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Nodule growth of a hypernodulating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) mutant line NOD1-3 was compared to that of its wild-type parent cv. Williams from 14 to 18 days after planting (DAP) in the absence of nitrate treatment (hereafter referred to as “0 mM treatment”) or with 5 mM nitrate treatment. The growth rate determined by increase in the diameter of the nodules was relatively lower in the mutant NOD1-3 than that of the parent Williams under nitrogen-free conditions (0 mM nitrate). The inhibition of nodule growth by 5 mM nitrate started at 1 d after the onset of the nitrate treatment in Williams, while the inhibition did not occur before the application of the nitrate treatment for 2 d in NOD1-3. The nodule growth was completely inhibited after 2 d in Williams and after 3 d in NOD1-3 during the 5 mM nitrate treatment period. After 4 d of 5 mM nitrate treatment, the nodule dry weight decreased by 22% in NOD1-3 and by 58% in Williams, respectively. The treatment with 5 mM nitrate decreased the acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in NOD1-3 by 60% per plant and by 50% per nodule g DW and these parameters were less sensitive to the treatment than those in Williams in which the inhibition rate was 90% per plant and 80% per nodule g DW. These results indicate that NOD1-3 is partially nitrate-tolerant in terms of individual nodule growth as well as total nodule dry weight and Nz fixation activity. A whole shoot of Williams and NOD1-3 plants was exposed to 14CO2 for 120 min followed by 0 or 5 mM nitrate treatment for 2 d, and the partitioning of the photoassimilates among the organs was analyzed. Under 0 mM nitrate treatment, the percentages of the distribution of 14C radioactivity between the nodules and roots were 63 and 37% in Williams and 89 and 11% in NOD1-3. Under the 5 mM nitrate conditions, the percentages of the distribution of 14C between the nodules and roots changed to 14 and 86% in Williams and 39 and 61% in NOD1-3, respectively. These results indicated that the hypernodulating mutant NOD1-3 supplied a larger amount of photoassimilates to the nodules than to the roots under nitrogen-free conditions, and that the nitrate depression of photoassimilate transport to the nodules was less sensitive than that of the parent line.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to record the seed yield and to examine visually the quality of soybean seeds cultivated under different types and placements of urea fertilizers. In addition to the conventional fertilizer application (including ammonium sulfate 16 kg N ha-1 broadcasting (100 kg N ha-1 of urea (0B) and X00-d type coated urea CU-100 (CUB), and deep placement (100 kg N ha-1) of urea (UD) and 100-d type coated urea CU-100 (CUD) was conducted in separate plots in a paddy field converted to an upland field located at Shindori Experimental Station of Niigata University. Soybean plant growth was periodically analyzed and the quality of harvested seeds was also visually examined (hereafter referred to as “visual quality”). It was found that the deep placement treatments were more conducive 1o nitrogen (N2)fixation, based on the relative mreide N concentration in the xylem sap, which is a good indicator of N~fixation by soybean. Also the total seed yield was the highest in CUD (82 g plant-1) and 0D (81 g plant-1), compared to the control (62 g plant-1), UB (68 g plant-1), and CUB (68 g plant-1). The visual quality of harvested seeds showed that CUD enhanced the quality of seeds compared to the other treatments, in which the percentage of good quality seeds, hereafter referred to as "good seeds," based on the dry weight was 51 (control), 65 (K3B), 61 (CUB), 61 (0D), and 6696 (CUD). In terms of diseased seeds, the percentage of turtle wrinkle and broken seed coats was found to decrease by N application compared to the control. Thus, it is suggested that N fertilization management is important for maximum yield of soybean as well as for the enhancement of seed quality.  相似文献   

