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Ronggui Hu Ryusuke Hatano Kanako Kusa Takuji Sawamoto 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(6):797-804
Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of N fertilization on the soil CH4 flux during the growing season of onion in a structured clay soil with stagnant water at depths of 70–80 cm and with a peat-mixed subsoil. The following 4 treatments were analyzed over a period of two years: T1) fertilized, onion growing, T2) fertilized, bare field, T3) unfertilized, onion growing, and T4) unfertilized, bare field. In the fertilized T1 and T2 treatments, fertilizers (mixture of 3 : 1 NH4NO3 : (NH4)2SO4) at rates of 322 kg N ha?1 in 1999 and 242 kg N ha?1 in 2000 were applied as basal fertilizers before onion was transplanted. CH4 fluxes among the treatments ranged from ?0.06 to 0.12 mg CH4-C m?2 h?1 in 1999, and from ?0.03 to 0.01 mg CH4-C m?2 h?1 in 2000, which were high after heavy rain in summer. Cumulative CH4 flux from May to November in the fertilized T1 and T2 treatments was 59 mg CH4-C m?2 for both treatments in 1999, and 3.2 and ?0.9 mg CH4-C m?2 in 2000, respectively. On the other hand, in the unfertilized T3 and T4 treatments, the cumulative CH4 flux was 0.2 and ?9.2 mg CH4-C m?2 in 1999, and ?26 and ?20 mg CH4-C m?2 in 2000, respectively. Although the cumulative CH4 flux in each treatment was higher in 1999 than in 2000, the fertilized treatments in both years showed a significantly higher cumulative CH4 flux than the unfertilized treatments. This might be ascribed to the higher level of nitrification in the fertilized treatments, because a high nitrate concentration was observed in the fertilized treatments in the onion growing season. The results also revealed that onion growing did not exert a significant influence on the CH4 flux. The precipitation from May to November was 642 mm in 1999 and 1,008 mm in 2000, and the CH4 emission increased when the precipitation was low. In addition, the CH4 concentration in the soil profile increased with the increase of the depth in summer as the soil was dry. These findings indicated that CH4 diffusion from the soil to the atmosphere was inhibited by rainwater. 相似文献
Tomoaki Morishita Ryusuke Hatano Osamu Nagata Kohei Sakai Takahiro Koide Osamu Nakahara 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(8):1187-1194
Abstract It has been well documented by short-term artificial experiments that the CH4 uptake is inhibited by N input, especially NH4 p+-N input. To investigate the effect of the natural N input by throughfall and other factors on the CH4 uptake in forest soils, we measured the CH4 uptake rates for 6 months during the snow-free period of the year and N input by throughfall throughout the year at 10 sites in Hokkaido, Japan, from 1997 to 2002. Water filled pore space (WFPS) and pH values in the soils varied widely among the sites (38-93% and 3.9-6.2, respectively). The rates of NH4 p+-N and NH3 p--N inputs ranged from 1.3 to 6.9 kg N hap-1 yearp-1 and from 0.8 to 2.9 kg N hap-1 yearp-1, respectively. The NH4 p+-N input was generally higher than the NH3 p--N input. Total N input by throughfall amounted to 2.3-9.4 kg N hap-1 yearp-1. The highest CH4 uptake rate occurred within the period from July to September (41-215 μg CH4 mp-2 hp-1) each year at most sites. CH4 uptake rate was relatively low (~50 μg CH4 M-2 hp-1) at northern sites, while a high CH4 uptake rate was observed throughout the year 100 (? CH4 mp-2 hp-1) at southern sites. The mean CH4 uptake rates were significantly different among the sites. Cumulative CH4 uptake ranged from 1.4 to 6.6 kg CH4 hap-1 [184 d]p-1 with a mean values of 3.22 ± 1.36 kg CH4 hap-1 [184 d]p-1. Cumulative CH4 uptake increased with increasing temperature and decreased with an increase in precipitation (Rain), NH4 p+-N input (TFNH4) WFPS, soil total C (TC), and total N (TN). There was a quadratic relationship between the CH4 uptake and NH3 p--N input (TFNO3), soil pH, and C / N ratio in soil. A regression equation was obtained as follows to predict the CH4 uptake in forest soils: Cumulative CH4 uptake = 0.47 / Rain + 0.38 / TFNH4 + 0.34 / TC - 0.30 / TFN03 (R p2 = 0.74, p = 0.0001). This equation indicates that atmospheric N input into forest soils is one of the main factors that control cumulative CH4 uptake with precipitation, total carbon content in soil in Hokkaido, Japan. 相似文献
Larionova A. A. Yermolayev A. M. Blagodatsky S. A. Rozanova L. N. Yevdokimov I. V. Orlinsky D. B. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1998,27(3):251-257
Soil respiration was measured by closed chamber and gradient methods in soils under forest, sown meadow and crops. Annual
total soil respiration determined with the closed chamber method ranged from 180 to 642 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 and from 145 to 382 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 determined with the CO2 profile method. Soil respiration increased in the order: cropland<sown meadow<forest. The C balance calculated as the difference
between net primary production (sink) and respiration of heterotrophs (source) suggested an equilibrium between the input
and output of C in the cropland, and sequestration of 135 and 387 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 in the forest and meadow, respectively.
