by inserting the relevant parameters in multiple linear regression equations. Among these parameters were the soil pH, cation exchange capacity, total metal concentration, and the concentrations of organic carbon, clay, fine silt, and various pedogenic oxides. The KF values, separately calculated for topsoils and subsoils, agreed well with those determined by batch experiments (R = 0.63—0.97). Therefore, parameterized isotherms are valuable tools for the prediction of heavy metal partition in soils from one soilscape and for a risk assessment in the investigated, densely stocked area and similar areas.  相似文献   

[目的]过量施用肥料会导致土壤养分过剩,在降雨径流冲刷下极易流失进入河湖水体,引起地表水体污染.本研究旨在阐明农区施肥与入河硝态氮污染的关系,为有效防控农业面源污染提供科学依据.[方法]选择广西集约化蔗区客兰水库水源区的那辣流域,应用双稳定同位素(δ15N-NO3–、δ18O-NO3–)示踪技术,确定流域内3个子流域(...  相似文献   


We studied soil nitrogen (N) management in a farmer’s organic rice farming in Japan, where the farmer applied no external N but incorporated gramineous fallow weeds and rice residues as in situ N sources. We focused on the effect of fallow weed incorporation on N-supplying capacity of the paddy soil by tracking decomposition of 15N-labeled fallow weeds after incorporation. The result fits well to the first order kinetics with the decomposition rate of 34.3% a year. A model of soil N accumulation and mineralization based on the first order kinetics showed that soil organic N originated from the incorporated weed would become saturated at the level 1.92 folds the annual input of weed N after several consecutive years of the incorporation. Mineralizable soil N (Min-N) of the weed origin would also become saturated after several years accounting for 21.2% of the total Min-N which includes the indigenous soil N from plow layer. We suspended weed incorporation (SWI) in a sub-plot of the fields for two consecutive years to compare Min-N therein with that in another subplot in the same fields subjected to continued weed incorporation (CWI). After 2 years of the suspension treatment, Min-N in SWI decreased to a similar extent as estimated with the soil-N model based on the first-order kinetics, with which we estimated that 16.9% of annual N uptake by the rice plants originated from the weed including 5.9% from the weed incorporated in the same year and 11.0% from that in the past years. N inflow to soil organic N from the weed was very close to N outflow attaining the steady state. The rice yield could thus be sustained by maintaining the soil N-supplying capacity via the internal cycling of fallow weed N.  相似文献   

Outwintering beef cattle on woodchip corrals offers stock management, economic and welfare benefits when compared with overwintering in open fields or indoors. A trial was set up on a loamy sand over sand soil to evaluate the pollution risks from corrals and the effect of design features (size and depth of woodchips, stocking density, and feeding on or off the corral). Plastic‐lined drainage trenches at 9–10 m spacing under the woodchips allowed sampling of the leachate. Sampling of the soil to 3.6 m below the corral allowed evaluation of pollutant mitigation during vadose zone transport. Mean corral leachate pollutant concentrations were 443–1056 mg NH4‐N L?1, 372–1078 mg dissolved organic carbon (DOC) L?1, 3–13 mg NO3‐N L?1, 8 × 104–1.0 × 106Escherichia coli 100 mL?1 and 2.8 × 102–1.4 × 103 faecal enterococci 100 mL?1. Little influence of design features could be observed. DOC, NH4 and (in most cases) E. coli and faecal enterococci concentrations decreased 102–103 fold when compared with corral leachate during transport to 3.6 m but there were some cores where faecal enterococci concentrations remained high throughout the profile. Travel times of pollutants (39–113 days) were estimated assuming vertical percolation, piston displacement at field moisture content and no adsorption. This allowed decay/die‐off kinetics in the soil to be estimated (0.009–0.044 day?1 for DOC, 0.014–0.045 day?1 for E. coli and 0–0.022 day?1 for faecal enterococci). The mean [NO3‐N] in pore water from the soil cores (n = 3 per corral) ranged from 114 ± 52 to 404 ± 54 mg NO3‐N L?1, when compared with 59 ± 15 mg NO3‐N L?1 from a field overwintering area and 47 ± 40 mg NO3‐N L?1 under a permanent feeding area. However, modelling suggested that denitrification losses in the soil profile increased with stocking density so nitrate leaching losses per animal may be smaller under corrals than for other overwintering methods. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane fluxes (measured on one occasion from one corral) were 5–110 g N ha?1 day?1, 3–23 kg C ha?1 day?1, and 5–340 g C ha?1 day?1 respectively. Ammonia content of air extracted from above the woodchips was 0.7–3.5 mg NH4‐N m?3.  相似文献   