The long-term effect of the concentration and duration of application of nitrate from the lower part of soybean roots on the nodulation and nitrogen fixation in the upper part of roots was investigated using a two-layered pot system separating the upper roots growing in a vermiculite medium and the lower roots growing in a nutrient solution. Continuous absence of nitrate (hereafter referred to as “0–0 treatment”), and continuous 1 mM (1–1 treatment) and 5 mM (5–5 treatment) nitrate treatments were imposed in the lower pot from transplanting to the beginning of the maturity stage. In addition, 5 mM nitrate was supplied partially from the beginning of the pod stage till the beginning of the maturity stage (0–5 treatment) or from transplanting till the beginning of the pod stage (5–0 treatment). The values of the total plant dry weight and seed dry weight were highest in the 5–5 treatment, intermediate in the 1–1, 5–0, 0–5 treatments, and lowest in the 0–0 treatment. The values of the nodule dry weight and nitrogen fixation activity (acetylene reduction activity) were lowest in the 5–5 treatment. The value of the nodule dry weight in the upper roots was highest in the plants subjected to the 1–1 treatment and exceeded that in the 0–0 treatment. Total nitrogen fixation activity of the upper nodules per plant at the beginning of the pod stage was also highest in the 1–1 treatment. These results indicated that long-term supply of a low level of nitrate from the lower roots could promote nodulation and nitrogen fixation in the upper part of roots. Withdrawal of 5 mM nitrate after the beginning of the pod stage (5–0 treatment) markedly enhanced nodule growth and ARA per plant in the upper roots at the beginning of the maturity stage when the values of both parameters decreased in the other treatments. The nitrate concentration in the nodules attached to the upper roots was low, including the 5–5 treatment regardless of the stages of growth. This indicated that the inhibitory effect of 5 mM nitrate or promotive effect of 1 mM nitrate supplied from the lower roots was not directly controlled by nitrate itself, but was mediated by some systemic regulation, possibly by the C or/and N requirement of the whole plant.  相似文献   

N2 fixation, photosynthesis of whole plants and yield increases in soybeans inoculated with mixed cultures of Bradyrhizobium japonicum 110 and Pseudomonas fluorescens 20 or P. fluorescens 21 as well as Glomus mosseae were found in pot experiments in gray forest soil carried out in a growth chamber. The effects of pseudomonads and vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungus on these parameters were found to be the same. Dual inoculation of soybeans with mixed cultures of microorganisms stimulated nodulation, nitrogenase activity of nodules and enhanced the amount of biological nitrogen in plants as determined by the 15N dilution method in comparison to soybeans inoculated with nodule bacteria alone. An increased leaf area in dually infected soybeans was estimated to be the major factor increasing photosynthesis. P. fluorescens and G. mosseae stimulated plant growth, photosynthesis and nodulation probably due to the production of plant growth-promoting substances. Increasing phosphorus fertilizer rates within the range of 5–40 mg P 100 g-1 1:1 (v/v) soil: sand in a greenhouse experiment led to a subsequent improvement in nodulation, and an enhancement of N2 fixation and yield in soybeans dually inoculated with B. japonicum 110 and P. fluorescens 21. These indexes were considerably higher in P-treated plants inoculated with mixed bacterial culture than in plants inoculated with nodule bacteria alone.  相似文献   

Five barley cultivars were grown together in complete, low-P·low-pH and high-Al medium containing only NO3, only NH4 or both NO3 and NH4 as N sources, respectively using an automatic control system of pH for water culture, and the relationship between the differential Al tolerance and the plant-induced pH change of medium among the barley cultivars was investigated.

The pH of the medium containing only NO3 as N source tended to increase, whereas the pH of the other media containing only NH4 or both NO3 and NH4 as N sources tended to decrease, but the fluctuations of the medium pH could be maintained within the value of 0.2 pH in the complete medium and within the value of 0.1 pH in the high-Al medium.

Barley cultivars still differed in their Al tolerance in the medium which was continuously stirred and circulated at a constant pH. The pattern of Al tolerance was not affected by the N sources in the medium. The plant-induced pH change of medium for each cultivar was influenced by the N sources in the medium, and was not correlated positively with Al tolerance. The contents of Al and Ca or other nutrient cations in roots were positively correlated with Al tolerance and positive correlations were recognized also between the contents of Al and Ca or some other nutrient cations in the roots.

In conclusion, the following mechanisms are proposed. Al tolerant barley cultivars exclude Al actively outside the plasmalemma of the root cells, and the excluded Al may polymerize and or react with P to form Al precipitates. Consequently, in the Al tolerant barley cultivars the Al content may be low in the root protoplasts, high in the whole root tissues and the contents of Ca or other nutrients may be high in the roots. The plant-induced pH change of medium is not considered to be the cause of the differential Al tolerance among barley cultivars.  相似文献   