Received: 1 December 1997 相似文献
《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(4):662-680
Abstract To develop an advanced method for estimating nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from an agricultural watershed, we used a closed-chamber technique to measure seasonal N2O and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes in cornfields, grassland, pastures and forests at the Shizunai Experimental Livestock Farm (467 ha) in southern Hokkaido, Japan. From 2000 to 2004, N2O and NO fluxes ranged from –137 to 8,920 µg N m?2 h?1 and from –12.1 to 185 µg N m?2 h?1, respectively. Most N2O/NO ratios calculated on the basis of these N2O and NO fluxes ranged between 1 and 100, and the log-normal N2O/NO ratio was positively correlated with the log-normal N2O fluxes (r 2 = 0.346, P < 0.01). These high N2O fluxes, therefore, resulted from increased denitrification activity. Annual N2O emission rates ranged from –1.0 to 81 kg N ha?1 year?1 (average = 6.6 kg N ha?1). As these emission values varied greatly and included extremely high values, we divided them into two groups: normal values (i.e. values lower than the overall average) and high values (i.e. values higher than average). The normal data were significantly positively correlated with N input (r 2 = 0.61, P < 0.01) and the “higher” data from ungrazed fields were significantly positively correlated with N surplus (r 2 = 0.96, P < 0.05). The calculated probability that a high N2O flux would occur was weakly and positively correlated with precipitation from May to August. This probability can be used to represent annual variation in N2O emission rates and to reduce the uncertainty in N2O estimation. 相似文献
全球气候变化会导致陆地生态系统干旱频繁,强降雨增多,深入研究降雨对土壤微生物量和呼吸的影响,有利于理解陆地生态系统中土壤碳、氮的循环.研究以北京市延庆县上辛庄水土保持科技示范园内的标准径流小区为对象,探讨不同土地利用方式下降雨对土壤微生物量和呼吸的影响及差异.结果表明,不同土地利用方式下土壤干旱时,降雨使土壤微生物量和土壤呼吸产生激增效应.2010年8月3日降雨后经果林、裸地、农用地的土壤微生物量碳与干旱期的相比分别增加了0.40,1.51,1.95倍;土壤微生物量氯与干旱期的相比分别增加了1.77,1.83,3.7倍;土壤呼吸与干旱期的相比分别提离了12.4%,12.5%,20.5%.激增幅度依次为农用地>裸地>经果林.农用地的土壤微生物量和土壤呼吸值均低于经果林、裸地的,但是降雨使其产生的激增幅度明显大于经果林和裸地的. 相似文献
Anders Michelsen Michael Andersson Annelise Kjøller 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2004,36(11):1707-1717
A thorough understanding of the role of microbes in C cycling in relation to fire is important for estimation of C emissions and for development of guidelines for sustainable management of dry ecosystems. We investigated the seasonal changes and spatial distribution of soil total, dissolved organic C (DOC) and microbial biomass C during 18 months, quantified the soil CO2 emission in the beginning of the rainy season, and related these variables to the fire frequency in important dry vegetation types grassland, woodland and dry forest in Ethiopia. The soil C isotope ratios (δ13C) reflected the 15-fold decrease in the grass biomass along the vegetation gradient and the 12-fold increase in woody biomass in the opposite direction. Changes in δ13C down the soil profiles also suggested that in two of the grass-dominated sites woody plants were more frequent in the past. The soil C stock ranged from being 2.5 (dry forest) to 48 times (grassland) higher than the C stock in the aboveground plant biomass. The influence of fire in frequently burnt wooded grassland was evident as an unchanged or increasing total C content down the soil profile. DOC and microbial biomass measured with the fumigation-extraction method (Cmic) reflected the vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM). However, although SOM was stable throughout the year, seasonal fluctuations in Cmic and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) were large. In woodland and woodland-wooded grassland Cmic and SIR increased in the dry season, and