为准确掌握林芝市畜禽养殖发展的区域差异及畜禽粪便对环境的污染威胁,该研究利用年平均增长率及输出系数方法,揭示畜禽养殖量及其氮磷污染的增长率的区域差异和时空变化规律,分析耕地的畜禽污染负荷。结果表明,林芝市畜禽养殖业发展迅速,各县的牛、猪、家禽养殖量的年平均增长率都普遍较高,羊的增长率与其他种类畜禽不同出现了负增长。畜禽养殖发展基本可分为3个阶段:稳步发展阶段(1986―2000年),全面发展阶段(2000―2010年),现代化发展阶段(2010―2014年)。工布江达县畜禽污染产生量较大,林芝县与米林县年平均增长率相对较快,朗县平均单位耕地面积的畜禽氮磷污染负荷最重。林芝市平均单位耕地面积的畜禽磷氮污染负荷达到400和2345kg/hm~2。该研究可为林芝市农牧业发展规划和畜禽养殖结构调整提供参考。  相似文献   

(pp. 47–52)

The wet deposition of nitrogen compounds in the intensive dairy farming area and its environs in the northern part of the Kanto region in central Japan was investigated from April 2003 to April 2005. Open-bulk samplers were used to collect open-bulk precipitation, which approximates the sum of wet and dry deposition. Furthermore, wet-only samplers were applied to collect the precipitation for every 1 mm in a rainfall, termed the wet sample. The concentrations of total nitrogen and ammonium ions in the open-bulk precipitation were high in the central part of the dairy farming area and low in the remote mountainous area more than 15 km away the concentrations were generally high during winter and spring, and low during summer and autumn. There was a large difference in the annual deposition of nitrogen between the farming area and the surrounding area. The annual deposition of nitrogen in the farming area was significantly high compared to the values of existing data in Japan and Europe. The concentrations of respective nitrogen compounds in the wet sample, which accounted for 40 of the total rainfalls events, were notably high at the beginning of precipitation and rapidly decreased by 8 mm of continuous precipitation. The nitrogen concentrations at the beginning of precipitation were high in the farming area, and relatively low in the surrounding area. It was thought that the cause of the large wet deposition in the farming area was due to ammonia emissions, mainly from cattle manure produced at dairy farms. The factors of the seasonal changes were considered to be the frequency and the amount of precipitation, and the change in ammonia emissions from manure management performed by dairy farmers.  相似文献   

基于物质流分析的高集约化农区环境风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文将经济-环境系统研究领域的物质流分析方法运用在高集约化农区的环境风险评价中,构建了高集约化农区环境风险指数模型,并以湖南省桃江县为案例区,分析测算了2001-2012年的物质输入-输出变化,对高集约化农区环境风险进行了初步评价。结果显示:1)以人口压力、农业产值、耕地面积和农业技术水平为主要驱动力,农产品的生产增加,但物质投入和物质输出指标在12 a间波动上升,物质投入的增加导致了污染排放的同步增长;2)人均物质投入、人均物质产出持续提高,资源生产率和环境效率降低,创造单位农业经济产值的资源消耗和污染排放量有所下降;3)总体环境风险在2004年之后增加,但以2010为转折点开始得到有效控制;4)基于物质流分析的环境风险评价方法可较全面的反映高集约化农区环境风险的演变规律及结构特点,较好的揭示环境风险的发展程度及变化特征。  相似文献   

高原湿地纳帕海土壤持水力对不同放牧的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择滇西北高原纳帕海湿地作为研究对象,对生物践踏型(牛、羊践踏)与生物扰动型(藏香猪翻拱)放牧作用下的湿地土壤持水力特征进行对比研究。结果表明:(1)不同放牧方式显著影响湿地土壤理化性质以及土壤持水力。牛羊践踏型放牧下的土壤有机质、总孔隙度、自然含水量以及最大持水量、有机质均显著(P0.05)高于扰动型放牧,而践踏型放牧下的土壤容重显著(P0.05)低于扰动型放牧;(2)不同研究区域,土壤持水力对放牧的响应不同。布伦放牧区土壤最大持水力在2种放牧方式下的差异不显著(P0.05),而哈木古和伊拉放牧区的土壤最大持水力在2种放牧方式下均有显著差异(P0.05);(3)不同季节,土壤持水力指标对放牧的响应程度亦不相同。在旱季,土壤持水力在2种放牧方式下的差异性较雨季更为显著(P0.01)。研究表明,湿地土壤水源涵养功能与放牧方式、放牧季节和放牧区域有关。基于湿地水源涵养功能的保护,应取缔土壤扰动型放牧,有效调控践踏型放牧的强度并减少旱季放牧。  相似文献   