The main objective of this study was to increase the productivity of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Enrei] seed by deep placement of controlled release nitrogen fertilizers and by the application of different methods of inoculation of bradyrhizobia. Ten days old seedlings in an inoculated paper pot (IPP), in a non-inoculated paper pot (NIPP), and those grown in a vermiculite bed without paper pot (DT) were transplanted to an upland field converted from a drained paddy field in Nagaoka. In addition to the basal application of 16 kg N ha?1 in the surface layer (Control), deep placement of 100 kg N ha?1 of urea (Urea), 100-day type coated urea (CU-100), and calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) treatments were applied at the depth of 20 cm. In the IPP method, a significantly higher seed yield was obtained with the deep placement of CaCN2 and CU-100 compared with the Urea and Control treatments. A similar tendency was observed for the DT and NIPP methods. Among the same N fertilizer treatments, the seed yield for IPP and DT tended to exceed that for NIPP, although the NIPP roots also showed nodulation probably due to infection with indigenous bradyrhizobia. The percentage of nitrogen derived from atmospheric N2 estimated by the simple relative ureide method was higher in the plants with CU-100 and CaCN2 compared with those with the Urea and Control treatments at the RI stage, suggesting that the basal deep placement of CaCN2 or CU-100 for soybean cultivation enabled the supply of N without concomitant depression of N2 fixation. Thus the deep placement of cheaper CaCN2 was found to be as effective as that of CU-100 for enhancing the soybean seed yield.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of the soil physical properties on soybean nodulation and N2 fixation in the heavy soil of an upland field (UF) and an upland field converted from a paddy field (UCPF) in the Hachirougata polder, Japan. Seeds of the soybean cultivar Ryuho were sown in each field with or without inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum A1017. The soybean plants were sampled at 35 (V3) and 65 (Rl) d after sowing (DAS), and then nodulation and the percentage of N derived from N2 fixation in the xylem sap were determined. The soil physical properties were different between UF and UCPF, especially the air permeability and soil water regime. Nodule growth was restricted in UCPF irrespective of rhizobial inoculation, though rhizobial infection was not inhibited by the unfavorable soil physical conditions. Soybean plant growth was closely related to the nodule mass and N2 fixation activity, and the inoculation of a superior rhizobium strain was effective only at 35 DAS. These results indicate that soybean nodulation and N2 fixation was considerably affected by the physical properties of heavy soil, and that it is important to maintain the N2 fixation activity and inoculate the soybean plants with a superior rhizobium strain at a later growth stage in order to increase soybean production in heavy soil fields.  相似文献   

Summary A field experiment was condutced in a clay loam soil to study the performance of three Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains; USDA 110, USDA 138 and TAL 379, in relation to their N2-fixing potential and competitiveness on two soybean cultivars (Clark and Calland). Inoculation of soybean cultivars with these strains, either singly or in combination, induced significant increases in plant dry weight, N2 fixation and seed yields. However, no significant differences were found between the rhizobial strains and/or their mixtures in N2 fixation and increased seed yield for both cultivars. The two soybean cultivars gave similar responses to inoculation. No significant differences in seed yield were observed between Clark and Calland cultivars. The interaction between inoculant strain and soybean cultivar was not significant. The competition between strains for nodulation was assessed. Strain USDA 110 was the most competitive, followed by USDA 138. Strain TAL 379 was always less competitive on both cultivars. The incidence of double-strain occupancy of nodules varied from 8% to 40%.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr .), Kitamusume and Toyosuzu were grown with commercially-purchased granulated soil in a greenhouse. Kitamusume formed a larger number of nodules per g shoot dry weight and its nodules showed a smaller average diameter and average dry weight per nodule than Toyosuzu regardless of plant age or rhizobial strains (Bradyrhizobium japonicum (AI017, J5033, 646, J1B140), B. elkanii (USDA94), and Rhizobium fredii (MAFF210054)) inoculated at the rate of 108-109 cells per 3 L pot. These differences were observed in the nodules formed on both primary and lateral roots. With a lower inoculation dose of rhizobia (102 and 105 cells per pot), Kitamusume formed a smaller number of larger nodules than Toyosuzu inoculated with 108-109 cells per pot. This result indicated that the number of nodules was the factor directly controlled by host, because the size of the nodules was not determined by the genetic background, but changed depending on the number of nodules formed. The number of the first order lateral roots of 21 d old Kitamusume was 1.49 times larger than that of Toyosuzu. The relationship between the number of nodules and the number of first order lateral roots of 14 cultivars showed a significant positive correlation. These results indicated that the formation of nodules and lateral roots may be similarly controlled by a certain factor in different cultivars.  相似文献   