gradually decreased during the following rainy season, confirming previous suggestions that microbes may play an important role in nutrient retention in the dry season. However, in dry forest and two wooded grasslands Cmic and SIR was stable throughout the rainy season, or even increased in this period, which could lead to enhanced competition with plants for nutrients. Both the range and the seasonal changes in soil microbial biomass C in dry tropical ecosystems may be wider than previously assumed. Neither SIR nor Cmic were good predictors of in situ soil respiration. The soil respiration was relatively high in infrequently burnt forest and woodland, while frequently burnt grasslands had lower rates, presumably because most C is released through dry season burning and not through decomposition in fire-prone systems. Shifts in the relative importance of the two pathways for C release from organic matter may have strong implications for C and nutrient cycling in seasonally dry tropical ecosystems. 相似文献
采用动态密闭气室红外CO2分析法测定了盐碱地、撂荒地和苜蓿地三种土地利用方式下的土壤呼吸速率,并结合水热因子,对不同土地利用方式下土壤呼吸速率的差异性以及其和温度、含水量之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:三种土地利用类型土壤呼吸速率日变化均呈现单峰型曲线,与气温变化趋势一致,一天中气温最高时的土壤呼吸速率均显著高于其他时间;不同土地利用方式土壤呼吸与水热因子均呈正相关,采用线性关系式来分析土壤呼吸速率与土壤水分含量的关系。不同土地利用方式下土壤呼吸速率与近地面气温、不同深度土壤温度的关系可以用指数方程得到较好的拟合(p < 0.05),撂荒地土壤呼吸的温度敏感性系数Q10值变化较大,从而对土壤温度的响应更为敏感,且不同深度土壤的Q10值存在较大差异,盐碱地和苜蓿地不同土层的Q10值均在2.0左右变化,与全球Q10的平均水平接近。盐碱地、撂荒地和苜蓿地土壤呼吸与土壤温度和湿度的双变量模型关系显著,比相应的单变量模型更好地解释了土壤呼吸变异。 相似文献
There are variations in soil respiration across vegetation types; however, it is unclear which factors are mainly responsible for the variations. A field experiment was conducted in 2008 and 2009 in a semiarid region of China to investigate the daytime and monthly variation of soil respiration across vegetation types and to determine the factors controlling the variation. An automated portable soil carbon dioxide (CO2) flux measurement system was used to measure the soil respiration in shrubland, grassland, fallow land, and cropland during the growing periods. The results showed that the relative daytime variation amplitude of soil respiration in the fallow land and cropland was as small as that of shrubland and grassland during July, but greater than that of shrubland and grassland during August and October. A hysteresis effect for the relationship between the daytime soil respiration and daytime soil temperature was observed for all four vegetation types. There was also a hysteresis effect for the relationship between the daytime soil respiration and daytime air temperature for the grassland. Over the study period, the monthly soil respiration rates of the fallow land and cropland were statistically comparable and significantly lower than those of the shrubland and grassland, with the exception of August, during which the monthly soil respiration of the cropland was as great as that of shrubland and grassland. The factors responsible for the monthly soil respiration variation across the vegetation types differed from month to month. In general, the soil temperature and soil water content were mainly responsible in August and September; however, the root biomass predominated in July and October. The results are valuable for accurately estimating regional carbon fluxes by considering the temporal variability of the soil respiration variation across vegetation types in the Loess Plateau of China. 相似文献
Ethylene oxidation,atmospheric methane consumption,and ammonium oxidation in temperate volcanic forest soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Temperate volcanic forest surface soils under different forest stands (e.g., Pinus sylvestris L., Cryptomeria japonica, and Quercus serrata) were sampled to study the kinetics of ethylene (C2H4) oxidation and the C2H4 concentrations that effectively inhibit oxidation of atmospheric methane (CH4) and nitrification. The kinetics of C2H4 oxidation in temperate volcanic forest soils was biphasic, indicating that at least two different microbial populations,