通过构建多级表面流人工湿地探讨了鄱阳湖区农村面源污染的控制机制,并对湿地系统污水处理工艺进行了研究。研究表明,系统污染物COD,TP,NO3-—N和NO2-—N负荷年消减量为608.46,3.22,8.14和0.62kg/a,单位面积年消减量分别为3976.83,21.04,53.21和4.05kg/(hm2.a)。系统对污染物COD,TP,NO3-—N和NO2-—N的去除率分别为48.9%,73.5%,58.7%和54.7%,且污染物COD和TP去除主要集中在第一级芦苇湿地。表面流人工湿地因具有较强的复氧功能,但限制NO3-—N反硝化作用。为提高NO3-—N的去除率,对湿地系统硝化与反硝化机理进行了探讨,并提出引流部分污水直接进入第3级湿地与改第3级湿地为潜流型湿地相结合的有效措施。该系统不仅对鄱阳湖区农村面源污染控制提供了技术依据而且为其它湖滨提供了示范。  相似文献   

为探讨有机种植与常规种植两种不同种植方式对土壤重金属含量和污染特性的影响,本文在华北5个地区选取典型的有机蔬菜和有机小麦种植基地及附近相似条件的常规种植地块,比较了土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Cd、As共6种重金属含量的差异,并采用不同评价方法对不同种植方式下土壤中重金属的污染程度进行了评价。结果表明:与常规种植相比,有机种植减轻了土壤酸化和盐渍化,提高了土壤有机质含量和阳离子交换量,在一定程度上有利于降低土壤中重金属的生物有效性。与土壤背景值相比,所有调查地区的土壤重金属均有不同程度的增加和积累。与常规种植相比,有机种植模式能有效降低土壤中Cd、Cr含量,有机小麦种植地块因长期施用大量有机肥导致土壤中Cu、Zn、As大量富集;而常规温室菜田同时施用大量的有机肥、化肥及农药,土壤中Cu、Zn、As富集的风险比有机种植模式高;露天蔬菜有机种植地块土壤中Cu、Zn、As含量与常规地块差异不明显。综合污染指数评价结果显示,调查地区土壤均属于轻污染程度,主要贡献因子为Cd、Cu、Zn,有机种植降低了土壤中重金属的综合污染水平;地累积指数法评价结果表明,调查地区处于无污染到中等污染水平,最明显的污染元素是Cd,有机种植降低了土壤中重金属污染的程度和风险;潜在生态危害指数评价结果表明,所调查地块存在轻微潜在生态风险,其中产生较大生态危害的是Cd,表现出轻微生态危害程度。本研究表明,有机种植减轻了土壤中重金属综合污染水平和污染风险,并减轻了土壤重金属的潜在生态危害。  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of nitrogen (N) cycling on N pollution of stream water, with emphasis on N disposed of (hereafter referred to as “disposal N”) from human and livestock excrement and the N surplus in cropland, compared to the total-N concentration of stream water, in seven zones of Asahikawa City characterized by various types of land use. In order to estimate N cycling, we used the Nitrogen Flow Model, composed of the N budgets of human, livestock, and cropland subsystems. The urban area with a population density of over 4,000 persons km-2 generated a very large amount of disposal N (about 2,700 kg N ha-1 cropland y-1). Based on the amount of disposal N and the volume of domestic sewage water used, the N concentration estimated for the urban area was 34 mg N L-1, which found in the effluent from the sewage treatment facility (24–28 mg N L-1), regardless of the season. Thus, it was indicated that most of the disposal N in the urban area was discharged directly to streams through the sewage treatment facilities, contributing to a point source of N pollution of stream water. In addition, the disposal N from livestock facilities was larger in pig and poultry farming areas than in other farming areas, contributing to some extent to a potential source of N pollution. As a result, the concentrations increased above 1 mg N L-1 in the urban and surrounding areas. On the other hand, the N surplus in cropland was practically determined by the N flows associated with chemical fertilizer, livestock excrement as manure, and crop uptake. The N surplus was similar among the seven zones, ranging from 69 to 99 kg N ha-1 y-1. The N concentration estimated from the amount of N surplus and 50% of mean annual precipitation as a discharge rate was 13.6–19.5 mg N L-1. Most of the surplus N was indicated to be leached out. However, the total-N concentration measured in the major streams flowing through Asahikawa City was mostly below 1 mg N L-1 except for the urban and surrounding areas. The surplus N in cropland may not reach the streams, even if N leaching occurs, probably due to N removal by plant uptake, denitrification, and sedimentation in the riparian zone and stream channels. Thus the effect of agricultural practices on N pollution of stream water was not appreciable.  相似文献   

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