The Lablab or Hyacinth bean, Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, is a drought tolerant grain‐forage legume widely grown within a wide range of neotropical regions of the world. It has been an important cultivated food grain crop for many centuries within extensive warm humid‐subhumid climatic areas and grown on widely different Ultisol and Oxisol soil types. The objective of these studies was to determine soil fertility effects of Ca, P, and K factorial combinations applied to a Typic Eutrustox on growth, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation of Lablab bean. Stem and nodule xylem components were determined along with soil pH and nitrification within the nodule rhizosphere. Highly significant increases resulted with P fertilization for stem, leaf, seed, nodulation, and nitrogenase activity. With the exception of nitrogenase, all were also increased with K additions. Both stem and seed were significantly increased with Ca treatments. Highly significant increases for total plant N content resulted with P, K, Ca, and P x K interaction. Allantoinates were initially dominant components of stem xylem exudate following decapitation but were not detected after 5 days. Amino‐amide composition remained relatively constant. Nitrates increased from 1.6 to 81.8 ug N ml‐1 exudate during the 8 day collection period. Soil nitrate levels adjunct to decomposing nodules increased from 4.2 to 1661.1 ug g‐1 soil. Initial high levels of ureide transforming enzymes ALTN, ALTC, and URC were not detected after 4 days. Amine‐amide enzymes AST, GS, GOGAT, and GDH were relatively constant with nitrate reductase increasing from 0.12 to 9.35 IU ml‐1 xylem exudate during the 8 d period. Nodule xylem export components were dominated by ureides, 429.8 umol, and amines 30.3 umol ml‐1. Enzyme activity levels were highest for AST 22.17 and GS 13.25 IU ml‐1 with the ureide enzymes URC 2.24, ALTN 0.26, and ALTC 0.15 IU ml‐1 . Nodule exudate composition was K 422.0, P 63.4, Ca 53.8, Mg 42.8, and Na 25.6 ug ml‐1.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is essential macronutrient for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] growth and function. The objective of this study was to determine effect of phosphorus nutrition (including phosphorus nutrition level and interruption of phosphorus supply) on nitrogen accumulation, nodule nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean plants by 15N labeling with sand culture. The results showed that they all presented a single peak curve with improvement of phosphorus nutrition level, when phosphorus concentration of nutrient solution was about 31 mg/L, they all reached the maximum and effect of phosphorus nutrition level on nodule nitrogen fixation was lower than that on yield formation level. Interruption of phosphorus supply during soybean growth period, nitrogen accumulation and nodule nitrogen fixation were seriously inhibited, and yield was decreased significantly when interruption of phosphorus supply during V3-R1 and R1-R5 period, while interruption of phosphorus supply during R5-R7 period had no significant effect on nitrogen accumulation, nodule nitrogen fixation and yield. So soybean nitrogen metabolism and yield were sensitive to phosphorus nutrition in the V3-R5 period, those were not sensitive to phosphorus nutrition after R5 period.  相似文献   