one with low and another with high apparent K
m values, were responsible for ethylene oxidation. Methane consumption activity and ammonium oxidation of soil were inhibited
by adding ethylene. Added C2H4 at concentrations of 3, 10, and 20 μl C2H4 per liter in the headspace gas respectively reduced by 20%, 50%, and 100% atmospheric CH4 consumption by soil, and these values were much smaller than those inhibiting ammonium oxidation in these forest soils; thus,
the CH4 consumption activity was more sensitive to the addition of C2H4 than ammonium oxidation. Previous studies have shown that accumulation of C2H4 in such volcanic forest soils within 3 days of aerobic and anaerobic incubations can reach a range from 0.2 to 0.3 and from
1.0 to 3.0 μl C2H4 per liter in the headspace gas, respectively. It is suggested that C2H4 production beneath forest floors, particularly after heavy rain, can to some extent affect the capacity of forest surface
soils to consume atmospheric CH4, but probably, it has no impact on ammonium oxidation. 相似文献
不同利用方式下红壤坡地土壤水分时空动态变化规律研究 总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21
利用连续3年土壤水分定位观测数据,研究了红壤坡地不同利用方式下土壤水分的时空动态变化规律。结果表明:土壤水分时空动态变化主要受降雨和植被类型的影响。土壤水分季节变化分为相对稳定期、消耗期和补给期三个时段;土壤剖面(0~90cm)水分含量从表层到深层表现为增长型,依据2003年土壤水分标准差和变异系数。将土壤剖面划分为活跃层、次活跃层和相对稳定层3个层次;土壤剖面水分变异系数随降雨量和土层深度的增加而减小,随植被根系的增长而变大。平水年,深根系区与浅根系区土壤水分变化差异表现在30cm深度以下,而丰水年其差异主要表现在土壤表层(0~30cm);无论平水年还是丰水年,深根系区土壤水分变幅均比浅根系区大。 相似文献
Respiration of CO2 from soils (Rs) is a major component of the carbon cycle of ecosystems, but understanding is still poor of both the relative contributions of different respiratory sources to Rs, and the environmental factors that drive diurnal variations in Rs. We measured total and litter-free Rs at half-hourly intervals over full 24 h periods, and thereafter twice a month for 10 months in a tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) in Peru. Total Rs declined by about 61% during the night as a result of variations in respiration rate in the litter, which were partly correlated with the soil surface air temperature. Most of the diurnal variation of Rs in this TMCF appears to be driven by respiration in the litter layer, which contributed 37% to the total soil CO2 efflux. Total Rs rates at this particular site would have been overestimated by 60% if derived from daytime measurements that had not been corrected for diurnal variations in Rs. 相似文献
Soil respiration, nitrogen mineralization and uptake in barley following cultivation of grazed grasslands 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Soil tillage was studied as a strategy to synchronize N mineralization with plant demand following ploughing of two types
of grazed pastures [ryegrass/white clover (Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens) and pure ryegrass]. The swards were either rotovated and ploughed or ploughed only. Soil respiration, as determined by a
dynamic chamber method, was related to net N mineralization and to plant N uptake in a subsequent spring barley crop (Hordeum vulgare). Diurnal variations in temperature were important for the CO2 flux and care must be taken that temperatures during measuring periods are representative of the daily mean. Soil tillage
increased the CO2 flux considerably compared with untilled soil with total emissions of 2.6 and 1.4 t C ha–1, respectively, from start of April to end of June. Sward type or rotovation did not markedly influence accumulated emissions.