To characterize the regulation site and manner of the abundant nodulation in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cv. Kitamusume, three grafting eperiments were carried out as follows: reciprocal wedge grafting and inter-cultivar approach grafting between Kitamusume and a normal nodulating cultivar, Toyosuzu, as well as wedge grafting of scions of the supernodulating mutant En6500 onto either Kitamusume or Toyosuzu rootstock. In the reciprocal wedge grafting, the number of nodules per shoot dry weight and average weight per nodule in the grafted plants were consistent with those exhibited by the genotype of their rootstocks. Approach grafting did not affect the number of nodules per shoot dry weight on either side of the inter-cultivar approachgrafted plant. Although grafting of the mutant scion resulted in the loss of the autoregulatory response from the roots of both cultivars, difference in the number of nodules per g shoot dry weight still remained between the two cultivars. These results suggested that the abundant nodulation in Kitamusume is controlled by the root in a non-systemic manner and is independent of the autoregulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cvs. Akisengoku and Peking, and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) cv. Kegonnotaki were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum AlO17, Shinorhizobium fredii USDAI93, and B. sp. Vigna MAFF03-03063, respectively and were cultured hydroponically with supply of CO2-free air, 3dm3 m-3 CO2 air, or 25 dm3 m-3 CO2 air to study the effects of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere on plant growth, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation. Increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere led to the increase of the plant dry weight in the symbiosis between Peking and USDAI93, and that between Kegonnotaki and MAFF03-03063. On the other hand, dry matter accumulation in the symbiosis between Akisengoku and AI017 decreased under the supply of 25 dm3 m-3 CO2 air aimed at increasing the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere beyond the optimum CO2 concentration for growth. Nodule mass and nodule number per plant were highest in Akisengoku, followed by Kegonnotaki and lowest in Peking. Also the increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere led to the increase of the nodule mass and number in Kegonnotaki, while no changes were observed in Akisengoku and Peking. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) was highest in Akisengoku, followed by Kegonnotaki, and lowest or near zero in Peking. BNF in Akisengoku and Kegonnotaki showed a similar tendency to that of dry matter accumulation. BNF of Peking was especially low under the supply of CO2-free air, and it increased with the increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere. For the symbiosis of Bradyrhizobium strains with soybean and cowpea, the most suitable CO2 concentration for N2 fixation and plant growth was estimated to be about 10 dm3 m-3, while for the symbiosis of S. fredii with soybean, the value was estimated to be above 30 dm3 m-3.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of applying hairy vetch foliage on nodulation and atmospheric nitrogen (N2) fixation in soybean cultivated in three soil types in pot experiments. Soybean plants were grown in Gley Lowland soil (GLS), Non-allophanic Andosol (NAS), and Sand-dune Regosol (SDR) with hairy vetch foliage application in a greenhouse for 45 days. In GLS, the nodule number was not influenced by the application, however, nodule dry weight and N2 fixation activity tended to increase. In NAS and SDR, nodule formation was depressed by foliage application. Soybean plant growth was promoted in GLS and SDR but not in NAS. These promotive effects of hairy vetch foliage application on soybean plant growth in GLS were considered to be mainly caused by the increase in N2 fixation activity of the nodules, whereas it was considered to be mainly caused by the increase in nitrogen uptake activity of the roots in SDR. The varying effects of hairy vetch foliage application on soybean nodulation may be due to soil chemical properties such as pH and cation exchange capacity, which are related to soil texture. Therefore, we conclude that it is important to use hairy vetch for soybean cultivation based on the different effects of hairy vetch on soybean plant growth in different soil types.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of CO2 enrichment on the nitrate uptake, nitrate reduction activity, and translocation of assimilated-N from leaves at varying levels of nitrogen nutrition in soybean using 15N tracer technique. CO2 enrichment significantly increased the plant biomass, apparent leaf photosynthesis, sugar and starch contents of leaves, and reduced-N contents of the plant organs only when the plants were grown at high levels of nitrogen. A high supply of nitrogen enhanced plant growth and increased the reduced-N content of the plant organs, but its effect on the carbohydrate contents and photosynthetic rate were not significant. However, the combination of high CO2 and high nitrogen levels led to an additive effect on all these parameters. The nitrate reductase activity increased temporarily for a short period of time by CO2 enrichment and high nitrogen levels. 15N tracer studies indicated that the increase in the amount of reduced-N by CO2 enrichment was derived from nitrate-N and not from fixed-N of the plant. To examine the translocation of reduced-N from the leaf in more detail, another experiment was conducted by feeding the plants with 15NO3-N through a terminal leaflet of an upper trifoliated leaf under depodding and/or CO2 enrichment conditions. The export rate of 15N from the terminal leaflet to other plant parts decreased by depodding, but it increased by CO2 enrichment. CO2 enrichment increased the percentage of plant 15N in the stem and / or pods. Depodding increased the percentage of plant 15N in the leaf and stem. The results suggested that the increase in the leaf nitrate reduction activity by CO2 enrichment was due to the increase of the translocation of reduced-N from leaves through the strengthening of the sink activity of pods and / or stem for reduced-N.  相似文献   

利用15N标记研究氮素水平对大豆根瘤生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了明确氮肥对大豆根瘤生长的影响,以东农47为试验材料,采用15N 标记和砂培的方法,进行了氮素营养水平对大豆根瘤生长及与根瘤固氮相关性的研究。结果表明,随外源氮水平增加,根瘤干重呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,当营养液氮浓度为50 mg/L时,有利于根瘤的生长;根瘤生长需要一定量启动氮,启动氮的作用维持到第3片复叶完全展开时(V3)对大豆根瘤的生长最有利;在盛荚期 (R4)和鼓粒始期 (R5)补充外源氮的供给抑制根瘤的生长。根瘤干重与植株中根瘤氮积累量、根瘤氮比例呈极显著正相关,根瘤干重与植株中氮积累量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   


Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is one of the major nutritional problems in tropic and subtropic areas, where the most soils are acidic. In this study, the effects of Mg application and Bradyrhizobium inoculation on growth, nodulation, symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation as well as N nutrition status in soybean (Glycine max L.) were investigated in hydroponics under greenhouse conditions. With the increase of Mg up to 0.75?mM at low N and up to 0.5?mM at high N solutions, the dry weights of shoots, roots, and pod grain yield in soybean were increased, while further increase in Mg supply inhibited soybean growth. The availability of Mg was found to entail an improved uptake of N by plants and nodulation process in the root by Bradyrhizobium. Inoculation with rhizobial inoculants not only formed many nodules, but also increased soybean shoot, root biomass and yield, as well as plant N nutrient status.  相似文献   

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