Rotovation significantly increased the content of nitrate in the soil until 43 days after rotovation, showing that net N mineralization
occurred rapidly during this period, in spite of low soil temperatures (5–10 °C). Rotovation increased barley grain yield
by 10–12% and N-uptake by 14%. For both sward types, rotovation caused an extra N-uptake in harvested plant material of about
12 kg ha–1. The availability of soil inorganic N at the early stages of barley was important for the final yield and N-uptake. The results
indicated that soil biological activity was not enhanced by rotovation and that the yield effect of rotovation was mainly
caused by quicker availability and better synchrony between N mineralization and plant uptake due to earlier start of decomposition.
Received: 3 May 2000 相似文献
Intersite characterization and variability of soil respiration in different arable and forest soils 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
L. Beyer 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1991,12(2):122-126
Summary Soil respiration was investigated in three loamy Orthic Luvisols (two arable, one forest soil), three sandy Haplic Podzols (also two arable, one forest soil) with a modified intersite method according to Lundegardh (1924). The method allows characterization of the CO2-flux from the soil and interpretation of the different levels with regard to temperature, nutrient and air supply. The method is sensitive to tillage and fertilization effects. In the two arable Luvisols the mean cumulative respiration rate was not uniform compared with the forest soil; in one case it was much higher and in another much lower. CO2 evolution in the Podzol under spruce was much lower than in the two arable Podzols. In the sandy Podzols 5 replicate measurements gave adequate results, with an error probability of 10%, but in the loamy Luvisols it was necessary to use 10 replicates to specify the same degree of difference. If soil respiration is very high, immediately after fertilization with cattle slurry or dung on arable land, or after litterfall in a deciduous forest, more replicates are necessary. 相似文献
川中不同类型小流域土壤侵蚀特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以川中小流域为研究对象,2004年第5期小流域竣工验收报告为基础数据,以流域土地利用方式面积比例为指标进行聚类,将小流域分为不同类型,然后分别建立以不同类型小流域的土壤侵蚀量为因变量,用地面积为自变量的多元线性回归方程。从而比较区域内部小流域之间的差异,分析不同类型小流域的土壤侵蚀特征,以期更有针对性地为小流域综合治理提供理论和实际依据。研究表明:(1)根据其主要土地利用方式,研究区小流域分为4类;(2)不同类型小流域,水土流失主要及最大来源、侵蚀模数等特征有显著差异。 相似文献
喀斯特山地不同土地利用方式土壤养分特征研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
不同的土地利用方式影响着土壤的养分特征及土壤质量。对重庆市南川区灌草丛、人工林、果园、旱地、水田、撂荒地6种不同土地利用方式下土壤养分的研究表明:不同土地利用方式间土壤养分存在一定的差异,变化规律也不一致。6种土地利用方式下的土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾都呈现表聚现象,且有机质、全氮、速效氮都随深度的增加而递减,但全磷和全钾含量并无明显的变化规律。6种土地利用方式各土壤养分指标含量排序各异,退耕后土壤部分养分含量仍较低,初步认为该区土壤养分受人为影响较严重,退耕后土壤恢复能力还较差。 相似文献
《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(5):773-781
Abstract The Mongolian steppe zone constitutes a major part of East Asian grasslands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quantitative dependence of ecosystem respiration (Reco) on the environmental variables of soil water and plant biomass in a semiarid grassland ecosystem. We determined Reco using opaque, closed chambers in a Mongolian grassland dominated by graminaceous perennial grasses during six periods: July 2004, May 2005, July 2005, September 2005, June 2006, and August 2009. Using the data collected when soil water content and aboveground biomass were relatively constant, values of Reco were fitted to an exponential temperature function, and the standardized rate of Reco at 20°C (R20) and temperature sensitivity (Q10) of Reco were calculated for each measurement plot and period. The results indicate that aboveground biomass significantly affected the variation in R20, and the relationship was expressed with a linear model. The R20 residuals of the linear biomass model were highly correlated with soil water content by a quadratic function. The Q10 values showed a weak positive relationship with soil water content. Temporal and spatial variations in Reco were well predicted by the exponential temperature model with R20, which relates to aboveground biomass and soil water content, and with Q10, which relates to soil water content. 相似文献